Gin B. Wiley

Gin B. Wiley

Gin B. Wiley is a pseudonym of Jacqueline Burke, author of the In My Closet series, the In Her Words


I have been working very hard with producing the sequel to Vendor Call titled - Vendor Stories!

Although, the release date was supposed to be back in May, there was a reason it didn't happen - the story wasn't ready to end πŸ™

This novel will be released January 2024, but in the meantime, I would welcome you to check out Vendor Call - Book 1 in the series.

Vendor Call - A Novel by Gin B. Wiley

I appreciate all your support and am extremely grateful for this opportunity to bring my novel to life.



We are excited to welcome Gin B. Wiley and her novel, "Vendor Call" to our Online Store!

Vendor Call' is a novel which truly harnesses the entire Vendor Industry, the trials and tribulations, the good, the challenges, and of course the lessons learned. A positive book for every Vendor to read.


To order your novel, please go to this link and click on the

Gin B. Wiley

Thank you for supporting our Vendors πŸ™



Coming May 2023 - Part Two of the Vendor Call Series

"Vendor Call - Vendor Stories"

Update: Vendor Call/Vendor Stories 27/12/2022

Coming 2023 - Part Two of the Vendor Call Series
"Vendor Call - Vendor Stories"

Update: Vendor Call/Vendor Stories I hope you have all had a great holiday season so far and you and your friends and family have enjoyed peace and happiness. I wanted to take a moment to let you know how excited I am to be bringing…


Coming 2023 - Part Two of the Vendor Call Series
"Vendor Call - Vendor Stories"


Happy Thanksgiving Weekend! I wish everyone a peaceful and cherished Thanksgiving with memories to be made with your loved ones.

I am grateful for life, for my friends and for my family; every single day I give thanks for a future of peace and happiness with hopes for a World where everyone is at peace with each other.

I give thanks to my readers, my supporters, and to those who have encouraged me on my journey in writing. I hold you all dear to my heart.

Enjoy your weekend and I will have some wonderful news to share with you next week 😊

Happy Thanksgiving

Photo Credit: Debby Hudson


Thank you so much! With all the messages, the kind words, the congratulations, and to everyone of you who have kindly purchased my new novel Vendor Call, you have made this experience truly amazing!

I can't thank you enough πŸ₯°

Photos from Gin B. Wiley's post 15/09/2022

I would like to take a moment to thank everyone for your support in purchasing my new novel, Vendor Call. I can't express to you enough how much this means to me!

This experience has been amazing and it is all because of the support I've received from all of you. Much love and kindness!

Thank you so much!

Vendor Call - A Novel by Gin B. Wiley 25/08/2022

New Arrival on Kindle!


Vendor Call - A Novel by Gin B. Wiley Gin B. Wiley sheds light on the Vendors, Makers and Small Home-based businesses that have taken the World by storm; in the depths of trying to survive, finding their way, and supporting their families. They are living lives during a Pandemic at a huge cost. Financial costs, emotional costs, and t...

@ginbwiley | Linktree 23/08/2022

I am very excited to announce the New Release of:

Vendor Call - A Novel by Gin B. Wiley

I appreciate all your support and am extremely grateful for this opportunity to bring my novel to life.

@ginbwiley | Linktree Gin B. Wiley is a fiction author with a new release - Vendor Call


I am happy to announce, my novel "Vendor Call" has been submitted for publishing! This is a Magical Moment for a novel to be ahead of schedule; I feel extremely grateful for this blessing.

In writing "Vendor Call", I felt it was important to bring numerous issues, moments, and celebrations to light. This novel was written to show a variety of expressions; from Vendors, markets, and small businesses and from the mind, heart, and soul.

I hope you will enjoy this new novel, as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Thank you for all your support.

Blessed Be


I'm very excited to announce, my new novel, "Vendor Call" is coming soon - September 2022!

I want to thank you again for all your support; writing this novel has been a journey and has brought me to a creative place I am grateful for.

Mark your calendars! Vendor Call - September 2022


I wanted to take this time to thank you for all your support; your kindness has been amazing! I have had numerous people reach out with excitement to read my new novel, "Vendor Call"; I can't wait to share it with you in September 2022.

I feel blessed, grateful, and excited! I hope you will enjoy reading my new novel, as much as I have enjoyed writing this story.


In writing, "Vendor Call", I'm a firm believer progress can be made. I'd like to think, if we all started to respect each other again, then maybe success would come easily.

I've interviewed many Vendors and small businesses, and the lack of respect, the need to come in first, the need to leave everyone in the dust and make it to the top, at whatever costs, has hardened this industry; an industry many enjoyed at one time. Many escaped to at one time!

The funny thing is, is if everyone is seeing this happen, then why can't progress be made and focus on finding respect, compassion, empathy, and teamwork in each other?

What a concept!


Today is a very creative start to the week; coffee is ready and so am I!

One positive way of looking at the new Vendor/Market movement is by telling yourself, "Together We Create". Work together in a positive way and then things will change.

Wishing you all a great week!


Vendor Call is a novel inspired by true events.

An industry which exploded overnight into a cut-throat competition; who could get into the markets first, who could secure space in a small business, who could sell more than everyone else, and those who didn't care what cost it would have on their families.

They had to be the best; competition became who could disgrace, who could point out their flaws, and who could expose their rivals for something they weren't. Just to get ahead.

Defamation of Character became and everyday occurrence on social media; it didn't stop them.

The unnecessary stress; there was no breath left.


I thought I would take a moment to introduce myself to you and give you a little breakdown of who I am.

I am a woman who believes in working towards the goal of having Peace. I am a woman who has been a Vendor, I've participated in many markets, I've supported many Vendors, I've supported many markets, I've owned small businesses, and I've believed in working hard to help those succeed.

I am a firm believer, the World should come together, instead of growing apart.

I am driven to help, one person at a time, see that it is okay to ask for help, it is okay to struggle, and it is okay to help others. That is how we are going to grow in a positive way to build our World back; one positive step at a time.

I am motivated and I am inspired.

This is Who I Am πŸ™


I took a bit of time to sit back and watch; it is important to do this every now and then. My main focus was on reading the concerns many are facing at this moment in time; sales.

Unfortunately, there was quite a bit of finger pointing going on, which to me is extremely sad. I saw many fingers being pointed, even though the ones receiving the pointed finger (the markets, the small businesses trying to help Vendors, and even customers who are also feeling the financial hardships), were in the same boat as the Vendor - short on funds.

When people are suppose to come together and be kind, they are instead criticizing each other and finding blame. I'm wondering when this is all going to stop.

Vendor Call is a novel which is covering all aspects of the Vendor Movement; the good, the bad, and the definite ugly.


I wanted to take a moment to thank all the small businesses, vendors, and makers who are and have been, working very hard to produce such beautiful products for everyone to enjoy!

The past couple of years have not been easy; you kept going and for that I know I speak for many when I say, "we are sincerely grateful".

Keep following your true passion in your heart and in your business; you are doing a fantastic job! I know sometimes it can be overwhelming; please know it will be all worth it!

Never give up ❀


In my novel, "Vendor Call", you will see how the Vendor/Market industry has become one of cut-throat instead of fun. You will see the in's and out's of this industry, how some Vendors are still having fun, while others are making it all about competition.

In this story, you will follow many individuals trying to make the best out of this industry; no matter what approach they have decided to take, their stories will be told.


When I think about my love for writing, I often think about how I am also a "maker". I believe this is why I feel I can relate to many "Makers & Vendors" in the World today.

My novels will become my art!

Creativity takes courage; not only in writing, but in whatever creative project, business, or lifestyle you are living. Your creativity is who you authentically are meant to be.

Creativity is something we dive into with the passion in our hearts and not so much our minds. Our minds learn to catch up throughout this process. Usually, our minds are calling the shots, but instead with creativity our hearts are leading the way.

Be courageous and follow your creativity!

In writing my new novel, "Vendor Call", I am allowing my creativity to be my courage.


I am currently writing my new novel, "Vendor Call"; vendors, makers and small home-based businesses have taken the World by storm in the depths of trying to survive, finding their way, and supporting their families. They are living lives during a Pandemic at a huge cost.

Financial costs, emotional costs, and the cost of friends and family. Vendor Calls have taken over the minds of some of these individuals and in doing so, the knives have come out. Survival instincts on overload!

This new phenomenon has swallowed some and then spit them out, while others have succeeded.

You will read about it all in my new novel, "Vendor Call"; the truth will come out, there will be no secrets, and all will be told about this new industry taking over.


Welcome to my page!

First, I would like to thank the following photographers for the beautiful photos I have used so far on this page; Hanna Balan Yas, Rhett Wesley, and Viktor Forgacs. Your photos have captured the creative inspiration which I am focusing on with my new novel, "Vendor Call".

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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New Arrival on Kindle! #BookwormLife #newrelease #kindlebooks #kindle #booklover #vendor #makersmovement #makersgonnamak...