Soul Fire Phoenix

Soul Fire Phoenix

Movement * Wellness * Healing * Classes with Laura Libby | Ophelia Flame


Many women, including myself, roll into perimenopause in survival mode. This can be incredibly blindsiding for so many people, and finding your path to self-healing can seem impossible. Thankfully there are many options, with Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine being a fantastic resource for symptom and stress relief in Peri to Post-menopause. Especially for women unable to, or who may choose not to, use hormone therapy.
I had a wonderful discussion with my dear friend Stacey Degen (L Ac) with Second Spring by Stacey as part of my World Menopause Day Summit in 2023 where we discussed the benefits of Acupuncture. View the entire conversation and more here:


I had a powerful dream about my own death which revealed the collective amount of time spent worrying about what people think. After a lifelong journey of trying to fit myself into tiny little boxes, I am officially, DONE.

Now a decade into my own journey, I can see clearly that the fire that burns away the bu****it in Midlife is an opportunity to liberate ourselves from expectations while stepping into the joy of being who we’re truly meant to be. THIS is real power and at the root of why the cultural norm hates and fears aging women. We let them steal our power by believing them when they say we’re ugly, useless and invisible.
I will no longer subscribe to unrealistic expectations of beauty and behavior. Instead, my mission will be to demystify aging and empower myself and other women to embrace their evolving identities with more strength, pleasure, and joy. As an angry, punk rock GenX woman, unapologetic aging may be my greatest act of rebellion yet. ..


Menopausal Hormone Therapy (MHT) remains one of the most misunderstood, demonized and confusing aspects of the menopausal journey and the single biggest question I get when talking with clients about the change. 80% of women will experience symptoms, yet only 10% will receive any care or the support they deserve.
This is largely because medical professionals receive nearly no education in menopause medicine, and are often unsure how to diagnose or treat their menopausal patients, which makes finding a qualified practitioner much like searching for a needle in a haystack. On average, women in the US will see a minimum of 10 different doctors before they find one that will help them.
THANKFULLY things are slowly changing and I’m grateful, after a decade-long search, to have found some educated clinicians in my area and even now telehealth providers that I can refer my people to. While it may not be for everyone, MHT is a viable option for many women, is covered by most insurance and has even been shown to offer support in the prevention of bone fractures, heart disease and dementia.
I had a helpful discussion with CNP Andrea Brockberg of Minnesota Women's Care as part of my World Menopause Day - Virtual Summit in 2023 where we discussed the infamous WHI Study, which is largely responsible for spreading the misinformation that MHT causes cancer. This erroneous message left an entire generation without conversation, funding, research and care. Please PM me if you have any questions or are in need of support.
View the entire conversation and more here: ..


Sadly my story isn't unique. Millions of women are routinely dismissed about their perimenopause symptoms. We're told it's just part of getting older, and even that it's all in our heads. It took me a decade to find the help I needed, which is why I feel so called to educate, advocate and share resources about the menopause transition -- so other women don't have to go though what I did.

To watch the full video, check it out on my YouTube channel here -

Photos from Soul Fire Phoenix's post 01/08/2024

Spicy Book Club ONE WEEK FROM TODAY and my return to the stage on AUGUST 10! -


Well friends, the cat’s out of the bag - MEOW!
After a nearly 5 year hiatus, I’ll be returning to the stage on August 10th with the Golden Garters Burlesque R***e at the Amsterdam Bar & Hall. My time away was necessary and deeply transformative. I’m stronger, wiser, curvier and feeling sassier than ever. Truthfully, I feel like I’ve stepped into who I'm truly meant to be as a person and performer. But don’t worry, I've brought all the ridiculousness and stupidity with me. 😉
During my performance sabbatical, I realized a funny thing about aging. It's the importance of being able to let go of who you WERE, while simultaneously remembering who you ARE and staying open to who you’re still BECOMING. It’s that easy and that hard all at once.🫣
Though I’d been dancing for a decade prior under other names, I was 30 years old in 1999 when I started using the stage name Ophelia Flame. Now at 55, with over 3 defiant decades of shakin’ my money maker, I felt it was time for a change that reflects a new era. An era is no longer defined by what other people think or where success is measured by unrealistic cultural or self-imposed expectations.
I intend to fill this era with joy, wisdom, laughter and irreverent badassery. Henceforth in this new era you may now formally refer to me as, Dame Ophelia Flame, Her Majesty of Midlife Mischief and your Sparkling Sovereign of 'Over the Hill'—Because the View is Best from the Top!"
Of course, you can still just call me Ophelia, O, Flame, Feels and Auntie Flame. I’m even happy to answer to Hot Pants.
Just don’t call it a comeback, I’ve been here for years… ✨💃

GA and VIP tickets available:

Photos from Soul Fire Phoenix's post 15/07/2024



Hiya friends!
The next Wise Women Rising book club is just about a month away. Plenty of time to pick up or download a copy of our next feature, "The Ultimate Guide to S*x after 50 - How to Maintain or Regain a Spicy, Satisfying S*x Life" by Joan Price
Super looking forward to this conversation around an important topic nearly everyone wants to discuss but very few do. Virtual and in-person options - register today!




I just had to share this win with ya'll. Recently I was on vacation in Mexico. It was a lovely time to take a break from the winter weather and self-reflect. On our morning walk, I shared with my husband my feelings of self-doubt around my work as a menopause advocate and support coach. The social stigma and weird judgment around the menopause transition often make me feel like I’m shouting into the void. Honestly, I get tired of feeling like I’m going it alone so it’s understandable that on occasion I might wonder, WHY am I doing this?! To be clear, I know in my heart of hearts this is the work I'm meant to do right now. I see women empowered and changes happening every day which remains my inspirational muse. In hindsight, I think this may have been a plea to the universe for both validation and a little adventure. This did not go unnoticed.

Less than 2 minutes after my moment of misgivings, I got a message from a local friend inviting me to speak about menopause at an event happening on the island that week for International Women's Day. Seeeeeriously, WOW! Though I’d been considering offering lectures, most of my work has been working with women one to one. My old self would have graciously declined. Thanks but no thanks, there were way too many unknown variables including the hard fact that I had nothing prepared to present and my Spanish is unfortunately terrible.
In her message, Yolotl shared they wanted me to talk for 30 minutes and that I was welcome to speak in English. My former event planner brain began to spin with logistical questions: who and how many people would be attending and where would I be speaking? Will I stand or sit, will there be a microphone, is it inside or outside and of course the ever-repressive question…WHAT in the heck do I WEAR? Thoughts racing, I gave her a reluctant maybe.
I took the afternoon to decide whether I could find the joy in writing a script without disrupting my family vacation. Eventually concluding that if you ask big questions and the universe presents an opportunity, you best better say YES, so I did. How hard could it be? Since I've been swimming in the sea of Menopause for some time now, I had plenty of content to pull from to create a presentation. Eventually, my little script defined what menopause was but also how the transition goes far beyond just physical symptoms and is a cultural, familial, and for many, a spiritual right of passage.
I shared important statistics, nutritional and supplemental resources, outlined the basics of Hormone Therapy and offered some takeaway prompts for Pre, Peri, and Postmenopausal women to reflect on. I really emphasize how Menopause does not have to be feared and can actually be an opportunity for women to celebrate finally stepping into who they truly are. With my notes prepared (and not a beach day missed), I remind myself it was only 30 minutes, that this was an adventure I'd basically asked for and most importantly, that I know my stuff. Tawanda!
I received only an address the night before and nothing else. My husband dropped me off at the address provided which seemed a fairly typical residential street of Mexico a few blocks from the ocean. On the corner was a little stucco cafe painted white with blue trim and wood-shuttered windows. Inside was filled with incredible smells of coffee and sweet treats as a beautiful tiled floor yawned towards two inviting French doors that opened into the most magical tropical courtyard. The large private area was decorated with paper lanterns, streamers and balloons in three shades of lavender. Hummingbirds darted between Geiger trees dripping with happy pink blossoms as a woman painted a large mural of angel wings with the words, "Vuela Alto.”
It was as though I stepped into some speakeasy of Zen. Thankfully I just happened to stumble into the host Bathsheba who was warm and welcoming. She gave me a quick tour of the grassy area where I’d be speaking at noon. As I walked in further, lovely vendors were selling jewelry, tinctures, hats, salves, macromay, refreshments and healthy snacks. Three body workers offered free treatments for women under shady palms while great-tailed grackles sang and fluttered about. Though it was truly lovely I still had lots of questions but calmly waited for the mysteries to be revealed.
I arrived early so I joined the "Clase de Danza Sensual" with Andrea happening in conjunction with the Women’s Day event at Confidanza Studio. This was a lovely space for women only and I felt very welcomed. The majority of dancers were young, beautiful women who had just finished an intensive Barre class across the hall. I recalled those good 'ol days when I enjoyed seemingly endless hours of strengthening and exploring moving in my body without fatigue and joint pain. There were a few other older women who joined the class whose gentle smiles and storytelling eyes shared an unspoken code of unity. If you know, you know.
We followed the instructor's lead, finding pleasure and joy, moving our bodies seductively in our own unique ways. A sweet young woman whispered to me in English, quietly translating what the instructor was saying. Though I was grateful and will forever be a humble student, having been a world-renowned burlesque performer for 3 decades I needed no translation. This was my complete comfort zone and at my age, I understand this movement as a powerful and grounding creative center which is every woman’s birthright. I enjoyed my well-earned confidence with zero desire to fit in and thought this was an entertaining secret I was happy to keep. This is something that comes with the passage of menopause, a truly complete lack of giving a s**t.
Returning to the courtyard, I was happy to find a group had gathered and was seated in rows of chairs. The first presenter had started, and I only wished my Spanish had been better so I could hear his lecture on healing with plant essences. When it came time to speak I felt a little flushed as the technician worked to set up my microphone. I quickly ran over the mountain of much harder things I’d done in my life, a technique I know many women use to find courage. This couldn't possibly be harder than childbirth or dancing on stage in front of thousands of people in nothing but sparkly underthings. Nope, I got this.
With the aid of my notes and a dash of humor, I found stride in my presentation. I even felt like I did a great job! My dear friend Micah from elementary school who’d recently retired to the island attended and thankfully verified I'd not made a fool of myself. I was pleased there were so many people, including several male attendees who were interested. They even asked the most thoughtful questions! Afterward, several women came to me, asking questions about menopause for themselves and family members. They shared about their complete lack of knowledge and feelings of being unprepared. One was even a bit misty-eyed as she explained how her mother had suffered physically and emotionally not really understanding what was happening or that help even existed.
The next presenter Daniela, an author of several books, spoke about her lifelong spiritual journey around the world and the mysteries of the Kabala. What little I could understand I felt very drawn to her and recommitted to my daily Spanish lessons right then and there. Afterward, we made a lovely connection and she invited me to lunch later that weekend at her sanctuary home, a beautiful yoga retreat center on a wild little plot of jungle where they grow their own food and tend to a small apery. I’ve been looking for a place just like this to host a retreat so our meeting seemed kismet. I also met an American woman who was visiting the island for the day and coincidently had retired to the little mainland fishing village where my husband and I were married 25 years ago. Oh how I love making cool new friends!
The event concluded late afternoon with a beautiful Cacao ceremony. Seated on the warm grass we drank the silky, heart-opening liquid served by the youngest of the group, Bathsheba's daughter (who was maybe 5) and the eldest, my new friend Danelia. A group of close to 30 women sang sacred songs, shared with their whole hearts and danced in a ritual way. This was as a precious reminder of the significance of women uniting to exchange their wisdom, support, and resources. I felt grateful to be welcomed into their community and for the opportunity to speak and be heard about something so important to me.

It was a reminder of how the veil of mystery surrounding Menopause is prevalent nearly everywhere and the importance of speaking about the stigma of aging. It’s vital that we share this wisdom and support women so can reimagine what it means to age and become confident, valued elders. I couldn't help but reflect on how far I've come on my own bumpy journey and felt re-inspired in my dedication to supporting women on their unique pathways at any age. I left the event and the island with a full and open heart.
After returning home I’m grateful for these new connections and excited about possibilities. I’m reminded that adventure is always just around the corner. Though it may feel counterintuitive, seeking adventure can be especially valuable during moments of self-doubt. Even a small plea of “WHY” can bring opportunities for new insights. The real question is, will you recognize the opportunity and have the courage to follow an unknown path just to see how it unfolds? My kind of wise elder woman puts on her shoes and walks straight out the door. Well… maybe she grabs a light snack because lord knows, snacks are always good. Happy trails lovers! 🪄✨💖

Photos from Soul Fire Phoenix's post 01/02/2024

In other exciting news...😁
CHECK OUT MY NEW BUSINESS CARDS! Thrilled to be part of this incredible team of women healers at Loon Holistic Health who offer a wide range of services that support the wellness of our community. 🥰

Photos from Soul Fire Phoenix's post 31/01/2024



Exciting announcment and new offerings! 🌿📖 -


Well, here it is! The dates, times, and book list for the 2024 Wise Women Rising Book Club. We'll meet every other month and each gathering is set on or around the New Moon. This seemed like a fitting time as it represents the Elder Crone within the moon's cycles.
Let's celebrate the wisdom that comes with age and the strength that arises from better understanding. Wise Women Rising - Book Club is more than just a reading group; it's a celebration of life's next beautiful chapter, where everyone is welcome to learn, share, and grow together within a supportive community.
In-person meetings with a few virtual spots will be held at Loon Holistic Health in Scandia, MN. Space is limited to 18 to allow for comfort and room for all to share. Join us for one or all!

Mark your calendars and register in advance!

12 - 2 pm on Saturday, February 10
“What Fresh Hell is This?” by Heather Corinna

2 - 4 pm on Sunday, April 7
“Hagitude: Reimagining the Second Half of Life" by Sharon Blackie

6 - 8 pm on Friday, June 7
“Second Spring” by Kate Codrington

2 - 4 pm on Saturday, August 3
“The Ultimate Guide to S*x After 50” by Joan Price

2 - 4 on Sunday, Oct 1
“Goddesses In Older Women” by Jean Shinoda Bolen

2 - 4 pm on Sunday, Dec 1
“Beyond Menopause” by Dr Carolyn Torklelson


Solstice Blessing, Yearly Reflections & New Year Offerings

Photos from Soul Fire Phoenix's post 12/12/2023

Teasercise Wednesday This Week & Nia on Friday! Plus Sneek Peak Into New Year Offerings. 💃 -

Photos from Soul Fire Phoenix's post 28/11/2023









WORLD MENOPAUSE DAY SUMMIT TOMORROW !🤩 Plus Teasercise and an exciting announcement! -

Photos from Soul Fire Phoenix's post 10/10/2023





Beloved friends! 🥰
We urgently need your help ASAP. In a last breath effort to save Creators Space from closing, State Rep. Maria Isa Perez-Vega needs to hear directly why it's important that Creators Space live on or this incredible place that supports hundreds of artists, musicians, families, filmmakers, poets, healers, teachers, dancers and marginalized communities will close it’s doors on November 5.
There is a meeting scheduled with Rep. Maria happening Monday morning and we need to FLOOD her inbox, letting her know how important Creators Space is to the Twin Cities community. These messages can come from anyone - adults, children, members, past members of CreatorsSpace, or anyone who has shown up and loved their experience there.

We need lots of numbers, lots of letters and they have to come before Monday morning!! This may be our chance in raising the funds we need to continue on with this co-creation. If you’re able, PLEASE EMAIL HER TODAY OR TOMORROW. Send email to [email protected]

This can be a short message. Be sure to include the following details:
1. Your name, where you live, where you work (if in the local area), and how long.
2. Your relationship to Creators Space, if you've been a member or attended classes there. Heck even just mentioning the importance of supporting small businesses of downtown St. Paul.
3. Why you believe it's important for CS to exist and support the arts.
There is a chance this could help Creators Space in a big way, but it absolutely will depend on our ability to be seen and heard. Are you able to help?

*Please feel free to share widely!


This months discussion will be about how menopause transition can impact relationships. Join us 5:30 pm CST on AUGUST 16!






SOLSTICE BLESSINGS TO YOU! Class updates and other nuggets. 🌞 -


YOUR JUNE PLAYLIST: SOL TO SOUL Plus the chance to dance together THIS Friday!



Videos (show all)

Many women, including myself, roll into perimenopause in survival mode. This can be incredibly blindsiding for so many p...
I'm Done!
World Menopause Day - Virtual Summit with Andrea Brockberg of MN Women's Care
Sadly my story isn't unique. Millions of women are routinely dismissed about their perimenopause symptoms. We're told it...
Register at:
Give yourself or someone you love the gift of Courage this holiday season and join us for a cozy winter exploration of c...
Reset Your Personal Narrative!

Opening Hours

10:30 - 11:30