The Determined Dyslexic

The Determined Dyslexic

I am a dyslexic blogger and want to share the resources and knowledge I have learned throw Trial and error. With others facing Challenges.

Timeline photos 14/04/2021

The space pen

Timeline photos 08/04/2021

They say that your desk look like you'r mind. What does that say about me?

Timeline photos 06/04/2021

Can you tell what Favourite Colour yes? This phone case is amazing and don't worry it comes in different more then just orange!

Timeline photos 05/04/2021

If there was away to see inside my ADHD brain. I think it would look something like this.

Timeline photos 02/04/2021

Comment blow

Timeline photos 01/04/2021

Timeline photos 31/03/2021

Its the last day of march can you Believe it!!! I Don't know about you but the last 12 weeks have bin a Roller coaster for me. With school life work its bin up and down. If you have had a killer three months keep going Don't look back.
If it is bin a bit rocky for you then Just breathe. lets look ahead to the next three months.
Its a new quarter lets Shake it off and lets do this.

If you are wondering what I am doing in this pitcher I am planing my next quarter in my full Focus planner. Its the only way I feel that i get the most out of my time.
I did a full Review on it so check it out link is in my bio
Lets have a killer 12 weeks.
My Tool - Full focus Planner

Timeline photos 30/03/2021

It Turned out better then I thought it would!
Check it out in my store-
Link is in my bio

Timeline photos 29/03/2021

I Wrote a blog post at midnight After a really hard week! The next morning my editor (sister) called and asked "Nathan are you you need anything?" Haha Whoops!
If you read this know that I am ok and this post is Supposed to make you laugh.
I hope that we can all Release to this and Laugh together.
Link is in my bio When you are down and out.

kill one at a time (Something I've learned from video games) | Blog ADHD and dyslexia 20/03/2021

kill one at a time (Something I've learned from video games)

kill one at a time (Something I've learned from video games) | Blog ADHD and dyslexia Ok parents, I am about to talk about video games and how they relate to school. If you don’t believe me keep reading. If anyone is worried that this will

Timeline photos 17/03/2021

My Sister helps me edit my blog, but then she moved to Ontario what do I do know. I have to thank her because I can't do this without her.
Trying to do this without my editor has reminded me to make sure that you thank the people that are on your team. Thank you to My Sister Mackenzie

Timeline photos 09/03/2021

One of the biggest strengths in my life is my wife! She is kind caring and better looking than me. love you sweetheart.

A letter from my wife - What is it like to live with me. link is in my Bio

Timeline photos 26/02/2021

Does being diagnosed scare you? It scared me, really it Did but it also gave me an understanding of who I am.
My thoughts on my website! The Power That is a Diagnosis,


Timeline photos 25/02/2021

Yep Definitely read my diagnosis wrong.

Tools I use and why - The Smart Pen - Blog ADHD and dyslexia 24/02/2021

I know what your thinking... this guy really likes his pens! my response to that would be heck yes I do but this time its a bit more high tech than the space pen Tools I use and why - The Smart Pen

Tools I use and why - The Smart Pen - Blog ADHD and dyslexia Hey everyone, I know what you are thinking- this guy really likes his pens. Yes, but don’t get this confused with the space pen. To be honest This tool is one that I did not know even Existed until I went to college and the person helping me with my accommodations, introduced me to this … Tools ...

Timeline photos 23/02/2021

It is not bad to know your weaknesses. On the contrary, knowing your weaknesses and why gives you the ability to have power over them.
when I was in grade 9 being retested to see if anything had changed with my diagnosis. I was told to do some math problems. I could go as fast or as slow as I wanted. they wore easy. so I did them and got 4 wrong.
But I knew them all!
the person in the test pointed out that on 3 of them. I had done all the math right and the calculations correctly but left out some numbers when I brought them down to do the final calculation.
on the last one, I had put six but thought it was a one because of my Handwriting.

From that day on I have always used a calculated even for 2+4.
someone called me stupid once for doing this. I disagree

It would be stupid to lose a mark over a human Error.

You Succeed or Fail on How You Handle Adversity - Blog ADHD and dyslexia 22/02/2021

I have always wondered what makes people great you ever wondered that. what sets them apart? I think I have some of the answers and it may surprise you. See what I really think on it in my latest blog post You Succeed or Fail on How You Handle Adversity

You Succeed or Fail on How You Handle Adversity - Blog ADHD and dyslexia Hey everyone, I have always wondered what makes a people successful. Have you ever wondered that? what sets them apart from those that can’t seem to find success? I think I have part of the answer and it may surprise you. It has become really apparent to me over the years that a person decided …...

Timeline photos 21/02/2021

Get 20% Off your first perchers with coupon Code OPENING20

The Fish Still Has to Climb the Tree - Blog ADHD and dyslexia 19/02/2021

A fish has to climb a tree sometimes! I promise the day will come where a Snake will need to walk and a cat will have to swim. The Fish Still Has to Climb the Tree


The Fish Still Has to Climb the Tree - Blog ADHD and dyslexia Hey everyone, I just want to throw out there that this blog post is my own point of view and my own opinion. If you don’t agree that is totally ok, I don’t mind. I just what people to think differently about disabilities. Also this post has a lot of similarities to ======so check it … The Fish...

Timeline photos 18/02/2021

It amazes me how small things can affect our lives. Case and Point my car lost power while I was driving and went into limp mode (something the car does) after 3 days of work and ripping the Exhaust and turbo out, getting it all apart to Figure out what was wrong with it. Found out it was a Rock stuck in the Actuator!
A rock the size of the tip of a ballpoint pen Broke my car.
Don't ever tell yourself the small things don't matter, it might just cost you!

My Tool - Full focus Planner - Blog ADHD and dyslexia 17/02/2021

Tool upgrade your planner! yep the next tool is the full focus planner

My Tool - Full focus Planner

My Tool - Full focus Planner - Blog ADHD and dyslexia Full focuses planner Student, Adult ok lets talk about the full focus planner This tool is a big one to me. I use it every day and it helps me achieve more in a day than any other tool I have used. The biggest joke I saw in 2020 was “what was the biggest … My To...

Timeline photos 17/02/2021


Timeline photos 16/02/2021

I don't know about you but have you ever gone to put a reminder in your phone and 2 hours later gotten off your phone and not written down the reminder? I don't know about you but that can happen to me on a daily basis.
so I write things down! that may seem backward since I can't spell and paper does not have auto correct of any kind. Despite this, it stops me from binging on social media.
even better I use this to my advantage and use a paper !
Full review coming tomorrow!!

A letter from my wife - What is it like to live with me. - Blog ADHD and dyslexia 15/02/2021

Hey everyone, ever wonder what it's like to live with people with a disability? well, my wife wrought you all a letter about what it is like to live and work with me!- check it out in this Monday's post.


A letter from my wife - What is it like to live with me.

A letter from my wife - What is it like to live with me. - Blog ADHD and dyslexia Hey everyone, today I am not going to write a blog post!!! Instead, I asked my wife to write a letter about what it is like to live with me, someone that has dyslexia and ADHD. I am as interested as you are to see what she sees. I thought it would be fun to … A letter from my wife – What is it l...

Timeline photos 11/02/2021

Don't please don't let people convince you there is something wrong with you.

Tool is use and why noise cancelling headphones. - Blog ADHD and dyslexia 10/02/2021

Tool two is probably my Favourite! check it out now!

Tool is use and why noise cancelling headphones.

Tool is use and why noise cancelling headphones. - Blog ADHD and dyslexia Hey guys, My next tool is probably a lot cooler and more common than the space pen. It’s from this century and takes advantage of the latest technology It is my Bose noise canceling headphones. This post I talk about the brand Bose, that I use but on my tools page, I will have different … Tool i...

Timeline photos 10/02/2021

Something you get really good at doing as a Dyslexic.
Is thinking outside the box when you look for things...

Tips and Strategies for Studying at home (Part 2) - Blog ADHD and dyslexia 08/02/2021

if you liked part one from Friday it continues today. hope that you get something from what I have learned. check out part 2 here.

Tips and Strategies for Studying at home (Part 2)

Tips and Strategies for Studying at home (Part 2) - Blog ADHD and dyslexia Part two of things that I have done to adjust to working studying and living at home (two bedroom basement apartment) If you have not read part one yet check it out here – Hey guys, This is The continuation of...

Tips and Strategies for studying at Home (Part one) - Blog ADHD and dyslexia 05/02/2021

Are things heating Up in school or in life?
Don't worry you got this.

If you want to know some tips and tricks on how I keep from burning check out today's blog post.
Maybe some of what I have learned will help you!

Tips and Strategies for studying at Home (Part one) - Blog ADHD and dyslexia Hey guys, is school heating up? I know for me school use to burn me out so quickly and that was in a normal school year! Right now, my college courses are virtual at home learning.  I know that many of you are doing the same, as well as trying to work from home. Stopping … Tips and Strategies for...