Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from SEIDE A CRO, Nonprofit Organization, Project leader/HIGGS (Higher Incubator Giving Growth & Sustainability) Βίκτωρος Ουγκώ 15, Μεταξουργείο τηλ. +30 211 411 6300 t. batzonis@higgs3. org www. higgs3. org, .


The International Forum "Crowdfunding for supporting sustainable social initiatives" took place on the 31st of January in Corinthos, marking the completion of the SEIDE@CRO project.

During the International Forum participants:
- Learned about the SEIDE project: its objectives, results, and aims
- Received useful information on the Best Practice Report ''Crowdfunding for supporting sustainable social entrepreneurship initiatives"
- Navigated through the SEIDE A CRO platform
- Presented the E-Learning "Сrowdfunding in Action: how to raise money for sustainable social entrepreneurship initiatives"
- Showcased the main futures of the Digital assistant for crowdfunding campaign creation SEIDE@CRO-chat bot in social media | Chat Bot.

The highlight of the International Forum was the Panel Discussions:
- Latest and upcoming trends in the alternative finance industry and role in sustainable development: concept and policies
- How to use crowdfunding to support social innovations, - entrepreneurship, and start-ups
- Updates on the legal frameworks of crowdfunding in the EU and the role of EU institutions
which led to attracting 62 participants, with 58 being national and 4 foreign participants.

About the project:
SEIDE A CRO| Supporting Sustainable Social Entrepreneurship Initiatives in Digital Era: Crowdfunding Toolbox is co-financed by Erasmus + programme, KA2 – Strategic Partnerships for adult education.

Fundacja im. Zofii Zamenhof - Poland
Kyiv Business School - Ukraine

Photos from SEIDE A CRO's post 21/03/2024

The project ends, but the results and memories of joint work and project meetings remain :)

Photos from Kyiv Business School / MBA in Ukraine's post 16/03/2024

Excited to share insights from the SEIDE@CRO project's Information Day in Ukraine, a pivotal gathering for advancing social entrepreneurship through crowdfunding.

Dive deeper into our world of crowdfunding and innovation at

Kyiv Business School / MBA in Ukraine


🌟 Calling all aspiring entrepreneurs! 🌟 Are you considering starting your own business? Dive into the world of sustainable social entrepreneurship with our "Сrowdfunding in Action" e-course: Supporting Sustainable Social Entrepreneurship Initiatives in the Digital Era - Crowdfunding Toolbox as Cooperation partnerships in Adult Education.

🌍 Join us on a journey of learning how to raise funds for sustainable social entrepreneurship initiatives, as part of the SEIDE@CRO project: Supporting Sustainable Social Entrepreneurship Initiatives in the Digital Era - Crowdfunding Toolbox as Cooperation partnerships in Adult Education.

📚 This comprehensive e-course spans 3-4 weeks, covering 3 modules and delving into 12 crucial topics, totaling 24 hours of valuable learning.

Here's how to get started:
1️⃣ To create an account, simply write an e-mail to [email protected]. Include your name, surname, and e-mail address.
2️⃣ Once your account is set up, access the course via this link:

Join us on this educational journey designed to empower you in raising funds for sustainable social entrepreneurship initiatives! 🌟🚀

Photos from SEIDE A CRO's post 23/02/2024

🌐 Recap of SEIDE@CRO Event in collaboration with EUROCROWD: Empowering Sustainable Social Entrepreneurship in the Digital Era! 🌐

💡The event took place in Brussels and emphasized effective fundraising strategies with a focus on sustainability and positive social impact.

🤝 We would like to express our gratitude to all participants

💚 If you missed this event, stay tuned for future updates and opportunities to be part of transformative conversations. Let's continue working together towards a more sustainable and inclusive digital era!


Photos from SEIDE A CRO's post 11/02/2024

On 22 January was held an information day on the project in the building of the Faculty of Economics of Sofia University.
Students and teachers, representatives of non-governmental organizations and young entrepreneurs have participated.
Professor Todor Yalamov, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics, presented the activities of the project, in which he actively participated.
For mare information at

Photos from Fundacja im. Zofii Zamenhof - Zofia Zamenhof Foundation's post 01/02/2024

📌This week, the SEIDE@CRO project team met in Sofia, Bulgaria to discuss the progress made so far and plan further activities to promote good practices in crowdfunding! 📈📣
We spent a lot of time on the evaluation and further development of the e-learning platform, where you can now find a course in English, from which you will learn how to comprehensively and effectively prepare your own crowdfunding campaign.
Pretty soon we will have the course available in 5 languages.

We are also working on a chatbot that will be your individual assistant when preparing, conducting, and evaluating crowdfunding activities.
Follow our website and stay tuned!!

Kyiv Business School / MBA in Ukraine HIGGS NAMCB Fundacja im. Zofii Zamenhof - Zofia Zamenhof Foundation European Crowdfunding Network


💬What an exciting Saturday it was on October 7th for us! Kyiv Business School hosted a dynamic webinar titled "Crowdfunding for Beginners: How to Raise Funds for Social and Entrepreneurial Initiatives?" and presented an online course "Сrowdfunding in Action: how to raise money for sustainable social entrepreneurship initiatives."

🗣54 participants joined our webinar, and the number kept growing as the event progressed! Working with such an engaged audience was an incredible pleasure.

🥰Thank you to everyone who participated and contributed to making this event a success. Together, we're advancing the cause of sustainable social entrepreneurship through crowdfunding!


💦Webinar "Crowdfunding in Action: How to Raise Funds for Social and Entrepreneurial Initiatives?" + COURSE PRESENTATION💦
When? October 7, 2023, at 11:00 AM Ukrainian time
Where? Online on ZOOM
🗣Speaker: Lyudmyla Huliayeva, Project Manager of SEIDE@CRO in Ukraine, Head of the Department of International Projects at Kyiv Business School, Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor at the Academy of Labor, Social Relations, and Tourism.
Webinar Agenda:
☘️Presentation of the online course "SEIDE@CRO: Supporting Sustainable Social Entrepreneurship Initiatives in the Digital Era: Crowdfunding Tools."
☘️Presentation by the speaker L. Huliayeva: "Crowdfunding in Action: How to Raise Funds for Social and Entrepreneurial Initiatives?"
☘️Q&A session and knowledge exchange

This event is organized by Kyiv Business School as part of the international project "SEIDE@CRO: Supporting Sustainable Social Entrepreneurship Initiatives in the Digital Era: Crowdfunding Tools (SEIDE A CRO)" Erasmus + (Project Number #2021-1-EL01-KA220-ADU-000033592). The project is implemented in partnership with HIGHER INCUBATOR GIVING GROWTH AND SUSTAINABILITY (Greece), NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPAL CLERKS IN BULGARIA (Bulgaria), Fundacja im. Zofii Zamenhof (Poland), EUROPEAN CROWDFUNDING NETWORK (Belgium), and Kyiv Business School (Ukraine).
Informational partners: NGO Strength of the Country, NGO Ukrainian Center for the Future.



📌 Last week, the SEIDE A CRO consortium had a regular monthly meeting to delve into the next phases of the SEIDE A CRO European project where the partners discussed and reviewed the project's progress by now.

➡ The discussion was centered on the next steps of the project and the improvements of our E-Learning course titled "Crowdfunding in Action: How to Raise Money for Sustainable Social Entrepreneurship Initiatives", which will soon be available for the users.

➡ During the online meeting partners also discussed the next steps of the SEIDE A CRO-chat bot, a digital assistant for crowdfunding campaign creation that will be created as well.
The consortium made a promise to see each other in person at the next transnational partners meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria on the 9th and 10th of October.

In the meanwhile, explore our website, follow us on social media, as we continue on our SEIDE@CRO path.


SEIDE@CRO video interviews Greece 07/07/2023

SEIDE@CRO consortium is thrilled to share with you an insightful video interview conducted in Greece, featuring the European project SEIDE@CRO.

As part of the SEIDE@CRO initiative, we have prepared interesting movies including the outcomes of interviews with excellent practitioners who successfully handled crowdfunding campaigns! We go into the realm of crowdfunding and its influence on boosting new ideas and initiatives in this interesting conversation.
Get ready to be inspired and discover how you can be part of this incredible movement through our SEIDE@CRO video interviews in Greece!

ℹ️Visit our website and find out more!
Fundacja im. Zofii Zamenhof - Zofia Zamenhof Foundation NAMCB HIGGS Kyiv Business School / MBA in UkraineEuropean Crowdfunding Network

SEIDE@CRO video interviews Greece


Artificial intelligence is being applied in various fields, with varying degrees of boldness. One such application is the construction of the SEIDE@CRO chatbot, which was discussed during the partner meeting held in Warsaw. The meeting covered topics such as the roles of each partner, the utilization of Facebook Messenger, and the overall structure of the SEIDE@CRO chatbot.

Facebook chatbots are software programs that use artificial intelligence to automate communication with users through the Facebook Messenger platform. These chatbots are designed to answer questions, provide information, perform tasks, and deliver personalized services such as recommendations, order processing, reservations, and more. With the help of artificial intelligence, Facebook chatbots can continuously learn and improve from each interaction with users, aiming to provide better and more personalized responses.

Kyiv Business School / MBA in Ukraine

Photos from SEIDE A CRO's post 22/05/2023

The Expert Council of the National Association of Municipal Clerks in Bulgaria discussed the topic "After Crowdfunding campaign" on 22.5.2023 in Sofia.

Photos from Fundacja im. Zofii Zamenhof - Zofia Zamenhof Foundation's post 17/05/2023

For two days, on May 15 and 16, the partners of the SEIDE A CRO project met in Warsaw. The main topic was the implementation and dissemination of the project results. The meeting was busy but very successful :)
Kyiv Business School / MBA in Ukraine


Welcome to Warsaw guests-partners from the Seide A Cro project :)


On Monday we start two days of project meetings in Warsaw. The program is tight but maybe we will be able to see a bit of the city itself. The photo shows the Royal Castle in Warsaw :)


✨ Niedzielę Wielkanocną żegnamy bardzo nastrojowym kadrem. 😍

❗Jeśli macie w swoim dorobku jakieś zamkowe fotki, koniecznie się nimi podzielcie i wyślijcie je nam w prywatnej wiadomości.

📩Będziemy je publikować w ramach naszego cyklu.


💰 Ready to explore the exciting world of crowdfunding? Look no further than our project, which has conducted research on the best practices in five different countries! And now, we are excited to share with you our latest video featuring insights from crowdfunding practitioners.

🌍In this short video, you'll gain valuable insights into the world of crowdfunding in Bulgaria, as shared by experienced practitioners who have run successful campaigns in this country. And if you're curious about crowdfunding in other countries, be sure to check out our other videos!

So why wait? Join us in discovering the fascinating world of crowdfunding and the innovative techniques used by practitioners in and beyond!



“Ciągle słychać strzały. I te buty ciężkie Niemców. Słyszymy, jak chodzą i krzyczą: «Raus! Raus! Raus!». Żeby wyjść. Wiedzieli, że ludzie się chowają. Ale my siedzimy cicho i nic, nie wychodzimy. Cały dzień tak. Wieczorem cisza. Można wyjść. Wracamy do naszego mieszkania, żeby się położyć” - tak pierwszy dzień powstania w getcie warszawskim relacjonowała Halina Aszkenazy-Engelhardt dla Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich POLIN.

Była jedną z tych, która przeżyła ostateczną likwidację getta zarządzoną przez Heinricha Himmlera. Uciekła z pociągu jadącego z Umschlagplatz w Warszawie na Majdanek. Wróciła do Warszawy. Pomogli jej Polscy duchowni - ksiądz Michał Kubacki i siostra Bernadetta. Halina brała udział w powstaniu warszawskim, potem trafiła do Niemiec na roboty. Po wojnie wyemigrowała do Izraela, gdzie zmarła w 2016 roku.

Dziś obchodzimy 80. rocznicę wybuchu powstanie w getcie warszawskim. Obchodom, jak co roku, towarzyszy Akcja Żonkile. Przypinając do ubrania żółtego żonkila mówimy, że pamiętamy o powstańcach i o zbrodniach niemieckich na ludności żydowskiej.

W tym roku wolontariusze muzeum planują rozdać 450 tysięcy papierowych żonkili na ulicach 6 polskich miast - Warszawy, Łodzi, Krakowa, Białegostoku, Lublina i Wrocławia. Własnego żonkila możesz zrobić z szablonu dostępnego na stronie:

Program obchodów znajdziesz na stronie:

Akcja Żonkile jest częścią projektu współfinansowanego z

Fot. Muzeum POLIN


🌍 Today, we're excited to present our video on crowdfunding in . Discover the unique challenges and strategies that Greek crowdfunding practitioners have used to successfully fund their projects.

🎥 Don't forget to check out our videos on crowdfunding in the other four countries we studied as well. Stay tuned for more fascinating insights into the world of crowdfunding!


Our project meeting in Warsaw soon. The agenda of the meeting is very busy, but we will also find time to show you Warsaw. We cordially invite you :)
The photo shows the Royal Park in Warsaw opposite the Prime Minister's Office.
Zofia Zamenhof Foundation welcome you to Warsaw !
Kyiv Business School / MBA in Ukraine
Fundacja Anny Tomaszewicz-Dobrskiej


🚀 Today, we invite you to check out our video on crowdfunding in 🇧🇪, featuring interviews with experienced practitioners who conducted successful crowdfunding campaigns in this country.

Stay tuned for more videos on the fascinating world of crowdfunding in the other four countries we studied.


🌟 Stay ahead of the game with our latest insights into the world of crowdfunding! Here are some important trends to keep in mind when it comes to reward-based crowdfunding:

1️⃣ Reward-based crowdfunding occurs when a firm (often a start-up) seeks pre-seed and seed money via an online platform and provides investors with a gift or 'perk' in exchange for their financial contribution. Pre-sales are transactions in which people, initiatives, or businesses raise funds from bankers in exchange for a non-monetary incentive. It allows organizations to interact and build on an existing network and solicit that can be used. This type of crowdsourcing is typically appropriate for early-stage businesses or specialized projects.

2️⃣The pandemic resulted in increased contributions and reward-based crowdfunding incidents targeted at assisting those impacted by the worldwide pandemic. The number of COVID-19 reward-based crowdfunding campaigns created by various persons (including citizens, commercial organizations, foundations, charities, and trusts) throughout the European continent increased significantly.

3️⃣According to Indiegogo, Inc., hardware and technology crowdfunding is expected to gain popularity in Japan. Last year, Indieogo collaborated with small and large campaigners to assist entrepreneurial brands in reaching new audiences and testing small batches of new goods. According to Forbes Japan, Japanese entrepreneurs raised almost USD 7,000 million last year, expected to rise to USD 10,000 million annually in a few years.

4️⃣Reward-based crowdfunding, which does not include making an investment in or a loan to a company, carries inherent risks. In many instances, it has transformed into a sales channel where the gift is the product bought with the contribution, thereby giving the gift's price in return.

Stay informed and stay ahead of the game with our latest insights!
These insights are from the Crowdfunding Market - Growth, Trends, COVID-19 Impact, and Forecasts (2023-2028) report:
Photo: Pexels


Are you ready for another exciting installment in our exploration of crowdfunding best practices around the world? Our project has conducted research in five different countries, and we're thrilled to share our insights with you!

Today, we're focusing on crowdfunding in . Our short video features interviews with experienced practitioners who conducted successful crowdfunding campaigns in this country, sharing their tips and strategies for success.

Don't forget, we also have videos for each of the other four countries we studied, so be sure to check them out to learn more about the fascinating world of crowdfunding.

Join us as we delve deeper into the world of crowdfunding and discover what makes it such an effective tool for supporting social entrepreneurship initiatives.


Great news! 🎉 Our Best Practice Reports on "Crowdfunding for supporting sustainable social entrepreneurship initiatives" are now available in five languages on both ResearchGate and Figshare scientific databases! 📚

🌐 You can access the reports in English, Polish, Greek, Ukrainian, and Bulgarian at the following links:

📚 :
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.22344859

📚 :
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.22347136

📚 :
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.22347460

📚 :
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.22347697

📚 :
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.22347886

Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn about successful crowdfunding practices and how they can support sustainable social entrepreneurship!


Are you curious about the world of crowdfunding?
🤔 Our project has conducted research on the best crowdfunding practices in five different countries! But that's not all - we've also put together a short video 📹 that highlights some of the insights we gained from interviewing crowdfunding practitioners in every country.

We invite you to check out our short video on crowdfunding in 🇺🇦, featuring interviews with experienced practitioners who conducted crowdfunding campaigns in this country.
In addition to , we also have videos for each of the other four countries we studied, so stay tuned for more insights into the fascinating world 🌎 of crowdfunding.


🚀 Good news for social entrepreneurs and innovators! A new study by Research and Markets called "Crowdfunding Global Market Report 2023: Technology Innovation in Crowdfunding Platforms Drives Growth" predicts that the global crowdfunding market size will reach USD 59.36 billion by 2030! 😲

The report highlights the increasing adoption of innovative technologies such as blockchain, AI, and machine learning by various crowdfunding platforms, as well as the extensive rise in the number of social media users, which are major factors that will boost the growth of the global market throughout the forecast period.

Moreover, the study emphasizes the efforts by crowdfunding service providers to help startup companies raise funds from investors without the need to navigate complicated banking procedures, which is expected to be another key factor propelling the market's growth over the coming years.

Raising funds and capital for smaller projects with the help of crowdfunding on social media platforms is gaining huge popularity, especially for companies in the pre-profit-making stage. Social media platforms act as free promotion resources for crowdfunding organizations, making it easier to reach global audiences and create high growth opportunities for the market.

Nearly USD 17.2 billion is generated yearly through crowdfunding platforms in North America, with a significant rise every year. It is estimated that the number of crowdfunding campaigns will reach about 12,064,870 by 2023, and the average amount raised by successful campaigns was USD 28,656.

Therefore, social entrepreneurs and innovators should take advantage of the positive trends in crowdfunding development and consider it as a viable funding option. Let's work together to make your social initiatives a reality!

Source: Research and Markets, GlobeNewswire,

Fundacja im. Zofii Zamenhof on Twitter 19/03/2023

Fundacja im. Zofii Zamenhof on Twitter “Crowdfunding co to? Crowdfunding to połączenie dwóch słów – crowd – tłum i funding – finansowanie. Można przełożyć je jako finansowanie społecznościowe, czyli sytuację, w której twórca jakiegoś projektu prosi internautów o wsparcie, oferując im w zamian pewne korzyści.”
