Bernard Begin

Bernard Begin

I help individuals unlearn the beliefs causing their undesired habits, behaviors and emotions.


The one with the strongest belief wins.


You get to choose the meaning you give to things. ALL things.


You'll keep facing the same recurring patterns in life until you find out what it is that you truly believe, and change it.


I find that the less I judge me, the less they judge me.


If you could have done better, you would have.


“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive. Because what the world needs most is more people who have come alive.” - Howard Thurman


Events are neutral until you give them a meaning. ALL events.


If you have the belief that "people are not interested in me or what I have to offer" (I had it), then KNOW that your subconscious mind will work hard at creating evidence to prove that belief to be true.

This is true for ANY belief.

The role of the ego/subconscious is to validate what it believes to be true.

It is so important to find out what it is that you truly believe around what you want to create in your life (and address it).

Until you do, it'll take so much energy out of you.

It'll take work, effort and energy to try and overcompensate for your belief system that's working against you.

I'm lazy. I like things to be flowing, smooth and efficient, so my approach favors dropping the weight and removing the obstacles instead of using up all of my energy to work against my own self (not that I haven't tried).

My advice is don't ignore it. Don't pretend it'll go away or change just because you feel the resistance and do it anyway (or do just that; I'm not here to tell you what to do).

I'm just saying that you CAN drop the weight AND then do it anyway.

Why not favor that? I assume that it's usually because we don't know how to or don't think it's possible.

I'm here to tell you that it is.

I do what I call belief work or unlearning sessions. We identify with precision and accuracy exactly which belief is working against you, and change anywhere from 1-3 beliefs every time we meet.

Changing your beliefs WILL change your life.

It changed mine and it changed the life of many people I've seen and worked with.

I have created a video that explains exactly how this change process works.

Just direct message me "curious" if you'd like to have access.

Send a message to learn more


You get to choose exactly how you want to experience life.


People getting angry at you is not because of you.

You can't cause feelings in other people.

Their feelings come from their own thoughts and interpretations.
The meaning they give to what happens and their thoughts about it is their sole responsibility.

If you're in integrity, doing what you think is right, and it appears to cause anger in someone, you can remain completely calm and peaceful and be curious.

Curious of what's going on in that person's mind.

But also be detached. Your grounding doesn't need to be affected at all by other people's stress, anger, frustration or overwhelm.
I used to really be affected by it and give it all kind of meaning ABOUT ME.

Now that I know that the source of their feeling is that they're making up a story in their mind and believing it, life is just so much more free, simple and enjoyable.

I am responsible for how I feel, they are responsible for how they feel.

I create my feelings. They create theirs.

I choose my stories. They choose theirs.

I create my experience. They create theirs.


"My foods habit have changed, and I haven't really done anything about it. And I started going to the gym again, and I love it. All that resistance is completely gone. And I take my daughter and we go together, and it's bonding time together as well." 🤯😍




So profound to hear how much of an impact one session can have.


Me: "How are you feeling right now?"

Her: "I've had ups and downs."

Me: "But, how are you feeling right now?"

Her: "Last couple of weeks not so good."

Me: "But now, how are you feeling right now?"

Her: "Well this week and the next I have an activity that will be uplifting."

Me: "But... what about now, in this moment...?"


If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself. If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation.

Lao Tzu


To think according to appearances is easy.

To think truth regardless of appearances can be laborious.

But that’s how you change your life.

Inspired from Wallace D. Wattles