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House plants poisonous to cats
If you’re bringing a plant into your home, it’s always best to double check to see if it’s dangerous for your feline first. Cats are more likely to chomp on house plants and it may surprise you but there’s a wealth of them that have the potential to be poisonous, causing anything from mild skin irritation to serious gastrointestinal issues.

Here’s the top house plants that are toxic to cats:

Aloe Vera
Ant Plant
Arrow head vine
Asparagus Fern
Bird of Paradise
Caryota Mitis
Cheese plant
Chinese evergreen
Dumb Cane
English Ivy
Ficus Benjamina
Fiddle leaf fig
Iron Cross Begonia
Jade Plant
Peace Lily
Pencil Cactus
Polyscias Fabian:
Rubber Plant
Sago Palm: incredibly toxic
The Sago Palm is one of the most poisonous plants to cats as it contains cycasin, a naturally occurring chemical that is toxic to the nervous system and even a tiny amount can result in a wide range of health complications including acute, severe liver failure. The above list is not exhaustive and other plants can be poisonous to cats too.


What is cod liver oil?
Cod liver oil is pretty much what you already suspect: a fish oil that is made from the liver of cod fish. The process usually involves dicing the liver into small pieces, simmering it and capturing the oil that raises to the surface.

The cod fish lives in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and it’s one of a handful of fish that are important sources of two particular types of omega-3 fatty acids known best by their acronyms: EPA and DHA.

Can dogs have cod liver oil?
Usually, dogs can eat cod liver oil without any side effects. As long as it comes from a reliable source, this addition to their diet typically has no toxic substances that are known to be harmful to dogs. However, it’s important to discuss with your vet before offering your dog cod liver oil. Oftentimes, they already have all the nutrients they need from their specially-formulated dog food and there is no need for supplementing their diet.

Is cod liver oil good for dogs?
Cod liver oil possesses important nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A and vitamin D. Omega 3 is important in supporting healthy fur and skin, and has anti-inflammatory qualities among other benefits. Vitamin A has a role in immune function and eye health, whereas Vitamin D supports bone health.

Don’t forget that for most dogs a balanced diet of dog food contains all the nutrients they need. However, some dogs may benefit from cod liver oil supplements – those with certain types of skin or joint disease for example. So, if you’re wondering whether cod liver oil is good for your dog, it is best to talk with your vet. If supplements are needed due to your dog’s age, size, or health conditions such as arthritis, ask your vet if cod liver oil for dogs is a good option. Your vet will consider your pet’s particular needs and advise accordingly.

How to offer cod liver oil to your dog
Cod liver oil for dogs is usually available as a liquid, or as a tablet or capsule. All versions can be mixed with their regular food and dog treats, so feeding them the oil should go smoothly.

There are no set-in-stone rules for the dosage. This depends on many factors, including what their diet consists of, how old your dog is, if they are a small or a big breed and if they have any particular health conditions. All this information will be needed by the vet to recommend the appropriate dosage when it comes to cod liver oil for dogs.

The risks of giving cod liver oil to dogs
If your vet has given you the go-ahead for supplementing your dog’s diet with cod liver oil, here are a few risks to be aware of:

Unreliable sources
Not all cod liver oil comes from safe sources. So, make sure you’re getting it from reputable brands.

whether you dog already takes similar supplements or their usual food already offers them the right balance of nutrients, adding extra nutrients to their diet may result in the diet becoming unbalanced and at worst can even end up being harmful. Having too much cod liver oil can lead to health issues. These would usually be mild – digestive upsets for example. However, large amounts could result in vision problems caused by an excess of vitamin A or even kidney disease caused by too much vitamin D. That is why it is always best to follow your vet’s advice when giving your dog supplements.

Supplements not designed for pets
It is often best to offer cod liver oil supplements that are specifically for dogs but your vet will advise you on what is best for your pet.

Unusual signs to look out for when offering dogs cod liver oil
As long as you follow your vet’s instruction, cod liver oil should be a safe way to supplement a dog’s diet. However, you should keep an eye out for unusual symptoms, especially if this is the first time they’ve been offered this type of fish oil. The most immediate troublesome sign is an upset stomach. This happens more often with pets with a history of gastrointestinal issues.


Before you bring your kitten home, prepare as much in advance as you can. Choose a quiet room for them to spend their first week in where they can settle and start to gain confidence in their new home. Make sure they have access to:

Separate areas for food and water
At least one litter tray (away from any other things)
A comfortable, soft bed
At least one safe hiding spot - this can be a covered carrier, a teepee style bed or a box.
Areas for climbing such as shelves or a cat tree
Toys and scratching posts.
You can also bring home something that smells familiar to them such as a blanket so that they feel less anxious.
Once you have brought your kitten into their new room, let them settle and acclimatise. Don’t remove your kitten from their carrier, leave the door open and allow them to come out in their own time. It can be tempting to shower them with affection and excitement, but they are likely to be stressed by the move. You don’t want to overwhelm them. Have patience and let them get used to their new environment - there will be plenty of time for cuddles later! When you leave the room, you can put a radio on quietly - the soft background noise will help them feel less nervous and will muffle other sounds that they may find scary.

It’s important to have already registered with your vet BEFORE you bring your new family member home. Their immune system is still developing and problems can arise quickly, so ensure you’ve got your new vet at the end of the phone for any emergencies. You should take your new arrival to visit their vet as soon as possible to ensure that they are healthy, to purchase flea and worming products, and discuss neutering and microchipping.

After the first few days, hopefully your kitten will be feeling safe and a bit less stressed. You can introduce new experiences to them in this room such as meeting other family members so that they can start to build up their confidence before they take on the whole house. It’s important to remember that meeting lots of people at once can be overwhelming for your new kitten, so introduce the rest of the family gradually.


Kittens love to play - one minute they are full of beans and the next they’ll be zonked out, asleep where they fall. The best way to play with your kitten is to encourage play with different toys including ones that they can interact with alone (such as ball circuits) and ones that you can use together (fishing rods are always a winner but always make sure your kitten is supervised).

Rotate the types of toys that your kitten is using so that they don’t get bored. If you notice that your kitten is showing predatory behaviour (stalking, pouncing, jumping, biting, or clawing), then they might be bored - you can distract them from this by using toys for physical and mental enrichment.

You may be tempted to use your fingers or your toes to play with your kitten, but you should avoid this. If they believe this is an acceptable form of play, you may end up with a few injuries when they’ve grown into an adult cat! This type of inappropriate play is very common in kittens. So it’s important to teach them by using positive reinforcement and not by telling them off. Ignore unwanted behaviours so as to not inadvertently encourage them by reacting. If they are using your feet as a toy, stay completely still so that they are no longer ‘prey’.