DRUG USERS paradise

DRUG USERS paradise



Good day,
It's been awhile I supported you with my post. Another thing you should know about the damning effects of addiction is once it has affected one mentally the cost of medication is high. Then one will be placed on drugs that one will continue for a lifetime. Am a victim and it's not sweet but am used to it now.

My advice is to quit now before your situation slides to that. Weed/ma*****na/Igbo you see is as common is one that causes psychosis. Talk more of others. Please avoid that by staying away.
One love.


Hope this meets you well,
The level of awareness/knowledge matters, ie in the field of spiritual understanding in the area of drug abuse will make you free from the stronghold. This stronghold cannot be comprehended by the carnal/physical man/mind. These battles is waged in our minds first then gradually it transforms into a physical form, which comes in addictive drinking, smoking ie w**d, ci******es, sh**ha, hard drugs like co***ne, heroine, crack, etc then it transforms the individual's lifestyle in form of attitudes negative that is, in dressing, language, disobedience to parents, greed, hatred, envy, lies, and so on.

This is known as the battle field of the mind it all start there. Once this knowledge is understood, behavior begins to change, places you go must alter, friends must change, attitudes will change, music you listen to has to change, it's a liberation. Amen

It's called word of knowledge, this takes weeks, months, years but keep at it. Keeping at it means steadfastness, consistency, in fellowship in Church, then personal development from study of the Bible and materials written by God's servants. If not no power can liberate you, God's word carries power knowledge from it frees you completely from that bo***ge.

Now bo***ge in this sense means wickedness without mercy or any content of love. Which is meant to derail you out the truth to the path of eternal damnation. God forbid. God is love, merciful, patient read 1 Corinthians 13 and other unchanging qualities of God. But there's an end when that time comes these qualities of God turns to Wrath not anger. Anger is associated with humans but the Wrath of God man cannot comprehend. Its eternal judgement. May the those eternal veil from the pit of hell be ripped apart from your eyes in Jesus name. Amen.


Hope this meets you well,
Life is a collection of moments. The moments we use in our youthfulness matters. But unfortunately, the battle of evil against light has many young people bound by the influence of drugs and the 'pleasures' it brings. We have to realize that time in this life is short. But what brings us out is the knowledge we acquire over time. Many young people desire out but a hold is them 'a spiritual, evil, out of this world, from the pit of hell wield by the chief architect, the devil himself'. Only a power that is in the name of Jesus can break such shackles/chains. Truth be said, lives be set free. Amen


Hope this meets you well.
To my young people out there, yes it might seem you're having fun taking all the sh**ha, the crack co**in, the w**d, the ci******es, the alcohol etc. But the reality of the hold it has on you is not physical, it's spiritual that's why when you're fed up and want to undo the habit it seems difficult or after leaving it for sometimes you get back to it with a new found zeal.

Let me enlighten you, I've been there done that. But Jesus Christ saved me through a very rough crisis that had me admitted in psychiatric hospital where 'mad' people are treated. This was a way the Lord used to get to me. This period of my life stripped me of my social face, a stigma was on me. Besides the pain of staying locked down in a particular place for a long period of time. I learnt the hard way. It took me several years going in and out of rehab before I could realise I was on a back foot. My mates had gone ahead of me in life, even my youngsters. It took the Grace of God for me to graduate in college/university/polytechnic, with the believe my parents had in me. Boy! It was though.

My point here is this, you have to realize you need Jesus because no one can help you, even the rehab. After know this truths, it will be the beginning of your break free from drugs. I feel and know it's my responsibility to let you know these truths and to share with you my story. My this give you the strength and courage to take the right step. Amen!




Good day folks. Try something new about that drug addiction you're entangled in. There's a way out!
Read my previous posts


Good day,
Hope this meets you well. I learnt painful and enduring experience while trying to quit from cigarette, alcohol and ma*****na. I shed tears at times knowing fully well that something kept me bound to these drugs as try to stop. The relapses were constant. After making resolution to take a new leaf, I find myself back to it with a new found zeal at it. Man! it was siege, a spiritual one.

My salvation came as admitted I needed help. Being in a relationship with Jesus wasn't enough, for the habit to be undone. A professional help had to come in. I was taken to a rehab did some time passing through therapeutic sessions with realistic enlightenment. This period in my life was my total break from drugs. With the relationship I found with Jesus I became free, Amen.

Make that bold step now I pray thee!


Good day to you,
I started doing cannabis, also known as ma*****na, Igbo, w**d, etc and other coded names; at an early age of 16yrs-17yrs. The experience was exciting under the veil of peer influence that it gives you courage, sharp thought pattern and there by giving one an edge over others. These were lies told to us by friends to keep us the circle. Entertainment, social media also contributed to this fallacies.

The reality behind ma*****na is catastrophic. It retards a person gradually reducing a person to nothing. Many have lost their sanity due to this substance. But with more awareness about it seems not to put out the fire. More young people are trapped in the substance use.

Now, with the right knowledge that this addiction is spiritual no physical effort can bring one out. With this kind of awareness in our homes, schools and public spaces this will reduce more youths get entangled in this catastrophic lifestyle.

What helped bring me out was my realization I needed help then taken to a rehab before the power of Jesus Christ broke me out.

There are many who desire a way out but are still bound. May these kinds find a way out in Jesus name. Amen.

Photos from DRUG USERS paradise's post 27/04/2023

Hope this meets you well.
The day I discovered the horrific components of ci******es, was the day my battle of quitting ci******es was won. My whole mindset changed. Take a look at the photos, may this revive you spirit to fight to win. Amen


On my journey of quiting cigarette, relapses was inevitable. Then I realized it was a spiritual something. By the power of God through Jesus Christ that shackles was broken by myself after gaining understanding. I spoke to that foul spirit to leave. My mind was made up after series of relapses. I changed where I went to, stayed away from friends who did ci******es. My biggest secret was my new found relationship with Christ.


Hello everyone hope you all doing good. Introducing to you a place that will bring you information that will liberate souls from the stronghold of drugs by the power in the name of Jesus.
The first thing to acknowledge is that you the drug user is a captive in drugs. And it takes power of Jesus to break free if not you in a long journey of no return.
I will be with you on a journey showing you from first hand experience information that will guide you out from such a dark place. Amen
