Eagle Ray Mindfulness

Eagle Ray Mindfulness

Eagle Ray Mindfulness shares exclusive relaxing video and music content that is designed to promote calm, serenity, and a peaceful state of mind.

Our guided meditations provide a mini escape from daily life.

Deep Sleep 😴 Guided Meditation: Relax, Calm Anxiety, and Still Your Mind for Deep, Peaceful Sleep 01/07/2022


Happy Early !

Super-Exciting News! Eagle Ray Mindfulness is dropping a new relaxing 10 minute guided meditation video designed to help you catch those much-needed zzz's 😴. The new video is live right now!

Please follow the link to check out our new guided meditation for deep sleep video! For our audience in the USA, this is a big 3 day weekend. Let's kick it off well-rested and replenished!

Please take care πŸ₯°

Deep Sleep 😴 Guided Meditation: Relax, Calm Anxiety, and Still Your Mind for Deep, Peaceful Sleep This Guided meditation will ease your mind, and shift your perspective. Let go of task lists, anxieties, and ruminations. Relax and still your mind for dee...

Soothing Spa Music for Sleep, Meditation, Calming Nature Sounds, Music to Relieve Stress & Relax 24/06/2022


Happy FriYAY!

Want a sneek pπŸ‘€k at our next video? This Soothing Spa Music Track is dropping on YouTube Right Now! We could not wait for Saturday!

Please give it a listen and tell us what you think! We posted a poll on the Community tab of our YouTube page. We would love to get your feedback!

Soothing Spa Music for Sleep, Meditation, Calming Nature Sounds, Music to Relieve Stress & Relax Whether you are looking for calming music and nature sounds to accompany your personal meditations, soothing sounds to guide you to sleep, or background ambi...

πŸ•― Guided Meditation for Relaxation, Mind - Body Connection, Peaceful Serenity πŸ•― 23/06/2022

Cenote Elvira in Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo, Mexico! This photo is from my personal camera roll. The water was cold but it was an inspiring place to and embrace the joy of life!

Because this location inspired for me, we used this photo in our very first guided meditation video, which dropped on May 28, 2022.

Wishing you all and

Eagle Ray Mindfulness

πŸ•― Guided Meditation for Relaxation, Mind - Body Connection, Peaceful Serenity πŸ•― Escape from daily life and take time for yourself. This guided mediation creates a greater mind - body connection through deep breathing and muscle relaxati...


It is Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere!

Many cultures all over the world mark the longest day of the year with ceremonies and celebrations. It is a nice time to detach from your to-do list, feel the sun on your skin, and just take a moment to soak it in!

Happy Summer Solstice from your friends at ERM! (Eagle Ray Mindfulness) 🌞

One Hour Relaxing Piano Music 🎹for Calm, Meditation, Sleep, or Focus. Daily Mindfulness Practice. 18/06/2022

Happy !

We hope you enjoy the new hour long relaxing meditation music video, dropped on YouTube last night!

Taking a moment for inner reflection and meditation before attacking that weekend to-do list might just help us approach the day's errands more mindfully.

Please take care πŸ₯°

One Hour Relaxing Piano Music 🎹for Calm, Meditation, Sleep, or Focus. Daily Mindfulness Practice. Relax your mind and body with one hour of peaceful piano sounds that can accompany you in meditation or guide you to sleep. Tune out distractions and medita...

How meditation could change the brain 15/06/2022

A new article from CNN discusses the weIlness benefits of meditation and practicing mindfulness. Just a bit more inspiration to become more involved in this practice.


How meditation could change the brain Meditation has been found to be helpful for improving mental and physical health. But experts are still learning about exactly what processes make those benefits possible for some, but not others.


How often do you set intentions for the day? It is easy to go through repetitious morning routines out of habit and without much thought. If you were to take 10 minutes out of your morning for a mindful meditation, could this really alter the course of your day? Can you walk through life with more gratitude and compassion by focussing on what is truly important for just a few minutes each morning? I am composing a new guided meditation for daily morning practice and I would love to hear about the insights or experiences of our audience.

We are a new and small mindfulness brand and we do not have many follower yet, so if anyone could take just a moment to comment, we would really appreicate it!

Body Scan Guided Mediatations help you become more relaxed, calm, mindful, & can guide you to sleep 11/06/2022


Its Saturday! That means we just released and video on YouTube! Today's video is a 12 minute Body Scan Guided Meditation.

If you have never done a Body Scan Meditation, please give it a try! I highly recommend listening to this video while lying in bed, just before sleep. A slow, calming voice will walk you through relaxing all of the muscles that hold tension in our bodies with deep breathing exercises to release that tension. I find they help me drift off to sleep faster and feel well-rested in the mornring.

If you enjoy our content, please Like and Subscribe so that we can keep making more! And if anyone has comments or questions, we are here to chat! Have a beautiful day.

Body Scan Guided Mediatations help you become more relaxed, calm, mindful, & can guide you to sleep This guided meditation includes a body scan that will promote muscle relaxation and the release of tension. Body scans may be used as a sleep meditation or ...

One Hour of calming, peaceful music to relax, sleep, meditate, or practice mindfulness. 11/06/2022

Hello from Eagle Ray Mindfulness! We are a new mindfulness and meditation brand and we hope to make your life a teensey bit better with relaxing music, nature sounds, and exclusively curated guided meditations!

Check out our YouTube channel and our first video here: https://youtu.be/h04ZfaKuzJI

We have already been joined by quite a few subscribers on YouTube and we look forward to learning more about how we can serve all of you!

One Hour of calming, peaceful music to relax, sleep, meditate, or practice mindfulness. The calming music and images in this hour long mindfulness video are designed to promote relaxation and help you achieve a peaceful and serene state of mind....