Hustle Wellness Boutique

Hustle Wellness Boutique

Hustle Wellness is all about health and wellness when life is all about the Hustle. There are so many options to keep your body and mind from getting board.

Enjoy working out at home by downloading workouts from Hustle Wellness website.


It’s Small Business Saturday ❤️❤️
Hop on to my website for 20% off all workouts.
You download or use the YouTube link I provide.
Workouts you can do any where and use over and over!
Coupon code: small2021


Motivation Monday coming to you on Tuesday 🤣
Try Something New!!!
I get board really easy when it comes to working out. To keep me motivated I am always looking for new ideas and workouts. I recently joined the Peloton App craze. I like having something different. The first month is free. When you see yourself losing motivation reach for something different and something new. It maybe just what you need!

Looking for something different try one of my workouts for $1.99 checkout my website for tons of options.


Motivation Monday: HIIT Training is a great way to get the biggest bang for your buck especially if you’re short on time.
Try this Park Bench HIIT workout:
Warm Up prior to workout
30 minutes Repeat as many times as you can!
6 Bench Strength exercises (demo videos attached) 12 reps each exercise
#1 Bench Step up with Kickback
#2 Bench dips
push ups
#4 Bench step ups with a push up
#5 Front raises
#6 squat to over head press

Cardio: run for 3 minutes

For more workouts go to www.Hustle


Happy Labor Day!!! Hope you’re having an awesome day! How are you moving your body today? Get out there and move!!!

Location: Phillip Miller Park Castle Rock Colorado
200 stair incline🥵❤️


Motivation Monday: Mondays can be a challenge. This morning driving home from the gym I noticed the sunrise and thought wow that is beautiful 🤩. I was tired, not really interested in Monday, but it made me reflect on what I am grateful for this morning. It was pretty simple this morning… I am grateful that I am healthy and Alive to witnes this sunrise. What are you grateful for today? Take a moment to reflect and share below👇🏼


Motivation Monday: Make the World your gym! I was board with my track routine so this weekend I switched it up! I found this gradual hill and incorporated it into my routine. At the top I used the curb for plank jacks. Push-ups, and core work. You can workout any where just be creative and make your own gym!


Motivation Monday:
Work hard play hard!
I know you have heard this before, but it’s true. I see so many people beat themselves up when they over indulge or derail because they have fallen off their diet. Find a balance between putting in the hard work to achieve for fitness goals and living your life.
Tips for staying on track:
⭐️plan ahead: get in exercise before your party,event,vacation . Eat well leading up to your event
⭐️bring healthy snacks
⭐️plan meals after to get back on track


Motivation Monday: Inspire, be a role model, lead the way! It doesn’t matter how young or old you’re you can always inspire or motivate others. My little friend here loves going to yoga with me. She inspires me to keep going and I am a role model to her. We need each other that you is for sure❤️


Ballet workouts are all the RAGE right now. Looking for a ballet style workout that helps shape and tone muscle? Try Long and Lean! It’s a blend of yoga, pilates, and ballet❤️ link to my website to purchase workouts is in the comments. $1.99 for unlimited use.


Motivation Monday: No Self Sabotage! Last summer I read the book “Girl Stop Apologizing.” My greatest take away from that book was, we are the ones that stop us some achieving our goals. We come up with the excuses, reasons, and bring the negativity that are the road blocks to our own success.
So today, whatever your goal maybe focus on making that goal happen and not creating the excuses or negative talk that stops you from achieving this goal.


Last chance to get all workouts 20%❤️


Happy 4th of July❤️💙🇺🇸
All workouts are 20% off all weekend long!
Grab a workout and get it in before 🍔🍺🌭
Sale ends Monday July 5th


Motivation Monday: Take a day off! Working out is key to overal health and fitness, but recovery is too. I have not always live by this rule which has bit me in the butt. Over training leads to over use, injury, fatigue, and can be counterproductive to your goals. Dedicate 1-2 days a week where you just allow your body to rest and relax. How do you best relax? Comment 👇🏼


Motivation Monday: Make your body sweat today!!!
Benefits of sweating:
🥵Increase circulation
🥵releases toxins
🥵makes you feel accomplished
🥵refreshes the body

Get in 20-30 min of cardio today to gain the benefits of sweating!!


Motivation Monday: make a plan. I know it sounds easy, but if you make a specific plan for whatever you’re looking to achieve, you will be more successful!!! Write it down, or know the steps to make it happen. Happy Monday! What’s your plan this week??


Local friends come Train with me!
Starts June 10th
Adonea Park off of 6th Ave and E470

Photos from Hustle Wellness Boutique's post 01/06/2021

Motivation Monday: (coming to you on Tuesday)
Find Balance in your Overall Wellness and Fitness. Having 3 components to fitness help to not over train and help compliment each component.

3 components:

Each week find balance by training all 3.
Cardio:3x per week
Strength: 2-3x
Flexibility/Stretching: 1x per week


Motivation Monday: Get the family involved! Working out with the people you love and make you happy makes the work so much easier. They rode and I ran. We went to the park I use the playground for strength work while they played❤️❤️


Motivation Monday: you’re never too old to learn!! I recently purchase this book on audio(my life is so dang busy to read😅). I have been in a leadership role for about 6 months now and I am still learning how to do this role daily. I am still learning how to be a leader. I want to be better for my team and this is making me learn and continue to grow. So don’t stop learning. Get out there and see what you can learn that is new. PS this has been a great read too🤓


Motivation Monday: What do you want? What do you want in life? Go for it! It starts today, right now. Set up you plan of attack and do it. It won’t be easy, and there will be bumps for sure, but you got this❤️


Motivation Monday: Step out of your comfort zone. Easier said than done as we get older, but push yourself to try and experience new things. Maybe it’s new foods, no places, new workouts, etc.. you get it. Trying new things can ignite our brains differently and create joy and excitement we didn’t think was possible. Get out there this week and find something new!


Motivation Monday: Don’t let Indulging Derail you. Did you eat too much yesterday? Too much sugar? It’s okay, don’t beat yourself up or continue to derail. Start fresh today. Eat healthy today and drink lots of water. You got this!!!


Motivation Monday: Drink that Water! Drinking 64oz or more a day has several benefits. Glowing skin, less bloating, fuller between meals, and general hydration. To be honest, I have been slacking on my water intake. I getting after this week. 64 + ounces is my goal. Who is with me??? Comment with your favorite emoji.


Motivation Monday: Change Up Your Routine!!!!
When Covid struck us about a year ago, I had to rethink my workout routine. I started offering virtual classes and want to offer something that was lower impact that would tone, shape, and sculpt muscles. This was the creation of Long and Lean. Over the last year, I have continued to incorporate Long and Lean into my workout routine 1-2 days a week. I believe this has help my flexibility and over all range of motion. I have also seen a change in core and abdominal muscles. So my advice today is, if you are tired of your routine or have stopped seeing results CHANGE UP YOUR ROUTINE. Try something new, something that works your body differently.


Motivation Monday!!!!
I hate Mondays... seriously I really do.... the weekends over, I’m tired and have so much ahead of me...
but what I do like is, it’s a FRESH START. It’s a chance to to reset and line up your goals for the week. I make my to do list, and plan my workouts for the week. I set up my nutrition goals too. So don’t let Monday get you down. Reset yourself and get ready to take on the week!!! What is one goal you have for this week?


Motivation Monday: Set small goals to hold yourself accountable. Write it down and make sure you see it every day. When setting your goal make sure it is attainable and reasonable. Don’t set yourself up to fail. Setting smaller goals that lead to a huge accomplishment will help keep you motivated to crush that big goal.
In Nov. 2020 I signed up for my NASM certified Personal Trainer certification. This was a big goal that was way over due for me. I wanted to accomplish this goal by Feb. 2021. I created a calendar that helped me set goals for what I needed to accomplish each week in order to take my exam by Feb. This help me accountable, it was attainable, and helped me crush the big goal.

Set some small goals today!! Tell us what you want accomplish.


Motivation Monday: Get out there and move today!!! We know exercise has long term effects, but they’re also immediate effects of exercise.
1. Increase level of energy🤩
2. Increase stroke volume
3. Muscle are warmer and less likely to pull💪🏼
4. Increase your oxygen levels
Tell me how you plan to move your body today👇🏼


Brand New Workout today!!!
Strength Intervals #7
Get your unlimited downloads for $1.99


Happy Monday!!! Brand New workout alert:
Long and Lean #6 launching today!!!
Long and lean will help build flexibility and build lean muscle so you can hold your little humans😅
It’s only $.99 Why you ask??? Well because these little humans made themselves apart of my video.
Grab it off my website, link in the comments.


Workout with me for less than $6 a week and less than $12 a month. It’s that cheap!! Questions how? Comment below or send a message to Hustle Wellness.
Also, check out B***y Camp #7
Brand New this week
Link in the comments

Videos (show all)

Ballet workouts are all the RAGE right now. Looking for a ballet style workout that helps shape and tone muscle? Try Lon...
Motivation Monday: Change Up Your Routine!!!!When Covid struck us about a year ago, I had to rethink my workout routine....
Happy New Years Eve!!! We all get a “fresh start” tomorrow. Make 2021 about you and your health goals!!! Check out a sne...
This Week’s new workout;”: Booty Camp #5. Checkout a few of the exercises in workout #5 that will help tone and shape yo...