Panick For President 2024

Panick For President 2024

Independent Candidate for POTUS "For True Freedom"


Let's talk a little bit about corporate profits. As a business owner, I'm all for being successful and profitable. But it shouldn't be at the expense of low paid workers and price gouging consumers. Everyone seems to always miss the main factor of "inflation", corporate greed. When CEOs are making tens of millions of dollars a year, and shareholders are reaping record returns, all while workers are making the same wages they did 20 years ago and people can't afford food on the wages they make, there's a HUGE problem. It's way past time to take action. There needs to be a cap on executive salaries, with a mandate for that money going to living wages for everyday Americans. There needs to be limits in place to curb price gouging. Corporate lobbying needs to be COMPLETELY removed from government.
This is a huge task, and America deserves a leader who's willing to undertake it.
Vote for me, because I'll damn sure take on the task!


Guess who's not facing 4 indictments for treasonous bu****it...
This guy!
Vote for someone who isn't a fu***ng criminal!
Panick For President 2024


I saw a news article this morning that said over 2/3 of Americans don't know what Independence Day is about, then saw several FB posts from people proving the article to be factual.
So let's break it down...
July 4th is Independence Day in the United States. It commemorates the Revolutionary War that we fought against England to gain our freedom and independence from being ruled by their monarchy. It's not about veterans, it's not about memorializing our casualties of war. There are separate "holidays" for those things.
Independence Day is about freedom.
Sadly, we've reached a stage in this "grand experiment of democracy" where freedom isn't what it was meant to be. The past several years have seen freedoms stripped away from us: the freedom of body anonymity for women, the freedom to not have others force their religious beliefs on you, the freedom to be your honest self and love who you love, the freedom to read anything you choose, and on and on.
And we as Americans have sat idly by and apathetically let it happen.
The freedoms our ancestors fought and died for no longer apply to all Americans, and definitely don't apply to the most vulnerable among us.
The plaque on the Statue of Liberty reads "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!""

The Declaration of Independence, the very foundation of this day and our nation says "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

That's what Independence Day is supposed to be about.
That's what America is supposed to be all about.

We'll continue to erode not just our own personal freedoms, but the very ideals that our nation stands for unless we make some MAJOR changes.
We HAVE to take our nation back from those that don't uphold the interests of ALL of our fellow Americans.
For TRUE Freedom!


I don't keep classified documents in the sh***er. I read my phone like a normal human.


One of my first acts as President will be to haul in all the heads of the corporations that have monopolized our nations food production to explain why in the actual f**k they're continuing to prioritize shareholders over everyday American people. They've used "COVID" as an excuse for way too fu***ng long. They're making record profits, while everyone else is struggling. America already broke up monopolized greed years ago, yet in 2023 it's back stronger than ever. It's time for that bu****it to end for good!


At least my candidacy announcement wasn't turned into a total s**t-show by Elon Muskrat's s**tty website!
**kDeSantis **kElonMusk


When I'm elected, you can say goodbye to your ammosexual fantasy, tiny dick compensation, "RWDS", high capacity magazine death machine.
You don't need it for home protection. You don't need it for hunting. You're not part of some fu***ng "well regulated militia". You, nor anyone else, needs an assault weapon.
They'll be fu***ng GONE! Take that s**t to the bank.


I want a president who's not been indicted for a scheme to commit business fraud by paying his mistresses hush money, then cooking his business books to hide the payments as "legal expenses", don't you?


We deserve better.


It's time for us to join every other civilized nation. Hell, even so called "3rd world" countries have made socialized healthcare work, very successfully, for decades. It's our turn to eliminate the nightmare of getting hurt or sick being a nightmare of financial ruin.
My administration is going to be the bane of the insurance industry. "Obamacare" wasn't enough. It's time to take obscene profit out of healthcare.


When I win in 2024, you can bet your ass the obscene billionaire/corporate class will pay their fair share in taxes.
They're going to wish they had saved all that "putting a dick rocket full of rich people in orbit" and "buy a social media company because the w**d number is funny" money away for a rainy day, because they're going to see a STORM.
It's time to take the burden of funding our nation off of the people that are working every day and struggling to survive and put a lot more fair share of it back on the people that haven't been paying enough.

Sign Up Today >> 16/11/2022

Sign Up Today >> As classroom censorship and book ban attacks unfold nationwide, join the fight back to protect students' First Amendment right to learn. Take the pledge.


No matter what your ethnicity is...
No matter what your orientation is...
No matter what your income level is...
No matter who you worship...
No matter who you love...
YOU deserve equality. YOU deserve freedom. YOU deserve better than the so-called leaders we have now.

For True Freedom


Yes, I'm ordained.
No, I won't be flaunting it for political capital.
Freedom means not having religion pushed on you just as much as it means freedom to worship however you choose.

For True Freedom!


I'm not a Democrat. I'm not a Republican.
I'm an American. I care about and acknowledge the issues that face all Americans. I care about equality. I care about truth. I care about our great nation. I care about FREEDOM!
I don't care about extremism. I don't care about ideologies of hatred. I don't care about pushing religious agenda. I don't care about anything that has no place in our society. It's time for all that to end.
Join me For True Freedom!

CNN: Stop Giving Trump Free Airtime! 16/11/2022

I demand CNN provide my campaign with equal airtime as they provide the habitual liar, twice impeached former president!

CNN: Stop Giving Trump Free Airtime! As Donald Trump announced he was running for president again. we saw that the news media learned nothing from the last go-round about how to avoid his toxic manipulations. CNN covered his speech live—essentially giving him free rein to dominate airwaves and reach viewers with his narcissistic bran...


If you elect me President in 2024, I'll have an array of these positioned in orbit above every unfriendly nation that is a threat to the US and the world at large. Russia, China, N. Korea, Iran, the Saudis... all of their leaders will have to go to bed every night knowing that they can be specifically targeted and wiped off the map at the first sign of them being an as***le. These nations have gone unchecked for too long.
F**k a land war. Drop the "Rod from God" on their asses.


I'd like to announce my candidacy for President of these great United States for 2024, running as an Independent. In the near future, I will be laying out my full campaign policy and ideas for our great nation, but here's a start.
My Day 1 agenda in the White House will be an across the board limit to a single 6 year term for all three branches of the US Federal Government. Our so called "leaders" have been operating in campaign mode for way too long, and way too damn many of them have made careers out of suckling the govt teat.
The Supreme court of the US will also be subject to a single 6 year term. The current Supreme court will be disbanded, and all future justices will be nominated and selected by an independent commission of Constitutional Law professionals.
Campaign finance laws will be greatly tightened down, with all PACs and SuperPACs being completely eliminated along with all corporate campaign donations. Anyone holding Federal office, by election or appointment, will be barred from private sector "consulting" for a span of 12 years after they leave office. Anyone holding Federal office will be required to either liquidate or place into a neutral blind trust any and all business and/ or stock holdings while they serve their term, and for 6 years after they leave office.
Lobbying will be eliminated day one and assigned the same Federal penalties as Bribery, because let's face it, that's all the f**k it is. The salary of all Federal offices will be set at the median income of the US for the year prior to the official taking office. Wanna make more money? Help us ALL make more money.
We have to make some major changes in our country, if we don't want to fall like Rome. Change starts at the top!
I appreciate your write in vote for President of the United States!
