

Beauty will save the world.


Plant a plant and receive gratitude from it for the huge amount of nutrients that will help it quickly gain strength.We are preparing a decoction. Pour the peel with water and boil for several minutes. Such a decoction can be used in the preparation of compotes, juices, smoothies and much more.
We whiten teeth. After brushing your teeth with toothpaste, simply wipe them with a banana peel. If you carry out such a procedure daily, you will not need the help of a dentist in this matter.
Radiant skin. Every day, wipe your face with the soft side of the peel, as if massaging it, rubbing in natural ingredients that will not only cleanse the pores, but also saturate the skin with all kinds of minerals. There is such a massage as soft peeling, gently exfoliating dead skin cells.


There are an incredible number of recipes for use in this area. I'll give you the most popular ones.

We protect plants from aphids. Take a few pieces of banana skin, cut into pieces. Lay the inner side near the plants where aphids can be found. These beetles hate the smell that comes from the decomposition of a banana. But the main thing here is not to overdo it. If you put a lot of pieces of the skin, then wasps can fly in to you in search of sweet food and completely spoil the crop.
Add banana to compost. This is perhaps the most common use of this product. You just need to remember that compost is not only phosphorus and potassium, which are contained in a banana peel, but also other trace elements. Therefore, it is necessary to dose its application correctly.
Plant nutrition. Before planting a new flower, place a few pieces of banana peel in the bottom of the pot. Be sure to sprinkle with earth so that the roots do not come into contact with it.


Do not use expired cosmetics! Throw away expired products ruthlessly. Improper storage or a banal fake can worsen the condition of your skin. Cosmetics must be of high quality, decorative cosmetics for lips or eyelids are in close contact with the mucous membrane, and from there they can pe*****te into the bloodstream. The skin is a protective barrier, but the skin of the lips and eyelids is thinner and more sensitive than the skin on other parts of the face, so cosmetics should be as safe as possible. If you suffer from acne, pay attention to your diet and choose an individual treatment with the help of a beautician. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your skin, do not use a large amount of decorative cosmetics to hide the external manifestations of acne or rosacea, this only prevents the skin from healing. You need to hide imperfections in moderation, with a strong acne lesion, a thick layer of tonal foundations will only aggravate the situation. The absence of makeup and decorative cosmetics does not negate skin care. Separately, perfumes should be mentioned, they should not repel and cause hostility among others, so you should not pour the entire bottle of your favorite fragrance on yourself.There are several ways you can apply at home using banana peels. You just need to get them ready first. Before use, be sure to rinse them under hot water. This is necessary to wash off a possible wax film or chemicals used by unscrupulous sellers to process citrus fruits.


The primer will make any makeup more resistant and even out skin tone. It is applied to clean skin as the first layer. You can proceed to the foundation only after the base has completely dried. In daytime looks, it is quite possible to replace a dense and “heavy” foundation with BB or CC products with micropigments. If there is no time for a full-fledged make-up, it is enough to do an express make-up: adjust the eyebrows, apply blush and lip gloss of a natural berry shade, slightly tint the corners of the eyelashes. With the help of one lipstick, you can highlight not only the lips, but also the eyelids and cheekbones, lipstick can be used as blush and shadows. One accent is enough in makeup: you can professionally highlight your eyes using the smoky eyes technique or choose a trendy dark lipstick color - but it is not advisable to combine everything at once in one makeup, especially if it is a daytime option. Make-up removal should become an obligatory evening ritual: only with regular cleansing and skin care, you can be sure that the make-up will look neat, and your skin will “thank you” in the future. Before applying makeup, the skin should also be cleansed. Read reviews, but be sure to remember that the effect of cosmetics is extremely individual. Store cosmetics in the refrigerator or in a special cabinet, away from sunlight.


Remember that you are beautiful even without makeup, this is only an aid, but not a replacement for your inner and outer self. Now there is no need, as in ancient Egypt, to rub your eyelids with blue vitriol, cheeks with white clay, and your forehead with finely ground malachite, or tint lips with fucus, as did the inhabitants of Ancient Rome. The choice of modern decorative cosmetics is huge and it is, in most cases, safe to use. And even if you've crossed the fine line between Grace Kelly and Lady Gaga's stage persona, well, so be it! That's why it's cool to live in our time, when all the rules are blurred, and there are no clear instructions that you must follow. The main rules when choosing beauty products are not to save on your health, buy high-quality cosmetics, carefully read the composition of what you buy, and pay attention to the expiration date of the selected product. Also, avoid overly feature rich tools, where one tool includes too many features. The main and important direction in the development of decorative cosmetics is the combination of aesthetic characteristics and therapeutic and restorative properties in one product, whether it is natural or bright and noticeable makeup, the function of aesthetics and restorative care and treatment should be preserved. Modern decorative cosmetics increasingly include components that significantly improve skin condition
