Stand Strong Together

If you have a business challenge - be it Systems, Managing People or Money, Deb is your girl! Deb is a whiz!

She has been in Admin & Financial Management positions since her late teens! And about 20 years ago, Deb saw a need in the business owners she was serving and decided to become a Coach! Looking at your patterns in business, where your business is at, working with Deb will take out the overwhelm and get you on the right track again!


It’s a New Week. A New Day! How will you live this day? Choose well # # #


Closed Monogamous Relationships are THE MOST CHALLENGING on the planet! According to a recent National Survey in the US, lack of commitment was the leading reason for Divorce was 73% of couples! Don't throw away your relationship! Don't be a statistic!


If you're contemplating the D...v...e word, think again! You can rekindle what you had! It just requires your willingness!!! PM us if you're ready for that...!


Celebrating day out of Time with my Beloved! What a most precious and sacred day we have had ❤️🔱❤️🔱❤️🔱❤️


Welcome to the Day Out of Time, the 25th of July, bridge between the Past and the Future, a space in Time, Consciousness and Heart, a sacred pause in ‘The All that Is’, a Timeless place to honour self, our connections, and our spark in all things, as a catalyst in building the worlds that cradle us as we journey into Unity and Oneness. Here in this space the Lunar Calendars and Solar Calendar Merge and for a single day each year, God and Goddess embrace even within consciousness where they are often restricted by the mortal creation that is ‘Gender’.
This sacred pause and space in the perceived endless flow of time is not only a place of Transmutation, Transformation and Rebirth, that allows us to, welcome endless new Possibilities and Potentials, and align ourselves with the greater cycles of the Universe, our Planet and our Soul, but also a space where our original spark collaborates with its Universal Origin and finds a sympathetic and all Loving Listener ready to offer all it can from its arsenal of LOVE and LIGHT.
Today every layer of creation speaks the same Language, a ‘Rainbow Bridge’ or perhaps even a ‘Coat of Many Colours’ where all become one divine all loving being. Today, there is no division or difference, and those that honour this blessing within their personal Consciousness can know their purpose even if only within the endless codex of Love called ‘Faith’ as a ‘moment’ to stabilize and fuel the flight of their Soul like an Arrow released from a Bow that only Knows Light as its Target.
Today you are heard in the highest regard, by self, all Life, and your Universe, be sure to sit quietly even if just for ‘The Seven Sacred Moments’. Take time to listen at each place of Listening, and then guide at each place of Guiding with a Single self-created Star birthed by divine personal intention placed perfectly within the ‘Nests of Life’ we call Chakras, today is the very reason they are there, use them!
Today you are a ‘Rainbow of Light’ that links all creation, speaks, and listens to and as All. Tomorrow you will be reborn, Who and What will you become?!

‘Té Kar-Ra Nem ma Sar’
May all my Blessings be yours’.


Image;- ‘Ascension’ – ‘May today and everyday be the first step in a journey of Love’.

More Cyclic Information and your Personal Journey can begin here if you feel ready. 🙏🏻

Photos from Stand Strong Together's post 19/07/2024

Magnificent sunrise this morning! Very chilly start to the day. 5 degrees and ice on the windscreen! Always worth it. What an amazing gift nature is # # #


It’s a double rainbow kind of morning 🌈

Photos from Stand Strong Together's post 20/06/2024

Passion up🔱🦘🔆😊 it’s Crocoite day
Morning sun blessings x

Photos from's post 30/05/2024

You raise me up! Such an amazing song! These guys do it well x


‘We are all born the Caretakers of our Planet, a role agreed to and accepted universally, and one of the few planetary Laws to which we are bound to for life. In many ways a test of Compassion, but upon closer examination a trial of Equality where physical structure and size must be completely recognised as delusion, and all seen through the single Eye of Love.
There is no truer measure of an evolved being upon the Spiritual Path than their attitude, dedication, and hands on commitment to Service directed towards the ‘Little Ones’, those upon the simultaneous pathways of planetary evolution that perhaps fill the spaces that allow the diverse grandeur of Higher life to exist, they by refection, are your ‘Inner Nature Voice’ and the actual substance of Love incarnate, an Apothecary and Map of your inner world made manifest outwardly surrounding you in gifts of guidance. All that you see and experience in nature also lives within you, there is no ‘Coincidence’ in Natures Sacred Ways and if you do not spend time in nature you will come to lose the maps of your inner working. Nature is a gift and a step by step guide to Evolution, listening starts with Service, will you serve the ‘Little Ones? Will you receive their Voice and Gain your Wings, are you truly ready to Fly?’

- JMA - Nature-Sync - - Home of all programs for a New World.

IMAGE; - 'The Guardian of the Fourth Degree' - BY JMA Creator of TLC.

Photos from Stand Strong Together's post 16/05/2024

Celebrating a new dawn 🔱💚💙🔆my roots go deep my branches, trunk and leaves 🍃 touch the heavens and always do I know unity and oneness with my brothers and sisters alike! Nature offers many gifts 🔆 a morning well spent being like a tree 🌳 🤣😊🔆🙏


Happy Aventurine Day and Welcome to City and Directive 10, here is a share from Nature-Sync/ On

Principle Mineral Aventurine- ‘The Cradle key’
Well here is a gift that we actually have had a hand in recreating and stimulating access too for many that seek wisdom and Unity in this life, a rare honour that I certainly don’t take lightly. This is the Modern adaption of the Crystalline Key needed to access the ‘Chamber of Manubian Knowing’, a sacred chamber related to Starchild Directive Ten within the Directive 10 Major Emanation Point, ‘Cradle Mountain’ in Tasmania Australia.
Once in there you can Request Information, Blessings and Gifts from all its connected Trees and Crystalline encodement’s which are; -
- Trees- The Casuarina(She Oak), The Banksia Tree The Alder Tree and The Birch Tree,
- Foundational Minerals - Hematite, Lodestone, Chrysoprase, AVENTURINE, Sulphur, Howlite, Petrified Wood.
- Higher Minerals(The Starchild Directives.); - Gaspéite (SCD), Botryogen (SCD) and Cuprite (SCD)

To use the Key, recite the ‘Cradle Prayer’ (see below) and then simply Hold an Image of the Mountain in your Mind then take the Key from this world (use the image) to the foot of the Mountain where a Banksia Tree will ask you for it.
After showing the Tree the ‘Key’, you will instantly be in the Chamber and can request whatever you like relevant to the above . If anyone asks show them the key.

(NOTE; - Many of the being you may encounter here have not seen this Key in its modern form and will be very excited about it, they can hold it, but be sure to bring it back with you).

‘Hear me Divine Horus, I call your Reflected Millions to Anchor their Divinity from the Ethers between worlds!
I Infuse and Ground My Spirit so that Service may Prevail.
I Free all aspects of Past and I stand strong upon the Path to Freedom and Eternal Life, Unlimited in my Ways.
I Am the Radiance, The Flame, and the Presence of the One.
May Our Future Now Be Shared in my Inner Fire.’

‘Té Kar-Ra, Nem ma sar’
‘May my Blessings all be yours’.

Ps. This Key will also grant access to ALL the Lesser Emanation Points of Directive Ten; -
Mt Ossa – ‘The Chamber of the Physical Mother’.
Mount Roland –‘ The Seat of Births Knowing’.
Mount Murchison, Tasmania Aust – ‘The Chamber the Physical Father’.


Happy Moonstone Day!
Here is an Atlantian Moonstone Activator shared from the Nature-Sync Program where I am awakening some of the Old Tools of Atlantis and the Atlantian way.

Principle Mineral Moonstone – ‘Lightbrary of the Moon’
Well here you go, if there was ever evidence of my ability to see accurately it is right here in this image strangely not because of what is present visually but actually what is NOT! Ha ha … I know weird right! Let me explain.
This is one of many Ancient Atlantian Tools and probably one of the most sacred that were gifted back to your planet for safe keeping, just before the fall of that great epoch. It is a gateway into the many and most revered faces, pathways and/or Gifts of the Divine Feminine and Humanity is CERTAINLY not ready to have it back just yet as the delusions are rampant! The interesting thing is I have acquired access of it in this life and hope one day to facilitate its ‘complete’ gift back to humanity … once the time is right. This image is as amazing as it is as I have taken the time to still offer the ‘Whole’ but have removed the pieces I am not allowed to share, so the Whole is present, but the smaller parts that make it up are not! To get that done what I did with my exceptional vision was to simply replace the Symbolism that makes up the chapters of the Divine Feminine that humanity is still not ready for, so if you examine this image, you will find the symbols are divided up into ‘Story’ like sections, and that I used a ‘wiggly line’ almost like a scribble to cover the forbidden bits! So, it’s all there, but some is hidden for those not quite ready.
This ‘Giving back Atlantis’ thing that I came to this planet to facilitate and have been doing for over 40 years that a few others seem to think is ‘Simple’, is a little more detailed, after all they have usually just done one or two doses of awakening with me and disrespectfully rehashed the stuff TLC awakens ... man it gets old and its sad, but there will be many to come.
Anyway, this is a real Tool and is still in your planet awaiting its day of rebirth and is VERY much active and available to those that know of and desire its wisdom, love and power, and I know this image of the Divine Goddess Library will make that process much simpler. For some of you, some of my many ‘scribbled’ lines will disappear when you awaken the Stone in your Hands and hold its vision inwards, this image is created to awaken and gift all that it can to an ‘individual’ so enjoy. So, this is perhaps the only image you will ever see that is awesome because of what is NOT in it!
To activate the Atlantian ‘Lightbrary of the Moon’ which incidentally, is of course made of Moonstone and in the traditional shape of most Moonstone Activation pieces, an Egg, spend some time with its image, focused upon the its circular doorway, holding your hands cupped at the Sacral Chakra and simply allow its weight to appear in your Hands. Once you have the stone, go inward for alignment with it (its big, about a Foot High and Heavy), then gently open your eyes again to the Image and FLOW to the story (area what you wish to Translate (let your eyes simply FLOW to where they wish) once you have recognised what you NEED, gently close your eyes and listen inwardly. Often the ‘Lightbrary of the Moon’ will expand outwards to surround you and gently spin around your body if that occurs simply read it from the Inside outwards.

Walk Gently and with Love,


Ps. Yes, this is a VERY important post and an art piece that required A LOT of work, please enjoy it respectfully and don't bite off more than you can chew!

PS2. No, its not the Death Star from STARWARS! But that certainly was not an Accident !!

PS This is a very big image sorry this is a big as I could go on FB.

Ready for Nature-Sync and to play your role in the real Rebirth of the Atlantian Way? Check it out, its in its Fourth Year and a Masterpiece that totals over 6046 Pages!



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Monday 09:00 - 17:00