Smile Its Emma

Smile Its Emma

Just a person sharing JESUS ✝️ & being a little creative on the way

Photos from Smile Its Emma's post 10/07/2024

summer runnin’
having a blast


my favorite cuties 🫶🏼

The show was a lot of fun on Sunday! I’m putting together some video clips so I can show yall how we did :) came up with no wins, but a big win with Murph in my heart 🫶🏼

Photos from Smile Its Emma's post 01/06/2024

What does God want to say today?

Today I was told a story about how I have made an impact on somebody and how they are continuing the kindness to others. I never really thought being kind and friendly would amount to much in this particular scenario, I just wanted to do what others didn’t do for me.

That story, which almost brought my mom and I to tears, really helped open up my eyes, just a little bit… I have always struggled with feeling like I’m not good enough. But these two specific opportunities and stories have helped push me to believe otherwise.

If I hadn’t been friendly, this other person wouldn’t be paying it forward.

I can make a difference because I am a Child of God with the Holy Spirit coursing through my veins. I asked him into my life…and look at the fruits that I have bore.

I am capable. I am kind. I am enough.

Such easy words to forget from time to time, or all the time. I know I struggle with it. But God says that we are his children! We are fearfully and wonderfully made! Would someone who doesn’t care, know every hair on your head? Would he have made the stars and know them each by name?

Exactly… Now remember that through this week. I know I will be trying to, but with God, trying is enough 🫶🏼

Photos from Smile Its Emma's post 30/05/2024

run for hope ‘24
10k race in 1.00.59

This race was on April 13, and was a great intro into the racing world. Plus, it was for a charity! Each entry was a backpack of school supplies for a child in India 🫶🏼 Thanks Hannah for running this with me :)

(Can you tell I’m so behind on posting?)


What does God want to say today?

This week was an emotional week. I was having some struggles with Murph and other things just not working out. And I felt just down in the dumps a couple days… I wasn’t thinking the highest things of myself, and I just felt like I was failing.

So I did what all the cool kids are doing… and asked God to put me in a situation where I had to fail. Now normally this would be the part of the story that turns into a learning experience through this specific failure… But no, God has not put me in a situation that has led to me failing (yet) and I feel like that was the lesson.

Doing nothing is hard for me. I am always going, going, going, and I can’t just sit around… If I want something to get done, I have to do it myself, you know? While my week was all over the place, I have been very productive in what I’ve been doing for work. Plus, I have had some break throughs with Murph and Daisy…

I asked of God something that scared me… I put my heart out on the line. And who knows, I might still be put in that situation at some point so that I can learn another lesson down the line…

But I’m always learning, and this week God is telling me to trust Him because even when my world is falling apart and I’m scared that I’m failing as a photographer, He stands strong in the midst of it all telling me that all those voices in my head…are liars.

Photos from Smile Its Emma's post 15/05/2024

I am literally so proud of Daisy 🌼

She did very good at the vet. She only had some trouble with getting into the clinic room, but besides that was foot perfect. She got in the trailer super easy both at the beginning and at the vet! I’m so proud! I just wanted to get her checked out as I’ve never had a baby horse before :) she is as perfect as she can be ✨


Photos from Smile Its Emma's post 12/05/2024

Happy Mother’s Day!!

Each year I struggle to write this post because how do I sum up my favorite person in the world into a small post??

Well here I go…

Mom, you are fun, extroverted, energetic, brave, strong, determined, Jesus-loving, compassionate, and so much more. You are the reason I am who I am today 🫶🏼 You push me to be a better person and to always love Jesus ✨

Even when we have our differences, I know that no matter what is said…I always have someone to go back to. To hug. Someone on this earth that is always there for me 100% of the time. More like 110% 😂

So thank you, God knew I needed you in my life 🫶🏼

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms!


What does God want to say today?

Recently I saw a video about how we never think about how Jesus might’ve had a favorite color, food, or smell. Sometimes I forget that Jesus was human too. He had hardships and changes to go through, but that didn’t stop him from being the perfect example of how we should handle situations in this sinful world.

When He was sad, He went to God.
When He was happy, He went to God.
When He wanted a better outcome, He went to God, yet still followed the plan that meant pain for himself.

As often as I forget that Jesus was human, I forget that I should be going to God. But not even “should”…

I am ABLE.
I GET to go to God with my problems.

And all He wants to do is listen…

So yes, sometimes I forget how Jesus might have a favorite color, food, or smell. But I hope that I ALWAYS think about how blessed I am to be able to go to God…with everything 🫶🏼

Photos from Smile Its Emma's post 02/05/2024

last day of the school year! 🫣🏆

I got final portfolio reviews then I am done! How crazy is that? I’m halfway done with college… I’m basically a JUNIOR! What the heck… it’s literally gone by so fast!

Super excited for the summer and all that it entails :) Working with Daisy and my business is gonna be a lot of work but so rewarding! ✨ keep your eyes peeled for what’s to come!

(Also peep the new filter 👀)

Photos from Smile Its Emma's post 04/04/2024

happy birthday daisy 🌼✨

My little spitfire (on occasion). This sweet girl has already taught me so much and really fit into our farm family 🫶🏼

She’s 2 today.. officially becoming a big girl horse !! Super excited to see how she grows and develops into an awesome mare ✨

Scroll to see her the day she came home :) such a little girl!!

Photos from Smile Its Emma's post 01/04/2024

Daisy Update !! 🌼✨

this crazy girl has been growing like a w**d! She is not officially 14 hands!! (thank goodness 😂) and she has been doing great. My mom handles her every day when she does morning chores and Daisy has become super chill :) She reminds me of Murph, to be honest. I round penned her for the first time this weekend and she did great. She has such a cute little trot :)

I cannot wait for the summer time !! I’m super super excited to work with her more. And hopefully by the summer we’ll have another cute little riding horse… eek!

(This photo was from a few weeks ago. But doesn’t the saddle pad look huge on her?!)

Photos from Smile Its Emma's post 25/03/2024

california 🌊☀️🌲❄️✨

I had such an awesome time going to northern and Southern California for spring break! We went to Yosemite and the beach and had a ton of fun. I got so many photos!

Photos from Smile Its Emma's post 14/03/2024

It’s spring break yall, are you somewhere warm or cold?

Such a fun trip! Just wanted to post some photos from our snow shoeing and skiing adventures! It was a lot of firsts and a lot of fun ❄️


runnnnnnn 🏃🏽‍♀️💨

If you didn’t know, I am training for a half marathon. I started off with running just to get that goal of getting better. Now I actually really enjoy it. I have spent too much money on shoes and a running vest that makes me feel super professional. The runners were right, it’s an addiction once u get in! Some days I hate it, but the higher percentage of days, I love it.

P.S. Brooks are the best running shoes :)

Photos from Smile Its Emma's post 07/03/2024

take me back to the warm weather ✨

I am so excited for the summer days !! The long days, warm sun, and t-shirt weather 🫶🏼 Nebraska has been all over the place weather-wise, like normal.

Excited to be leaving town to go see some warm weather tomorrow :) it’s spring break!! Cannot wait to share all the fun memories ✨



so I’m kinda back :) I’ve been working on getting my business organized and I think I’m finally ready to share again. Life has been crazy and I can’t wait to share it with yall! ✨


back in the dorm and got this photo from my mom 🫶🏼🥺 I miss my babies

it’s been super cold lately so I’ve been stuck on campus. We did have a snow day, so that was a ton of fun :)

Stay warm everyone! It’s only gonna get colder 😬

Photos from Smile Its Emma's post 03/01/2024

running in the rain >>>

So I’m training for a half marathon in May, and trying to stay disciplined over Christmas break with work is just crazy. So I told myself no matter what I was gonna run today…and it happened to be pouring outside. But I ended up dancing in the rain and enjoying life so I’m so glad I ran!

These songs kept me going:
Dial Drunk by Noah Kahan
my friend’s toyota by asiris

What’s y’all’s favorite running song?

Photos from Smile Its Emma's post 31/12/2023

New years is right around the corner! I’m so glad I’m able to enter new years with these 2 munchkins 🫶🏼 they are my absolute favorite! I look at them and smile :)

Cannot wait to embark on a new year!

I’ve tried doing resolutions, but I’d rather just start stuff NOW. Get it going! You don’t need a new year to start running more, start praying more, or to start loving life more. (In the words of Nike) just do it!

Do you do New Year’s resolutions?

Photos from Smile Its Emma's post 24/12/2023

Merry Christmas from my horse family to you :) !!

I was like a 10 y/o girl with my excitement when doing this shoot. Just the fact that they are mine… if only younger me could see me now ✨

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all enjoy the break and rest that it gives. I hope that you remember the true meaning of Christmas, and the birth of Jesus 🫶🏼

Photos from Smile Its Emma's post 18/12/2023

Why can the yearling mare put her ears forward better than my 12 y/o gelding? 😂


my boy :)

Goodness, finals are going crazy right now. I’ve been stuck behind my computer for the past couple days. Just gotta make it to Wednesday! Good luck with everyone who is going through finals right now, u got this!!

Photos from Smile Its Emma's post 07/12/2023

I love thrifting from my mom’s closet :) this jacket is from my mom from like 20 years ago! 🫶🏼

I’m also kind of obsessed with these dorm selfies. I have the most perfect windowsill that shows the best lighting ✨

Photos from Smile Its Emma's post 01/12/2023

happy, happy guy 🫶🏼

December is here! How crazy is that?! This year has gone by so much faster than I would’ve expected. Thankfully it’s not horrible temperatures out here so bless the Lord!

Photos from Smile Its Emma's post 28/11/2023

it’s cozy western szn!! 🫶🏼✨

I absolutely love that western clothing can come out so much more during the winter time. It means lots of layers !!

Photos from Smile Its Emma's post 23/11/2023

happy thanksgiving 🍁✨ !!

so much to be thankful for :) God has blessed this year and I cannot be more grateful 🫶🏼

this was such a fun day with murph 🫶🏼 he followed me next to the fence, and actually helped me get on when I almost didn’t make it 😂 my sweet boy! some days I don’t have time or energy to work, but I can just hang out with murph and it makes me happy :)

Photos from Smile Its Emma's post 23/11/2023

this was such a fun day with murph 🫶🏼 he followed me next to the fence, and actually helped me get on when I almost didn’t make it 😂 my sweet boy! some days I don’t have time or energy to work, but I can just hang out with murph and it makes me happy :)

Photos from Smile Its Emma's post 20/11/2023

welcome daisy !! 🌼🫶🏼✨

so this was really random but I had slightly been looking at projects and I got her for a decent price, so now I have a year and a half old filly! Officially, she is the first horse I have fully myself purchased so that is pretty exciting! ✨

We are quarantining her for a couple weeks since she came from a big herd, and gonna have the vet come out soon. Gotta get my butt moving on training because her feet need done too! But I worked with her once already and she seems pretty chill and decently handled! ✨

Photos from Smile Its Emma's post 14/11/2023

sweater weather 🤩
(tho its been getting up to 60s now….😐)

Videos (show all)

Morning! Today I have a video of us working on R+ and learning about the click :) In the video I am working on reinforci...
I’m thinking of trying R+ with Gus and Murph while he is still here. I’m interested to see if it will help our relations...
Sunday, February 20 ✨.I worked with Gus a little bit on Sunday while the weather was nice and warm. Because Gus has got ...
This is Gus ! He is a 15 y/o grade Appaloosa … and he’s mine :) I was not expecting to find a horse so fast, so I am sup...
🦃 Happy Turkey Day ✨...I hope you all have a great thanksgiving! There are so many things in life I am thankful for :) ....
okay I’m in love with this horse 🥺 this was after 3 weeks off of no riding…and we went no-hands and no stirrups ! I’m so...
Found some old footage in the archives that I hadn’t used before ! Don’t look too bad but definitely not where we were b...
Found some old footage in the archives that I hadn’t used before ! Don’t look too bad but definitely not where we were b...