Polly Pollock

Polly Pollock

⫸ Helping soul-led entrepreneurs build out their personal brand around their unique mission & medicine to attract more dream clients. Mentorship👇


So, my Instagram went viral a few times last year and I acquired a fair few followers, this year, my engagement has been pretty dog 💩 since I’ve started speaking more truth and not appealing to the algo as much…

Long story short, I’ve done some analysing and I’ll be removing over 14,000 non-engaged followers over the next 3 months…


Because reaching the women who need my work is more important to me than a stupid number that actually doesn’t mean anything.

The person I was when I first put my business online would have thought I was crazy for doing this. She thought followers were the answer to her success and her impact on others…

My work has led me to do things I never thought I would do. I’m a published author, I’ve served over 400 incredible women with my work, and I know my worth and impact without needing a vanity metric for it.

And this is exactly the kind of confidence I want to spread to you.

Your ability to build, grow and scale your beautiful soul-led business isn’t dependant on Instagram followers, it’s dependant on you activating your voice, liberating yourself and knowing your body of work.

I know it’s easy to get caught up in the numbers sometimes - but I promise you, your work is so freakin impactful that if you learn how to fully step into it - followers on an app is the last thing you’ll be thinking about.

When you’re ready to start showing up as the most liberated, activated & grounded soultrepreneur - DM me ❤️

Keep shining your light x


If your daily routine looks a bit like this:

- Wake up & check phone.

- Refresh your accounts to see if anyone has bought from you/ liked your stuff/ messaged you, and then go into a feeling of despair if they haven't.

- Go downstairs to shake it off and grab a coffee whilst you do some morning affirmations to plaster over the cracks.

- Jump in the shower and tell yourself that today is going to be the day things change.

- Sit down for work, checking your phone again, stalking other people's Instagram profiles to see if you can find that ONE THING that you just KNOW someone else has right.

- Feel like you've spent all day scrolling and thinking of content ideas rather than actually working IN your business.

Then let's shift this up.

At this point, you're probably thinking "is it just me?" Or "maybe I'm just not good at promoting myself."

I promise you, it's not the case - you're just used to thinking that you have to do things someone else's way.

But what if I told you that you didn't need to be "salesy" or morph into someone you're not in order to get the clients you desire?

That your marketing can be as free, fun and fulfilling as you want it to be by creating your own strategies that work for you, rather than a "one size fits all" BS strategy that feels icky?

Let's make it happen! 👇

Doors to "UNCENSORED: The membership" are now open for you to join at the founding members rate of £44 p/m FOR LIFE, before it goes up to £66 p/m in September.

Want in? Comment "UNCENSORED" below and I'll send the details your way!

Photos from Polly Po***ck's post 31/07/2024

This is how you fall back in love with marketing... 👇

I know how disheartening it is when you feel like you're just throwing spaghetti at a wall.

Feeling like you don't have a place in the spiritual industry.

Feeling like you KNOW you're meant to be a leader but are restricted somehow.

I get it. I've been there.

This online world can be intimidating, especially for sensitive souls (which most of us here are)

But it doesn't have to be a chore, it doesn't have to be a case of selling your soul to "get clients in the door."

Marketing is a blank canvas for you to utilize.

It's up to you how you create, sometimes you just need some tweaking here and there.

I have a few more upcoming spaces for a 1:1 Power Hour where we will do an audit together, not only of your content, marketing and business as a whole, but energetically.

Within these sessions, you're welcomed in and held deeply with whatever you're going through right now in your business.

DM me "POWER HOUR" & we can get started ❤️‍🔥

Photos from Polly Po***ck's post 24/07/2024

The truth about getting known in the industry...

If you're currently feeling frustrated with marketing and the thought of posting content makes you want to pull your hair out everyday - we need to have a coffee and a power hour session...

The session is completely tailored to what you're moving through right now, whether it's clarity, marketing, content, clients or anything in-between. Within the power hour, we'll do a real time audit of what you're struggling with, and create a personalised, creative implementation plan for you to go away with.

DM me the word "POWER" to book in! ❤️‍🔥

Photos from Polly Po***ck's post 17/07/2024

Just hear me out:

❤️‍🔥 Stop doom scrolling on Instagram, giving yourself a bad case of self inflicted comparisonitis...

❤️‍🔥 Stop looking to others to give you a magic "fix" or thinking that someone's cookie cutter approach will "save you."

❤️‍🔥 Embrace the duality of being a soul-trepreneur rather than expecting things to be peaches & cream 100% of the time.

❤️‍🔥 Start activating your voice and embracing what you really have to say.

(Full explanations in carousel)

Ps. The pre-sale price for Shadow Alchemy is ending tomorrow with only 5 slots left...

Shadow Alchemy is a 12-week group mentorship program where you'll be doing a mix of deep shadow work & creative implementation to infuse your work with your unique mission, vision & medicine so that you can start attracting your soul-aligned clients and creating true impact.

You'll be leaning into true self expression in your work, moving through your fear of being seen as a leader in your space, and learning how to build a brand around your most real, raw and authentic self.

Want the full details? Check it out in the link in my bio and feel free to DM me with any questions! 🌹

Photos from Polly Po***ck's post 10/07/2024

Shadow Alchemy is here babyyyyyyyyy!! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

Let's do this...

You know you're ready to be seen by the world and create impact, but the thought of stepping into the light authentically makes you want to recoil.

You feel your unique message, mission and medicine wanting to come through in your work, but you lack the creative space to implement it.

You crave deeper connection and true impact with not just any client, but the soul aligned clients and community that light you up.

You're done with feeling like you have an "on/off" relationship with your business.

Your authenticity is there to be experienced by yourself and the world in its most raw, wild and liberated form. It's what's going to speak to those who need you.

If you're ready to break this cycle of hiding and playing small, and start unveiling what you're really here for - I'd love to see you inside of Shadow Alchemy.

The doors are now open at the pre-sale price for this week only with bonuses available.

I've added payment plans for accessibility.

We start on July 31st.

This isn't one you're gonna want to miss...

Want the link to sign up? DM me the word "ALCHEMY" ❤️‍🔥

Photos from Polly Po***ck's post 09/07/2024

If this post speaks to you today, I'd love to invite you to join me tonight (July 9th) at 7pm BST for the "Discover Your Unique Medicine" training, where we're going to be diving into the power of authenticity in your work. ❤️‍🔥

Head over to the link in my bio to join. (Replay available)

Photos from Polly Po***ck's post 02/07/2024

This week, I challenge you to take one small step with unearthing a snippet of something you've been working on.

Creatives and writers, it might be a musing of some kind, or a piece of your art...

Coaches, practitioners, healers - it might be something similar, or interacting with your clients/ audience differently...

It doesn't need to be anything major - it just needs to be something that you can put out there with no expectations of getting anything in return (validation, likes, answers.)

Something just for you to try for your own benefit.

Once you start to make a habit of showing yourself that it's safe to be seen by taking small actions, and partnering that up with the deeper shadow work - I promise you'll start to see a dramatic change.

Join me on July 9th at 7pm BST for the free "Discover Your Unique Medicine" workshop, where I'll be teaching you how to infuse your work with your unique energy, move through your fear of being seen authentically and create big impact with your work.

Head over to the link in my bio to join. 🔥



I wanted to take the time today to share a little testimonial from a client who I'm incredibly proud of.

Hannah came to work with me earlier on in the year with the goal to bring her vision to life with her work, and move through her fear of being seen authentically.

Seeing her progress and watching her continue to make big moves and put herself out there as a leader, making headway with her new ideas has been inspiring.

Hannah knew when she came to work with me that she was capable of way more than she was giving herself credit for - it was just a matter of working together to unlock the medicine hidden within the shadows.

If you're a spiritual entrepreneur who's looking to bring your vision to life by infusing your work with your own unique medicine, moving through the fear of being seen authentically and creating a bigger impact with your soul-aligned clients and community to create lasting success - DM me the word "mentorship" and we'll have a chat about current opportunities that may be aligned for you.

Plus, if you haven't already seen - I'll be running a free training on July 9th on unlocking your unique medicine in your work, so if you'd like me to send you the link, DM me the word "MEDICINE".


Photos from Polly Po***ck's post 26/06/2024

Too often, I see spiritual business women finding themselves lost in the noise of the industry. It can get hectic sometimes. When this client first came to work with me in my 1:1 mentorship, she was moving through a deep fear of being seen, and felt intimidated by others in the industry.

When we started to work further on bringing her vision to lif, she said:

“I'm just sat here wondering, do I actually have anything that unique to offer?”

Now, I'll tell you something - I used to sh*t a brick when I went on social media with my business for the first time and saw all of these unique personalities, vibes and points of view in the industry

I just wanted to hide or blend in, and that's what I did... But in doing so, I lost what my mission was.

I knew that she was going through the exact same thing... So, we started to look at the "messy" and "undesirable" things she had gone through in her life that she had overcome.

Unsurprisingly, when we did - something woke up in her. It was an ah-ha moment, where she realised that she had already been wanting to look at ways she could use it as a strength, but always saw it as a weakness.

"But, are people actually going to want that?" "It's not exactly all love and light, is it?"

Newsflash: Life isn't all love and light.

Being "unique" is reaching the people who need you, so that you can work with purpose, enjoy what you do and share your expertise.

Being "unique" on platforms such as Instagram, especially in the spiritual industry, has been turned into an ego trip.

You're not here for that, you know that, and I know that.

Perhaps the reason you feel like you're "not unique enough" is because you can see the falsity in some of this stuff and you know deep down that you're here to succeed by being authentic. You just need the space to unlock it.

Scroll on the carousel to see some questions that I asked this client, that will help you to redefine what unique really means in your work, so that you can see just how powerful your medicine is.

1:1 mentorship is now open! DM me the word "MENTORSHIP" & we can have a chat about current opportunities that may be right for you ❤️

Photos from Polly Po***ck's post 18/06/2024

Being a leader in your work is not linear.

Being a leader is about forging your own path, and a path for others to start on.

it's about being a pioneer and taking risks even though it may seem scary.

Being a leader means leading yourself by example. It's about giving yourself the time and respect that you deserve in order to grow.

Society, no matter where you look, encourages us to embody the "boss babe" attitude in some way or another.

I was personally chasing this so much when I worked for corporate. I was striving to get to the top, only burning myself out along the way.

When I moved into doing my spiritual work, I came onto Instagram and found it to be much the same.

I knew I had to backtrack, as I was starting to loose focus on what "success" and "leadership" really meant to me.

We can't truly lead if we're forcing ourselves to fit into someone else's template.

Until we allow our own ideas to flow through us, and know how to tap into them consistently, we're always going to be reverting back to being a product of someone else.

Leadership isn't always easy. It's going to be jarring at times when you have to work through your shadows in order to move through the things that are keeping you playing small.

But are you here to play small? Or are you here to make a difference with your work for others and yourself?

Being a leader is defined by you, not someone else.

Getting to the place of knowing what your purpose is and how you want to show up in your work is an art.

It all starts with your relationship to self, creating safety, trust and space.

My last slot for 1:1 coaching is still open, so if you're a woman in her soul-led work, ready to bring the next part of her vision to life by becoming a leader in her space, DM me the word "COACHING" for more details.


Monday Musings 🌹👇

In a world that wants us to so heavily adapt to being part of the masculine way 100% of the time, can we just stop for a second to breathe? To question?

Our bodies match with the moon. We wax, we wane, we ebb, we flow, we have highs, lows.

Would it be so bad to just go with it?

To plan our lives where we can around our own rhythms?

To liberate ourselves by seeing that this is a strength, and not a weakness?

We're conditioned from birth to think that there is only one or two ways of living in this world. We're taught that if we think otherwise, we have our head in the clouds.

Our aspirations become rigid within the confines of what "makes sense" for us to want, strive for, and achieve.

The standards make us feel like if we're not embodying the "boss babe" archetype 100% of the time then we're doing it wrong.

But what does "boss babe" actually mean to you?

What does it mean to be a woman in control of her own life, her work, and herself?

It's not linear, I'll tell you that much.

When we look beyond the traditional meanings, the meaning becomes scattered, because it's different for everyone.

All the time we follow along trying to embody the roles we think we need, rather than the ones our heart wants, we move backwards.

So, to start the week - what does being a woman in her power, in leadership, and in control of her life mean to you, beyond what we're traditionally told and see on social media?

Try to tap into what you *really* want to express around this and comment below 👇🌹

Photos from Polly Po***ck's post 14/06/2024

When we spend most of our time on this app as spiritual entrepreneurs and creators, we can so easily become victim to algorithms, trends and vanity metrics.

This app literally has psychologists telling them how to make the app more addictive. (for real!)

Follower count, views, likes - it becomes a built in goal to try and reach as many as possible.

When I went "viral" for the first time, it really went to my head. I started to rely on it because I thought it was the only way for me to have impact and reach my clients.

I started posting to please the algorithm, and I disconnected from my own creative flow that I originally was so in touch with when creating.

I started seeing my follower count as another success measure in my work...

Earlier this year, when I committed to posting in a way that felt good for ME, rather than appeasing the robots behind the app, views, engagement and follower count all started to drop drastically.

My follower count is still dropping by the hundreds, and I couldn't be more happy.


Because even though I'm losing followers, I'm actually reaching MORE people who are aligned with my work.

The more I started posting creatively and authentically again, rather than feeling afraid of the algorithm, the more I was able to reach people who were genuinely aligned with what I do, even if it was a small number.

That has brought me more success, emotional fulfilment and happiness in myself and my work with others than I ever got before.

When you start to put yourself out there authentically, break the rules a little and tune into what you really have to say to the world, you'll see a shift!

Your work is deeper than any algorithm, strategy or trend. Don't get caught up in the social media sh*tstorm that will ultimately disconnect you from the depth of your work.


Play around with being a little more expressive when talking about your work to others and sharing it on social media over the next week. See if you can get used to posting something from the heart, rather than from a place of "does this make sense for an instagram-able post."

Photos from Polly Po***ck's post 12/06/2024

When I first started to put my work out there (especially online), I was so desperate to fit into the spiritual industry. I thought that if I allowed my true self to be seen, then I would be outcasted.

Being outcasted was a fear that ran deep within me at that time, and I was terrified of experiencing it in my work.

"What if someone calls me out?" "What if people don't take me seriously?"

I used to record videos and then re-record them because I dropped the f-bomb or stuttered. I used to sweat bullets before showing up on a live video incase I messed it up because I planned out every single sentence and read it off of my screen.

I was so restricted because of this picture perfect image I thought I needed to maintain in order to be accepted.

But, do we actually want to be accepted?

No one in this world who has ever made true impact (even just a small change) has ever been liked and accepted by everyone.

When we focus on watering our expression and personality down in order to appeal to everyone, we serve no one.

We loose our spark and end up disconnected from our mission, our vision and what we're really here to do.

The next time you find yourself changing your words, actions or energy and it feels artificial, see if you can lean into your own expression ever so slightly.

Ultimately, authentic self expression comes down to creating inner trust and safety. We usually feel like we can't express who we really are because we were made to feel unsafe in doing so at some point in the past.

This is your chance to cultivate that safety for yourself now.

Your "too loud" or "too emotional" or even your "not loud enough" is exactly what you should be expressing, not hiding away.

You don't need to replicate someone else's vibe in your work in order to be liked, and honestly, it will end up slowing you down even more.

Release the clutch you have around trying to appear a certain way, and see how things start to shift for you.

DM me the word "MENTORSHIP" to find out more about current mentorship opportunities.


A little reminder we all need from time to time ❣️

Photos from Polly Po***ck's post 06/06/2024

When you think of putting your work out there authentically, just as it comes into creation & without taking inspiration from someone else, what feelings come up for you?




It's so easy to rely on the expression, mission and style of others to be the backbone of our business, rather than pioneering and forging our own path.

It's similar to when we were at school and we wanted the exact same shirt as the popular girl. Everyone liked her, so if you wore the shirt, everyone would like you too, right?

Just like you probably think you have to fit a certain mold in your industry because of one or two people that "everyone likes".

You likely struggle to put yourself out there in your most raw and authentic form because your body is remembering that you've always felt unsafe in doing so.

Did you feel safe when growing up to express who you were with no judgement from others? Many of us will have the same answer to that question.

How do you recognise all of this appearing the same way in your work and expressing it to the world?

All of this is so deeply rooted in our inner child, and without us nurturing that part of ourselves by revisiting it and creating safety to move forward, we will continue to remain stuck and stagnant.

We are our own best support system, and all of this links to having our own back and saying "enough is enough" with the beliefs that we have taken on over time.

You started this work so that you can ultimately impact the lives of others whilst bettering your own - that can't happen if your people can't find you, and your people can't find you if you're masking who you are and pretending to be someone you're not.

You hold the key to your future and where you want to go. You also hold the lock. It's up to you which option you choose.

DM me the word "MENTORSHIP" to find out more about current mentorship opportunities.

Photos from Polly Po***ck's post 05/06/2024

When I first started my business, I would have choked if I was asked the dreaded question of "so, what do you do?", and would have said something to cover it up and make it sound more "normal".

I would have quickly changed the subject and felt uncomfortable if anyone didn't like what I said.

Yes, there were a few people (minority) I spoke to who looked at me like I'd grown two heads when I told them what I did for work... did I care? No.

This hasn't just come overnight, though. Moving through the fear of being seen shows up in different ways and in different social situations.

You may be perfectly able to articulate what you do to the people who you know are similar to you, but then freeze up when you talk to people outside of your passion.

The beauty of being able to express what you do is getting out of the comfort zone you put yourself in by either not sharing your work at all, or only sharing it with those inside of your comfort zone.

Only then can you start to create trust with yourself as you move through your fears around expression in your work and make sharing your work with ease a new norm.

But, you don't get to start doing that until you fully accept that not everyone is going to like you, and that's okay!

If we lived in a world where everyone liked everyone, we would have no one making change and creating new things.

So, in preparation for the next time someone asks you "what do you do for work?", practice asking yourself that now, and sit with the inspiration coming up for you, rather than filtering what you do with "what can I say that makes the most sense/ makes me look normal"

Where can you feel into your edges around expressing your work vocally?

Where does the people pleaser in you need to die so that the people leader in you can thrive?

DM me the word "MENTORSHIP" to find out more about current mentorship opportunities.


This weekend I had the chance to go away to a beautiful part of Wales for a family member's wedding and it was absolutely stunning...

Aside from the wedding, this weekend was supposed to be my dedicated time for creativity. I've been feeling a rebirth happening within myself and in my business for a while now, and the energy has felt so intense over the last few weeks.

There have been new fears to move through, new blocks to overcome, and new doors to close so that new ones can open.

I usually find that when I put aside time to devote myself to my femininity and creativity, the path to the realisation I need never runs smooth!

What I planned for was a weekend of waking up early, soulfully journaling and sipping my coffee with a beach view and reconnecting to myself.

What actually came up was scrappy journaling, more phone time than I had originally planned for, and some less than ideal (or at least that's how it felt at the time) news of some sudden changes that I had to adapt to when I got home.

But that's exactly what we do when we're in touch and in flow with the feminine, isn't it? We adapt, we morph, we feel and we innovate.

This weekend has reminded me once again just how cyclical we really are.

When you feel change coming, don't fight it. Evolution is a necessary part of our lives, although the unknown can feel scary.

You cannot grow without accepting that things will ultimately change.


'A woman's place'...

Something that has seemingly evolved so much throughout the course of history.

Our history as women deeply relates to why we fear being seen so much. Pre-common era, we were highly valued members of society, we were viewed as equals, and celebrated more as healers, wise women and matriarchs. However, this hasn't been the case for the last couple of thousand years at least.

Women have been told when to speak, what to do and when to do it. This became the norm, and as a result, got so deeply engrained in us that it has us completely disconnected from our worth, our value and our spirit. We have been persecuted for standing strong in our beliefs, for feeling our emotions, for wanting things to be different. We were tried as 'witches' rather than listened to and celebrated for the wonderful gifts that we bring to the world. (if you want to learn more about this, head over to the podcast in the link in my bio!)

There has been a lot of trauma to navigate through in our history, and it all comes back to the fear of being seen in our authenticity. We just tell ourselves that life is easier when you just get along, sit down and don't shine your light.

Our fear of being seen, AKA the witch wound, is passed down from our ancestors from notable events such as the witch trials, but even further back than that, too! The witch wound also manifests itself from modern day trauma such as bullying, toxic relationships, humiliation and competition.

This all sounds pretty messy, right?

When I first figured all of this out for myself, it was like everything I'd ever felt just made sense. I knew that it was going to be a hell of a journey to embark on, but I knew that returning home to myself, and ultimately, sharing my unique medicine from my own experiences was worth it.

We are no longer persecuted by mxrder for speaking out as women. We are safe to act now.

In honour of our ancestors and the other women across the globe who aren't safe to do this work, let's build this f*cking revolution, unlock your authenticity and start shining your light.

Ready to get started? Head over to the link in my bio to grab the free Shadow Work Starter Kit!


I want to share something I've been going through personally, lately...

Within the last few weeks, I've felt the need to ground back into reality a little bit, (typical ta**us season vibes), and as a result, I've been taking a bit of a step back from social media. I've deleted the app from my phone and only have it on my work device during the daytime. 

It hit me like a ton of bricks that over the last 6 months especially, my online community has been growing, mainly on Instagram, and for that I'm so grateful as it's allowed me to connect with so many incredible people.

But, I'll be the first to admit that it's made me more attached to instagram than ever, a lot of the time, in the wrong ways (for me.)

Instagram used to be a place of sharing inspiration, creativity and love. Now, all I see are people who are slaves to what the algorithm wants. I feel like I have also on some level adopted this way of thinking.

I've been wondering lately why I don't feel inspired posting my own content, why it feels like a chore, why it feels like I'm working for someone (the algorithm being that someone.)

It honestly filled me with a bit of rage, and allowed me to go deeper into why I'm here.

I'm not here to appease the algorithm, or to follow someone else's rulebook.

I'm here to advocate, to inspire and help women, to connect with my tribe, to activate people to change their lives and feel ultimately better, happier and connected to who they are.

So, from here on out, I'm committing solely to heartfelt creation on this platform. I want to go back to the days where we were all posting on here to share and inspire. I'm going to be posting only things I feel deeply passionate about saying, even if it means that barely anyone will see it because of the algorithm. I would rather touch the hearts of 50 people rather than thousands if it means that I create some sort of change for those 50.

I'm going to be filling up my page with weekly musings and soul led writing with beautiful photos, inspirational and educational talks and my real and raw points of view.

I can't wait to share this exciting shift with this wonderful community ❤️

Photos from Polly Po***ck's post 06/05/2024

What themes are speaking to you most this week and what's one small goal you can set yourself to go deeper into that theme?

Comment below 👇✨

Photos from Polly Po***ck's post 02/05/2024

We often don't realise that a lot of the struggles we face, the triggers we have, and our frustrations, are usually caused by ignoring our inner child in some way.

Ignoring her is one thing, but then we double down on it by repeating the same narratives that were once drilled into us, we give those narratives power simply by speaking them.

The shame we feel around being unique and quirky and comfortable in our own skin that originally started in childhood, trails on and spreads like wildfire in adulthood.

It's not an easy realisation, knowing that no amount of external validation, no matter how much you crave it, is going to result in that inner child ever feeling safe. The only way we can do it is by reparenting ourselves, sitting with ourselves in times of struggle, being patient with the chaotic parts of ourselves, being present with both the light and the dark.

We're the only ones who can create that change, and once you begin accepting that, and becoming your own safety net, things begin to really shift.

Have questions about this topic? Join us tonight at 4pm BST for the free Q and A group mentoring session where you can ask me all of your burning questions!

Link is in instagram bio to join ✨

Videos (show all)

The fear of being seen doesn't show up more for women in holistic/ spiritual/ wellness businesses for no reason...When I...
Why I’m removing 14,000 instagram followers and why you need to stop worrying about yours so much as a spiritual/ holist...
UNCENSORED: The Membership is for the woman ready to make a conscious shift with how she attracts paying clients into he...
IF I SEE SOMEONE SAY THIS ONE MORE TIME I WILL CRY. 😭When I first took my business online, I remember seeing some pretty...
Getting over your "ick" around sales, money & marketing❤️‍🔥UNCENSORED: The Membership is now live for founding members t...
It's here 🎉🎉🎉Within UNCENSORED: The Membership, you'll be learning how to rewrite the rules of marketing to attract your...
You're always trying to find the missing link... 👇As a spiritual entrepreneur, you probably have this belief that you're...
"I'm afraid to ruffle anyone's feathers"... 👇This is something I hear a lot with women in business, especially those new...
When I first started my business, I used to copy the most successful people in my industry.I craved impact so badly and ...
I recorded this early on Monday morning, feeling a little weighed down. I feel like this is something that I'm being cal...
You don't need another certification, you need to do your Shadow Work...When we rely so heavily on others to give us the...

