Erasmus+ Future in the past

Erasmus+  Future in the past

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Erasmus+ Future in the past, Education Website, .


One of our project tasks is to create a war song in all our languages and in English. The result is just awesome, don't you think? 😍😍🥰
🕊🕊🕊our biggest wish is to live in freedom 🕊🕊🕊 we will live freely in our homes🕊🕊🕊🇱🇹🇵🇱🇸🇰🇸🇯


Welcome to Norway 🇧🇻 6th - 10th of June. The 4th and last mobility in this fantastic project 🤩🥰

Photos from Erasmus+  Future in the past's post 06/04/2022

Another day of our great virtual mobility is over, it was sooo nice. We had a lot of fun 🤗🤗🤗 we played Kahoot, expressed our opinions about why we joined Erasmusplus, presented our traditional war songs. All the participants were so hardworking and thus created great material 😍😍😍😍 we learnt so much today, not only about the songs, but also about each other's country 🤗🤗🤗 can't wait to see you all tomorrow!!!! See you! 🇱🇹🇸🇯🇸🇰🇵🇱

Photos from Erasmus+  Future in the past's post 05/04/2022

The war is a theme of our project, and it is also something that stopped us from our mobility in Lithuania. But we are creative people, eager to work and to do our best, so we decided to meet online and have virtual mobility this time. Our host country Lithuania did a really great job. 😊😊😊😊😊 Perfectly prepared virtual mobility started with a warm welcome of Laima and Giedre - our dear Lithuanian partners and their Headmastress Inga Žemaitiené, who had a really inspirational speech. Then we continued according to the plan - each partner introduced the students, country and school. Then we had a nice virtual walk in Šiauliai, Lithuania, monuments and the most beautiful places there. As our project is connected to war and war songs, our Lithuanian partner prepared a great musical performance 🥰🥰🥰🥰 we really enjoyed the day and we are looking forward to tomorrow ☺️☺️☺️☺️

Anti - war/ Peace posters Erasmus+ 28/02/2022

When we started this project, we didn't realize how realistic its theme will become. Today we fight for peace and love in the world! Our students want to leave their lives peacefully and in harmony. Here are their works, their posters saying it loud - stop the war! Peace to the world! 🌍 ❤✌

Anti - war/ Peace posters Erasmus+ Vytvorené s kúzlom

Photos from Šiaulių universitetinė gimnazija - ŠUG's post 05/02/2022

👏👏👏 🇱🇹🇸🇰🇸🇯🇵🇱 ❤

Photos from Erasmus+  Future in the past's post 02/02/2022

Like før jul hadde vi et online julemøte hvor vi fortalte om ønskene våre for julen, utvekslet tradisjonell julebakst-oppskrifter og fortalte om hva vi spiser i julen

Photos from Erasmus+  Future in the past's post 16/12/2021

From October 25 to October 29, 2021, all the members of the project Erasmusplus - Future in the past took part in mobility C2 in Krosno (PL) . The theme of the project is the Second World War, so the aim of the trip was to collect three original stories from the period of the Second World War, which we presented in Poland together with a war song.
On the first day, we received a warm welcome at school, meeting partners, country presentations and virtual works. We were looking forward to meeting with the mayor of Krosno as well. There was also a walk around this beautiful city, where we got to know its history and visited interesting places.
The next day we went for a trip to Bobrka, where we visited the Museum of Oil and Gas Industry Ignaca Łukasiewicz, which is located on the site of the oldest still operating oil mine in the world. We also did not forget the ruins of the castle in Ordzykon. The afternoon was something special for us because we spent it artistically. A concert was waiting for us, where we sang sad but also happy war songs. We felt so strong emotions. Certainly each of us shed tears at the time, but the sadness was suddenly replaced by the joy of the song White Roses, which we sang together at the end. Finally, we also played various games to get to know each other.
And finally, the expected third day arrived! The Poles first performed war poems and songs. This was followed by an interview with a war veteran, who told us his story and his advice engraved in the hearts of each one of us. And then there were theatrical performances! Every country has done a great job. We also really enjoyed it on stage and enjoyed a huge success. And what was the end point? Disco! And there's nothing better to add!
The fourth day was, as usual, also very interesting. We admired the beauty of the city of Krakow to the fullest! We were the first to visit the Jewish quarter of Kazimierz. After visiting the synagogue and the Jewish cemetery, we visited the Oscar Schindler Museum. Oscar Schindler's factory is the original factory known from the film Schindler's List (1993), which shows how Schindler saved thousands of Jews during the Holocaust by working in this factory. Today it presents the history of Krakow during the German occupation. This trip went beyond our expectations!
On Friday, we successfully completed the mobility in Poland, met our aprtners again and got certificates. On our way home we quickly stopped at the market in Krosno and finally said goodbye to our partners. We went home with great experiences, new friendships and excitement. We are grateful for this wonderful trip, for the fond memories that will warm our hearts forever, and we believe that our journeys do not end there.

Photos from Erasmus+  Future in the past's post 10/11/2021

5 innholdsrike dager i Krosno, Polen med Erasmus+ Future in the Past


Slovak group arrival for mobility C2 in Krosno! Looking forward to the time here!!!

Photos from Erasmus+  Future in the past's post 29/08/2021

Today in Slovakia we have a holiday called SNP - The Slovak National Uprising ( Slovenské Národné Povstanie). It was an armed insurrection organized by the Slovak resistance movement during World War II. This resistance movement was represented mainly by the members of the Democratic Party, but also by social democrats and Communists, albeit on a smaller scale. It was launched on 29 August 1944 from Banská Bystrica in an attempt to resist German troops that had occupied Slovak territory and to overthrow the collaborationist government of Jozef Tiso. Although the resistance was largely defeated by German forces, guerrilla operations continued until the Red Army, Czechoslovak Army and Romanian Army liberated Fascist Slovakia in 1945.
🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️👣When you are in Slovakia and you enjoy hiking and the history - there is a hiking trail called SNP trail, which starts near our town Svidník - at Dukla memorial and continues to Devín (castle close to Bratislava). It usually takes 26 - 28 days to pass it :) but it is worth it!!!


We are Slovak expedition on our way to Norway to the city Ågotnes. Until this day we have passed 322 kilometers. We have visited two Polish cities Katowice and Częstochowa. In Częstochowa we have seen the Pauline monastery Jasna Góra where the famous icon of the Virgin Mary of Częstochowa well know as Black Madonna is situated.


Here we go!!! Pack up and lets go!!! 🇵🇱🇸🇰🇱🇹🇧🇻
Virtual walk to our partners' cities is here! :)We will use apps to record our kilometres and after each day we will write them down. Then we will see, how far we can get in one day. And of course, how long it will take us to get to the final distance 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️❤ Soooooo 🏁 ready steady go 🏁

Photos from Erasmus+  Future in the past's post 27/01/2021

Today is the International day of Commemoration in Memory of Victims of the Holocaust.
We all met today because we haven't forgotten. Our students have made these beautiful posters just to remember that we are all human beings and skin color does not make us less valuable.
We stay in touch and we always find a way to make fun even if we are not all together. One of our students prepared a memory game for us, full of the most beautiful places in our countries. It was amazing. Then we all wrote our wishes for the 2021 and of course, we hope they'll come true.

Click here to find all the posters:

Photos from Erasmus+  Future in the past's post 19/12/2020

Yesterday we had a really nice holiday meeting 🥰 Norwegian, Lithuanian, Polish and Slovak students prepared presentations and quiz about Christmas. It was so interesting :) Great job everybody!! 👏👏👏And then we all sang Silent night, first in each language and at the end in English 🎵🎶🎼🎤🎧. This meeting had Christmas atmosphere 🎄🎁🌠full of joy and happiness. ❤ We are looking forward to our next meeting 🥰

Photos from Erasmus+  Future in the past's post 19/11/2020

Welcome back! :) In this difficult time of Covid situation we were muted for a while, preparing virtual meetings and cooperation. And here we are! :) Yesterday we "met" each other virtually, could talk, chat and have fun together. We also agreed on some tasks we will work on, so stay interested and check us!!! :)


„Prajem si, aby som vrátila čas späť...
Zažili sme mnoho nezabudnuteľných zážitkov, ktoré si prajem zažiť ešte raz 🥰 Všetci mi veľmi chýbate a dúfam, že sa znovu stretneme niekedy v budúcnosti. 😥🥰❤️"

We are very pleased that our friends from foreign countries still remember us and that they made a lot of beautiful memories. We are glad that our work in project makes sense and we hope that we will have positive feedback in the future. ❤️
Veľmi nás teší, že naši priatelia zo zahraničia na nás stále spomínajú a odniesli si mnoho nádherných zážitkov. Sme radi, že naša práca v projekte má zmysel a veríme, že budeme mať pozitívne ohlasy aj v budúcnosti. ❤️


Wishing you an Easter that touches your hearts and lives in your thoughts as a sweet reminder of just how special you are. I hope this Easter holiday fills your home with peace, joy and plenty of colorful Easter eggs (and chocolate bunnies of course). Happy Easter to you! 🐣🐇💛

Your friends from Slovakia. ❤️

Photos from Erasmus+  Future in the past's post 10/02/2020

V posledný deň sme našim kamarátom ukázali krásy Slovenska. Videli tiež veľa miest, ktoré boli kruto narušené 2. svetovou vojnou. Všade tam bolo cítiť, že sa na vojnu nezabudlo a že si všetci obyvatelia Slovenska ctia pamiatku vojakov, ktorí za nás položili svoje životy.
Posledný deň tohto týždňa sme si užili a zakončili sme ho rozlúčkou. Povedali sme si zopár pekných slov, popriali priateľom šťastnú cestu a rozlúčili sme sa. Počas tohto týždňa sme prežili veľa nezabudnuteľných chvíľ, na ktoré budeme ešte dlho s úsmevom spomínať. ❤️
In the last day we showed our friends the beauty of Slovakia. They saw many places which were cruel disconstructed by the World War 2. Everywhere they could feel that war isn't forgotten and that people honour fallen soldiers which gave their lives for us.
The last day we enjoyed a lot and we ended a day with a farewell. We told each other few beautiful words and we wished our friends save journey. During this week we spent beautiful time with absolutely amazing people. We will remember these moments with smiles on our faces for long time. ❤️

Photos from Erasmus+  Future in the past's post 10/02/2020

Vo štvrtok ráno sme navštívili skanzen. Po krátkej obhliadke nás čakal workshop, kde sme si vyskúšali pletenie z prútia, tak ako naši predkovia, keď sa chceli uživiť. Program spestrili Helingonkári. Jeden z Helingonkárov, pán Ivan Čižmár, nám porozprával príbehy z vojny, pretože keď tu bola vojna, mal iba 10 rokov. Povedal nám napríklad, že musel žiť v lese a keď sa chceli s ostatnými chlapcami zabaviť, namiesto lopty si hádzali míny. Všetci sme mali možnosť odfotiť sa v tradičných slovenských krojoch. Otvorenie trhov spestrili vystúpenie študentov z každej krajiny, ktorí ľuďom zaspievali svoju národnú pesničku. Neskôr nás čakal eTwinning, ktorý nám prišla predstaviť Katarína Hvizdová. Počas toho sme robili rôzne aktivity, pri ktorých sme sa skvelo zabavili. Slovenský večer sa začal ochutnávkou tradičných jedál. Ako prekvapenie prišiel folklórny súbor Makovica, ktorý našich partnerov učil tancovať naše tradičné tance. Veľkí im to išlo a každý odviedol skvelú prácu. Nasledovala diskotéka, na ktorej sa vybláznili aj naši učitelia. Všetci sme si tento večer veľmi užili. 🤩
On Thursday morning we visited the Open Air Museum. Web had a workshop of Slovak - Ruthenian culture where we tried wicker knitting. Moreover Ruthenian band called Helingonkári came to sing their songs for even better experience. One od the members od the band, Mr. Ivan Čižmár, told us war stories because when there was war, he was only 10 years old. He told us for example that he had to to live in the wood and when they wanted to play with boys instead of ball they were throwing mines to each other... It was so sad to hear that. We, young oeople, can't even imagine how difficult time it was. We could take a photo in traditional Slovak costumes. After that our partners from Lithuania, Poland and Norway prepared really nice national songs in their language, which were really interesting and they performed at the street opening. After that we had an eTwinning with Katarína Hvizdová. During the eTwinning we had some activities and had a lot of fun. The Slovak evening started with tasting traditional food. As an evening surprise FS Makovica came and taught our partners how to dance Slovak traditional dances. We think they did it really well and everybody did a good job. Then we continued with a disco where we had a lot of fun. Our crazy beloved teachers danced with us, od course. We all anjoyed it a lot.🤩

Photos from Erasmus+  Future in the past's post 10/02/2020

Dnešný deň sme začali návštevou vojenského múzea spolu so žiakmi ZŠ na Ulici 8.mája. Čakala nás tam sprievodkyňa, ktorá si pre nás pripravila výklad v anglickom jazyku. Súčasťou prehliadky bol aj krátky vojnový film, ktorý nám priblížil situáciu v našom regióne počas Karpatsko- duklianskej operácie. Po prehliadke múzea sme sa všetci autobusom premiestnili na vojenský cintorín na Dukle, kde sme zapálili sviečky padlým vojakom. Zastavili sme sa aj pri bunkroch vo Vyšnom Komárniku, navštívili drevený kostol v Nižnom Komárniku a urobili si pár fotiek v Údolí smrti. Po obede sme navštívili historické centrum Bardejova, ktorým nás previedli študentky Bilingválneho gymnázia v Bardejove. 😎
In the morning we visited the Military museum with pupils from ZŠ Ul.8 mája. Our guide had explanation in English for us. During the visit we watched a short film about situation in our region through Carpathian Dukla operation. Then we moved to the Military cemetery in Dukla Pass, where we lighted up few candles as honor to fallen soldiers. We went to the shelters in Vyšný Komárnik, visited the wooden church in Nižný Komárnik and took some photos in Valley of Death. After lunch we visited the historical centre od Bardejov. 😎

Photos from Marcela Ivančová's post 11/01/2020

Yesterday, 10th January 2020 an exhibition of the stories from the Second World War took place in Svidník. All primary schools and our secondary grammar school participated in that. They were collecting real stories from real people who survived, and presented them. So did we. But moreover, we presented our project Future in the past, where our students prepared the presentation about the main project's idea and about our succesful first mobility in Svidník :)

Erasmus+ project card 07/01/2020

Information about our project available on :) check it out! :)

Erasmus+ project card Erasmus+ - EU programme for education, training, youth and sport


Christmas is the time to touch every heart with love and care. Christmas is the time to receive and send blessings. It is the time to breathe the magic in the air. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas. 🎄🎁

Your friends from Slovakia ❤️

Photos from Podduklianske novinky's post 18/11/2019

... a ďalší článok :).. and another article ;)

Photos from Podduklianske novinky's post 11/11/2019

Napísali o nás v Podduklianskych novinkách :)

They wrote about us in a local Newspapers called Podduklianske Novinky :)

Photos from Erasmus+  Future in the past's post 10/11/2019

Projekt Erasmus+ Future in the past, plánovaný na rok 2019-2021, sme úspešne odštartovali minulý týždeň. Prvý výmenný pobyt už máme za sebou. Hostiteľským partnerom bolo GDH vo Svidníku, ktorého žiaci reprezentovali nielen svoju školu, ale aj svoje mesto a celé Slovensko. Všetko dopadlo výborne, o čom svedčia samé pozitívne ohlasy našich partnerov. Všetci zahraniční účastníci, žiaci ale aj ich profesori, boli veľmi príjemní a priateľskí. Týmto by sme sa chceli poďakovať všetkým, ktorí akokoľvek priložili ruku k dielu. Najväčšia vďaka patrí našej pani profesorke Loziňakovej-Saganovej a pani profesorke Mačugovej, bez ktorých by sme tento projekt nezrealizovali. Poďakovanie patrí aj našim študentom, ktorí zodpovedne pristupovali ku každej jednej aktivite a ochotne pomohli, aby sa tu naši zahraničí študenti cítili čo najlepšie. Občas to bolo náročné. Nabitý program, stres, neskoré príchody domov... Napriek všetkému sme to zvládli a tento týždeň sme si užili.
Už teraz sa veľmi tešíme na ďalšiu spoluprácu. ❤️
The project Erasmus+ Future in the past, which is planned to last from 2019 to 2021 we started last week. We have already spent our first exchange accomodation. The first host partner was GDH in Svidník. Its students represented not only their school, but also their town and whole Slovakia. Everything turned out great, which is evidenced by all positive responses of our partners. All of the foreign partners, not just students but also their teachers were very nice and friendly. In this way we would like to thank our teachers Mrs. Loziňaková-Saganová and Mrs. Mačugová. We couldn't make it without them. Thanks also to our students, which responsibly took all of their job and helped so that our partners could feel comfortable. Sometimes it was very difficult. Busy schedule, stress, late homecomings... Despite everything we made it and enjoyed this week a lot.
We are looking forward to our next partnership. ❤️

Photos from Erasmus+  Future in the past's post 09/11/2019

Thank you for a wonderful time. It was great to meet you all😘

Photos from Erasmus+  Future in the past's post 08/11/2019

Two of the Norwegian girls on their way to the top of the ski jump


Dukla Pass - lighting candles to remember the fallen soldiers

Photos from Erasmus+  Future in the past's post 06/11/2019

V utorok sme sa zúčastnili kurzu fotografovania pod vedením profesionálneho fotografa Roba Kočana. Na začiatku nám ukázal svoju tvorbu, neskôr sme prešli na teoretickú aj praktickú časť. Na konci nám ukázal, ako sa dá z obyčajnej fotky pomocou počítača vytvoriť niečo špeciálne. 😊
On Tuesday we had a course with a professional photographer Robo Kočan. Firstly he showed us his work and then we had theoretical and practical part. In the end he showed us how to use computer to turn basic photo into something special. 😊

Photos from Erasmus+  Future in the past's post 06/11/2019

Pondelok poobede sa niesol v pracovnom duchu. Skupinka študentov sa naučilo ako vytvoriť webovú stránku a ako s ňou pracovať. Ostatní sa venovali tvorbe loga projektu. Vytvorili niekoľko návrhov, z ktorých sa vybral ten najlepší. Víťazné logo vytvorila skupina z Litvy.
On Monday afternoon we worked really hard. A few students learnt how to create a web site and how to work with it. The others created logo of the project. They made few designs and the best was chosen. The winning one was made by a group from Lithuania.

Videos (show all)

One of our project tasks is to create a war song in all our languages and in English. The result is just awesome, don't ...
Here we go!!! Pack up and lets go!!! 🇵🇱🇸🇰🇱🇹🇧🇻Virtual walk to our partners' cities is here! :)We will use apps to record ...
