A Little Love Village

A Little Love Village

A Little Love Village is a non-profit charity serving Utah. For many families dealing with various types of disabilities, life can be extra challenging.

Our mission is providing aid to families dealing with disabilities and chronic health conditions & increasing the quality of life and the mental well being for all in our village. A little extra love and support can go a long way in easing the burdens in their lives. Join us as we share love, find strength, and build a community. Welcome to the village!




Every month the Utah Parent Center holds free workshops for parents and caregivers. Check out our Events page to see what is coming up in your district or community! You can also call and speak to a parent consultant about your child with disabilities and special healthcare needs Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:00pm. Visit us at UtahParentCenter.org for more info!


Right now. Right this second. You can create a new ending to your story. What do you want it to be?





A Little Love Village has created new programs to help focus on the care of our Mental Health and Well Being.

Today on World Mental Health Day we hope you will look through the numbers. We need to recognize that Mental Illnesses are a problem and that work needs to be done to provide care.

Please join us in our Scare 2 Care Campaign to help raise awareness of the Mental Health crises facing us and to raise funds to help provide needed care.



Do you want to know what is really scary? Mental Illness.

In Utah, 1 in 4 live with mental illness. Almost 50% don't receive treatment. Mental Illness is in the Top Ten contributors of death. Someone dies of su***de every 11 minutes in the United States. 70% of Utahns have spent more than 7 of the last 30 days thinking about their mental health.

These numbers are SCARY!

There is no health without mental health. Help us make Mental Health a priority.

Visit alittlelovevillage.org for more information.

Text the word GIVE to (385) 381-3393 to donate Now!


We know it is so hard and you are so tried, but you can do it. You can make it to the end. We believe in you 100%.


If you haven't gotten any credit lately, guess what?! You are great. But you don't need us to tell you that because you are great even if we don't remind you.


How will you make your life happy today?


You can ALWAYS find something good even if everything isn't good.


Smile, it looks good on you! 😊

Photos from The Latter-day Saint Spoonie's post 03/10/2022

So much truth in this post!! ♥️


It means you are trying and one step closer to success. ❤❤❤


What will it be today? It is up to you!


Have you ever had someone say to you: I don't know how you do it. Don't those things feel rewarding when you do them!? Don't forget how many amazing things you are doing.


What if all the world were like this?




You have spoken and we have heard!

We have had countless individuals let us know their greatest need as families living with disabilities is RESPITE.

And we want to make that happen.

We could use your help as we begin the respite journey.

Help us by answering a few questions by commenting below, direct message, or email [email protected].

1- Do you currently have respite care through DSDP or any other organization? How long did the wait take/or have you currently been waiting for this service?

2- Name different kinds of respite you feel would benefit you. Some examples may include, but are not limited to: Caregiver Events, Drop Off Respite Events (Times when you can drop off your loved one with disabilities to be watched with proper care while you have a few hours on your own), Family Respite Events (2-1 Events that provide separate experiences/events for those with disabilities vs caregivers), In Home Respite Care, Meal/Cleaning/Yard Services, etc.

3- Why do you feel you would benefit from respite care? How does not having respite care affect you?

We appreciate your help. We hope to provide more needed services very soon.

Thank you!




And don't forget WHO you started for. Don't give up now.


You sure make us happy!


We could all use a little encourage-mint today


18 Days 14 Hours 34 Minutes


We hope today that amidst the pain of the many hard things in your life, you will have an opportunity to see the beauty and enjoy the goodness of life.


We believe in you. You can do it.


Sometimes that 10% feels pretty heavy, but remember; life really is what we choose to make of it. Let's make it a happy one.


More than enough. And don't EVER forget it. ❤




I mean, we are pretty lucky to have you.


As the saying goes; to make a change be the change.


There is no one else like you and the world is a better place because of it.


Not being able to do one certain thing, does not mean you aren't able to do anything.

Not all basketball players can dance. Not all dancers can play basketball. That doesn't take away the beauty and the success of either.

Disability is only a negative word if we make it one.


You are pretty amazing. There is no one else like you.

About Us

We are a non-profit charity in Utah who’s mission is to provide aid and gifts to families with one or more members facing special needs.

Approximately 21% of the population is living with disabilities or special needs, with an additional 8% of the population that is facing special medical needs.

Research has shown us that the cost of raising a child with special physical, cognitive, or emotional needs can be QUADRUPLE the cost of raising the average child.

Many families struggle to meet their financial needs or spend all they have to meet their families needs.

Videos (show all)

Do you want to know what is really scary? Mental Illness.In Utah, 1 in 4 live with mental illness. Almost 50% don't rece...
A Little Love Village
A Christmas Lovetacular