

Rapidly progressing dental and medical research is changing the dental profession.

PerioFrogz provides research summaries and implementation strategies to help
dental professionals keep pace.


So many people have liked PerioFrogz recently! Thanks to you all. The first Writer's Corner article will appear very shortly. If you are an experienced writer or an aspiring author, send along your ideas and see them on PF.


Anyone using therapies such as probiotics, ozone or others? Would love to hear your experiences and thoughts.


Thank you to all who like PerioFrogz!


Selected authors will be submitted for publication. Visit the PF website for details!


Whether you are a previously published author or not, submit your work for PF visitors to read and appreciate. Write about whatever interests you, medical systemic issues, case presentation, patient success stories etc. You choose the topic!


PerioFrogz has just launched a new feature! Be one of the first to participate in the PF Writers Club.


FIVE NEW RESEARCH SUMMARIES now posted on PF having to do with various aspects of oral systemic associations including adverse pregnancy events, diabetes and atherosclerosis. Hope you enjoy and find impactful


Everyone okay after Hurricane Irene? Here in NW Philadelphia suburbs we did not have any damage or lose power amazingly. Got a lot of rain.


Anyone hearing about the effects of oxidative stress and its contribution to gum disease, among many others?


Thank you Mike. I never thought of standard of care and optimal care the way Chip Whitney describes it. His description puts it in sharper focus.


Standard of care treats a population. Optimal care treats an individual. This statement from Dr. whitney's first column is very thought provoking, as is the rest of his column. Check it out under "Oral Systemic Links" on the PF homepage


Dr. Charles Whitney's first article in a series of many is now live on PerioFrogz. It is titled, "Reverse Your Path Toward Disease". In it he discusses the difference between standard of care and optimal care, and the importance of shifting from "sick care" to "healthcare". Fascinating stuff! You will find it on the PF homepage under our new section, "Oral-Systemic Links".


Anyone been to the Bale Doneen preceptorship? It is not a cult, it is not quackery, it is optimal care instead of standard of care. It was the most worthwhile educational experience I have had since dental school....truly life changing. Check out their website. The next event is in Chicago on Friday and Saturday August 26 & 27. Please share with PerioFrogz if you have been to one of their courses.


Hi Beth, I heard that UOR was extraordinary this year. Thank you for "liking" PerioFrogz. Hope you see you sometime soon. R


I just got back from UOR in Chicago and if you are an RDH and have never been be sure to save the date for next year in Las Vegas. August 1-3, 2012! See you there!


Flash Mob at RDH Under One Roof's Welcome Reception

Hey all you PerioFrogz... Check out this great flash mob at RDH UOR!!! Can you spot a frog in it?? The first ever RDH Under One Roof Flash Mob was absolute "Fireworks" at the Welcome Reception! Great job and way to get the crowd cheering!


Rich Nagelberg has a "Green paper" in PerioFrogz that discusses the non-curable nature of perio disease. Anyone disagree? Any and all input is always welcome. What say you?


Under One Roof coming up soon, the best RDH event every year! Any PerioFrogz attending?


Shire Brave Awards Shire is looking for the bravest caregivers in the world. Do you know someone who deserves recognition and the chance to win $10,000 USD? Find out more at


Making final plans for the First Time Writer's Club (FTWC). It will be on PF shortly. Please submit your thoughts for posting on


Dr Charles Whitney is going to post a series of articles on PF. The outline of topics he will cover will be posted on PerioFrogz in the next few days. it promises to be incredibly interesting and informative! Check each day for it and enjoy!


New research summary on PF,"Pg and Atherosclerosis" is a very impactful piece of research. The authors discuss the role of bacteria in the development of atherosclerosis. Also, Kim authored a fabulous article on chair side blood testing. Just click on the link in "What's New" on the PF home page.


First Time Writer's Club (FTWC) coming in July to PerioFrogz! If you are an aspiring writer and would like to submit a paper for publication, stay tuned. More info on FTWC to be posted here shortly.


PeeioFrogz is always looking for new content. Dr. Scott Smith, Periodontist, is going to provide some interesting material in the near future.


PerioFrogz is a great forum for dental professionals who have a desire to start writing. Our "New Writers" section will appear shortly. Aspiring authors can get a head start on PerioFrogz. Check it out!


Dr. Charles Whitney, a physician board certified in family practice and sports medicine will be providing content on PerioFrogz in the very near future. Dr. Whitney practices with a wellness philsophy, identifying risk factors and intervening prior to the occurrence of events such as heart attacks and strokes. We are very excited he will be joining the list of content providers on PerioFrogz!"


Philadelphia-Area Dentist Partners With Local Physician to Offer Advanced Cardiovascular Disease Scr Plymouth Meeting dentist Richard Nagelberg, DDS recently announced that he will be partnering with Washington Crossing Family Practice physician Charles Whitney, MD to provide a state-of-the-art screening test for cardiovascular disease in their respective offices from June 23rd - 25th.


Episode 16: Dr Nagelberg Interview Part 1 Episode 16: Dr Nagelberg Interview Part 1


Episode 17: Dr Nagelberg Interview Part 2

Episode 17: Dr Nagelberg Interview Part 2


PerioFrogz has been updated with "Green Papers" (white papers on single
topics but frogz are green). PerioFrogz shirts and other merchandise
will be available very soon, perhaps next week. Very cool stuff. Content
continues to be updated. Two periodontitists are working on content at
this time. Visit often to keep up! Thank you