Kayla Abrams power of prayers for families and friends

Kayla Abrams power of prayers for families and friends

Hi all this is a page about praying everyone says I am a praying warrior! If you have a need of pray


Who need prayers? Life can be busy but starting to post again about prayers!


Hi beautiful Gods children! Who needs prayers today? Do u have a family members or friends that need prayers for today? Don’t miss out a great opportunity of what Jesus can do for you !


Hi all let’s all pray for the ones who are not saved! Who has a loved one that hasn’t been saved? I will pray for them today!


Dose anyone got a special prayer request on this October day ? It maybe cool out but let us be on fire for Jesus!


Life can be hectic sometimes but there is always room for prayers! Jesus is always there be there for us and never leave us ! Dose anyone got prayers request today? Jesus is listening to your prayers!


We have a friend named Barbie she lost her aunt this past week. Please pray for her and her family as they lay her to rest also just praying for comfort and peace!


Dose anyone need prayers today? Let’s all rejoice with the lord today!


Hi all beautiful people family and friends who needs prayers today? I would be happy to pray for any situation you have !


Anyone need prayers tonight? Anyone need healing prayers any need family prayers ? Prayers is always needed!!!


Hi there dose anyone have a prayer request today? Happy first day of fall!!!


Hi all how are u all doing today! Dose anyone got any spoken prayer request or unspoken request today? Everyone needs prayers every now and then.


Hi all how are you all today! anyone got prayers today? Bring your burdens to the lord today because he will listen to our souls !


Anyone with a prayer request? I am hear to listen anytime!


Hi all who needs prayers today? Our loving God will hear your prayers no matter what you go through if you don’t have no one to talk too he is always there for you!


Who needs loving prayers tonight? God will listen to our hearts .take your burdens to the lord and leave it there!


Hi all who needs some prayers today there is always room for prayer!


Remember let’s pray for each other and be there for each other because praying always makes us feel better and we can make a difference in this world!


Hi all who has prayer request today? Anyone?


If you have a need of someone that needs prayers for please ask . Jesus will listen to our prayers don’t give up hope he is there right behind you ! He will never leave you!


Hi all it’s a beautiful day today who needs prayers today? God always answers prayers ! Don’t be afraid to give out prayer requests !!!


Who needs some loving prayers on this lords day today? Thank you lord for your peace and love as you give us happiness in our lives as we go through our day that your the one that cares for us and won’t leave us amen!


Hi all who needs some prayers today it’s going to be a beautiful day there is always time for loving prayers! Let’s all enjoy today!


Hi all you wonderful people! How about some prayers for this cool feeling Friday morning!


Happy Thursday morning! Who needs prayers for healing for peace healing comfort who needs prayers for love ones! There is always time for wonderful prayer!


Who needs this beautiful song today! Sweet hour of prayer !


Who needs loving prayers today? Anybody?


Who friends or love ones that you need prayers for today or your self? Prayers is always needed !!!


Happy beautiful first day of September! I feel like prayers are needed today! Love ones do u know Jesus loves you so much he died on the cross for your sins ? His love is endless!


Happy Saturday dose anyone need prayers today? Don’t be afraid to always ask ! Because you are never alone!


Hi beautiful people! Who needs prayers tonight! If you have spoken prayer request I am willing to pray for them !


It’s a beautiful fall kinda day ! Let’s pray for love ones today!


Hi all families and friends! The power of prayers is amazing. I feel like everyone needs prayers to cheer them up praying for healing prayers for new jobs power of prayer of being protected in all schools power of prayers for America and our leaders. If we all pray for each other we can make difference! I believe that God will some day heal our land and around the earth! If you need prayers for anything just message me!
