Kenny Johnson for district 2 Coweta commissioner

Kenny Johnson for district 2 Coweta commissioner

I am a Moreland resident running for district 2 county commissioner here in Coweta county! Let’s be proactive and not reactive !

Vote for me and let’s keep this county a great place to live , work and raise a family !

Photos from Nunez For Georgia's post 09/04/2022

Thank you Nunez For Georgia for the support ! Also , thank you to the Coweta GOP for giving me the opportunity to speak this morning ! Vote Kenny Johnson for district 2 Coweta commissioner and let’s save Coweta !

Legislation would allow property tax relief for disaster-damaged properties 07/02/2022

This would be great if passed ! I know a lot of families that were caught up in this devastation with no help and still getting slammed with high property taxes ! If I am lucky enough to be elected as district 2 county commissioner I will always make it a point to work with the state representatives in order to make sure our citizens get treated fairly when it comes to their taxes and that their tax dollars are being spent to better the community we all love ! Making sure our hard earned tax dollars are spent wisely by investing in the community and bettering our infrastructure is the number one priority!

Legislation would allow property tax relief for disaster-damaged properties Under Georgia law, properties are taxed based on their fair market value as of Jan. 1.

Condo development coming to Greison Trail 02/02/2022

It just keeps coming ! More townhomes , more apartments , and more neighborhoods with no regard for our ongoing infrastructure problem !!!! We can’t just keep building and building until we get it under control ! Vote Kenny Johnson for district 2 Commissioner and let’s save Coweta !

Condo development coming to Greison Trail A 19-acre tract on Greison Trail near McIntosh Parkway is being graded for construction of 96 townhouse-style condominiums.


May 24th the residents of Coweta county and especially district 2 have a choice to make . Do you want more of the same ? Do you want more poorly planned development ? Do you want our infrastructure to continue to get overlooked ? Warehouses , apartments , liquor stores and large neighborhood developments that will add to the ongoing infrastructure problem ? Do you want our first responders to be stretched even thinner ? Those are questions you need to ask yourself when you go vote on May 24th . If you don’t want these things to continue and want change then I’m your man ! I will listen to my constituents and work with my fellow commissioners to fix these ongoing issues ! My opponents want more of the same . I want to make Coweta the best place to raise a family , to work , and to thrive ! Let’s take care of our people and not just our own interests ! Everyone get out and vote May 24th and let’s save Coweta county !


The campaign signs are here !!! Can’t wait to see these going up all over district 2 ! I am very much looking forward to this process and looking forward to working with the entire county board to keep Coweta county great ! Everyone get out and vote on May 24th ! Together we can help save our county and I will be the voice our district needs along with donating my salary back into the county via the humane society and battered womens shelter and raising money for multiple other county needs ! I love this county and I am looking forward to representing our district if I am lucky enough to be elected !

Commission, school board election districts match under new plan 21/01/2022

My question is why is district 2 so large ? It’s over twice the size of the other districts ? My opponent lives on the west side and has no desire to protect our land and values down here in Moreland unlike me who cares about the entire district and the entire county ! As commissioner of the largest district I look forward to working with the county staff on the controversial issues that are coming up ! Everyone get out and vote may 24th !

Commission, school board election districts match under new plan A searchable and zoomable version of the map can be viewed at .

Rescues ask for animal adoption center 19/01/2022

This is one cause that is very near and dear to my heart ! This is why as district 2 county commissioner I will be donating atleast half of my salary to the Coweta County humane society along with doing multiple fundraisers to help the cause !

Rescues ask for animal adoption center "This would be almost like a store with a manager and employees who are friendly customer service people," Whitlock said after the meeting.


It’s time our commissioners , especially our district 2 commissioner starts voting for what the people want ! Not only what they want !

Tanker Truck Follows GPS, Overturns on East Camp Street - Newnan Coweta Scanner Traffic 14/01/2022

Just another example of how Coweta roads , especially Moreland roads can’t handle the influx of traffic due to all of the rapid development with no regard for infrastructure! People in Such a small town shouldn’t be dealing with overturned tanker trucks ! The same thing I will change as county commissioner!

Tanker Truck Follows GPS, Overturns on East Camp Street - Newnan Coweta Scanner Traffic 911 Recieves Call for Overturned Tractor Trailer A little after 6:15 PM this evening 911 received a call for an Accident with Injuries on East Camp Street in Moreland. When units from the Coweta County Sheriffs Office and the Coweta County Fire Department responded they were met with a semi-tanker.....

High call volume puts pressure on EMS service 10/01/2022

With the population in the county rising that means more Covid cases , flu cases , rsv and not to mention all of the other emergencies that get swept under the rug due to Covid . This is just another example of how our infrastructure cannot handle the rapid growth and that our county has been reactive instead of proactive . Is this example it is our first responders bearing the burden ! These people put their lives on the line for us every day and they should not have so much put on them just because our commissioners would rather keep throwing up developments without making sure our infrastructure can handle it first . I am not anti growth in any way but there are things that need to be set in place so the right growth can occur !

High call volume puts pressure on EMS service Coweta County EMS is feeling that pressure, but, so far, things are OK.


I would like to say a big thank you to all of our local law enforcement! Thank you to the men and women that serve our community!


For far too long our county has been reactive instead of proactive! As district 2 county commissioner I plan to change that . Let’s build our infrastructure before we build anything else ! Let’s fix the roads , let’s make sure our school system can handle the growth , and let’s make these large developers help do it so our taxes don’t go even higher in order to do so ! This is OUR county , this is our home and I will fight for what the people in the county and especially what the people in district 2 want and need !
