Queen Thangz

Queen Thangz

Self love & Chakra Healing Coach, Speaker, Author. Jewelry designer. Helping women to Live!


🌪️ Embrace the storm and find clarity in the silence. Remember, everything is fixable if you give it time. 🌟


When life starts to get difficult and feels like a rollercoaster. Get off. Take time to smooth out the tracks, change directions if you must. Remember it’s your life, your story, your movie. You can direct it anyway you choose.


Absolutely! Here’s your Instagram post:

“Dear Gorgeous, sprinkle a little self-love today 🌸💗 Investing in YOU - your growth, your joy, your future, isn’t an expense. It’s the most precious investment 🌟💰 So, have you invested in yourself yet?


You would never have to work to keep someone who wants to be in your life. It would be so fluid and easy going. So stop chasing people. Family, friends, men and your children.


Everyone should have a self-love, self-care go to. Mine is travel. That is what makes me feel good and rejuvenated.

What is your self love go to? I would love for you to share it.


Queens. Stop waiting for people to celebrate you. Stop waiting for holidays or special occasions to do something nice for you. You should do something for yourself everyday.

It doesn’t have to be something grandiose, but something that brings you joy. Like having a cup of coffee or tea uninterrupted. Buy yourself a bouquet of fresh flowers. Take time to read a couple of chapters in a book.

You spend so much time making others happy. It’s time to include you on that list.


🌟 Embrace Your Amazingness! 🌟

Ladies, let me remind you why it’s essential to always be yourself and embrace your unique qualities. Here are a few reasons why you should celebrate your amazingness:

1️⃣ Individuality: You are one-of-a-kind! Embracing who you truly are allows you to showcase your authentic self and stand out from the crowd. Your uniqueness is what makes you special.

2️⃣ Self-Confidence: Being true to yourself boosts your self-confidence. When you embrace your strengths, quirks, and flaws, you radiate a genuine and magnetic energy that attracts positivity and empowers others.

3️⃣ Inspire Others: By being true to yourself, you become an inspiration to others. Your authenticity gives permission for others to embrace their own uniqueness and live their lives authentically.

4️⃣ Happiness: When you fully accept and love yourself, happiness follows. Embracing your amazingness means focusing on your own growth, goals, and dreams, leading to a fulfilling life and genuine contentment.

5️⃣ Empowerment: Being yourself is an act of empowerment. It allows you to break free from societal expectations and stereotypes, empowering you to define your own path and create a life that aligns with your true values.

Remember, you are a remarkable woman with unlimited potential. Embrace your amazingness, share your light with the world, and inspire others to do the same! 💫✨



“Embrace your worth and celebrate your wins without seeking validation from others. You are the author of your own success story, and it’s time to acknowledge and appreciate your accomplishments. Remember, true validation comes from within, and by celebrating your wins yourself, you cultivate a powerful sense of self-love and confidence. So, raise a glass to your achievements, big or small, and let your inner cheerleader shine!”


✨ Self-Love Reminder ✨

Sometimes, we all need a moment to ourselves. Take it! It’s that simple.

In a world that constantly demands our attention, it’s important to prioritize self-care and give ourselves the time and space we need to recharge. Whether it’s a few minutes of deep breathing, a walk in nature, or indulging in our favorite hobbies, taking a moment for ourselves can do wonders for our mental and emotional well-being.

Remember, self-love is not selfish. It’s a necessary act of self-preservation. So, the next time you feel overwhelmed or exhausted, give yourself permission to pause, breathe, and take that much-needed moment. You deserve it! 🌟


🌸 Embracing Change: A Mindset Makeover 🌸

Hey Queens! Today, let’s talk about embracing change and nurturing a positive mindset. As your self-love coach, I’m here to remind you that change is beautiful and it’s time to embrace it!

Change starts from within. Shift your mindset and embrace the power of self-love. You are worthy of love, happiness, and success.

Celebrate your strengths and accomplishments. You are capable of amazing things!

Let go of self-doubt and negative self-talk. Replace them with uplifting affirmations. You are your own cheerleader!

Surround yourself with positive influences and a supportive tribe of women. Together, we can create a safe space for growth and self-love!

Embrace change with an open heart and a mindset filled with love and positivity. You are capable of amazing things!

Sending love and light,
Queen-Your Self-Love Coach💕


In the midst of life’s storms, I choose to stay unbothered. It’s during the moments when everything seems to be going well, when stability is finally achieved, that challenges arise. But I refuse to let these storms disturb my peace of mind. Instead, I see them as opportunities for growth and transformation. Some storms come not to destroy my path, but to clear the way for a better future. I embrace the winds of change and trust that they will lead me to new horizons. I trust God and the process.


“Remember, it’s essential to establish clear boundaries. Without them, your kindness could potentially be mistaken for weakness. It’s not about being unkind, but about respecting and valuing your own peace and well-being. You are strong, you are capable, and your kindness is a testament to your strength, not a sign of weakness.


Do this to protect your peace and preserve your energy for things you need to do. It’s not being selfish at all. It’s part of self care.



When you focus on yourself and what you’re doing, , you’re investing time and energy into improving your own skills, knowledge, and abilities. This can lead to personal and professional development, increased self-confidence, and a higher level of satisfaction and fulfillment.

On the other hand, if you’re always comparing yourself to others, it can lead to feelings of inadequacy and a lack of progress. Everyone is on their own unique journey, and what works for one person may not work for another. Therefore, it’s more beneficial to focus on your own growth and progress, rather than comparing yourself to others.


Come on 2024!
“Reflecting on the challenges and triumphs of 2023, I am grateful for the growth and resilience it brought. As we step into 2024, my mission remains steadfast: to inspire and uplift women to become the best versions of themselves. Through coaching with Queen, I aim to guide women towards gaining clarity, confidence, and commitment in loving themselves deeply and spiritually. Together, we will empower women to excel in every area of their lives. Here’s to a year of transformation and empowerment!


I am responsible for my own well being not yours.

Apologizing when you haven’t done anything wrong can send the wrong message and undermine your self-confidence. It’s important to recognize that you are not responsible for the actions or feelings of others. Apologizing unnecessarily can lead to a pattern of self-blame and can make you feel like you’re constantly in the wrong.

By refraining from apologizing when you’ve done nothing wrong, you are asserting your boundaries and standing up for yourself. It shows that you have a strong sense of self-worth and are not willing to take on unnecessary guilt or blame. It also helps to maintain healthy relationships by setting clear expectations and holding others accountable for their own actions.

Remember, it’s okay to prioritize your own well-being and not apologize for things that are not your fault. Trust yourself and your intentions, and don’t let the fear of conflict or discomfort push you into unnecessary apologies.


Wishing everyone a Happy and Safe Holiday!


💕 Embrace Your Worth: A Gentle Reminder 💕

It’s important to remember that self-love begins with recognizing and cherishing your own value. Embrace the beauty that lies within you, for it is a gift that deserves to be celebrated. Take the time to acknowledge your strengths, your talents, and the love you bring to the world.

But also, remember that it’s okay to step back and allow others to feel your absence. Sometimes, it is in these moments that people truly understand the impact you have on their lives. Your absence can serve as a gentle reminder of the light you bring, the support you offer, and the love you share.

So, Queen never doubt your worth. Embrace the journey of self-love, knowing that your value is not defined by the recognition you receive, but by the love and authenticity you bring to every moment. Trust that your presence, even in the quietest of ways, has the power to make a difference.

You are deserving of love, appreciation, and recognition. Embrace your worth, and let your light shine brightly, for the world needs your unique presence. 💖✨


“18 years may have passed, but the pain of losing you, Mom, still lingers. As your birthday and the holidays approach, I can’t help but feel a deep longing for your presence. You were my queen, my guiding light, and not a day goes by that I don’t miss you.

Grief is a journey that knows no timeline. It’s okay to still feel the pain and to honor your memory in my own way. I find solace in reminiscing about the special moments we shared and the love you brought into my life.

But amidst the sadness, I know you would want me to live my life to the fullest. So, I’m finding strength in self-care, seeking support from loved ones, and cherishing the beautiful memories we created together.

Mom, your love and spirit will forever be with me. As I navigate this journey of grief, I’m learning to find healing and peace while honoring your memory. I love you, always and forever. 💕

Steps for Grieving:
1. Acknowledge and accept your emotions
2. Seek support from loved ones or support groups
3. Take care of yourself through self-care activities
4. Allow yourself to grieve in your own way
5. Seek professional help if needed
6. Honor your loved one’s memory
7. Be patient with yourself during the healing process


Learning to be unreachable to those who once had all access but abused it is not about being bitter or holding grudges. It's about self-love, self-respect, and setting healthy boundaries. It's about understanding that your time, energy, and peace of mind are precious and should not be wasted on those who do not value them. It's about realizing that you deserve to be treated with kindness, respect, and love. So, darling, learn to be unreachable, not to punish others, but to protect yourself. 💕



Sometimes, silence is the most powerful response. Embrace your softness, your femininity, and your strength. Remember, not every action deserves your energy.


We should show gratitude daily. Speaking them out is great but writing them down is even better. Here’s why:

Writing down your gratitude is like sending a love letter to your life. It's a beautiful practice that can fill your heart with joy and your mind with positivity. Here's why:

1. It Makes You Notice the Good: When you write down what you're grateful for, you're giving yourself a gentle nudge to notice the beauty in your life. It's like stopping to smell the roses, but with your heart.

2. It's a Happiness Diary: Having a written record of your gratitude is like having a diary filled with happiness. On tough days, you can open it up and remind yourself of all the love and goodness in your life.

3. It's Good for Your Heart and Mind: Pouring your gratitude onto paper can make your heart lighter and your mind brighter. It's like a little mental health boost, right at your fingertips.

4. It Deepens Your Gratitude: Writing takes thought and effort. When you put that effort into expressing your gratitude, it makes your feelings of thankfulness even stronger.

5. It Brings You into the Moment: Writing about your gratitude is a beautiful way to practice mindfulness. It helps you stay grounded in the present moment, appreciating it for all it has to offer.

6. It Strengthens Your Bonds: Writing a thank you note to someone you care about is a powerful way to strengthen your relationship. It's a heartfelt way to show them how much they mean to you.

7. It Boosts Your Confidence: When you focus on what you're grateful for, you're focusing on the positive aspects of your life. This can help you feel more confident and content with who you are.

In essence, writing down your gratitude is a love-filled practice that can bring more joy, positivity, and love into your life. It's a small act with a big impact. So why not give it a try?


A simple smile can change someone's day. Smiling also makes you feel better. It's a universal language of kindness that has the power to break down barriers and spread positivity. So, let's make it contagious! Share your smile with the world today and watch as it spreads like wildfire. Remember, your smile is your superpower. Use it wisely! 😊


Hello beautiful Queens, today's reminder: Love your body. It's your home in this life journey. It's not about looks, but about strength, resilience, and experience. Treat it with kindness, nourish it, celebrate it. You are enough, just as you are. Keep shining. 💖✨🌸


“Me time!”
Taking time for yourself isn't selfish, it's necessary. It's about honoring the one person who is always there for you - YOU. It's about refueling your soul, recharging your energy, and reconnecting with your inner self. So, let's celebrate the beauty of "me time" today. Let's embrace the silence, the solitude, and the serenity that comes with it. Remember, you can't pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first.



Age is just a number, and it should never limit your ability to reinvent yourself. Don't let the fear of starting over or societal expectations hold you back. Embrace the excitement of exploring new possibilities and discovering your true passions. Remember, it's never too late to chase your dreams and create a life that brings you joy and fulfillment. Embrace change, trust in your abilities, and let your inner light guide you towards a beautiful reinvention.


The Never-Ending Journey of Self-Love 💖

Loving yourself is not a destination, but an ongoing journey of growth, acceptance, and self-discovery. It's about embracing your flaws, celebrating your strengths, and nurturing your inner being. Remember, it's not about perfection, but about embracing your authentic self with kindness and compassion.

Let's embark on this incredible journey together, supporting and uplifting one another along the way. 🌸💕


This weather is so unpredictable.
Yesterday, the sun was shining brightly, and the temperature soared to a delightful 83 degrees. Today, however, the weather has taken a turn, with cloudy skies and a cooler 65 degrees. Isn't life just like the weather? It's a beautiful mix of hot and cold, sunshine and clouds, and even a little rain.

Just like the changing seasons, life presents us with a variety of experiences and emotions. Sometimes, we bask in the warmth of success, love, and happiness. Other times, we face challenges, uncertainties, and moments of reflection. But through it all, there is beauty in every season.

Just as the rain nourishes the earth and brings forth new growth, the cloudy days in our lives offer us opportunities for introspection and growth. They remind us to appreciate the sunny days even more and to find joy in the little things that bring warmth to our hearts.

So, let's embrace the ever-changing weather of life with open arms and a loving heart. Let's find gratitude in both the sunshine and the clouds, knowing that each season serves a purpose in our journey. Remember, it's in the contrasts that we find balance and learn to appreciate the beauty in every moment.

Wishing you a day filled with love, warmth, and a sprinkle of rain to nourish your soul.

Love ya


Feeling gratitude for what we have in life is essential, but it doesn't mean we should stop aspiring for more. Being grateful doesn't equate to complacency. It's not ungrateful to desire more, to want to grow, to aim for improvement. We should always be in pursuit of bettering ourselves and our circumstances. So, let's cherish what we have, but also keep our eyes on the horizon, striving for more.


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