Cup of Tea and HIV

Cup of Tea and HIV

Lonely, scared, feeling stigmatized? We all need a friend to chat with and one that is also HIV + I offer personal chat options when you need to talk to someone.

Cup of Tea is a place where folks that are newly diagnosed, long -term positive or are concerned for a partner or loved ones. Often times people find it difficult to discuss this topic with those near them as they may feel judged, scared, or wish to maintain privacy. At Cup of Tea, you'll have a personal conversation with myself, an HIV+ female of over 10 years who listens, understands, and can of


Talk therapy has so many benefits! Book a chat with me today šŸ˜Š


It's okay to feel sad, disappointed, even angry at yourself for becoming HIV+.
Feel your feelings but don't live there.
Let's chat about it!


What loneliness can do to your body.
Feeling lonely? Let's chat!


Need a friend to talk with? I am here for you! 15 minute chat special! Only $10!


An estimated 1 out of 3 people diagnosed with HIV feel guilty or ashamed.
Let's talk it out.


Need a friend to chat with? Reach out to me today! I'm here for you. Grab a Cup of Tea and let's chat HIV!
Special Intro Only $10 for a 15 min. chat!


Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Matthew 6:34

Is Your Doctor Talking to You or Clicking at You? 03/02/2022

Are you struggling to find a connection with your Doctor? I am here and I will listen.
Contact me...let's chat

Is Your Doctor Talking to You or Clicking at You? How to get comfortable with 21st-century bedside manner.


When we get unexpected bad news, it is easy to start to spin out of control.
Here's 3 tips to help keep it together.
1. Take a moment to process. It's ok to be afraid, angry, depressed even. Just don't stay there.
2. Get the facts. A diagnosis for a disease you never expected to have means you probably know very little about it. Seek accurate information so you know what to manage.
3. Get in the game. Figure out a game plan for what you need to for your physical and mental health. You don't need to do it all at once but take a step each day. Even a small step can make a big difference!

FIVE ways to THRIVE 28/01/2022

FIVE ways to THRIVE This month I had the opportunity to participate in the ā€˜Stories from HIV Long-Term Thriversā€™ forum where I gave a spoken word performance alongside an amazing and inspiring panel. The forum was orgā€¦

The Power of Positive Thinking Could Help Lower Viral Load 28/01/2022

Thoughts carry weight.
Positive thinking has proven effective in improving a variety of illnesses. Speaking positivity over yourself and your circumstances can be helpful in lowering your viral load.

The Power of Positive Thinking Could Help Lower Viral Load The power of positive thinking might extend well beyond emotional well-being to include physical benefits such as lower viral load in people with HIV....


Being hiv-positive can force us into a place where all we see is the negative impact it's had on our lives. Soo.....Every day I try to focus on the good it has brought to me.
I pay closer attention to my overall health that I ever would without this disease. It has humbled me in ways that I would not likely have realized on my own. It's made me a more understanding, softer, and gentler person with more empathy toward others. It has allowed me to live my life with more intention and purpose, and really focus on making each day important.
Everything happens for a reason, and your attitude makes the greatest impact on your quality of life. Focus on being your best self and everything will fall into place. šŸ˜˜


An HIV diagnosis can feel very scary at first. So many questions, fearful thoughts and worries can take over. You need a safe place to share. Grab a Cup of Tea and contact me. I'm here for you. ā˜ŗļø

Mental Health 18/01/2022

HIV and Mental Health.
Your mental health is so important. Let's talk!

Mental Health Taking care of your mental health is an important part of living healthy with HIV. Learn why.

U=U: Ending stigma and empowering people living with HIV - Harvard Health 18/01/2022

U = U

U=U: Ending stigma and empowering people living with HIV - Harvard Health People living with HIV can suppress the virus by taking medication daily. If the level of virus in a personā€™s blood is suppressed successfully, research shows that the virus isnā€™t passe...

Premium Chat with Cup of Tea HIV Chat (@CupofTeaHIVChat) 18/01/2022

Hi! Thanks for coming by....we are new here!
Cup of Tea is a place for newly diagnosed or long -term HIV+ people, or those concerned for a + partner or loved one.
I offer personal chat options when you need to talk with someone.
Often times people find it difficult to discuss this topic with those near them as they may feel judged, scared, or wish to maintain privacy. At Cup of Tea, you'll have a personal conversation with myself, an HIV+ female of over 10 years who listens, understands, and can offer advice if you desire.
While I am not medically trained, I have received certifications as a Community Health Worker and by God's grace I am living my best life. My diagnosis does not define me and it does not define you.
Click the image below to get started.

Grab a Cup of Tea and We'll Talk HIV! šŸŽ€

Premium Chat with Cup of Tea HIV Chat (@CupofTeaHIVChat) Lonely, scared, feeling stigmatized? We all need a friend to chat with and one that is also HIV + is a PLUS! I'm an understanding HIV+ female since 2010. I have found my way, with Godā€™s help, to thrive with my diagnosis. It doesn't define me and it won't define you. Grab a Cup of Tea and Letā€™s c...