Intentional Living For Men

Intentional Living For Men

This group exists to equip men to live their lives intentionally and become a disciple for Christ.

Eph. 5:15-16
15 Pay careful attention, then, to how you walk—not as unwise people but as wise— 16 making the most of the time, because the days are evil.


Today's Thought:
"What we minimize in our homes today, our children will maximize in their lives in the future." -Robby Gallaty
Live Intentionally Today!


Today’s Thought
You can be a Christian, and not be a jerk!
Live Intentionally Today!


We must take care to not create situations in which we make God seem like he has failed to keep his word—when instead we’ve not accurately heard his word.

-Karelynne Ayayo

Live Intentionally Today!


“Leaving a LEGACY is much more important than leaving an INHERITANCE .”
-Jimbo Perry
Live Intentionally Today!


King Solomon's conclusion about life: "Enjoy life, don't worship life.

There's only one who deserves our worship . . . GOD!


Behavior modification without heart change is dangerous. It will appear to be holiness.
-Tierce Green


Are you ACCELERATING spiritually today?
Remember, you are not in a race, God just wants you accelerating spiritually!


“How will something change if nothing changes?”
-Craig Groeschel
Live intentionally today!


-Craig Groeschel


If you don't want your marriage to end in the Lawyer's Office, try taking it to the Lord's Altar!
Live Intentionally Today!


Unfortunately, as Christians, we spend more of our time begging the Saints to come to the services when we should be spending most of our time begging sinners to come to the Savior! (BTW, slightly reworded from my friend ShilohandNicole Hackett. Could not remember where I saw it!)

Live Intentionally Today!


Today's Thought:
Be a human DAD with a GREAT GOD!
Live Intentionally Today!


If I decide to run my life, I will probably ruin my life.

Let God have control of your life!
Live Intentionally today


Today’s thought
Many people (men) say they want accountability but don’t mean it. Each of us need accountability.
Live Accountable today,
Live Intentionally today!


Today's Thought!

There's a difference between remorse and repentance.

Remorse is being sorry for being caught. Repentance is being sorry enough to stop. -Greg Laurie

Live Intentionally Today!


Today’s Thought:
You can’t CHANGE the people around you, but you can change the people around you! -unknown
Live Intentionally Today!


Today’s Thought:
You must learn a new way to think before you can master a new way to be. -Unknown
Live Intentionally Today!


Today’s Thought:
If you truly forgive someone, you will forget their offense. Forget means you consciously decide to never bring it back up against that person again.
Live Intentionally Today!


Today’s Thought:
Less than 10% of what we worry about ever happens, but our worry will rob our peace 100% of the time.
-Craig Groeschel
Live Intentionally Today!


Today’s Thought:
Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?
-Corrie Ten Boom
Live Intentionally Today!


Today’s Thought:
It’s harder to obey God when you are successful than when you are failing! -Jeff Keaton
Live Intentionally Today!


Today’s thought
Don’t disobey God to get something you desire because you will have to stay disobedient to keep it!
Live Intentionally Today:


Today’s thought:
The promises of God are always greater than the problems of man.
Live intentionally today!


Today’s Thought
Stay away from negative people. They have a problem for every solution. -Gene Chizik
Live Intentionally Today!


Today’s Thought:
Success is NOT a result of being smarter than others, it’s a result of being more RELENTLESS than others. -John Maxwell
Live Intentionally Today!


Today’s Thought
If you do life every day just to pay the bills, you are NOT living the life God has called you to live! Live a life of PURPOSE!
Live Intentionally Today!


Today’s Thought:
Dont count the days, make the days count! -Unknown
Live intentionally today!


Today's Thought:
Spiritual laziness will lead to spiritual collapse! (Heb. 6:12)
Live Intentionally Today!


Today’s thought:
Sacrifice is giving up what you love for those that you love even more. -Craig Groeschel
Live intentionally today

Making Disciples That Make Disciples

This group exists to equip men to live their lives intentionally and become a disciple for Christ.

Eph. 5:15-16 15 Pay careful attention, then, to how you walk—not as unwise people but as wise— 16 making the most of the time, because the days are evil.

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1 Minute thought of the day videoLive Intentionally Today!