Religions & Spiritualism

Religions & Spiritualism

Purity in spirituality brings us closer to our creator.

It entails acknowledging a sensation or conviction that there is someone bigger than me and that the greater totality of which we are a part is cosmic or divine in nature.


Wonders and Magic [Part - 5]:

Human Possession:
People make use of these ghosts in two ways. With the assistance of Shaytan (the Devil), i.e., using magic to influence non-Muslim ghosts. This is strictly forbidden. Using magic always leads to disbelief. Similarly, ghosts can be controlled through difficult rituals. Muslim ghosts can also be influenced, but they do not do anything prohibited. Let us now examine how these fake Sufis engage ghosts:

1) Ghosts and Fake Sufis: When a person is under pressure or unhappy as a result of his sufferings, he is ready to do anything out of compulsion. Now that word of this fake Sufi is spreading through his followers, Satan adds fuel to the fire, because whoever follows this fake Sufi will face destruction (of honor, faith, life, and property). This deception has become so entrenched in society that Islam is no longer endangered as much by non-Muslims as it is by them. Ghosts are used by fake Sufis in the following ways:

- Sending ghosts to gather knowledge about one's home. A ghost goes, gathers knowledge, and reports back to him. Then this fake Sufi divulges all of this knowledge to these people, who are astounded as to how he came to know their personal secrets.

- One of this fake Sufi's disciples calls him from somewhere, for example, because he has lost some money. That fake Sufi requests a short break from that individual. Meanwhile, he quickly dispatches a ghost to inquire of his disciple's devil (every person, according to the holy hadith, has an angel and a devil) so his issue becomes known to fake Sufi via a ghost. Now, this fake Sufi speaks in a arrogant tone, "How did you manage to lose money?" After hearing this, that poor, feeble-minded individual is eternally enslaved to that fake Sufi, rather becomes an advertising disciple.

- In the company of other people, a fake Sufi instructs a ghost to pick up such and such an object, which then appears to move and approach him. People are now shocked. If a non-Muslim does the same action, it is referred to as magic or fraud. Since this fake Sufi is a descendant of a genuine Sufi and is dressed in the cloak of Sufism, these simple and innocent people regard his act as dignified. Beware! The guidance you seek, its signs are most emphatically not miracles and occurrences. God is in charge of healing the sick, increasing money, and having offspring. Those who are near to him can also ask a specific work to be done from God, and this is accomplished through the power of piety. If someone has established the expectation that there will be no hardships in his life and that everything will go as planned, this is wishful thinking on his part. Just consider the Prophet Muhammad's life (Peace b upon Him). Examine the lives of his companions. Despite their many trials and tribulations, they never stopped praising God, even though no one can be closer to God than they are. Didn't the Prophet (peace be upon Him) suffer from headaches? Wasn't the Prophet (Peace be upon Him) harmed in the fight of Uhud? Did he ever had a full stomach?

- Fake Sufis use ghosts to compel people to do what they want. For example, demanding that you give me this and that, and if that person does not or cannot give, they cast disbelieving ghosts on him, who torment the unfortunate man or his children. These poor folks return to this fake Sufi. Then he orders the ghosts to leave them alone, and they recover from their ordeal, believing that only this fake Sufi can fix their problems. In this manner, these con artists brazenly threaten, "I'll burn you to ashes!" Weak individuals are terrified. Remember, only those who do not fear God are terrified. When God says, "Submit to me, and I will submit the entire universe to you," how can these ghosts possibly hurt you?


Wonders and Magic [Part - 4]:

Uses of Ghosts/Jinns:

How all the ghosts/jinns are used by humans and Satan for themselves, and how far these jinns have the power to do different things, are as follows:

Possession of Satan:
Satan uses non-believer Jinns in the following ways:

1) Whoever is righteous or inclined to righteousness, Satan puts nonbeliever jinns on him who are assigned to him and prevents him from performing good deeds. These Jinns irritate him as well. When a person remains strong and continues to do good things with perseverance, God blesses that person's goodness, and the ghosts and devils are burned and flee. It implies that the individual must be sincere in his intentions and insist on his goodness.

2) When the filth of sins accumulates on the human soul, it becomes a major attraction and a favorite meal for ghosts. As a result, these ghosts bother this individual, and when the ghost affects the human soul, it affects the body as well.

3) If these ghosts are wounded by a human being, whether by accident or on purpose, they will follow that person and cause him pain and suffering. Ghosts are typically ignorant, stubborn, obstinate, and mischievous. Ghosts see the human soul rather than the human body. As a reason, putting physical torture on a human being to remove ghosts is utter ignorance, and it is a harmful method used by Satan to harm a human being in such a way that he plants the thought in our heads that causing physical suffering can cure a human being of ghosts. Fake Sufis may sometimes heat iron rods and place them on the human body to represent the ghost burning which itself is a futile act as ghosts attach themselves with the soul of a person and not his body so inflicting pain on human body would be pointless. Blood spatters are shown on the walls to give the impression that a ghost has been killed, despite the fact that ghosts do not have blood. This is what Satan teaches these wrongdoers in order for mankind to suffer and be tortured. Apparently, Satan was not given the right to carry out this torture. As a result, he must go through humanity to inflict such pain.

4) Non-believer ghosts are terrified of religious people.

To be continued…


Wonders and Magic [Part - 3]:

They are permissible in Islam, but they have nothing to do with devotion and cannot draw one closer to God. For example, it is stated that reading Surah Yasin forty times will fulfil your wish, which is true, but reciting this Surah Yasin will not bring any blessings if it's done for some specific need to be fulfilled, and what is the use of reciting it without a reward? The blessing is something which draws one closer to God. For instance, if you make a request to God and ask that He accomplish a task for you, you will pray 100 times. There is no doubt that it will happen, but the blessings of those 100 prayers will also lose with it. Thus the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) stated:

"Whoever goes to an astrologer, or a magician in order to accomplish any objective returns without eeman." (Means that he left Islam and embraced Kufr)

In addition to incantations, the so-called (false) Sufi begins magic to eliminate the disgrace of his incantations failing in front of his worshippers. As a result, these incantations eventually lead him astray. Well, God does all the work, so why not please God and let him do the work? According to the Holy Quran:

"Whatever good comes to you, it is from Allah and whatever evil harms you, it comes from your own selves..."
(Al-Nisaa: Ayah # 26-27)

All of a believer's prayers are heard and answered. Some are answered right away, some are answered later, and some will be rewarded on the Day of Resurrection, upon which he will desire that none of my prayers had been answered in this life.

The jinn were created before man and it is said in the Holy Qur'an about them:

"Indeed We created man from a ringing clay made of decayed mud. As for the Jinns, We had created them earlier from scorching fire"
(Al-Hijr: Ayah # 26-27)

"He has created man from dry clay, ringing like pottery and created Jinn from a smokeless flame of fire."
(Al-Rahman: Ayah # 14-15)

The same Islamic principles apply to these jinn. As a result, Jinns, like humans, are Muslims (believers) and Non-Muslims (non-believers). Satan has complete authority over the disbelieving Jinns. It indicates he can employ these Jinns to his advantage. All of these Jinns die at the end of their age. However, Satan is a Jinn who will not die until the day of judgement. Their bodily size grows with age as well. Generally, huge Jinns are termed "The monsters". Non-believing jinns are ugly and appear as black smoke, but believer jinns appear as white smoke and are attractive. They are typically given Muslim names. Aside from that, they have high levels of closeness to God. Jinns have females as well. Witches are females from Satan's own race who are vicious and unattractive. Fairies are believing female Jinns who are attractive. The Muslim jinn maintain contact with persons who have high piety and closeness to God and assist them in Shariah-compliant actions. Aside from that, non-believers are subordinate to the saints/sufis, which means that if those non-believer jinns continue to hurt despite their commands, the sufis can punish and even kill them.

To be continued…


Wonders and Magic [Part - 2]:

With the combined power of magic and ghosts/jinns, many things are possible. These are the devil's most heinous tools. Check out these things to prevent them:

Wonders and Antichrist:
Dajjal/Antichrist will deceive people through spells and sorcery. Now that the end of the world and the reign of Dajjal/Antichrist are imminent, the devil is attempting to sway people's beliefs and behaviors toward those movements using magic so that Dajjal won't have to exert himself as much to convince them otherwise. Magic and its charms are currently in full force. They are depicted in a foolish way, showing how worldly pleasures make everyone happy, including humans, demons, and even sorcerers. Only your dear Lord and His Messenger are unhappy (PBUH).

Anyone who accepts Satan's regime can have access to his demonic abilities at any time. The fake saint and his followers study numerous spells before directing their evil deeds onto individuals who have already experienced abuse. These folks claim that So-and-so person has performed some sort of magic, even when someone has a headache or gets into a vehicle accident. This nation is engaging in such a revolting activity that has turned into a temptation or an addiction, like looking in the mirror and displaying oneself. Magic exists, without a doubt, but it is a devilish practice that must be learned through kufr (disbelief). Let's investigate the truth behind this magic.

Any individual who commits a particularly vile or horrific sin turns into a pit and a source of curses. That curse attracts the attention of demons and spirits since they like eating it. The curse now flows from the sorcerer to the targeted person, and at the same time, demons and jinn/ghosts also turn to harm that person. This occurs as soon as the person (the sorcerer who has amassed a great curse upon himself) thinks with a harmful intention towards someone, another person comes close to this sorcerer, or another person makes his opinion good about him. This occurrence is referred to as a magician casting a spell on someone. This serves to hurt that individual in line with the sorcerer's aim. All of this only occurs because the target was hollow and empty within. He would not have lived to see this day if he had not filled himself with heavenly blessings and lights via worship and remembering God, but obviously, the flow is always from a full vessel to an empty vessel.

To be continued…
