Arbuckle and Parkside UMCs

Arbuckle and Parkside UMCs

We are Arbuckle and Williams-Parkside United Methodist Churches dedicated to "Making disciples of Jes


I was up this morning
Before the sun even began to stir
When the sky was still full of stars
And the moon, bright

It was quiet

So very quiet

And I stood alone with myself
And my thoughts
While the cool of the air
Blushed my cheeks

Are you going to be alright?
I asked myself

Should be
I replied
Let me just stand here a little while longer and breathe it all in
The cool brisk air
With the scent of fall on the breeze
The starlight, the moonlight
And the idea that anything and everything is possible

And when the sun begins to rise?
I asked
Will the wonder of here and now disappear?

I thought about that
As I stood
In the dark shine
Of early morning
On the cusp of a day
Yet born

Only if I let it
I replied

©Tara Shannon, 2020

Image text:

“Just for a moment every day, before the day begins, take a deep breath.
And listen…
and feel…” said Bear.
“For what?” asked Rabbit.
“Wonder,” said Bear.
“Birds singing, children laughing, the smell of fresh brewed coffee,
…the still and quiet…
Whatever it is, package it up and take it with you, and anytime things get overwhelming, think back to that moment.
And once again be, in wonder.”

©Tara Shannon, 2022


My deepest gratitude for your love and concern in my time of grief. You help in easing my pain.
What a lovely gesture of love!
Pastor Debbie


Greeting you all a Merry Christmas! Blessings from Pastor Debbie

Photos from Arbuckle and Parkside UMCs's post 13/07/2020

It was great to meet with the outgoing pastor and wife of Arbuckle and Williams Parkside UMCs! Grateful for the help in getting started with our new journey. Thank you Tom and Evelyn!


A prayer about CHANGE
We get discouraged when we don’t see a lot of change in our lives. We are impatient, but we know that real change doesn’t come overnight. You are giving us a new way of thinking. Your process of transformation takes a lifetime, but it is certain-you never fail. We are your work of art in progress! We trust you to work in all of us at just the right pace.
I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesu returns. PHILIPPIANS 1:6
Adapted from 365 Pocket Prayers for Women


A prayer about HOPE
When we need hope to get us through a tough time
Everything seems to be falling apart right now. We’re clinging to the fact that you keep your word. You promise that in heaven all our problems and sufferings will be over. Never again will we grieve or be discouraged. May that hope for the future encourage us and get us through our present struggles.
Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.
Adapted from 365 Pocket Prayers for Women


When I want to become like Christ
You are righteous, loving and just. How can I ever become like you? But your Word tells me that when I believe in you and obey you, your Holy Spirit works in me to change my interests and desires to reflect yours. Thank you for your transforming power in my life. In Jesus Name AMEN
… The Lord – who is the Spirit - makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image. 2CORINTHIANS 3:18


My soul thirst for you God, for the living God. As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for You, O God.
You pour life into me giving me speech, sense, desire, giving me thought and action. My character or reputation will be just as You allow. You mark the way before me.
On Your Path, O my God, and not my own, be all my journeying. Rule this heart of mine that it be only Yours. In the name of Jesus Christ Amen
John 7:37-39 Good News Translation (GNT) Streams of Life-Giving Water
37 On the last and most important day of the festival Jesus stood up and said in a loud voice, “Whoever is thirsty should come to me, and 38 whoever believes in me should drink. As the scripture says, ‘Streams of life-giving water will pour out from his side.’ 39 Jesus said this about the Spirit, which those who believed in him were going to receive. At that time the Spirit had not yet been given, because Jesus had not been raised to glory.


I’ve entrusted my life to you, and I know you will guard my eternal future. Because I have the security, I can be strong and courageous as I seek to follow where you lead. I am confident in your promise of eternal life and a future beyond anything I can imagine. Help me to live today with that promise at the forefront of my mind. May it transform my perspective.

When the Great Shepheard appears, you will receive a crown of never-ending glory and honor. 1 PETER 5:4 (NLT)


Sunday Morning Prayer

A prayer about LOVE
How can I show you that I love you? Just as acts of service can show my family members that I love them, so obedience to your commands can express my love for you. But may I never confuse that with trying to earn your love by doing good works. You already love me, and nothing I do can change that! Because of your great love, I want to please you. AMEN
Today Scripture: JOHN 14:21
“Those who accept my commandments and obey them are the ones who love me. My Father will love those who love me; I too will love them and reveal myself to them.”


Prayer for Mother's Day


On this Mother's Day we pause to remember the gifts of mothering.
And as we remember we pause to give thanks for the ways you are a mother to us: for nurturing us, giving us the guidance and the freedom we need to grow in experience and wisdom (even if we are sometimes headstrong and make unwise choices); for comforting us when we are wounded in body or spirit, helping us to heal and be stronger for it; for believing in and challenging us, calling us to be more than we are, encouraging us to live out our potential.
Forgiving us, the swift kick in the backside that we need at times, not letting us coast, reminding us to keep trying and growing; we offer words of thanks.

On this day we also give thanks for those on our lives who have been like mothers to us.
Some of them are related to us through blood, some of them have come into our lives through happenstance, some of them have been part of our lives for decades, and some of them are new to us. Many people have nurtured, taught, comforted, challenged, and encouraged us. Without them we would not be who we are, and so we give thanks for them and all that we have learned from our interactions with them. IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST AMEN


When you’re looking in the Bible for security
Sunday's Prayer

In this ever-changing world only a few things are certain. You have given me an incredible gift in the changeless truths I find in the Bible. No matter what else fails, I know that when I follow the commands in your Word, I can have the assurance that I am doing the right thing. The fundamental principles of the right and wrong, true and false, never change because you established them at the creation of the universe. Help me take time to meditate on Scripture, commit verses to memory, and build my faith day by day on the truths I find in your Word. Then I will have a solid foundation that will not easily crack under the world’s pressure. In the Name of the Father Amen

The instructions of the LORD are perfect, reviving the soul. The decrees of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. The commandments of the LORD are right, bringing joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are clear, giving insight for living. PSALM 19:7-8 (NLT)


Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Are you a chronic worrier? Many of us are, especially right now. Our worry is futile. We can’t change a situation. The best we can do is lay our troubles and concerns at Jesus’ feet and let Him handle them.

Resist picking up those worries you laid down. They’re not yours to carry or fix. They’re His.

What can you leave at His feet today?


We're called to share the good news...
God is in the business of softening hard hearts.


You are majestic and powerful, yet compassionate and gracious. Your thoughts are so far above mine that I will never be able to plumb the depths of your wisdom and love. I want to know you more. And your Word promises that when I seek you, I will find you. May I seek to discover you through your Word, which is filled with accounts of your actions throughout history your concerns for individuals, your promises, and your commands. Teach me always to turn to the Bible when I want t know more of your character, your redemptive plan, and your truth. I will never know you fully in this life, but as I read your Word and spend time with you, my knowledge of you will grow-as will my desire to seek you. In The Name of Jesus AMEN

"My child, listen to what I say and treasure my commands. Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate understanding. Cry out for insight, and ask for understanding. Search for them as you would for silver; seek them like hidden treasures. Then you will understand what it means to fear the LORD, and you will gain knowledge of God " PROVERBS 2:1-5 (NLT)


Most of us are living within restrictions right now, many staying at home. One of the benefits is having more dedicated time to pray, get into the Word and listen. God has bigger plans for this time and for when the pandemic is gone.

What is one positive that has come from this?


And this is why EVERYONE should wear a mask in public.


Heavenly Father I give you thanks for waking me up on this glorious day.
I thank You for protection not only over myself, but for my loved ones as well
I give thanks for health, strength, forgiveness, peace, joy, for loving me unconditionally and never failing me. In Jesus Name AMEN

Timeline photos 14/04/2020

Rejection steals the best of who I am by reinforcing the worst of what’s been said to me.

Rejection isn’t just an emotion we feel. It’s a message that’s sent to the core of who we are, causing us to believe lies about ourselves, others and God.

The enemy is on a full out attack against everything good. He is the father of lies and he wants you to believe that you are left out, lonely and less than. Don’t believe his toxic deception.

Satan is a good liar, but take it from a woman who has wrestled with his lies … the truth is our God is a Redeemer, the Author of hope, the Pathway to restoration, and HE is inviting you in through the pages of His Word. Healing is possible for you.


Lord God
You loved this world so much that you gave your one and only Son, that we might be called your children too. Lord, help us to live in the gladness and grace of Easter Sunday, everyday. Let us have hearts of thankfulness for your sacrifice. Let us have eyes that look upon your grace and rejoice in our salvation. Help us to walk in that mighty grace and tell your good news to the world. All for your glory do we pray, Lord, Amen


Such love has no fear,because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid ,it is for fear of punishment,and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love. We love each other because he loved us first. 1 John 4:18-19.

Today, you may be fearful.

Fearful of sickness.

Fearful of financial difficulties.

Fearful of isolation.

Fearful of this “new normal” so many of us are experiencing.

We don’t have to fear, because there is no fear in love. God is love … and He’s got you.


Sunday April 5, 2020
When I want to learn what it means to love my neighbor
You tell me through your Word, in Luke 10:27 that the greatest commandment is to love you with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. The second greatest is to love my neighbor as myself. That command shows how well you know me. You know that my first instinct is always to take care of myself. Meeting others’ needs in the same way I meet my own is a radical change in thinking, and to do it I have to combat my natural instincts. I can’t do that on my own. I need your transforming power to help me care deeply for others. May I remember that every time I show love to others, I am fulfilling your command and demonstrating your compassion.
(Jesus said) “I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for another will prove to the word that you are my disciple. JOHN 13:34-35 (NLT)
Let us know if we can pray for you this week by making a comment.
Love you all
God Bless


Physical distancing doesn't mean we can't still work together through media.
We're better together!!! Stay in touch with your Church family through phone, digital meetings, parking lot radio broadcasts, and any other way possible. God Bless us all.


I read hopeful words today in a daily devotional email and thought I’d like to share: “In these times of uncertainty, Jesus is all around us. Let us feel his presence in the beauty of the sunset, the unexpected time together with family, void of much of the typical consumerism, the helpful neighbor delivering food to those who can’t go out, the healthcare workers and first responders showing up day in and day out, and the priests and pastors comforting the grieving. And let us find Jesus in prayer, deep within our hearts. For when we believe, when we search for Jesus instead of sanitation supplies, the world suddenly seems a lot more hopeful. Tranquility, even in times of uncertainty, begins to take hold.”


I'm doing this on line study and was hoping that some of you my be interested. If you are let me know, I will work on some way we can talk and go over the lesson, after the session each week. Maybe a group text, or a Facebook group.

Our study won’t be the same without you! Step out of that comfort zone and seek Him in a new way. Our study starts April 6.

Sign up here →


Endurance When I'm tempted to give up

I am at the end of my strength. My only hope is to depend on your strength to endure. You sustain me, giving me you strength to endure. You sustain me, give me energy to keep going when I'm exhausted and faith to keep believing when I am discourage. Like the fire that purifies precious metals and hardens fine pottery, may my endurance thorough trials solidify my faith, bringing glory to you.
In Jesus Name Amen

These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire test and purifies gold-though you faith is far more precious than mere gold 1 PETER 1:7 NLT

