Deputy Speaker Seedy SK Njie

Deputy Speaker Seedy SK Njie

Official account of the Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of The Gambia, Hon Seedy SK Njie.

Photos from Deputy Speaker Seedy SK Njie's post 17/07/2024

Today, I attended the decoration of fine men and women of our armed forces following their promotion to various ranks.

I joined in the ceremony in my capacity as the Chairman of the Defence and Security Standing Committee of our great National Assembly, following an invitation from the Chief of Defence Staff Lieutenant General Mamat O. Cham.

His Excellency the Vice President, Muhammmed BS Jallow, administered the ceremony on behalf of His Excellency and Commander-In-Chief of the Gambia Armed Forces President Adama Barrow.

I wish the newly promoted and now decorated service-members the best of luck. Thank you to all our men and women in uniform for all they do for our nation. I am grateful for their sacrifice.

Photos from Deputy Speaker Seedy SK Njie's post 30/06/2024

There are claims bubbling around on social media networks that I ordered police officers at Njaw Police Station to release Mr Faraba Jallow accused of violently attacking one Cherno Jallow.

As a native of Nianija, I am aware of a land dispute involving two families. I am also aware that there was a judgment by a group tribunal few years ago that gave possession/ownership to Mr Faraba Jallow. What is also my knowledge is that the Sheriff Division had quickly walked back its decision to declare Mr Samba Jallow owner of the land after visiting Nianija and realizing it is the same land that both the group tribunal and the division itself previously held to have belonged to Mr Faraba Jallow. The Sheriff Division re-affirmed that the land belongs to Mr Faraba Jallow in a letter as per the group tribunal’s ruling and advised Mr Samba Jallow to seek redress in court if he wished to do so. There was however an ex parte motion by Mr Samba Jallow’s team and they succeeded in getting an interim injunction restraining both sides to use the land up until June 12, 2024. By this date, in accordance with clause 3 and 4, Mr Samba Jallow’s team must have filed a motion and served Mr Faraba Jallow failure of which the restraining order would automatically discharge. There was no motion filed by this date and Mr Faraba Jallow regained possession of the land until otherwise determined by a competent court.

It is my understanding that the physical fight of yesterday came on the back of one Cherno Yassin Jallow allegedly went to the said land and began clearing it even whereas Cherno Yassin Jallow or Samba Jallow and others were not allowed to use the land per the restraining order sought by Samba Jallow himself. Cherno Yassin Jallow is alleged to have had an axe and allegedly wanted to attack one Mamadou Dem. It is a fact that the axe that hit Cherno Yassin belongs to himself and I am informed he injured himself after reportedly falling on the axe while fighting with Mamadou Dem. Mr Faraba Jallow who is being accused of the attack was not in fact present when the incident happened.

From 2004 to date, I have never instructed or engaged any police officer, magistrate or chief to victimize anybody both in Nianija and elsewhere. I have helped and settled dispute up to the level of police between citizens across villages in Nianija who may have allegiance to various political parties and includes: APRC-NRP , NPP-UDP, APRC -UDP without any political lense. I also did not call any police officer ordering him to release anybody.

I have always proactively engaged our people to reconcile and unite as a community irrespective of our political differences, this each and every citizen of NIANIJA knows.

I am proud to say that I have successfully resolved and settled hundreds of cases/complaints and problems out of police and court and adopted reconciliation at family levels.

This, all past and present station officers at Njau and Chamen stations can confirm. It is my believe that we are all a family and my influence or authority should be used to assist and reconcile our people and not the opposite. That is why even toddlers in Nianija know my peaceful and reconciliatory nature hence all will call on me to help settle differences.

The current and past chiefs of NIANIJA can also confirm that I have never involved myself in land disputes and have not sided with anyone. I have always been guided by the sensitivity of land disputes and my long held belief is that it’s the traditional rulers and the courts that should deal with the issue of land.

I write this clarification with a clear conviction of no impropriety. I also herein leave important documents for your independent scrutiny.

Seedy SK Njie, Chamen Nianija

Photos from Deputy Speaker Seedy SK Njie's post 29/06/2024

Climate change is real. The last two decades have been quite tough for our planet with the predictions of forecasters harshly manifesting themselves. Our world has become hotter and disasters such as floods, hurricanes, wildfires and drought have become great sources of distress for economies and life in general.

Today, I spoke at the graduation of climate-interested citizens organized by the Youth International Leadership Institute.

The government of His Excellency President Adama Barrow takes climate change seriously. We are determined to work with the rest of the world to unpick human actions that harmfully alter our planet’s climate making it less safe to live.

DS Seedy SK Njie

Photos from Deputy Speaker Seedy SK Njie's post 27/06/2024

I congratulate President Adama Barrow on a great address of the National Assembly today.

With the many great accomplishments he hit on in his speech, there is no gainsaying he is moving our nation in the right direction.

And pitching areas of future efforts, Gambians have every reason to be excited.

Kudos, Your Excellency!

Photos from Deputy Speaker Seedy SK Njie's post 22/06/2024

Culture is the greatest element of our lives as human beings. Our overall wellbeing - and living a good and successful life all heavily depend on it.

On June 18, I attended United Zone Fulbeh’s annual festival at Pencha Mi Hall, Paradise Suites Hotel.

I asked the participating citizens to leverage culture for unity and peace for the overall development of our country, The Gambia.

DS Seedy SK Njie

Photos from Deputy Speaker Seedy SK Njie's post 21/06/2024

I’m in Oxford, United Kingdom taking part in a comparative meeting for constitution crafters.

Today, I addressed the meeting and my statement is as follows:

I bring you warm greetings from National Assembly of republic of The Gambia. It is indeed an honour to address this gathering on this critical global theme which is very topical around the world: constitutionalising rights in the 21st century, with a specific focus on gender. I would like to state from the onset that The Gambia’s approach to gender equity since independence in 1965 and more so under the current leadership of His Excellency, President Adama Barrow, reflects a strong commitment to creating a just and equitable society. I will explore this commitment from constitutional, parliamentary, policy, and international perspectives, providing a comprehensive overview of our efforts and challenges as a country.

Constitutional Principles

The Constitution of the republic of The Gambia, 1997 is the overarching legal framework that enshrines gender equality as a fundamental right. Section 28 of the Constitution is particularly significant as it promotes equal rights for men and women, emphasising non-discrimination. This section is complemented by other provisions such as sections 17 and 33 that sanctions discrimination. In addition, and very critical, the directive principles of state policy, provided in sections 214 and 216 requires the government to take all steps to eradicate all forms of discrimination particularly those based on race, gender, language, or religion; and prohibit cultural practices that are dehumanising, particularly towards women.

Meanwhile, the draft Constitution for which engagements are ongoing for its possible reintroduction to the National Assembly and subsequent promulgation, proposes same protections, including explicit provisions to combat gender-based violence and enforce gender quotas in political representation. This reflects a national dialogue increasingly adapted to the nuances of gender justice.

Parliamentary Perspective

From a parliamentary perspective, efforts by the National Assembly of The Gambia are instrumental in mitigating gender disparities across crucial sectors such as health, education, and protection from violence in The Gambia. The legislative landscape has witnessed significant advancements, notably with the introduction of key enactments aimed at safeguarding the rights and well-being of women and children.

The enactment of the Women’s Act in 2010 reinforces the legal framework for gender equality, outlining measures to promote women's rights and combat gender-based discrimination.

In 2013, the enactment of both the Domestic Violence Act and the Sexual Offences Act marked crucial milestone in the fight against gender-based violence. These legislations do not only establish comprehensive mechanisms for preventing and addressing various forms of violence against women but also prioritised the provision of support and protection for survivors, facilitating access to justice and essential services.

A landmark achievement in safeguarding the health and rights of women and girls was the banning of Female Ge***al Mutilation (FGM) in 2015 through legislation. This legislative move signified a monumental stride towards eradicating this harmful practice, ensuring the physical and psychological integrity of women and girls and upholding their fundamental rights.

From 2017 to date, the National Assembly has adopted a fundamental principle in ensuring that, henceforth, all legislations before it for consideration are gender sensitive. In other words, the National Assembly has made it a principle or checklist of wearing a gender-sensitive lenses in the scrutiny of legislation, to ensuring that all legislation to be passed in the National Assembly are gender friendly and considerate.

Policy Perspective

The Gambia’s National Gender Policy (2010-2020) laid a strong foundation for gender mainstreaming across all sectors. This policy aimed to address structural barriers to gender equity, focusing on areas such as education, economic empowerment, political participation, and access to justice.

International Instruments

The Gambia’s ratification and respect to international conventions and protocols underscores its commitment to gender equity on the global stage. Among others, the country ratified the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights (ACHPR) in 1983; Convention on the Political Rights of Women in 1980; Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) in 1993; the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa (Maputo Protocol) in 2005. These instruments obligate The Gambia to uphold international standards of gender equity and justice.

The efforts and commitments have also culminated into the establishment of critical and dedicated national institutions such as the Women’s Bureau, the creation of a specific Ministry for Gender, Children and Social Welfare as well as the establishment of a specific Select Committee on Gender in the National Assembly. By and large, these are all indications of government’s commitment for gender empowerment and women participation in national development.


In concluding, it is worth to acknowledge that, while significant strides have been made, challenges remain, particularly in the full implementation and enforcement of laws and policies. However, the government and the National Assembly shall continue to leverage our opportunities, and forge a path towards stronger, more inclusive constitutional frameworks that uphold the rights of all individuals, irrespective of gender.

There is no doubt that it is only through continued dialogue, international cooperation, and sustained political will that we can overcome these challenges and ensure that gender equality becomes a lived reality for all Gambians.

Thank you.

Photos from Deputy Speaker Seedy SK Njie's post 16/06/2024

I congratulate you all on the occasion of Eid Al Adha. May Allah continue to protect you and accept our repentance. His Excellency President Adama Barrow wishes you well and is praying for your success both in this world and the hereafter. Eid Mubarak!

DS Seedy SK Njie

Photos from Deputy Speaker Seedy SK Njie's post 15/06/2024

Yesterday, I met with Mr. Richard Micheals, the US State Department West Africa Director, and Mr Eric R Mehler, the United States Deputy Head of Mission to The Gambia.

The discussions ran through a range of topics such as The Gambia’s transitional justice processes, the Constitution building process and the decriminalization of the Female Ge***al Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) legislation currently undergoing the legislative passage of the National Assembly.

I reaffirmed the Gambia government’s commitment under the dynamic leadership of His Excellency, President Adama Barrow to respecting and upholding the fundamental human rights of every citizen irrespective of their political affiliation, gender or race and rule of law for the maintenance of peace and security in the country.

I told the officials the Gambia government is set and has established the legal frameworks necessary to ensuring that justice is served to victims of human rights violations and facilitating the complete reformation of the security sector.

I also informed the officials President Adama Barrow is committed to tabling the draft constitution at the National Assembly before the end of the Legislative year.

I commend the US government for its support to The Gambia.

Photos from Deputy Speaker Seedy SK Njie's post 08/06/2024

I congratulate Mr Lamin Camara on the launch of his books ‘The Dream Journey of Abou’ and ‘Mr. Browny
and the Village Solomon’. He’s done a terrific job with these literary works.

Evidently, Mr. Camara is a dedicated teacher and a tireless advocate for education. With his many years of experience as an erudite educator, he has not only shaped young minds but has also profoundly understood the needs and aspirations of our
children and society.

I thank him for inviting me as the guest speaker.

DS Seedy SK Njie

Photos from Deputy Speaker Seedy SK Njie's post 20/05/2024

Great elation for me represent His Excellency the President Mr Adama Barrow at a ceremony organized by the Salulu Karoninka women association over the weekend in Berending, Gunjur. Citizens from both The Gambia and Senegal make up the association.

I thanked the women and gave them the president’s best wishes while calling on them to uphold the virtues of the Karoninka culture and transmit these virtues to their offspring.

The Salulu Karoninka women association and the women of Berending presented two traditional staffs to the President.

The Mayor of Kafountin, Mr David Diatta, came down for the event.

Photos from Deputy Speaker Seedy SK Njie's post 06/05/2024

I went with His Excellency President Bassirou Diomaye Faye to the airport to see him off on behalf of the Chairman of the authority of Islamic Ummah and President of The Gambia Adama Barrow, after the conclusion of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Summit Conference. I thank His Excellency President Diomaye Faye for traveling to The Gambia twice in quick succession. This is proof that Senegal and The Gambia are one and the same, deep down. God bless The Gambia! God bless Senegal.

Seedy SK Njie

Photos from Deputy Speaker Seedy SK Njie's post 04/05/2024

The 15th Session of the Islamic Summit Conference is a great success.

As your Deputy Speaker, I’m extremely proud that The Gambia has stood tall among nations in the Islamic world today.

A big bravo to His Excellency President Adama Barrow and now chairman of the OIC organization for the next three years for his hard work in delivering a great summit.

Knowing the kind of leader President Adama Barrow is, I have the strongest confidence he will passionately pursue and search for peace in the Islamic world and beyond.

Photos from Deputy Speaker Seedy SK Njie's post 28/04/2024

Congratulations and gache ngalama Gambia and President Adama Barrow! With what I saw yesterday during the tour with His Excellency President Barrow, we have definitely put a shift in and a lot of work has been done with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation summit now finally here.

I’m proud to be a Gambian today and ever. I reserve the most amount of respect and admiration for the father of modern Gambia, President Barrow - as we finally get to see the outturn of his infrastructural development efforts.

With over 300 kilometers worth of roads across the country and the over 70 kilometers of OIC roads where The Gambia government contribution stands at 35.8 million dollars, I can safely say there’s great headway in our journey to prosperity.

Let’s all come together to make sure we serve out the OIC gathering in style. Let’s make sure we keep everywhere clean and not leave any trash in the streets. Let’s do it for our nation, The Gambia.

Seedy SK Njie, Deputy Speaker

Photos from Deputy Speaker Seedy SK Njie's post 26/04/2024

Teranga is what we’re respected for as Gambians. On Wednesday night, I hosted a dinner in honour of the Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to The Gambia, His Excellency Nazim Samadov, representing the Speaker of our House Honourable Fabakary Tombong Jatta.

He’s a great diplomat who’s excited for what lies ahead regarding Gambia-Azerbaijan relations.

Photos from Deputy Speaker Seedy SK Njie's post 26/04/2024

As Deputy Speaker, I yesterday stood in for the Speaker of the National Assembly Honourable Fabakary Tombong Jatta in receiving the Zimbabwean Ambassador, His Excellency James Maridadi.

Ambassador Maridadi visited the Speaker’s office after presenting his credentials to His Excellency Mr. Adama Barrow.

As a former member of Parliament, His Excellency Maridadi and I spoke about furthering the ideals of Pan-Africanism and African collaboration at both bilateral and multilateral levels.

We also exchanged ideas on the crucial role Parliament can play in African integration, the promotion of African values, and safeguarding African intellectual property rights as well as the unification of the continent.

The Ambassador seized the opportunity to present a letter to the Honorable Speaker inviting the National Assembly to formally join the International Panel of Legislators for the Advancement of African Intellectual Property (IPLA).

The meeting was attended by the Minority Leader, Honorable Alhagie S. Darbo; the Deputy Majority Leader, Honorable Abdoulie Ceesay; the Right Honorable Samba Jallow; and Mr. Kalipha MM Mbye, Deputy Clerk (Legal & Procedural Matters).

Photos from Deputy Speaker Seedy SK Njie's post 21/04/2024

I was at the foot of the aircraft on behalf of the Honourable Speaker of the National Assembly, Honourable Fabakary Tombong Jatta to help His Excellency President Adama Barrow receive his brother, His Excellency President Bassirou Diomaye Faye yesterday. We will continue to give our active backing and support to His Excellency President Adama Barrow in all his endeavors to reinforce the enduring relations between The Gambia and Senegal. We’re excited for what’s ahead.

Seedy SK Njie, Deputy Speaker

Photos from Deputy Speaker Seedy SK Njie's post 11/04/2024

Eid Mubarak to you all! Dewenati! May Allah accept our fasting. I also pray that the sacrifices we have made in the holy month of Ramadan bring us all endless purposefulness. Ameen.

I also bring you the greetings and congratulations of His Excellency President Adama Barrow. He is praying for your health and renewed tenacity in our march towards prosperity as a nation.

Once again, Eid Mubarak!

Photos from Deputy Speaker Seedy SK Njie's post 04/04/2024

Gambia’s Hon Billay G Tunkara becomes 4th Deputy Speaker of ECOWAS Parliament!

Congratulations to Honourable NAMs Billay G Tunkara, Alhagie S Darboe, Amadou Camara, Maimuna Ceesay Darboe and Sheriff Sarr on their swearing in today as members of the ECOWAS Parliament. These great men and woman of our National Assembly are representing our great country and I wish them all the best. The Honourable Billay G Tunkara was elected as the fourth Deputy Speaker of the ECOWAS. And as Majority Leader of our great parliament, special congratulations to him and wish him full success. They took their respective oaths before H.E President Bola Tinibu of Nigeria and of ECOWAS Authority Chair.



QTV picked up on the Geneva assembly.


Here’s my address at the IPU, the biggest global meeting of legislators holding here in Geneva, Switzerland. Legislative leaders from 137 countries worldwide are involved.



Mr. President,

The theme for this session is timely and pertinent. In a world troubled with strife, division, and uncertainty, parliamentary diplomacy emerges as a beacon of hope for fostering peace, dialogue, and mutual understanding. Now, more than ever, we are summoned to transcend our differences, bridge divides, and chart a course towards a more harmonious and interconnected
global community. At the heart of parliamentary diplomacy lies the recognition that dialogue, cooperation, and meaningful engagement is an
indispensable tool for resolving conflicts, promoting
reconciliation, and advancing the shared interests of humanity.

As parliamentarians, we bear a solemn responsibility to uphold the fundamental principles of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law, tirelessly working towards the collective well-being of our citizens and the broader international community. Today, we are reminded of the pivotal role that parliamentary
diplomacy and democracy plays in addressing the pressing challenges confronting our world. Chronic conflicts in Africa, spanning nations like the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan, Somalia, and the Central African Republic, continue to inflict
profound suffering upon communities, disrupt livelihoods, and exacerbate humanitarian crisis. Moreover, the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine serves as a stark reminder of the fragility of peace in Europe and its far-reaching implications for
individuals and Nations far and near the conflict zone.
The impact of these conflicts extends far beyond the immediate victims, affecting the lives of people worldwide. As conflicts persist, the global cost of living escalates, rendering necessities increasingly unaffordable for millions. Food insecurity, human
displacement, and economic instability are just a few of the dire consequences faced by individuals and communities tangled in the crossfire of conflict.

Mr. President, the enduring Israeli–Palestinian conflict
underscores the urgent need for concerted efforts towards peace and reconciliation. The Government and people of The Gambia, under the leadership of His Excellency, Adama Barrow, stands in solidarity with the international community in condemning all forms of violence and aggression, particularly
the recent Israeli military operations in Gaza. These operations have resulted in the loss of innocent lives, widespread destruction to properties, and profound humanitarian suffering. We echo the calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and across Palestine to prevent further bloodshed and alleviate the dire humanitarian situation facing the Palestinian people.
It is imperative to acknowledge that the root causes of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are entrenched in decades of forceful occupation, displacement, and denial of basic fundamental rights to the Palestinian people. The Government of The Gambia reaffirms its commitment to upholding international law, human rights, and UN General Assembly resolutions as the foundation for any meaningful and lasting resolution to this enduring conflict. My delegation and I called
on the UN Security Council to act positively and passed a unified resolution to condemn Israel and end the war.

In this vein, we emphasise the importance of accountability and justice for all parties responsible for violations of international law and human rights. The Government of The Gambia calls for thorough and impartial investigations into alleged atrocities
committed during the recent military operations in Gaza, with a view to holding perpetrators accountable and ensuring justice for the victims. Furthermore, we reiterate our unwavering support for the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people to establish an independent and sovereign State of Palestine, with East Jerusalem, referred in Arabic as Al-Quds Al-Shareef, as its capital, based on the pre-1967 borders. We urge the international community to redouble its efforts to facilitate a comprehensive and inclusive peace process that addresses the root causes of the conflict, with a view of ensuring a just and durable solution.

As world largest gathering of parliamentarians, we bear a profound responsibility to advocate for dialogue, reconciliation, and respect for fundamental human rights of people and Nation across the globe. The recent submission of The Gambia to the
International Court of Justice serves as a powerful testament to our commitment, as a Nation, to upholding international law and promoting peace and justice. In that submission, The Gambia emphasised to the ICJ that Israel's occupation of Palestine is illegal and must be ended immediately. This underscores the importance of addressing ongoing conflicts through international legal channels and collective action. Through parliamentary diplomacy and constructive engagement, as manifested in the very core principles of the IPU, we can build bridges that foster understanding, tolerance, and cooperation among nations.

Mr. President, my distinguished colleagues,
You may all agree that since the formation of the IPU in 1889, parliamentary diplomacy has proven to be a powerful tool for resolving conflicts and promoting dialogue. For example, in 1994 and 1998, the Parliament of South Africa and the Assembly of Northern Ireland respectively, played a critical role
in helping to resolve their country's longstanding democratic conflicts leading to a democratic and multiracial South Africa, and the Belfast Agreement (Good Friday Agreement) in Northern Ireland.

In conclusion, let us reaffirm our unflinching commitment to the principles of peace, justice, and equality for all peoples and Nations. Together, let us endeavour towards a future where the aspirations of the Palestinian people for freedom, dignity, and
self-determination are realised, and where all parties are held accountable for their actions under international law.
Thank you.

Seedy SK Njie
Deputy Soeaker

Photos from Deputy Speaker Seedy SK Njie's post 25/03/2024

Before legislative leaders of the world today here in Geneva, it was my firm insistence that legislators bear a solemn responsibility to uphold the fundamental principles of democracy, human rights and the rule of law. Per the disheartening conflicts across Africa and other parts of the world particularly Gaza, I asked counterpart leaders to take steps now to end these conflicts. My statement at the global meeting, in full, will follow.

Photos from Deputy Speaker Seedy SK Njie's post 24/03/2024

The curtain was today raised on the 148th General Assembly of the IPU here in Geneva, Switzerland headlining 137 countries. As leader of the Gambian delegation, I will be presenting our nation’s position on democracy and human rights alongside a call for an end to the war in Gaza. The theme for the IPU is: “Parliamentary Diplomacy: Building Bridges for Peace and Understanding”.

Photos from Deputy Speaker Seedy SK Njie's post 21/03/2024

I have arrived safely in Geneva, Switzerland ahead of the 148th IPU General Assembly, the largest global parliamentary conference. Honoured being received by the Gambian Ambassador to the Republic of Switzerland Professor Muhammadou M.O Kah who is also the Gambian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mission in Geneva, Switzerland.

Photos from Deputy Speaker Seedy SK Njie's post 19/03/2024

Just been informed that Mariam Gina Bass-Bittaye today finished 1st in the Women's 100m finals at the 13 African Games happening at the minute in Accra, Ghana. Gina keeps on making our nation proud. She just can't stop. I give her all my respect. Congratulations, Gina!


Folks, what happened today is that we have suspended debate on the Women’s Amendment Bill 2024 and referred the Bill to committee for further consultation after which the National Assembly will make a final decision. For us, our position is clear: the FGM law is here to stay and will not be repealed. We are greatly committed to the protection of Gambian women and girls from all forms of violence.

Deputy Speaker SEEDY SK NJIE

Photos from Deputy Speaker Seedy SK Njie's post 11/03/2024

-Deputy Speaker tells Commonwealth Gambia strongly committed to human rights and rule of law-

The Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly Seedy SK Njie has told Commonwealth leaders the government of The Gambia is committed to the principles and ideals of the commonwealth of Nations. The deputy speaker said the Gambian government is also committed to shared democratic values of good governance, rule of law and justice.
Seedy Njie made these remarks in the House of Commons in Westminster, London, United Kingdom as Commonwealth leaders met to mark the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Commonwealth organization.

The Deputy Speaker stated that the government of the Gambia is committed to the principles of human rights, accountability, rule of law and justice. He called on Commonwealth leaders to commit to peace, justice and good governance in all 65 states that comprise The Commonwealth. He also called on all member states to resolve to ending conflicts in member states and engage counterpart countries to end the war and suffering of the Peoples of Palestine, Israel, Ukraine and elsewhere.

Earlier on on Monday, the Deputy Speaker accompanied by the Gambia’s High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, Mrs Fatou Bom Bensouda, attended a wreath laying ceremony at the memorial gates in memory of over five million fallen soldiers who died during the World War I.

The deputy Speaker also attended a memorial service at Westminster Abbey attended by Queen Camilla and Prince William. The event also saw the raising of flags of all sixty-five member states. Meanwhile, the Deputy Speaker commended Ms Tida Ceesay a Gambian resident in London who volunteered to carry The Gambian flag.

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QTV picked up on the Geneva assembly.
The famous catchphrase “President Barrow is to us as Moses was to the Israelites” is now incontrovertible.
At the United Nations in New York, I told leaders and legislators that it is time for us to move from commitment to acti...
