Olivia Rhodes Author

Olivia Rhodes Author

I'm Olivia Rhodes, based in New England. Currently writing a magical realism series!✨


Thanks for your patience these past few weeks… I am hoping to be back to our regularly scheduled program very soon💜

I have a quick appointment and then it’s off to the final run through - because it’s show week this week!👏🏼🩰

What about you? Anything nice planned today?☺️


🌻 ✨


“To this end, the book was the most powerful element of all.”✨

Currently reading “The Rules of Magic” while I flesh out some scenes needed to finish my MS for my brilliant betas… it’s a nice brain distraction since it’s also show week next week and everything feels like a lot right now🥴




A big surprise from the second MS, a happy treat for you on this sunny Wednesday morning…

I am really looking forward to introducing you to these characters.

Everyone has a story, do you know yours?




A wee bit of an emotional hangover today… the body absolutely keeps score and spending yesterday taking care of myself was really important. Reading, writing, crying… very therapeutic. Heading to rehearsal soon - can’t believe it’s almost show week!

Hoping to do some admin and work on my NaNoWriMo project when I get home this afternoon.

What about you? Anything nice planned today?☺️


🌻 ✨


Been a bit quiet this past week… and probably will be this week too. Just have some other things to work on…

Being part of the dead dad’s club is the pits.

Sending extra love out in the world today, and my inbox is always open if you ever need a shoulder to cry on or rant to.




Poor Chloe… Consistently grim and/or rubbish news. It feels like being under water, just below the surface seeing things unfolding, but unable to break through…




Happy birthday to the Montclair twins (they are not 35…) and, of course, to me✨

It’s a self-care dayyyyy and I am starting it by not getting out of bed yet and then planning a grand adventure while doing more birthday things by myself today💜

I hope you have a lovely Monday!




Another busy day, but feeling very loved and excited. Last night my husband threw a little sort-of-surprise party for me and it was really nice to spend the evening with some of my favourite people and bring them together💜

I also did something amazing involving and I can’t wait to blurt it out😅

Are you up to anything fun today?✨


🌻 ✨


Oh, here is a good gem for you for - a proper throwback to my birthday party eleven years ago in the UK💜

A fancy dress party, with a beautiful cake, and some stellar friends I miss dearly - oh, what a night!

Going into birthday weekend mode is always fun, but this year is a bit different since I have rehearsals (and my proper birthday is Monday). The show will be here before you know it and then I will have five seconds of downtime before December goes wild😂 additionally, in the interest of transparency, I haven’t quite been myself and have found myself not looking forward to my birthday at all this year. I haven’t planned anything, which is unlike me, and while past me thought ahead and booked a facial and a mani/pedi, present me feels like a little blob of stressy-depressy-meh…

But I’m keeping my chin up… and diving deeply into my very unexpected project.

Tell me, are you looking forward to anything this weekend?✨




Nothing better (or worse?) than a sibling spat… Our favourite twins aren’t just here to have some banter💜

November is a month of change and so… we will be slowly transitioning from Project Chaos as I introduce you to Project Origins (it is heading to betas sometime in December!) and I cannot wait!✨




“November at its best - with a sort of delightful menace in the air.”
-Anne Bosworth Green


#2023 💫


Samhain, All Hallows’ Eve, or simply Halloween… I hope you have a lovely day🎃

Tomorrow, it’s my time 😈


🌻 ✨


Happy almost ‘ween 🎃 from our coven to yours✨

Pointe class was so much fun as a Cat, Queen Anne Boleyn, Wonder Woman, and Wednesday Addams.

(Not featured: a brilliant weird barbie😂)


Not much to say, it is a busy day and hopefully I make it out unscathed…😂

I hope you have a magical Sunday✨


🌻 ✨


A slight update… I’m going to be a little absent over the next week or so. I’ve got some stuff to handle that requires a lot of energy, so you’ll still see me here but I may not be as responsive or interactive. There are simply not enough spoons.

Please don’t take it personally! Part of healing and taking care of your mental health is recognising when you can’t overextend and then following through with the practises and implementing the tools you’ve been taught to process and heal so that is what I am doing💜

You’ll still see some posts, but we are riding (or rolling) out of October in a half broken pumpkin carriage at this point😂




Ah, the sibling bond. They say there aren’t many things stronger than the bonds of siblings… except maybe the bonds of twins (or other multiples).

But of course, there’s always exceptions to the rule, and obviously this doesn’t apply to everyone. I know plenty of people who actively avoid and dislike their siblings (or blood family in general). I myself have two siblings but at the end of the day despite any differences or disagreements, I would go to the mat for both of them, but that’s just me and my siblings. And for my found siblings it’s the same thing💜




A little reminder that only we can tell the stories we are given. We could write the “same” story, but it wouldn’t be the same when it was finished, would it? Each of us has our own distinct voice and style, and that is what makes each story unique✨




Sunday, Sunday!

I have an appointment, then rehearsal, so no admin today. It’s costume fitting day, which is always fun. Looking forward to coming home later and taking a long, hot bath more than anything else today though.

My kids party was yesterday and even with them being the only kids at it, I am completely drained. They had a complete blast though so I am happy🥰 it was just a small gathering with family and it was perfect!

Do you have any plans today? Are you being productive, or just resting?

I hope you have a magical Sunday✨


🌻 ✨


It’s buuuut I don’t have anything fun or quippy to say because I am quite tired… this weekend is a busy one, and I’ve finally recovered fully (I think?) from the nasty bronchitis round two/respiratory situation I’ve been dealing with. I have rehearsal tonight and again Sunday, but tomorrow is my kiddo’s combined birthday party. Since they both have October birthdays, I’m taking advantage of joint birthdays for as long as I can 😂 I suspect this might be one of the last years… as oldest is turning six at the end of the month (time is a thief!)

Spending the next few hours getting the house ready for tomorrow and then relaxing before heading to rehearsal.

Do you have any fun weekend plans?✨




My husband and I repeatedly have this conversation, actually…🥴

What can I say? I love the smell and feel of books, especially when they’ve been sat on your shelf a bit. There is nothing more beautiful to me than a well-loved book💜




Occasional bursts of reflection can be refreshing, even when feeling like rubbish. Reframing things is always a good thing to do, even if it takes time and practise!✨




Fine day, Sunday… I have an appointment, then rehearsal, so no admin today.

Between my injury and what I suspect is the return of bronchitis, my body is really looking forward to getting to bed early tonight😅

Do you have any plans today? Are you being productive, or just resting?

I hope you have a magical Sunday✨


🌻 ✨


A different kind of today because I felt like it… how cute is this work by ?! I love her work so much, she really brings my words to life✨

I am once again spending the next few hours getting ready/relaxing before heading to rehearsal.

Do you have any fun Friday night plans?✨




First line magic…✨




Does anyone have some good book recommendations for winter cosy reading?✨

October is a wild ride, and despite taking everything a day at a time, I am still finding things quite overwhelming. An apt day for this post, since it’s about mental health… remember last week I caught a wee cold? Well, thought I vanquished it, yet it seems to be sneaking back into my head. So I’m redirecting my energy to resting and kicking its butt once and for all… but even that aside, the offline calendar is chock-a-block and things keep coming! My head is spinning a bit… so it’s time to slow it all down (and also let you all know so you don’t think I’ve disappeared!).

It is taking a lot of energy to operate at baseline and I know I’m not the only person on here feeling that pressure right now. I’m tuned into my mental health so I recognise my own warning signs for potential burnout. I know I’ve got a lot on with my family, and I have to get cracking on the dev edit, but I’m also grappling with pushing my own deadline just to give myself a little grace. I want to make sure the MS my betas get is the best it can be!

The next few months are pretty busy and none of us can risk burn out (or illness), especially not me! So we are keeping things low key for now as we prep to ramp back up in November/December. Don’t worry though, I’m still here!✨




Sunday, Sunday! It’s the kind of perfect morning where the season change is clearly happening, the trees are raining leaves and they skip about in the wind saying ‘hello’!✨ I have rehearsal, so no admin today, but tomorrow is another day💜

Do you have any plans today? Are you being productive, or just resting?

I hope you have a magical Sunday✨


🌻 ✨


Happy ! I’m recovering from a cold which that knocked me for six the last two days, but happy to be on the mend as it’s my littlest bairns birthday tomorrow😭 time has gone by so quickly… both my kids have birthdays in October and then mine is at the start of November so it’s basically birthday season here🧁

Spending the next few hours getting ready/relaxing before heading to rehearsal. Thinking about trying the new assassin’s creed…

Do you have any fun Friday night plans?✨




That defining moment when you suddenly don’t feel so alone… have you experienced this? I know I certainly have, especially as a kid who sort of never properly fit in to any one clique.

I still experience this, even now as an adult! I don’t fit in to any particular clique - once a floater, always a floater (to some degree, at least). That’s why you just collect misfits and make your own covens😉✨




It’s that day again! I won’t be doing admin though… it’s back to rehearsals for another ballet that I am so excited to return to! I danced in it as a child and I loved it so much, so this will be really fun for me! A full-circle moment, if you will. I’m both nervous and thrilled, of course, but on the whole very chuffed about the whole thing!

As for the quiet these past few weeks, a lot has been going on behind the scenes in my personal life and I’ve found it very difficult to multitask (in a sense). As things have calmed slightly, I’m hoping to be able to get back here a bit more regularly, but I’m not going to push it.

In big news though, my dev edit is back! I am currently mulling that over as I figure out how to move forward in the most time efficient manner for my lovely betas!💜

Do you have any plans today? Are you being productive, or just resting?

I hope you have a wonderful Sunday✨


🌻 ✨


“Listen! The wind is rising, and the air is wild with leaves, We have had our summer evenings, now for October eves!”
-Humbert Wolfe

The orange and red of October are coming in quick… A final burst of colour before the world retreats into quiet, cold reserve, preparing for spring to come again.


#2023 💫


Happy ! The weather here is glorious, it’s raining and chilly which means it’s a good day to curl up with a good book (or your current WIP) and a cuppa!

Do you have any good reading recommendations as we head into cosy reading weather?✨




I am very excited to finally get to read ‘the secret history’! It’s been on my TBR for quite some time and I admit that, despite being a really desired read, it has been pushed back a few times… but the time has come!

Have you read it? If you did, what did you think? If you haven’t, is it on your TBR?




Do you know who the Beautiful Idiot™️ is in your life?

I think it’s safe to say that we all have that one person in our lives that is a beautiful idiot. Bless them, them mean well!

They also have this annoying way about them that makes it look like they’re floating through life, charming everyone they meet. I mean, part of that comes with the looks, right? But I’m not talking a manipulative person here, we’re talking almost golden retriever levels of d***y, beautiful existence…




Sorry for the quiet the last few days, there’s some stuff going on behind the scenes that requires a little more of my energy than usual… hopefully I’ll be back this week, all sorted. 💜

Do you have any plans today? Up to anything fun? Are you being productive, or just resting?✨


🌻 ✨


What colour eyes do you have?💜👀

I just love this description of my FMC’s eyes, having been told this myself. My daughter and I have the same brown eyes that change colour based on our mood (and health!). It’s hard when you have brown eyes, maybe because a lot of people have them? They’re often under appreciated for their beauty, even though they’re just as gorgeous if you really take the time to look at them! I used to think they were boring, but as I got older I realised how full of magic they were✨

My husband and son both have these blue-grey eyes that are really noticeable, though they change colour based on their outfits and the weather…😂 my husband also has heterochromia iridum in his left eye, so he has a splash of hazely-brown, which I love!




I really liked this quote from “turtles all the way down” by (well, I actually enjoyed the entire book, but this stood out to me) and I felt like it needed a moment to shine✨

Have you read anything recently and had a quote that stuck with you? Or just a favourite quote in general? I’d love to know!



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✨are you ready for it?Getting everything ready for my beta readers… to say I’m excited is an understatement. I am also c...