Judge J. Britt abused his NC Gov Authority from Spiritual Perspective

Judge J. Britt abused his NC Gov Authority from Spiritual Perspective

Government spiritual perspective including Judge John Britt who got retaliation against an Mother an


Creative Prayer unto God 8/5/23

we i do not own right to music in back ground


Creative Prayer unto God 8/5/2023

we do not own right to music in back ground


Reading God's Word Up Micah 6 God's Lawsuit against His People

we do not own right to music in back ground


We need deliverance from what? Lets talk Isaiah 9:1-21 Isaiah 54:16


Reading God's Word Up Acts 15 7/20/23 Glory be to God

we i do not own right to music in the back ground


calling social security office


Creative Prayer unto God Micah5:8-15 Romans 8:28-30 for destruction of DHHS evil ZGod style


Creative Prayer unto God for Children Grand Children Great Grand Children all that apply family / bloodlines in completeness per thru by God

we dont own music in back ground


calling Disability determination 7/7/23 9199617180 Mrs Suzzie called one of my daughters and left her number for me to call her and am doing so Isaiah 54:15-17 Romans 8:28 Luke 10:19


Creative Deliverance Prayer unto God 7/2/23


Creative Prayer unto God for Hana Anget an Fam and all per God's full knowledge

we do not own right to music in back ground


Creative Prayer unto God 7/1/23

we i do not own right to music in back ground


Warning God is going to turn up on Public schools governancing Lets talk using God's Word they are murdering children God said suffer not " Luke 6:1-11 Luke 6: 5 Luke 18:16-17 Mathew 19:14 Romans 12: 19-21 Romans 13:1-14 Romans 12: 1-5


Creative Prayer unto God 6/24/2023
we i do not own right to music in back ground


Creative Prayer unto God
we i do not own right to music in back ground


Creative Prayer unto God 6/23.23

we i do not own right to music in back ground


Creative Deliverance Prayer unto God 6/22/2023

we i do not own right to music in back ground


Creative Prayer unto God for Wilson, Edgecombe, Nash Counties in their entierities per God's full knowledge riches and glory through Christ Jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank You Lord God thank You for Romans 8:28 turn around in Jesus name making the wrongs right. glory glory glory hallelujah revealing and dealing with all that need be per You Lord God .

we do not own right to music in back ground


we i do not own right to music in background 6/12/23


Creative Prayer unto God for Edgecombe County 6/12/23

we do not own right to music in back ground


Creative deliverance prayer unto God 6/11/23
we do bot own right to music in back ground


Creatice Prayer unto God for the freedpm of Jennifer Jeffley
we i do not own right to music in background


Creative Praise unto God 6/9/23
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creative deliverance prayer unto God 6/9/23
we i do not own right to music in back ground
Psalm 91 Psalm 118:1


Creative Deliverance Praer unto God 6/8/23 for Rhoda Young an her supporters

we i do not own right to music in back ground


creative prayer unto God part 2 technical difficulties but it want stop God

we i do not own right to music in background


creative prayer unto God
we i do not own right to music in back ground


Creative Deliverance Prayer unto God for anyone that has been raped/sexually abused/ molested all that may apply both in flesh and spirit. repent and seek God join in and pray as God knows in full what we know in part He even knows the heart motives and intent of us all and there is no prayer that God can not understand even if you i have disabilities or difficulties God understands all. God loves us call upon Him he is awaiting you He is just your communication to Him away receive Hislove release the hurt pain bitterness and all other because of what has been done and endured but know the race isnt given to the swift or the strong but to the one that endures until the end . God bless listen to it over and over again if need be and let go of the old and receive the new that God hasfor you in the empty places glory be to God God style not man.

we i do not own the right to music in back ground 6/7/23


creative prayer unto God 6/6/23
we i do not own right to music in background


Creative prayer unto God 6/3/23

we i do not own right to music in background


we i do not own right to music in back groune Micah 5:8-15 Luke 10:19 Mathew 18:18-20


Creative Prayer unto God to destroy the spirit of arrested development in the name of Jesus Holy Spirit fire of God by fire by force the blood of Jesus pleaded covered saturated in Jesus name halelujahhalelujah thank You Lord God thank You

we i donot own music in the back ground


Creative Prayer unto God to destroy the spirit of Arrested Development which separation from parent and child is on of the ways legal right access is given for spirit of arrested development to enter in both the child(ren) and Parents among others therefore its more than just what done by CPS DSS the courts and all other that apply per God's full knowledge in the flesh but its spiritual restoration of fragmented peices of souls that has to be restored as well even the more with recompense per God and His Word. hallelujah halleujah hallelujah hallelujah glorybe to God hallelujah thank You Lord God thank You Jesus thank You Holy Spirit thank You


Creative Prayer unto God with Word of Encouragement 6/3/23
we i dont own right to music in back ground


Part 1 had technical difficulty but that dont stop what God has for us let get it!

we i dont own right to music in back ground


we i do not own right to music in back ground ]

Cewative prayerunto God with word of encouragement for hurting Mothers and some 6/3/23


Creative Prayer unto God for blessings ability to increase

we i do not own right to music in the back ground


Creative prayer unto God for NC Public Schools all included per God's full knowledge riches and glory 2023 graduates from kindergarten to 12th grade and some with college degrees as well in high school but for those alone that has no one to celebrate with them you you are not alone God loves as well as we i do as well this prayer is for you even the more may God send angelic and humans to bless encourage and do all that is needed to keep you all encouraged blessed and heart mind stayed on Him as you grow and go in life in Jesus name we call you all blessed in Jesus name

we i do not own music in the back ground


Creative Prayer unto God for Mothers 5/31/23
we i do not own right to music in back ground

please pray along and give God the gloey and Your spul to God if you are not saved. welcome God in accept Jesus as your Lord and Savour the true and living Son of God


Creative Prayer unto God for NC Public Schools all the includes per God's full knowledge 5/30/2023
