Call The Shots PH

Call The Shots PH

Call the Shots PH page is an awareness campaign to protect expectant parents and their children from vaccine-preventable diseases.

This advocacy campaign is brought to you by MSD in the Philippines.


Flu season is coming to town! Here are some ways you can keep your child healthy over the holidays.​

Talk to your pediatrician to know more about vaccine-preventable diseases. ​



Sometimes, children may have mild reactions to vaccines. But there are ways you can keep your baby comfy after immunization.​

Talk to your pediatrician to know more about vaccine-preventable diseases. ​



It’s difficult to recognize dengue symptoms in an infant because of their similarity to common childhood infections. These symptoms can quickly progress from mild to severe so it’s important to consult a healthcare provider if any of these symptoms arise.​

Talk to your pediatrician to know more about vaccine-preventable diseases. ​



For better protection from severe diarrhea, healthcare providers recommend that babies should get 2 or 3 doses of the rotavirus vaccine. ​

Talk to your pediatrician to know more about vaccine-preventable diseases. ​



Travelling with your baby may be tricky – especially during the holidays. So make sure you plan ahead by consulting with your child’s pediatrician so he or she stays safe and healthy for the entire trip.​

Talk to your pediatrician to know more about vaccine-preventable diseases. ​



Making travel plans for the holidays? First find out the risk of your family, especially your child, getting dengue. Review travel recommendations, health notices, and warnings in your destination. See a doctor for pre-travel medical care. And wherever you go, pack an insect repellent that is safe for children.​

Talk to your pediatrician to know more about vaccine-preventable diseases. ​



It’s always a very merry Christmas for the entire family when everyone’s health is in tip top shape! That’s why it is important to be protected from dengue—from using insect repellent, having your child wear long-sleeved shirts, and controlling mosquito-breeding sites.​

Talk to your pediatrician to know more about vaccine-preventable diseases. ​

Source: #:~:text=Use%20insect%20repellent%2C%20wear%20long,the%20bites%20of%20infected%20mosquitoes.


Because your baby’s health and well-being means the world to you, make sure he or she gets yearly flu vaccination, especially during the flu season.​

Talk to your pediatrician to know more about vaccine-preventable diseases. ​

Source: #:~:text=Doctors%20recommend%20that%20your%20child,begins%20spreading%20in%20your%20community.


Travelling with an infant or toddler can seem daunting. But here are some tips you can do to help protect your child from contracting a disease like Dengue during your family’s holiday vacay.​

Speak to your pediatrician to know more about vaccine-preventable diseases and corresponding vaccines for your child. ​

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Your child is growing up so fast. That's why you must provide him or her more protection from vaccine-preventable diseases.​

​Speak to your pediatrician to know more about vaccine-preventable diseases and corresponding vaccines for your child. ​



Worried that your child may have Dengue? Seek professional care if your baby develops signs of dehydration.​

Speak to your pediatrician about Dengue and vaccine-preventable diseases.​



Vaccines, like any other medicine, may have side effects that varies from person to person. ​

​Speak to your pediatrician to know more about vaccine-preventable diseases and corresponding vaccines for your child. ​

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Christmas should be a joyful time for the family. That’s why it’s important to give your child protection from vaccine-preventable diseases like the flu and other respiratory diseases that usually spread during this time of year.​

​Speak to your pediatrician to know more about vaccine-preventable diseases and corresponding vaccines for your child. ​

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It’s flu season once again. While the influenza virus and other respiratory viruses spread all year-round, flu activity usually peaks during December. ​

​Speak to your pediatrician to know more about vaccine-preventable diseases and corresponding vaccines for your child. ​

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Most kids infected with Dengue make a full recovery after a few days of bed rest. Here are some of the things you can do to help speed up your kid’s recovery from this potentially serious illness.​

​Speak to your pediatrician about Dengue and other vaccine-preventable diseases to help protect your child.​

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Did you know that rotavirus can cause diarrhea, affecting mostly babies and young children? That’s why it’s important to protect your baby from diarrhea which may lead to severe dehydration. ​

​Speak to your pediatrician about rotavirus and other vaccine-preventable diseases.​

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No parent wants to see her child sick. These days, there are various infections that children must be protected from.​

​HPV Vaccine is a routine childhood vaccination usually recommended at the age of 9 years old help protect children against human papillomavirus —that causes ge***al warts and can lead to HPV-related diseases and cancers. ​

Call the shots. Learn more here:


Celebrating every child’s milestone is truly memorable. It’s a memory the parents would forever cherish. ​

​And one milestone that’s also worth noting is the day a child becomes vaccinated. At 4 months old, the Pediatric Infectious Disease Society of the Philippines provides a list of vaccine recommendations. ​

As parents, you in keeping your child healthy. ​

​Read more here:


A new mother can feel overwhelmed. Getting vaccinated can help ease the worry against getting sick. ​


Photos from Call The Shots PH's post 06/12/2022

Seeing our kids turn into teenagers somehow gives us parents a sense of fulfillment and excitement too, realizing how much closer they are to reaching their own dreams.​

As our teens begin immersing themselves more into the bigger world, let’s also ensure they are guarded from serious ailments like the Meningococcal Disease.​

Learn more about it by visiting the CDC website:​


According to the WHO, “Immunization is a key component of primary health care and an indisputable human right”.​

​As a parent, let’s proactively secure this right to immunization by providing our children with age-appropriate vaccines.​

​Always remember, a healthy kid is a happy kid! :-)​


Photos from Call The Shots PH's post 29/11/2022

At ages 13-18, teens are already starting to establish their personal norms and priorities.​

​Ensure you’re modeling the importance of health and safety by calling the shots of your youngsters on time.​

​Find the Table of Vaccine Schedule for your adolescent here: ​


“Side effects of vaccines can vary from every individual to individual but are usually in flu-like symptoms”, says Dr. Pia Debuque - Yap, a Board-certified Pediatrician.​

​These side effects may go away within 24 to 72 hours.​

​But if by chance you feel something is out of the ordinary, it’s best to contact the doctor that administered your vaccination right away.​

​Check out this Snippet from Pedia Live Season 2 Ep 1.​


Every teenager is busy figuring life.​

​Support them by keeping their vaccinations updated, including that against HPV. Visit:​
Tag Against HPV​


When people are rowing a boat in the same direction, they get to their destination faster. ​

​Vaccines are invented to help prevent certain diseases, and ultimately to cease its spread in communities and the world.​

​Today’s the day you can make a change for the world, learn how you can do it:​

Photos from Call The Shots PH's post 15/11/2022

Children unlock milestones at different rates, especially between the ages of 7 to 12 years. They meet new friends and get involved in many activities. ​

​Make sure to keep your children shielded from vaccine-preventable diseases like influenza, diphtheria and pertussis.​

​Check out the vaccines appropriate for your 7-12 year old here:​


According to the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University, “Health in the earliest years — beginning with the future mother’s well-being before she becomes pregnant — strengthens developing biological systems that enable children to thrive and grow up to be healthy adults.”​

​So, whether you’re still planning to have a baby or already have one with an intent to have more in the future, be sure to keep your body healthy and protected against illnesses through proper diet, exercise and vaccines for added defense.​

​Contact your doctor to know the best vaccines for you.​


Vaccines are not just for babies but for teenagers as well.​

Flu vaccines are recommended for teens because they help protect them from influenza and its potentially serious complications.💉🛡​

Now that they are back to face to face classes, it won't hurt to prioritize vaccination for them too. ​

More information about the recommended vaccines for teenagers can be found at​


Hello mommies! Even for your babies are born you can't deny that you have been wanting to know the . Check out the first set of vaccines they need to get from birth to 2 months.

Help your children fight vaccine-preventable diseases by calling the shots.​

Be on track with the necessary vaccines according to your child’s age here:


Vaccination is one of the ways to help boost children's immune systems, to combat serious diseases. Let's protect them against vaccine-preventable diseases.​
! 👨‍🦰👩‍🦰💉​

For more information visit: ​


Keeping children safe and healthy is the top priority. ​

​Don’t let your fear stop you from protecting your child. Do your research; take the first step and have your child vaccinated.​

​You can check out the full vaccine schedule for infants and children here ➡️​


aims to raise awareness about vaccine-preventable diseases and encourage protection including vaccination to protect children. Visit a pediatrician to learn more about vaccine-preventable diseases.


To raise strong and healthy children, it’s important to visit the pediatrician as early as now. to help your kid build immunity against vaccine-preventable illnesses.


Each vaccine has a recommended administration route and site. These 3 are the most common injectable routes here in the Philippines. ​

Learn more about the recommended vaccines and how they’re administered: ​​​


Children gets vaccinated early because they are susceptible to diseases at a young age. Young​ children also have the highest risks of complications that could lead to hospitalization or death.​


Usually, children can still schedule a doctor's visit even if they have a mild illness like a cold,​
earache, mild fever, or diarrhea. ​

It’s best to talk to your pediatrician about your child’s illness before going to your appointment.​ Source:


Mommy, don’t worry! Vaccines only introduce a small amount of antigens. These antigens may help your baby’s immune system to work efficiently.​


Timeline photos 17/06/2022

A father is commonly defined based on his critical obligations in a family: a Protector, a Provider and a Disciplinarian.

But he could also be an action star during playtime or a substitute lullaby singer when mom’s not around.

He puts everyone above himself especially his children, and ensures they are all protected against anything harmful in life.

This Father’s Day, let’s give Dad the security he always desires for his kids, healthwise.

Give your children a first line of defense against contagious diseases. Talk to a physician to get vaccine-related facts.

Timeline photos 16/06/2022

Maternal antibodies last only from a few weeks to a few months. These help babies'​ immune systems. Vaccination could further help your child fight off deadly diseases. ​

today ​


Welcome to the Call the Shots page!

Keeping its commitment to promote vaccine confidence and to continuously work with partners, MSD actively advocates for the prevention of diseases through vaccination to help ensure a healthy future for every child.

Children deserve to be protected from vaccine-preventable diseases and parents call the shots to ensure that they are.

Visit for more information on how you can support the cause.

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Videos (show all)

Vaccination tip
Saab on Pedia Live Episode 1
Saab's list
Pedia Live Season 2 Ep 1 - Vaccine Mythbusters
Mental Health Day
Teacher's Day
