4 Dead

4 Dead



4 Dead's cover photo


4 Dead – House Show & Sound Underground 2006

Here's some old footage of us doing a launch for Blood & P**s at a house show in 06 http://www.secretdevilzine.com/4-dead-house-show-sound-underground-2006/

secretdevilzine.com 4 Dead – House Show & Sound Underground 2006 Footage of Canberra’s most dangerous band 4 Dead playing some dudes house show and Sound Underground, Belco, Canberra 2006 . There is a …


4DEAD - ANCHORS TEST PRESS LP /4 RARE converge iexist mindsnare doomriders isis

Auction Ends Tonight http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/191303525620?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649

ebay.com.au 4DEAD - ANCHORS TEST PRESS LP /4 RARE converge iexist mindsnare doomriders isis in Music, Records | eBay


4DEAD - ANCHORS TEST PRESS LP /4 RARE converge iexist mindsnare doomriders isis

Shane is looking to finish his off his sauna in the grotto by his pool. Help him achieve this.

ebay.com.au 4DEAD - ANCHORS TEST PRESS LP /4 RARE converge iexist mindsnare doomriders isis in Music, Records | eBay


Come and join this group to chat about records, shows, preorders and more!


4Dead at Catfood Press

For people that are interested...Here's the only youtube footage we've got http://youtu.be/Kh4lvFtxUwY

4Dead playing in Melbourne at Catfood Press, 4th of September 2010. Jon punched the head off a cymbal stand during the second song. Ire, Encircling Sea, and ...


I came across a few of these the other day. The first 4Dead pins we ever made.



I’ve tried very hard to avoid writing this for various reasons. First and foremost, I feel I can speak for everyone who has ever been involved with 4Dead and state that the idea of press-releases, reunion tours and “being signed” etc... pretty much any form of music industry style formulated tripe isn’t very us! Secondly, it’s hard to articulate these things as I can only truly relay my personal perspective and take on the way things have panned out, so bear with me and I’ll try my best to relay part of the past, present and future.

4Dead has come to a rather unceremonious, un-kicking and screaming end.
.. ok before you say it, I do live on the other side of the planet, and it is probably a case of stating the unspoken, but simultaneously the complete bleeding obvious.

But let me fill you in on a little history...

A group of guys from the northern suburbs of Canberra got together some time in the summer of 2001 with a plan to make uncompromising, violent, aggressive music with a foundation in hardcore morals, principles and ethics. We were pretty clueless, but our hearts were in the right place and we spent a lot of our formative years putting on shows with bands we wanted to play with, breaking things and pi***ng people off. A great deal of energy was put into the band by everyone who spent any time in or around it and we spent a great deal of time attempting to fit in to a “scene” and an aesthetic that gave us at times little more than cold shoulders, confusion and the odd bone to gnaw on over in the dank, uncool corner of Canberra. In a time where nobody came to town, we would put shows on for all and sundry so they could get a little petrol money and sell a few T-Shirts just so we ourselves could hear the bands play and so we could play with them.

One day we got sick of trying to fit in and on a cold winter night nestled in four walls the historically infamous Humpy Hall in Scullin, 5 guys collectively thought “F**k ‘em!” and began to channel our crazed, jaded, bleak, hateful and intensely Canberran natures into something else. It would evolve into something unique. It would become sassy as f**k, pure blunt force. Purely Canberran.

Over the years we had meager and humble goals. Write a tune, have a 30 minute set, play live at the Rock Ape, record something etc. Very quickly we were able to tick these things off and before too long the goals we were striving for were complete pipe dreams that were rapidly coming to life. It was as if the band was the perfect metaphor for Frankenstein’s Monster. Everything was held together by a thread. Everything had been butchered. Everything was full of energy and could crush whole audiences in one 30 minute foul swoop. It was about burning bright and white hot, not burning for long.

Playing in a fiercely independent band in Australia is the equivalent to a horse that won’t stand up at the best of times, and honestly, 4Dead’s stubborn and uncompromising nature, of which I will defend to the grave, made it far less of a cakewalk than most bands have, and alas, we can’t all continue to channel our money into a black hole, sleep on couches, drive uninsured vans into kangaroos, play in strange far away places for a cheque that is “..in the mail.”, go on tour with $12 to your name, break our arms and dislocate our elbows, slice our hands open on beer bottles etc, etc forever. People have lives. Lives kill bands. Get over it.

The plan was to try and squeeze in a show before I left to these here foreign shores. It couldn’t come to fruition. The plan then became to play some shows when I came home at some stage and we began trying to piece things together logistically. A post went up on facebook. We were all getting kind of excited. But in typical 4Dead style, the wheels fell off. I received an extremely heart felt email from the other founding member, Shane. I won’t go in to details, but it is impossible for him to be involved with the future of the band for deeply personal reasons. I occasionally hear of bands continuing on with the original singer and a bunch of randoms playing the music, and I gotta say, the first thing that comes to mind is *FAAAAART NOIIIIISE*!!!!My point is that, Morgan, Julian and I could continue to play, but it REALLY would no longer be 4Dead, particularly since SO much of it comes from Shane.

I will never forget the friends I have made through playing in this band. I will never let anyone take away the accomplishments that we achieved. I will never forget how much I grew as a person and how much of the world I saw. I got to play with my favourite bands in the world and am fortunate enough to have experienced and been involved in what I feel was a very special and important era of Australian music. I feel lucky to have had the opportunity to have had creative avenues and to have left a mark. I feel lucky to have played with Frank, Jem, Tommo, Ben, Dos, Dean, Chris, Morgan, Aaron, John and Julian. I feel lucky that you are reading this, so thank YOU, dear reader!
..But now it’s time to put this to rest.

“...Our very own painting on our very own cave wall. Time will no longer be a dark spot on our lungs. They will no longer be able to say “You would have to have been there.” Because the fact is, we were.”

Peacing out on my couch.
Jon Dangerous


City of Yarra: To stop the closure of live music at The Bendigo Hotel, in Collingwood



change.org The Bendigo Hotel is under threat of being closed down because of one new resident complaining to the City of Yarra. The Council has decided to take...





Sooo... somehow we got mad props for something we did way back in 2006. Cheers?

issuu.com Here is the issue you've all been waiting for. The one were we announce the 50 GREATEST AUSTRALIAN HEAVY ALBUMS OF ALL TIME! Who took it out? You have to flick through to find out. On the cover we hav...


Coliseum - Bad Will (Official Video)

Remember that lp we recorded with the sick artwork by our mate Ryan Patterson? His kickarse band Coliseum have a new album coming out (cause you live under a rock). Go pre-order it and pester the living s**t out of someone to tour them in Australia again!!!!

Off you go then!


Coliseum "Bad Will" Video by Max Moore From the album Sister Faith, available April 30th, 2013 on LP/CD/Digital www.maxmoorefilms.com www.coliseumsoundsystem...


What's up, 4Dead?

Thanks for asking Facebook!

Jon lives in America and is following all the losing sports teams world wide. He just did his ACL while reaching for a can on a high shelf. Will be out for the rest of the season.

Shane is living the dream and wearing his broncos jersey every day. He has legally changed his middle name to Webcke. Nintendo recently approached him to be a play tester for the new mario kart game that is coming out soon.

Julian is making cakes and patting dogs, all while smiling. He is drumming in a band called Hygiene, they are grouse, chuck them a listen https://www.facebook.com/hygienecbr .

Morgan lives in Melbourne and has taken to wearing V neck shirts and riding a fixed gear bike. He serves coffee to other hipsters, and plays bass in In Trenches.

All this aside, we might see you at the end of this year? Or maybe at the start of the next? Or maybe never? just to keep you guessing.


So... this.

We just scored some copies of the first ever 4 Dead EP. We haven't had this instock for 7 years! $12 each 5 copies only.