Eric Davis for Oak Park Township Trustee

Eric Davis for Oak Park Township Trustee

Experienced Progressive Leader -
Elevating Seniors, Youth, and Families -
Award-Winning Public Ser


This is a political/campaign page and is NOT my page for my role serving as an Oak Park Township Trustee. If you have a question for me about, or need, Township services please switch to my Township Trustee page:

Oak Park Township Trustee Eric Davis I am honored to support the Township's social service programs and the great people delivering them.


I think most of my Oak Park area friends know that the Township Clerk, Greg White, passed away on Saturday night. I was fortunate to be able to visit him in hospice earlier in the day.

Greg was a kind man, who often spoke with a twinkle in his eye, and he was a longtime, fastidious, and dedicated public servant of the Oak Park community. If you ever voted at Town Hall, for example, you probably saw him. It sounds cliche but, having served with him for 12 years, I can say that he was truly a nice guy, and his steadfast service will be missed.

For those who may want to attend, his Visitation (10 AM) and Service (11 AM) will be held on Friday, July 23rd at St. Edmund Parish Church, 188 S Oak Park Ave., Oak Park, IL 60302.

Tight township race falls to incumbent by 24 votes - Oak Park 07/05/2021

So yes, what you've read is true - I won! Well, okay, I came in 4th, for 4 seats, from among 6 candidates. But still, as I've posted elsewhere, I am VERY happy, and truly humbled, to have been granted another term to serve the residents of Oak Park Township as a Trustee. As the Wednesday Journal accurately reported, I am also very grateful to Jackie Rodriguez and Valerie Lester for being such excellent candidates, just as dedicated to expanding what we do at the Township - and the public's awareness of it. OPT does some terrific work for some of our most vulnerable residents, but the campaign with Jackie and Valerie, and my colleagues on the Community Service Party slate, underscores the need for us to get out more to the public, so that everyone is aware, and so we can garner more support to expand our services. Thank you!

Tight township race falls to incumbent by 24 votes - Oak Park Incumbent Oak Park township trustee Eric Davis was reelected by a razor thin margin of 24 votes, narrowly edging out newcomer Jacquelyn Rodriguez


Still waiting for final-final-final results by the way, in case you were wondering. :-)


Candidates Forum! Democracy! I really enjoy the opportunity to appear with my fellow candidates for local office in Oak Park, sponsored by the Democratic Party of Oak Park.

Proactive and Responsive Services To Residents 07/03/2021

Come share your vision - how can your Township do even better providing social services to our most vulnerable friends and neighbors?

Proactive and Responsive Services To Residents Our sole mission at Oak Park Township is to provide locally-governed supportive services to residents of our community. Our vision is to be a well-known and respected community partner and the leading provider of proactive, responsive and relevant services for all residents at every stage of life.


If you're 60+ and a resident of Oak Park or River Forest, you can pick up a package of 5 meals on Fridays from 11:00 a.m. - 1 p.m. in our Senior Services parking lot at 130 S. Oak Park Avenue. The suggested donation is $1.50 per meal; please provide proof of residency. We are following COVID-19 protocols and request that participants wear a mask during the "drive-through" meal distribution. Please use the alley from Pleasant Street behind St. Edmund's Church. Questions? Please call 708-383-8060.


Please let us help if you or someone you know is an older (60+) Oak Park resident who may be food insecure.


YES!! It's true, I'm running for re-election:
Eric DAVIS for Oak Park Township Trustee!
I am excited at the opportunity to continue serve the residents of Oak Park TOWNSHIP! In these challenging times, we need the innovative and progressive social services the Township provide more than ever. So please vote for me and my fellow Trustee candidates from the Community Service Party on Tuesday, April 6th:
Margaret (Margie) TRYBUS
We stand for Experience, Equity, and Quality Social Services - and we have a track record of success. The Township Board, on which I have served for twelve years, has in that time built a new Senior Center, created a new Preventive Services Department, and expanded Youth Services to include innovative alternatives to the justice system such as our Cargo Circles at the middle schools along with our Interventionist program at OPRF.
BUT - clearly during the pandemic, and when so many have awoken to the critical need for racial equity, there is so much more to do. I need your help to continue and expand our work. So please - share this page with your friends!
