Donald L. Gilbert, Jr. for LVSD School Board

Donald L. Gilbert, Jr. for LVSD School Board

This page provides information about the platform and ideas for candidate Donald L. Gilbert, Jr. and the Ligonier Valley School Board.


Please remember to vote on November 2.
I would appreciate your vote.


Donald L. Gilbert, Jr., 48, was raised in Ligonier and is a 1991 graduate of Ligonier Valley High School, father of a daughter at LVMS, and business owner in the valley. Donald holds a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from Muskingum University of New Concord, Ohio and a Masters of Arts in Physics from Indiana University of Pennsylvania as well as secondary teaching certificates in Ohio, Virginia, and Pennsylvania. He continued his education at IUP in the Curriculum and Instruction program to obtain Doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction and his Principal’s certificate, which he halted after leaving his 13-year teaching career. Mr. Gilbert taught mathematics and physics courses at the high school level, to include, Life Skills Math, Algebra I and II, Geometry, Trigonometry, AP Statistics, Modern Science, and Physics as well as leading the Gifted Education Program.
Mr. Gilbert believes that his position on the school board will be to ask one simple question. “How will this decision benefit the students and community?”
Donald believes that one area that needs greater improvement is communication between the school board, administration, parents, and community businesses. Even as far back as he can remember, students didn’t see a future in the Ligonier Valley for employment and would talk about moving away for better opportunities. He would like to see more graduates stay in the area and create or expand opportunities so that the Ligonier Valley and surrounding communities continue to provide for generations to come.
Mr. Gilbert’s teaching experience as well as being a father, will allow him to see all sides of the issues, from budget concerns, teacher contracts, taxes, educational needs, laws regarding special education, administrative tasks, and parental involvement.
Some other areas that Donald would like to see development and/or improvements are listed below.
* Provide resources to students that are in line with each student’s needs and outcomes.
* Improve Communications with Teachers/Parents/Administration/Community Leaders.
* Have programs that bring the Parents into the buildings to interact with teachers and staff more often. (Interactive lunches, free admission to sporting events, Principal guided building tours).
* Report cards with Letter Grades
* Hold a business fair / hiring expo at the High School for local businesses that are looking for summer employment opportunities with the idea that some students may want to continue to reside in the Ligonier Valley for their lifetime.
* Hold a Career Fair at the Middle School so that students can begin to visualize a goal for achievement in High School.
* Expand volunteer programs and encourage more Parents/Community Members to participate.
* Implement Project Based Learning and Cross Curricular Studies to tie subject matter together, and exhibit the outcomes with real world applications and/or businesses in the community.
* Allow teachers to modify and adjust the Standards Based Curriculum to adapt to the environment of the community. (Don’t just teach to the test)
* Cut wasteful spending by allowing teachers and staff to shop for the best price on items rather than requiring purchases from “approved” contractors and catalogs.
* Incorporate field trips at every grade level that are outside of the school environment as much as possible.
* A system that encourages the hiring of community members, when possible, in order to maintain community pride.
* Create an environment in the community that encourages families to move into the area, including, but not limited to: High academic standards and success, grading standards that are recognized by trade schools and universities, state of the art technology resources, sports and recreational facilities that are superior to the surrounding area, teachers with advanced degrees and multiple degrees and certifications, and an obvious presence of the school system in the community.
* School Safety and the expansion of the Resource Officer program.
* Lower Student to Faculty ratio, with a goal of classroom sizes of no more than 15 students per class.
* Expand Art, Music, and Language programs.
* Institute programs that allow students to receive independent learning credits for internships and other programs of educational value that are not offered within the district.
* Create a driver education program with certified instructor.
* A system of Checks and Balances to ensure that all students with: Special Needs / 504 / IEP / GIEP’s are being monitored and adjusted on at least a quarterly basis.
* Allow time for parents to interact with the Superintendent/Principals/Teachers/Staff/School Board Members in a social environment at least quarterly.
* Create a schedule at all levels that allows for 45 minute lunches and a recess of some type.
* Analyze the use of disposable lunch trays and utensils and a possible return to washable items.
* Have lunches created in the school kitchens and end pre-packaged food.

Donald L. Gilbert, Jr’s., agenda for the future of the Ligonier Valley School District is simple.
Put the needs of the students first, and make the Ligonier Valley School Disctrict #1 in the local and state rankings.
