Mrs. Walsh Bakes

Mrs. Walsh Bakes

Mrs. Walsh is a chemistry teacher in Evansville, IN. During the COVID-19 social distancing, she star

Photos from Mrs. Walsh Bakes's post 25/06/2023

I think 10 min at 370 was too much. They are nice on the inside though. I'm going to try 8 min at 370 and see what happens.

Easy 20-Minute Gluten Free Drop Biscuits 25/06/2023

Hello bakers!! It's been a long time since I've posted, but I'm trying something today that I want to share with you - air fryer biscuits (from scratch!). I'll go live in a few minutes. But digest I wanted to share the recipe I'm using for gluten-free biscuits today - my mother-in-law is visiting from Ireland and she had celiac disease so I try all kinds of gluten-free things when she's here. Check out this recipe:

And if you don't have to be gluten-free, use your favorite biscuit recipe! Here's mine:

I'll go live in a few minutes!

Easy 20-Minute Gluten Free Drop Biscuits Make gluten free drop biscuits in just 20 minutes with this easy recipe. These gf drop biscuits are tender and fluffy, and they're always the perfect dinner side.

Photos from Mrs. Walsh Bakes's post 09/01/2023

You guys, I found a new favorite brownie recipe. It is SO good.

Why an I baking brownies at 10:15 on a Sunday? It's simple really. I designed a class activity for my chemistry classes revolving around a brownie recipe because they were struggling with the concept of how MUCH a Mole was related to a gram in the real world. (They didn't really have a good grasp of a gram either.) So I had them take measurements from this brownie recipe and convert them into and out of moles, and then I made brownies (using this recipe) for them to try. But I seriously misjudged the strong feelings about nuts or no nuts in brownies, and I half a pan of pecan brownies left and a list of 12 students thay would rather wait until Monday to get a no-nut brownie that I offered to make. Which I forgot to do until now.

It was such a fun lesson. AND - my new favorite recipe. Enjoy!

Photos from Mrs. Walsh Bakes's post 25/12/2022

Merry Christmas everyone!! My usual Christmas baking and cookie distribution was altered by a family emergency, so I'm pulling out a favorite trick from last year and baking mini pound cakes! So far, I've done Lemon Blueberry and Coconut Bourbon Pecan. I will probably do one more batch of Marble for the kids' teachers in January - we all missed the last week of school.

I love these little molds from Target. You just make your normal pound cake batter and scoop a heaping 1/4 cup into the silicon molds and bake them about half as long as normal (~30 min). It's an easy gift because you can do other things while your batches bake. I got about 1.5 dozen mini cakes per tube pan recipe. (I doubled the lemon recipe because it was written for a loaf pan.) Friends and family love them for breakfast, a mid-morning or midnight snack or dessert.

I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas. Remember that loved ones are precious and hug them tightly this year if you have the chance to. Wishing you health and happiness. ❤


Photos from Mrs. Walsh Bakes's post 12/10/2022

We've been on Fall Break the last few days, and it was glorious. We didn't go anywhere, and our 1 project was redoing our closet. This morning we pulled out a family favorite- sheet pan pancakes - and dis 4 flavors. We used two tried and true flavors and 2 new combos! Aisling helped me - her brother and sister appreciated her generous amount of chocolate chips. Today we did:

1) Chocolate Chips (just sprinkled on top and lightly pressed into batter)

2) Cinnamon and Brown Sugar - I think we did 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and 2 teaspoons of Brown sugar. We mixed them, sprinkled on too, and swirled it in

3) Blueberry Almond - I dolloped some Blueberry Pie Filling on top, swirled it in, and sprinkled the top with almonds which we lightly pressed in with a fork - I should have used more Pie filling

4) Apple-Cinnamon-Walnut - This was AWESOME. I peeled and shredded 1 apple, added a tablespoon or so of Brown sugar, 1 teaspoon of Penzy's Pie Spice and a good handful of chopped walnuts. I spread it on top and we lightly pressed it in with a fork. 10/10 - highly recommend this flavor.

The link to the recipe is below. I made it using 1 C of whole wheat flour and 2 cups of All Purpose (instead of 3 cups of all purpose) and with all of my meal-time baking I added a generous amount of ground flax seed (probably 1/4 cup.)

Depending on your toppings, ans whether or not you use the whole wheat and flax seed, this recipe is pretty healthy. There is very little sugar (only 2 Tbsp) in the batter, so most of the sugar is added with the toppings. Fruit and cinnamon are great additions to satisfy a sweet craving without adding much more sugar. The whole wheat keeps you full for longer, and the Flax adds healthy fat.

Bakes in 15 minutes and feeds a crowd!


Here's the final result! Not my neatest, but I'm still pretty happy!

Photos from Mrs. Walsh Bakes's post 27/08/2022

The cakes are perfectly baked at 37 min - lightly browned and pulling away from the pan! Now to let them cool for 10 min in pan, then fully on racks, and then- decoration!!


Lemon cake!

Photos from Mrs. Walsh Bakes's post 18/06/2022

Hello baking fans! We're in Ireland! It's so good to be with my in-laws after 4 years apart (2020 was our year to go, and you can guess how that story went).

Today was my niece's birthday, and my sister-in-law and I put together charcuterie boards. We had leftovers, and on a whim I decided to look up an olive and prosciutto bread. I found this recipe, and It. Is. Delicious. Next time you have party leftovers, I highly recommend this recipe. I didn't use the Parmigiano-Reggiano or black pepper (because I forgot) and I used garlic olive oil (because that's what we had). We used the prosciutto and salami that we had leftover from the boards. The house smelled great and it was highly complimented by my family. My sister-in-law loved it with hummus.

Hope you're all having a lovely beginning to your summer - stay cool, and bake after dark when it's not so hot!


Teacher Appreciation Week

Photos from Mrs. Walsh Bakes's post 17/04/2022

Finished petit fours! My girls decorated them. I learned a few things about coating them - the coating sets up pretty quickly, but is easy to reuse if you stir in a small amount of hot water to loosen it up. Also, I didn't get my cakes fully covered- I needed to make sure it ran fully down the sides. But that being said, they were really good and lots of fun to make and eat!


Coating petit fours!

Photos from Mrs. Walsh Bakes's post 17/04/2022

Cake has been jam filled and stacked, and is now in the freezer for about 30 minutes.


Happy Easter!!

Today I want to share my attempt to elevate a box cake mix by turning it into petit fours!

My mom is on her way up to take care of my littlest because she is the only one in our family without school tomorrow. My mom is gluten-free, so as a surprise I'm making her a treat. Gluten-free baking is notoriously challenging, and it is the one area of my baking in which I routinely use mixes. But I try to change it up some. I have leftover frosting in piping bags from my cake yesterday, so I'm going to try making petit fours. I'll go live in a video later as I make the coating. Right now I'm baking a yellow cake to which I've added a little bit of almond extract. I'm going to bake and cool it, and then slide it in half and sandwich it with raspberry jam. Then it gets frozen for 30 minutes or so to fully swt the jam so it doesn't slide around. I'll be back with you after that for the coating!


Finished Lemon Blueberry cake!


Anyone else a late night baker?? I could have done this all afternoon, yet here I am at 11:00 baking my Easter cake.

I've been silent for a while, I know. Not because I'm not baking, but more that life is intense and I haven't had the mental space to plan a post. Rest assured I'm still here, and I'd still love to teach you about the science of baking.

Hang in there with me - I hope to get some videos coming soon with school winding down!


Donut bread pudding is done!! Like 👍 if you would eat a piece of this!


Donut bread pudding before going in to bake. The red dollops are raspberry jam. It'll bake at 325° for 50-60 minutes.


Making donut bread pudding!


Happy Thanksgiving all! Have extra cranberries? Consider making White Chocolate Cranberry Scones! I used the recipe below. I chopped some fresh cranberries and also added a splash of orange juice in the dough for some extra flavor and moisture. Enjoy your time with family/friends/food!


They're a hit!


Baking with protein powder experiment #2! I made a lot of healthy substitutions to this recipe, but still tried to keep it kid friendly. I'll put the recipe in comments, but I subbed 1/2 C whole wheat flour instead of an equal amount of AP Flour, and then I cut another 1/2 cup of AP flour and added 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder. I used low fat sour cream and I used applesauce instead of oil. (I only had sweetened apple sauce, so these may be very sweet!) I also added a healthy shake of ground flax (probably 1/4 C or so). Then I put 1/2 tsp of Nutella in the middle of each! I'll try to get video or photo of the kids' response tomorrow AM. Good night!


Anybody out there bake with protein powder? I'm trying it- if these work 🤞, they'll be protein pancake bites. I added chocolate chips to half. The batter tastes different, but we'll see how they bake up. I may need to make adjustments! But hey, that's science!

I read to replace 1 cup of flour with 1/3 cup of protein powder. I did that, it still seemed runny, so I added back 1/3 C of whole wheat flour. I'll keep you updated...


Making Apple-Butteescoth Blondies!


Look how yummy they look! I can't wait! But I will - the flavors really develop in the fridge.


Key Like Pie Bars!


Well, it didn't turn out like I wanted, and I learned a few things with this cake! First of all, I needed a ring of frosting around the edge of each layer, and the strawberries needed to be inside that ring - that would have "glued" the layers together. The strawberries kept sliding out; the moisture they released made holes in the frosted surface of the cake. Second, I added too much strawberry puree to the frosting so it was too runny. I didn't want to add even more sugar because the frosting would have been too sweet, but I should have remade a small batch for decorating because it was too runny. BUT - it was delicious! Aisling was so sweet - I apologized for her messy cake and she said "That's ok Mommy, I still love it!" ❤️❤️❤️ Happy birthday sweet girl!


Stacking and filling the Strawberry Cake! The icing was a little too soft, but it's setting up nicely in the fridge.


Making cake cups from cake scraps!


Strawberry cakes going into the oven!

I tripled this recipe:


Strawberry Cake for Aisling's birthday!


What do you do when you reorganize your pantry and discover FOUR bags of coconut? You make Coconut Streusel Muffins, of course! I used the recipe linked below, but I substituted brown sugar for the coconut sugar and I used coconut oil instead of listed oil for the topping. Oh, I also didn't use the coconut extract because I'm out of it - I just used all vanilla to make up the extract total. They. Are. Yummy.

Tomorrow I'll be doing a video!! We haven't made a video in a while, but tomorrow starts anniversary/birthday week so I'm about to do a lot of baking! Tomorrow I'll be making a Strawberry Cake for Aisling's birthday on Friday, and I'm sure I'll have some helpers. Tune in! I've missed making videos for you all!


Cinnamon rolls!!


Happy Mother's Day to everyone! I'm baking for the first time in WEEKS! Work has been nuts, but I'm enjoying making cinnamon rolls. This recipe is easy and if you have yeast, you likely have everything else on hand.

In the middle, you knead this dough for 2 minutes. Do you know why? Kneading helps to mix ingredients more fully, but more than that it stretches the strands of gluten, making your dough very elastic. You can actually see that when you go to cut it for the rolls - it will be very stretchy. I'll take a picture to post later.

Start to finish this recipe takes about 2 hours - you could still make them today to have with an afternoon cup of coffee. And your home will smell FANTASTIC while they bake. I hope you all get a day of relaxation today, whether you're a mother or not!

reitzchemistry on TikTok 23/04/2021

I'm on TikTok! I'm doing AP test taking tips (generally for all subjects) and AP Chemistry content review. Follow if you're interested!

reitzchemistry on TikTok 114 Followers, 31 Following, 234 Likes - Watch awesome short videos created by reitzchemistry

Photos from Mrs. Walsh Bakes's post 18/04/2021

Anyone else baking tonight? I'm making Quad Chocolate Cookies. You melt chocolate and butter together, and then make the rest of the "dough" (it's closer to brownie batter) in that pot. But the result? DELICIOUS.


Reports are in - it was good! Recipe in comments.


Yum in a Pan! Gluten free, keto friendly, diabetic friendly, and we'll reviewed...with a discussion on sugar substitutes!


Stay tuned today...I'm going to be making a sugar-free Yum in a Pan (title altered to keep it G rated) suitable for diabetic, keto, vegan AND gluten-free diets! I'll also talk a little bit about the chemistry of sugar substitutes. If that's not enough to hook you, I'll be coming live from my Mama's kitchen and I'll give you a tour - you definitely don't want to miss that!!

Videos (show all)

Lemon cake!
Teacher Appreciation Week
Coating petit fours!
Baked donut bread pudding
Making donut bread pudding!
Stacking and Filling Strawberry Cake
Yum in a Pan! Gluten free, keto friendly, diabetic friendly, and we'll reviewed...with a discussion on sugar substitutes...
Apple Filling and Apple Butter - YUM
Green Tomato Cobbler part 1
Piping the macarons
