Parents for MIAA and IAAM Athletes
This page was created to advocate for MIAA and IAAM student athletes who want to move forward with sports starting this fall 2020 season.
Some interesting facts about MAKO Medical. These were found doing a search for MAKO Medical Terms of Agreement and MAKO Medical Privacy Policy
Some interesting things parents should know about MAKO Medical.
Quarantine Data from the Archdiocese of Baltimore has been obtained from last school year. Between September of 2020 through early spring 2021, several thousands of students were contact traced and quarantined due to a school Covid exposure. Less than 0.5% of the quarantined students contracted Covid. That means 99.5% of those quarantined never tested positive for Covid. In most of those cases, schools were not deemed as a point of contact. Please keep in mind that no students were vaccinated (there was no vaccine available to students during this time frame) and many AOB High Schools participated in outdoor fall sports where masks were worn inconsistently and sometimes not at all on the field of play.
The AOB had this data available to them to use in making decisions for Covid protocols for this school year but are still allowing their students to be quarantined. The AOB has historical data to prove quarantining healthy unvaccinated students does nothing to prevent the spread of Covid because quarantined unvaccinated students did not get Covid. Last year, against the advisement of county health officers, the AOB opened their doors for in person learning and stayed open. If students were quarantined or contracted Covid, they were allowed to learn virtually. This year the AOB schools are offering nothing different from public schools. Our students are needlessly being quarantined depending on their vaccination status and then are given no opportunity to learn virtually. This is the same policy in public schools.
If you are an AOB parent, you need to ask yourself why. Why is the AOB ignoring the data they collected last school year? Why is the AOB still quarantining healthy students, when they have historical data to prove the quarantining of unvaccinated students does not work in preventing the spread of Covid? Why are they not asking the MSDE to allow students who are exposed to be able to test to stay in school? Why are our students not allowed to learn virtually if they are quarantined like they were allowed to last year? Parents are paying for their children to be educated by the AOB. They are not paying for their child to be forcibly removed from school, to sit at home, and learn asynchronously by themselves for 7-10 days.
Hopefully parents will be encouraged by this post to contact the AOB to request a revision of the quarantine policy as students are unnecessarily being quarantined and denied educational opportunities.