Glory Books Ministry

Glory Books Ministry

Dr. Harris is author of the "Glory" books series ( He is Chairman of the Bible Exposition department at The Master's Seminary.

While pursuing his graduate and post-graduate education, Dr. Greg Harris was also actively involved in church ministry at various churches in California and Texas. In 1989, following the completion of his doctoral studies, he joined the faculty of Washington Bible College, a position he held for seven years. He was also the senior pastor of Berwyn Baptist Church in College Park, Maryland. Then for


We have a link for one more article from Dr. Harris: The Ratification of the Davidic Covenant.


Coming very soon. 😮

The Lie 12/11/2021

Normally we end up dedicating the book to someone or a group of people. As I more and more hand Glory Books over to beloved people, I wanted to thank you all who had any part in this—big, small, or just prayed or encouraged one way or another.
Since my diagnosis of Huntington’s, a terminal disease, and major side effects of some very strong medicine that I am on, I have not been racing wildly, but I certainly have tried to redeem the time, purposefully considering the situation.
The Lie is my final book and we will set forth different approaches to Scripture as we study the Book of Revelation. So much of how one interprets Scripture ties in with those views. And who knows, maybe that was one reason God wanted The Lie to be written.
I tell people quite often to “Walk with God, and you will not miss His will. You may not understand it for a while, but you will not miss God’s Will.” I think it would surprise you. It certainly surprised me.

God bless you all,
Greg Harris

The Lie The Lie

The Lie 26/10/2021

The Lie is now available. Get your copy today.

The Lie The Lie


Coming soon!

The King and His Glory (Part 2) 29/06/2021

Have you got your copy of The King and His Glory ( Part 2) yet? Available at Amazon. Barnes & Noble, IBooks, Google Play Books and more

The King and His Glory (Part 2) The King and His Glory (Part 2)


Available at Barnes and Noble In paperback and nook.
Get your copy today.

The King and His Glory (Part 2) 21/06/2021

Now Available on Kindle!

Take a road-to-Emmaus walk through Isaiah's grand vista of Messianic prophecies in "The King and His Glory (Part 2): More Gold from the Book of Isaiah about the Coming King of Glory, with Greg Harris as your guide. In this volume, he continues his exploration of the Old Testament by mining Isaiah's deep riches. The volume's approach coincides with and supplements Harris' 30-chapter," The Bible Expositor's Handbook." I highly recommend this book.
-BILL BARRICK, Emeritus Professor of Old Testament,
The Master’s Seminary

The King and His Glory (Part 2) The King and His Glory (Part 2)


It’s Offical! The King and His Glory (Part 2) will be released on June 15, 2021. It will be available on Amazon in Print and Kindle.

Late Start; Great Finish | Greg Harris (ThD, 1997) – Alumni 04/06/2021

The Dallas Theological Seminary released an alumni spotlight on Dr. Greg Harris.

Late Start; Great Finish | Greg Harris (ThD, 1997) – Alumni Late Start; Great Finish | Greg Harris (ThD, 1997)Alumni Spotlight / By alumni Greg Harris started ministry a little later than most. Before attending Talbot School of Theology for his MDiv and ThM, he had no theological training. When he left, his experience was teaching and coaching track in publi...

Glory Books 10/05/2021

Coming Soon! The King and His Glory Pt. 2. More gold from the book of Isaiah about the King of Glory.

Glory Books      Many people throughout the world have read verses from the Book of Isaiah, which, if you were like me when I read it at a younger age, meant that I knew a few verses taken from Isaiah, but I could not view the book as a whole—much less walk someone else through Isaiah—but now I can. I ha...


The King and His Glory: From His Return to Earth into the Eternal State Coming Soon


New book writing in progress. No additional information to release at this time. :)


A review of The Face and the Glory by Greg Hatteberg, Executive Director of Alumni Services at DTS:

I loved this book by Dr. Greg Harris. I have never felt and read a better focus on the Lord. It was like rummaging around in a treasure of biblical and theological gems! There were so many times that I felt like I was in a pool of biblical truth seeing so many new sides of the OT/NT face of the Lord that I had never seen before. Dr. Harris has answered the questions that come up in my mind while reading the Word that do not get answered in regular commentaries or books. Correlation of one passage of Scripture to another is a hallmark of his writing. Can't wait for another one!!


For those interested, here is the full cover to the printed edition of The Bible Expositor’s Handbook (OT/NT), due for release on February 1, 2020.


Dr. Harris is Retiring from The Master's Seminary After a Terminal Diagnosis

I am retiring from The Master’s Seminary this Spring because of my health.

I have been diagnosed with Huntington’s Disease/chorea, a sister disease to ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease). Here is the website that will answer many questions for those who want to know more: I am retiring from teaching/The Master’s Seminary on medical disability, and Betsy and I are starting the transition to move back to North Carolina to live.

I was hoping to kind of slide under the radar and wait two weeks longer, but it grieves me to see my wife Betsy live under such a tremendous burden, in that I am less and less able to help her in the usual way that I would if I were healthy, and the brunt of everything falls on her. I wrote this earlier than I had planned to, hopefully, to relieve some of the intense stress that she is under—and that seems to be the best course of action and God’s leading based on our current situation.

Unless the rapture or some other means God uses, I will eventually die from the disease (as did my Mom, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.). It is a genetic disease, and if anyone has the gene, and lives long enough, they will also have the disease.

There are many more “we don’t know yet” questions that God has not showed us yet, but He will do so in good time.

I am very thankful to God for saving my family and me and for allowing me to teach, first Jr. High English and coach track, and then the remainder of my adult life studying the Bible and teaching it Bible to others. I am one of the few people who I know who God blessed to do what I really have loved to do, namely, teach and write for about 40 years.

I am very thankful to my God-given wife Betsy and for the multitudes of things she has done for me and others.

I am very thankful for the students that I have had (and coached) beginning at North Garner Jr. High, Garner, NC, Washington (DC) Bible College, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary/College, and finally The Master’s Seminary for thirteen years. Many of my best friends in the world are from those schools.

Being a faculty member, the students, the administration, and friends at The Master’s Seminary is my fourth greatest blessing (behind God saving me, my wife, and my children). So many wonderful people who love God and His Word and His people have enriched our lives beyond adequate description. Most years I could barely wait for summer to end and for the school year to begin.

I am very thankful also for The Master’s Seminary administration, from John MacArthur to everyone who serves this faithful ministry. The collective administration at TMS has been beyond gracious, generous, and a very rich and deep blessing in the midst of this. We are leaving on wonderful terms with the school and very much wish God’s deep and profound blessing on them in the future.

To prevent my work email from being overrun with messages, I would request that you use my personal email address to pass along any words of encouragement. You can reach me at [email protected]. I am sorry ahead of time for not being able to respond to all the emails, Facebook postings, and calls, but in time they will all be read to the best of my ability.

Grace and peace,

Greg Harris

The Face and the Glory: Lessons on the Invisible and Visible God and His Glory 24/03/2019

The Face and the Glory: Lessons on the Invisible and Visible God and His Glory Can God be seen or not? —[God to Moses] “You cannot see My face, for no man can see Me and live” (Exod. 33:20).—[God] who alone possesses immortality and dwells in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see” (1 Tim 6:16).—“Since then no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses...

A Unique Gift to TMAI 22/12/2018

From TMS: Dr. Harris Gives a Unique Gift to TMAI

A Unique Gift to TMAI December 21, 2018A Unique Gift to TMAI“I wanted to do this as an offering unto God, and I really believe in the ministry of The Master’s Academy International. So I thought, ‘What better way to put these two things together!” Dr. Greg Harris is the Department Chair of Bible Exposition at The...

Premillennialism in the New Testament: Five Biblically Doctrinal Truths | The Master's Seminary 22/12/2018

Premillennialism in the New Testament: Five Biblically Doctrinal Truths | The Master's Seminary Many scholars hold that premillennial statements are found only in Revelation 20:1–10. Although these verses are extremely important in supporting the premillennial doctrine, many other verses throughout the New Testament also offer support for premillennialism. Our study limits itself to five bib...

"So You Want to Be an Expositor? Part 2 " by Greg Harris | The Master's Seminary Blog 25/10/2018

The Master’s Seminary is doing a series of blogs from The Bible Expositor’s Handbook OT and NT.
Here is the link to Part 2 from yesterday (scroll down):
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"So You Want to Be an Expositor? Part 2 " by Greg Harris | The Master's Seminary Blog If you want to be an expositor, you shouldn’t sermonize the text. You should strive to grow in your understanding of biblical truth.

"So You Want to Be an Expositor? Part 1 " by Greg Harris | The Master's Seminary Blog 24/10/2018

The Master’s Seminary is doing a series of blogs from The Bible Expositor’s Handbook OT and NT.

Here is the link to first blog (scroll down):

Please pass on and/or post as you see fit.

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"So You Want to Be an Expositor? Part 1 " by Greg Harris | The Master's Seminary Blog So you want to be an expositor? Before looking at the method to becoming an expositor, you must get the starting point right.

Interview with Dr. Greg Harris on the Release of The Bible Expositor's Handbook: New Testament Digital Edition - The Master's Seminary 22/03/2018

Interview with Dr. Greg Harris on the Release of The Bible Expositor's Handbook: New Testament Digital Edition - The Master's Seminary The Bible Expositor’s Handbook: New Testament takes the reader on a tour of the New Testament with Greg Harris as guide extraordinaire. Each step along the way, our guide directs our attention to the…

Twitter 18/03/2018

We have a new sale from the publisher until March 29! For those interested:



There is also an app from which the books can be run:

Here is the step by step process that I used for getting and using the app for both editions (OT and NT) for The Bible Expositor’s Handbooks:

Go to Apple Store or the Google Play App Store and download the WORDSearch Bible App to your phone or other digital device.

Once you have the WORDSearch Bible App open and sign in to your Lifeway ID (If you have never created an ID you will register at this time).

Once logged in, if you have purchased The Bible Expositor’s Handbook, NT Edition you can now open it and read within the app.

Place post and/or pass on as you see fit.

Thank you


Wordsearch Bible 16/03/2018

Dr. Greg Harris' new book, "The Bible Expositor's Handbook: New Testament Edition" was released this week. Wordsearch Bible is running an exclusive deal where you can get both editions (OT and NT) for $19.95.

Wordsearch Bible

Premillennialism and the New Testament - The Master's Seminary 09/02/2018

Dr. Harris spoke yesterday in TMS chapel on Premillennialism in the NT. This message is based on a game-changing journal he has coming out in the Fall.

Premillennialism and the New Testament - The Master's Seminary Premillennialism and the New Testament Gregory Harris  February 8, 2018 Series: Premillennialism and Ministry (Faculty Lecture Series 2018) Tweet Share 0 +1 0 Download MP3

Videos (show all)

Dr. Harris on The Bible Expositor's Handbook: OT Edition