Tara Beaney

Tara Beaney

Welcome! I'm Tara, and I created this page to share some stories with you. I believe in the power of


Advent Gift Day 6: Breaking the rules

Projects, plans and goals are great when they are inspiring – they can give you a structure in which to create. But when you just don’t feel like it, why not break the rules? Put aside one thing that you had intended to do, but that you don’t feel in the mood for. Most likely, taking a break will do you more good than ploughing on regardless.

That’s why I’m breaking the rules by missing out advent day 5. And that’s what Christmas time is about too – allowing ourselves to take a break, to come back to what matters most, and to find our own ways to enjoy the season.


Advent gift no.4: Wonder

What is inside, you wonder?

What do you put inside your advent calendar, I’ve been asked. This year I let my children decide. My eldest wanted rolled up strips of paper with activities for us to us do (sing a Christmas song, make Christmas decorations- that sort of thing). And my youngest just wanted notes that say what we love about each person, e.g. that we love his jumps. So we have both - 2 each day.

My eldest took charge and wrote them all out - so that’s advent sorted! And no stress over managing a child’s chocolate intake. Which leaves more room for... wonder!

Wonder is one of the things I love most about Christmas and about stories - the joy of anticipating and uncovering something new - opening the door to endlessly new possibilities...


Do you remember Uncle Igor from last year’s advent stories? My children and I have been listening to the stories again this year, one each day, and we enjoyed today’s story, which has some funny characters in it!

(You can still find all of my advent stories from last year on my page, under ‘videos’.)

“Too much tea! Not enough sugar!”
That’s a quote from Uncle Igor, who featured in yesterday’s advent story.
Today’s story will be called... “Stories under the Covers”
If you’re joining me live, see you soon! (1ish) You can also watch the stories later.


As I was walking with my child to nursery this morning, I happened to start recalling a poem that is one of my favourites. It's about the peace that you feel when you're out in nature and all is quiet. It's called 'Wanderes Nachtlied' (or 'Wanderer's Nightsong') and is by Goethe. I have a translation for you below, but I think you need to hear this one too, to see what I mean.

Wander's Nightsong

Over all the mountain-tops
Is peace
In all tree-tops
You scarcely feel
A breath of wind
The little birds are quiet in the wood
Wait, soon you too
Will be at peace


Advent gift no.2: Taking shelter

I don’t know what it’s like where you are, but here the sky is completely white, it’s sleeting and bitter-cold. As I trudge through the icy slush I look forward to getting indoors, into the warmth. I imagine curling up in bed with a good book and a warm drink. As the recent storms have reminded us, it’s a privilege to have somewhere warm and well-lit to return to. And in the winter, we’re naturally drawn inwards, towards the warmth. Towards a space where we can hibernate and dream, retreat into contemplation, or tend to ourselves and those close to us. This is the gift of taking shelter from those icy chills.

Photos from Tara Beaney's post 01/12/2021

Advent gift no.1: Looking closely

I was in the Botanic Gardens the other day with my children, who were playing on the climbing tree, when I spotted a tiny pink flower. It was almost hidden amongst the undergrowth, and it was completely perfect.

Once you start to look closely, you can find more gifts like these - tiny flowers, the colours of the leaves underfoot, the moss growing on a fallen log, your own hands, your child's eyelashes. Infinity in a grain of sand, in a tiny detail that you would never have noticed had you not paused to look closely.

Especially when things feel overwhelming, taking your gaze right down to the tiniest detail can help you find space to experience the wonder of existence.

Timeline photos 01/12/2021

Do you remember the storytelling advent I did last year?

I'm so glad I had the courage to try something new, and was able to come up with a story for every day.

This year I'd like to offer something too. I don't quite feel up to daily stories this time around, but I have something small that I'd like to share. They will be tiny advent gifts - gifts that we can all access in almost any moment - things that bring me joy, and that you might enjoy too.

The first advent gift will be arriving shortly...

Welcome to my page! This December I’m creating a storytelling advent – each day I’ll tell one story, probably from my imagination, loosely themed around winter/ Christmas. The stories will be suitable for both children and adults.

Why? I love reading and listening to stories. But I’d like to practice coming up with my own. I haven’t done this before, but let’s see how it goes – the best stories are the ones where you don’t quite know what’s going to happen!

I’ll be telling one story a day, live, probably after lunch (1pm or so UK time) – you’ll also be able to watch later. Thanks for stopping by!


My stories are back! I'm beginning with a new story called 'The Automatic Door'. What will happen when the doors open? Find out here...


The stories are back....

I've decided to pluck up the courage to step back into this space. It's a space where I create and share stories, and if you would like to listen, I'd be honoured.

The next story coming up will be 'The Automatic Door'. It's just based on something that popped into my head the other day, but I think it's a fitting way to open up again. Something I've realised recently about creativity is that it doesn't have to be hard work dragging open the doors and peering to see what is inside. If you just amble up and wait for a moment, you'll find the doors sliding open automatically, and if you want to, you can enter.
