

We strenghthen and amplify the global efforts to prevent, detect, stop and address (perpetrators of)

Timeline photos 01/04/2020

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Universal Jurisdiction Annual Review 2020: atrocities must be prosecuted soundly and rigorously - TRIAL International 30/03/2020

Thé annual review on has been published by TRIAL International, European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights e.V. (ECCHR), FIDH - International Federation for Human Rights and REDRESS. Highlights: unprecedented willingness to prosecute, exponential growth of cases, interplay with the fight against terrorism and the role of victims in proceedings.

Universal Jurisdiction Annual Review 2020: atrocities must be prosecuted soundly and rigorously - TRIAL International The latest Universal Jurisdiction Annual Review (UJAR) salutes the rise of universal jurisdiction cases worldwide. It also highlights an alarming legal trend: the prosecution of mass atrocities as terrorism, and not international crimes. In 2019, the use of universal jurisdiction has grown exponenti...


With help of the Nuhanovic Foundation: Centre for War Reparations, the Yazidi Legal Network officially launched its website. It enables research, raises awareness of and secures accountability for international crimes committed against the Yazidi in Syria and Iraq. Glad to be involved!

Benjamin B. Ferencz | Official Website 11/03/2020

Today Ben Ferencz, the last living Nuremberg prosecutor turns 100! A life truly dedicated to prevent mass atrocities, further truth, justice and accountability. A great inspirator. Congratulations !!! Good to see that a new website has been launced as a lasting gift to Ben and mankind.

Benjamin B. Ferencz | Official Website Ben Ferencz is a former prosecutor at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials.


Last Friday, Gather4Humanity joined the kick-off meeting of the The Hague Humanity HubCommunity of Practice on Sustainable Development Goal 16: peace, justice and strong institutions.

Together with partners, the CoP aims to further informatiom exchange, to find opportunities, and ultimately sustain or grow the impact: more justice.


Gather4Humanity has its first monthly newsletter out:
Core International Crimes-update!

Proud to be able to connect, inform, empower and inspire those committed to prevent, identify, stop and address war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.

If you did not subscribe yet, you can now register for the February newsletter!

Nationale overheden slepen oorlogsmisdadigers voor de rechter 23/01/2020

Great article -in Dutch- on the revival and results of through national investigations. It's often forgotten that the ICC is merely a complementary institution, a last resort in case national jurisdictions are unable or unwillig to prosecute.

Nationale overheden slepen oorlogsmisdadigers voor de rechter Als het gaat om de vervolging van oorlogsmisdadigers zijn de ogen vooral gericht op instituten als het Internationaal Strafhof in Den Haag. Maar de laatste jaren boeken juist nationale autoriteiten succes op dit terrein. Ook Nederland.

UN's top court orders Myanmar to protect Rohingya from genocide 23/01/2020

Breaking news! The International Court of Justice in The Hague has ordered that Myanmar must take all measures to ensure its military and any proxies do not commit acts of genocide vis-à-vis the Rohingya.

It also ordered that Myanmar must preserve evidence of alleged crimes against the Rohingya and report to the court on all measures taken within four months, and every 6 months thereafter. The ICJ gave weight to concerns of the General Assembly and the results of the factfinding mission and stipulated it failed to see concrete meassures taken by Myanmar.

UN's top court orders Myanmar to protect Rohingya from genocide Momentous pronouncement at Hague rejects Aung San Suu Kyi’s defence of her country’s military

Operation Condor: The responsibility of the middle rank 22/01/2020

Such an empowering and inspiring story! How victims sought justice for a transnational repression scheme in South America during the 70's, how justice is finally done through universal jurisdiction and how the role and criminal responsibilitiy of middle-ranked officials was weighed.

Operation Condor: The responsibility of the middle rank On December 27, Italian judges released the legal grounds behind a judgment in the Operation Condor trial that made history last July. A court of appe...


The International Court of Justice (ICJ) will deliver, on Thursday 23 January 2020, its order in the case concerning the Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (The Gambia v. Myanmar).

ThE public sitting will take place at 10 a.m. at the Peace Palace in The Hague.

OM: Syrische asielzoeker vernederde lijken van tegenstanders en zong erbij 15/01/2020

A Syrian immigrant is being prosecuted for war crimes in The Netherlands. He is held responsible for humiliating dead bodies of adverseries. Today an initial court session was held. The immigrant will remain in custody.

OM: Syrische asielzoeker vernederde lijken van tegenstanders en zong erbij De Syriër Ahmad Al Y. is volgens het Openbaar Ministerie (OM) geen asielzoeker die bescherming verdient, maar een oorlogsmisdadiger die tijdens de ...

UN Charter and IHL complement each other to reduce suffering and preserve dignity 13/01/2020

Gather4Humanity aims to reduce human suffering and refugee flows by upholding international humanitarian standards.

Read the statement of the International Committee of the Red Cross on the interplay of International Humanitarian Law/the UN Charter (purposes and principles of the United Nations) and their common aim to reduce human suffering. Both aim to provide protection by promoting compliance with international humanitarian standards.

UN Charter and IHL complement each other to reduce suffering and preserve dignity As delivered by Mr. Robert Mardini, Permanent Observer to the United Nations and Head of Delegation, ICRC New YorkThank you, Mr. President, for convening this important and timely discussion.Mr. President,


Gather4Humanity is now online.

We aim to end human suffering & refugee flows by addressing international crimes. See how we connect, inform, empower and inspire you. Like us, follow us, subscribe to the newsletter, preregister for the community, partner up or apply for our services. Feel free to reach out!

We will now embark on providing content and value for those committed to our cause!

A sincere word of appreciation for all the (moral) support, feedback, inspiration and trust during the expedition so far!!!

Let’s gather4humanity!

We strengthen and amplify the global efforts to prevent, detect, stop and address (impunity for) core international crimes. We connect, inform, empower and inspire individuals & organizations committed to our cause.
