Kara Ware Coaching

Kara Ware Coaching

Good Medicine on the go Podcast

Kara Ware’s business and health coaching services best prepares and supports the medical providers, patients, and parents of patients to create and work within an equal, therapeutic partnership. Kara is the host of the Good Medicine on the Go Podcast and has been sponsored by Pure Encapsulations, Genestra Brands, Douglas Laboratories, and Living Matrix.


Each of us has an important message. I wanted help in sharing mine and found Cheryl Hunter's Magnify Your Message program a few years back. Coaching is the most valuable of resources, and I'm grateful to have Cheryl and Barbara McCabe coaching me to step out of my comfort zone and be Bold.


A winning trio: essential oils, functional medicine, and behavior change!

I am so excited to share my new offering with you and to introduce you to the co-creator Kara Ware Coaching. Kara Ware is a Functional Medicine, Nationally Board-Certified Health Coach who has worked in conventional and functional medicine practices for 20 years. Kara’s nearly two decades of healing the underlying causes creating her son’s terrifying autism behaviors/symptoms make her a genuine pioneer in the field. Her coaching skills and deep understanding of the patient experience allow her to reliably help patients and parents of patients navigate their unique change process toward repairing harm from chronic inflammation and restoring function, well-being, and freedom.

Allergies, Asthma, Attention Deficit, and Autism have become the norm in most households. Kara has spent the past two decades healing her son from the root causes creating symptoms referred to as Autism. She consolidated nearly twenty years of personal and professional wisdom into creating a workbook for more families to change the trajectory of pediatric and family health. I have personally witnessed Kara's journey with her son Zachary for the past 12 years and it is incredible to see how far they have come. It is possible, and Kara's story and guide pave the way!

Purchase Kara Ware’s Hope for Healing Family Care Plan workbook on our website! We are also offering a Hope For Healing 7-month Companion Subscription Box that is dedicated to assisting with your guided strategic sequence of the workbook.
Discover how to use essential oils and crystals daily for a calm and peaceful environment. Guided prompts are included to assist you in your journey to support your child's mental, emotional, and spiritual development.

In Light & Love,
Stefanie & Kara

Good Medicine - Kara Ware 10/03/2023

When faced with a terrifying diagnosis and diving into correcting core clinical imbalances, it's easy to forget the heart of the journey.

Good Medicine - Kara Ware Dr. Nathan Morris, Good Medicine Conference 2016


"So much of what we talked about last night spoke to me. I need to focus on her and not her diagnosis. I must parent and love Her and not make it all about the autism. Talk to her like she understands. Let her see me laugh and enjoy life, and that finding happiness and joy leads to recovery.

I feel like I’ve been on a mission since my son was born and since my daughter came home with us to give them every chance to improve and succeed, and I’ve lost sight of what’s important. Thank you so much!" MMeeks


During a talk to the University of Dayton's law students, I discussed functional finances as part of well-being. Mindset, time, and money (functional finances) are how we vote in this world.

If you are wondering how to talk about this very sensitive topic to your spouse, or patients, or children (we must teach our children to budget!) check out our Good Medicine On the Go podcast S2 Ep6 The New Modifiable Lifestyle Factor.


Dr. Emily is a fantastic example of how creating different entry points can help you better serve your patients AND grow your practice.

Not all patients are at the same level of readiness - mentally, financially, physically. Behavior change is not easy and a bigger circle of support is needed to help them along their path of transformation.

Here’s how Dr. Emily breaks down her offerings:

- Membership Model: 1-on-1 care program with Dr. Emily that starts with 3 months of work with her team of health coaches BEFORE seeing her

- DIY courses: Self-paced courses that allow patients to work on optimizing their health through modifiable lifestyle changes.

- Lifestyle Group Series: A coaching series (led by Dr. Emily) that introduces patients to functional medicine and Dr. Emily.

If you need some help setting up your entry points and offerings, or want to set your practice and patients up for success, let’s talk! I’m now taking on business coaching clients. Visit my website www.karawarecoaching.com and fill out my contact form.


During my webinar yesterday with Dr. Emily we talked about how offering different entry points has helped Dr. Emily continue to grow her practice and make functional medicine more accessible for her community.

Similar to how an advanced exercise class can turn away a newbie for good, if your functional medicine offerings are too advanced for some people, you’re leaving potential clients behind.

That’s why I highly recommend creating more “entry points” to functional medicine, that appeal and serve a much broader audience than just the super tough cases.

I often recommend 2-4 unique care paths that serve different types of patients. Each path includes a bundle of appointments to kick of the relationship and break down the functional medicine process based on how the patient is entering the practice, so as to not overwhelm or underwhelm.

I dive deeper into care paths on Season 2, Episode 1 of the Good Medicine on the Go podcast OR watch the recording of my webinar with Dr. Emily: https://youtu.be/Cd82BzghhrQ


Health coaches and practitioners have long been viewed as competing for the same role – or offering completely different services.

What if we looked at it differently? What if we shifted our mindset and embraced the symbiotic relationship that, when executed properly, creates patients who are better prepared, educated, engaged, activated, and, therefore, get better results? Not to mention generates word-of-mouth referrals and more profit for your practice.

This is the story of many of my clients, including Dr. Emily Roedersheimer, who – after implementing my proactive strategy model – saw success both in her practice and with her patients.

Don’t miss my 1-on-1 interview with Dr. Emily today 2/22 at 4 pm ET. We’ll talk with her about:
- How she built her practice based on the proactive strategy model and how this has increased her patient acquisition, activation and retention.
- How she found and integrated the right health coach into her workflow, and how this positively impacted her bottom line.
- Why she begins the patient journey with behavior change and how this has led to profound outcomes for her patients
- How she continues to help patients experience functional medicine in an affordable way while still making a profit.

Register now at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMrd-igqzMpGNSqZo3gEj29pLO_h2fsBuxy


Trying to help everyone in a 1-on-1 model is a recipe for burnout. If you want to make a bigger impact, grow your practice and truly help patients, you need the right structure and the right team in place.

But how do you find the right health coach and how do they fit into your practice? There’s no established roadmap to show practitioners how to do this effectively, so I created one based on my 20+ years working in conventional and functional medicine practices.

My proactive strategy model helps you design and streamline your unique operation systems so that integrating a health coach is effective, profitable, and helps your patients be successful.

Want to learn more? Register for my webinar tomorrow 2/22 at 4pm ET https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMrd-igqzMpGNSqZo3gEj29pLO_h2fsBuxy

Or, set up some time to chat here: https://www.karawarecoaching.com/contact-hey-kara/

Photos from Kara Ware Coaching's post 17/02/2023

Lifestyle change is hard and overwhelming. It’s also the foundation for profound clinical outcomes and needs to be addressed FIRST in the patient journey.

It’s like the old saying goes ““If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.”
If we empower and educate our patients by having them work with a trusted health coach BEFORE they see the practitioner, MAGIC can happen.

My proactive strategy model, has helped Dr. Emily Roedersheimer’s practice and patients see success in so many ways.

Want to learn more? Register for my Feb 22 webinar with Dr. Emily here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMrd-igqzMpGNSqZo3gEj29pLO_h2fsBuxy?fbclid=IwAR149n2w0NVWlyFs4e2zTt9jqGMmJld8xUShuhfyh2_uhYOOksN131hYs_Q

Or, visit my website and schedule a call with me www.karawarecoaching.com


Before opening her functional medicine practice, I coached Dr. Emily Roedersheimer on how to design seamless workflows and continuity of care in her practice. Within 2-years, Dr. Emily had a waiting list and expanded to offer new services to better serve her community.

Join us in a FREE webinar where Dr. Emily will share:
- How she built her practice based on the proactive strategy model and how this has increased her patient acquisition, activation and retention.
- How she found and integrated the right health coach into her workflow, and how this positively impacted her bottom line.
- Why she begins the patient journey with behavior change and how this has led to profound outcomes for her patients
- How she continues to help patients experience functional medicine in an affordable way while still making a profit.

Save your seat now for this amazing discussion! Register now at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMrd-igqzMpGNSqZo3gEj29pLO_h2fsBuxy


There’s nothing better than a practice, a provider and patients who are all THRIVING! I’m so thrilled to see my friend, Dr. Emily Roedersheimer achieve so much success!

Three years ago, Dr. Emily and I worked together design and open her functional medicine practice using my proactive strategy model.

Since then she has taken this model and evolved it to grow her practice and scale with more offerings for patients where behavior change is a priority, which means the functional medicine testing and protocols can be more focused.

Dr. Emily now has a waiting list, hired a second health coach to keep up, and has a successful practice she loves and enjoys!

Ready to change the way you practice functional medicine? Ready to reduce everyone’s overwhelm?

Read Dr. Emily’s entire story here: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-integrating-health-coach-can-improve-your-functional-kara-ware-/?trackingId=6GdgXBoDQYeZ3kP0PKAWIw%3D%3D


Thank you Sandra Scheinbaum for having me on your podcast to talk about the evolution of health coaching and how my innovative, proactive strategy model is helping providers optimize patient acquisition, activation, and retention.

We discuss how to incorporate the unique skill set that health coaches bring into a practice to help patients pace themselves, work within their current ability, be an equal partner, and have a voice in the co-creation of their care plan.

Listen now on your favorite podcast app or click here: https://anchor.fm/fmca/episodes/Intelligently-Reimaging-the-Workflow-with-Health-Coaches-e1qudno

Photos from Kara Ware Coaching's post 23/01/2023

If one or all of these situations have happened in your practice, don’t fret. It’s not too late to reimagine your workflows and start to see empowered patients who are ready to work with you as your partner.

Embracing the symbiotic relationship that a practitioner and a health coach can have will help you, your patients and your practice be successful.

In my own experience working as a health coach with Dr. Nathan Morris at Good Medicine, in addition to helping many other practices integrate health coaches, I’ve seen firsthand how great coaches help practitioners shine in their role as healers.

Read my blog post about how properly integrating a health coach can transform your practice. https://www.karawarecoaching.com/practice-development/how-integrating-a-health-coach-can-transform-your-practice/


I am honored to be a guest on the latest episode of The Dandelion Effect Podcast with my friend and incredible human Andy Vantrease of Feathered Pipe.

In the episode we talk about the ups and downs of the 17-year journey I have been on with my son Zachary, who was diagnosed with Autism just before his third birthday.

We also discuss the skyrocketing number of Autism diagnoses. Stephanie Seneff, an MIT researcher, says, "At today's rate, by 2025, one in two children will be autistic." We all need to be paying attention.

Please share this episode with anyone you know who is living and struggling with Autism.

Listen now on your favorite podcast app or on the Feathered Pipe website: https://featheredpipe.com/dandelion-effect-podcast/healing-autism-kara-ware/


Do you find that your patients know which lifestyle changes they need to make, but they just aren’t making them?

I’m thrilled to be partnering with Pure Encapsulations to present a free webinar tomorrow about one of my favorite topics: behavior change!

Clinical outcomes depend heavily on how well patients can implement modifiable lifestyle changes. But behavior change can be a challenge! I’ll share how to apply a proven behavior change model to help you and your patients build simple sustainable habits that can lead to profound transformations.

Register now at: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/4489439445391641430?source=KWC


Most people think to heal the underlying causes creating their symptoms they need to do something radical (“go big or go home”). Honestly, this is the recipe for self-criticism and disappointment. It’s the exact reason why people start functional medicine and then quickly feel like they can’t do it all and they never come back.

Clinical outcomes are heavily reliant upon how well a patient can implement modifiable lifestyle changes. So we have to build practices around supporting and sustaining behavior change. Helping more people build self-efficacy (aka the feeling they can change).

Want help supporting your patients in building simple, sustainable habits?

Visit my website to download my new FREE patient behavior change guide: www.karawarecoaching.com


My introduction to functional medicine was overwhelming to say the least. The new patient experience literally threw me into a state of shock. 🚨‼️

What got me through that time was holding on to hope that this entire experience would be used for GOOD. Sure enough, it was. Soon after that night, I made it my mission to better prepare patients for this transformative functional medicine journey.

A journey that MUST start with calming the emotional crisis and creating a positive mindset within our patients BEFORE they see the practitioner. A journey that STARTS with a health coach. 😌

I created a practice optimization model that sets up the provider, practice, and patient for success; and I’ve been testing this model for 10 years in functional medicine settings. ⚙️

From finding the right health coach to creating seamless workflows in your practice, I’ve taken all I have learned and put it into my new Therapeutic Partnerships Roadmap course. 💻🩺

In this course I teach you how to EMPOWER your patients, STRENGTHEN your practice, and REDUCE the overwhelm for everyone.

Ready to get started?

Click here to learn more and enroll: https://www.karawarecoaching.com/therapeutic-partnerships-roadmap/


As a health coach and business coach, providers come to me wanting to reduce stress and overwhelm for themselves and their patients.

Patients are overwhelmed with too much information and a lack of guidance on how to implement changes. On the other hand, providers are overwhelmed by trying to help unprepared, emotionally distressed patients.

Having an unprepared patient see a provider first is NOT an effective use of anyone’s time or money. Behavioral change education needs to come first.

My new Therapeutic Partnerships Roadmap course shows you how to set everyone up for success by restructuring the workflow to:
1. Better support your patients’ behavior change
2. Integrate a health coach effectively
3. Free up your time to help more people

Learn more and enroll now: https://www.karawarecoaching.com/therapeutic-partnerships-roadmap/


It’s time to end the overwhelm for you AND your patients!

Don’t miss my FREE webinar tomorrow (12/7) where I’ll share my top 5 tips for how to get the right patients through the door and keep them engaged long enough to experience profound clinical outcomes.

Register now: https://bit.ly/3XNtEKU

Photos from Kara Ware Coaching's post 05/12/2022

Hit the thumbs up 👍🏼 if you are ready to change the conversation you have with patients to a more empowered one.

✨ Register for my FREE webinar on 12/7 (link in bio) to learn how to empower your patients to be your therapeutic partner in their health journey.

Register now and save your spot: https://bit.ly/3XNtEKU


Want to know the key to patient and practice success? Empowerment!

Patients who feel supported and confident will stay around long enough to experience the profound clinical outcomes that we know functional medicine can provide.

Get my top 5 tips for empowering your patients and creating a thriving practice you love in my FREE webinar on 12/7.

Register now and save your spot: https://bit.ly/3XNtEKU


The current functional medicine model is a cycle 🔄 of overwhelm 😩 that goes something like this:

1. New patient comes to you in emotional distress and expects you to “fix them”

2. You work nights and weekends to develop care plans, research their case, etc.

3. Patients become overwhelmed with the costs and the diet and lifestyle changes, expensive labs, supplement protocols and environmental changes. They shut down and don’t come back.

4. You’re left stressed and frustrated that you are putting in more time and effort to help your patients improve their health than they are.

It’s time to break this cycle. I can show you how.

➡ Register for my free webinar on 12/7: https://bit.ly/3gKNxlo

I’ll share my top 5 tips for getting the right patients through the door to keeping them engaged long enough to experience profound clinical outcomes.


Are you placing everything you learned in your Functional Medicine training to work, yet patients aren't sticking around long enough to experience the profound affects we all know possible with Functional Medicine?

As a National Board Certified, Functional Medicine Health Coach, Kara Ware is uniquely qualified in guiding you, your team and your patients toward success in Functional Medicine.

Curious? Learn more about our Practice Audit to uncover where you patients are falling though the cracks:



Are you a Functional Medicine provider pouring your entire heart and soul into your patients care yet they are not following your treatment plans?

Functional Medicine has done a wonderful job at preparing providers for this equal therapeutic partnership, yet the patients do not yet fully understand or embrace their role in this mutual-participatory medical model.

Let's change that! Schedule a Welcome Call with Kara Ware



Are you a Primary Care Provider considering dipping your toe in the pool of Personalized Medicine? Are you debating the pros and cons?

You feel tired of symptom management medicine yet wonder if your patients will follow you to a Functional Medicine based practice.

What questions do you have about getting started with Personalized Medicine?


Dr. Greenblatt, MD shared a fascinating case study during our podcast interview.

Dr. Greenblatt's patient 'Larry' had adopted exceptionally clean nutrition and lifestyle changes. He was eating all the right things, absolutely removed all the high allergen foods plus he was on two pages of supplements. The patient could not get off his antidepressants. Kara asked Dr. Greenblatt if supporting Larry’s MTHFR variant that eventually helped Larry get off his SSRIs.

Read Dr. Greenblatt's response:



Let's face it - in this day and age, privacy is of utmost importance to your patients.

That's why it's so important to be well informed on the subjects of Nutrigenomics, DNA testing, and patient privacy.

We’ve created a helpful guide titled: Everything You Need to Know About DNA Testing and Your Privacy ready for you to present this information in an easily digestible way to your patients.

Get your free copy of the guide today:



As health coaching continues to be validated in research, more and more providers are seeing the value a health coach can bring to their team. Before integrating any team member, it's wise to have a plan! Kara's goal is to help more providers and coaches have a successful partnership. That is why she wrote the book, How to Effectively Integrate a Health Coach in a Functional Medicine Practice.

This book will help you to:

- Encourage patient activation
- Boost patient conversion rates, clinical outcomes, and word of mouth referrals
- Bolster your bottom line

This manual details not only the many ways a health coach can benefit your practice but also shares Kara's tested and proven method for interviewing, onboarding, and integrating a health coach into your practice right away.

Buy your copy today:



Do you want to integrate nutrigenomics into your practice but don't know where to start, despite being familiar with COMT and MTHFR?

If you're ready to learn more without being overwhelmed, check out our podcast, Good Medicine On the Go. These episodes are easy to digest and designed to assist providers new to nutrigenomics get started.

Check out season one where Kara Ware, NBC-HWC and Dr. Nathan Morris, MD had the pleasure of chatting with incredible professionals such as Dr. Penny Kendall-Reed, Dr. James Greenblatt, Dr. Samuel Yanuck, and Morgan Knull.


Videos (show all)

Health coaches and practitioners have long been viewed as competing for the same role – or offering completely different...
My introduction to functional medicine was overwhelming to say the least. The new patient experience literally threw me ...
As a health coach and business coach, providers come to me wanting to reduce stress and overwhelm for themselves and the...
Want to know the key to patient and practice success? Empowerment! Patients who feel supported and confident will stay a...
How do you include nutrigenomic testing into your patient's care?Nutrigenomics has allowed us to make a major shift in t...
How do you include nutrigenomic testing into your patient's care?Nutrigenomics has allowed us to make a major shift in t...
How do you include nutrigenomic testing into your patient's care?Nutrigenomics has allowed us to make a major shift in t...
How do you include nutrigenomic testing into your patient's care?Nutrigenomics has allowed us to make a major shift in t...
How do you include nutrigenomic testing into your patient's care?Nutrigenomics has allowed us to make a major shift in t...
How do you include nutrigenomic testing into your patient's care?Nutrigenomics has allowed us to make a major shift in t...
How do you include nutrigenomic testing into your patient's care?Nutrigenomics has allowed us to make a major shift in t...
How do you include nutrigenomic testing into your patient's care?Nutrigenomics has allowed us to make a major shift in t...