Cliff, A Veteran for Scottish Independence

Cliff, A Veteran for Scottish Independence

Activist for Scottish Independence

Resilience and Security in an Independent Scotland 09/12/2023

Resilience and Security in an Independent Scotland Martin Docherty-Hughes MP looks at 'Resilience and Security in an Independent Scotland,' offering insights into the potential defense and security landscape for an independent Scotland.


This picked up on a news feed tonight.

“Rishi Sunak is facing pressure from the right-wing of the Tory party to leave the constraints of the European Convention on Human Rights.”

That is now the road we travel? Control has moved away from that exercised by the leader of the party and now resides with his xenophobic backbenchers, the ones all too happy to force through a no deal Brexit.
The fascist is in control and are goose-stepping us all into the abyss.
Yet the writing has been on the wall for years but, and this is a big but, the only people reading it were the electorate in Scotland, Wales, and NI.
The voters in England, well, they just could not get enough of cheeky chap Johnson. And remember, it was only his incompetence in tangling with the English Supreme Court that prevented the dictatorship he was attempting. There was then of course the cluster bomb response to the pandemic, and he was finished. Since then, the Downing Street Cabinet have introduced a raft of measures curtailing both the powers of the devolved governments and those of the individual. Bit by bit they have used their majority in parliament to eradicate the ability to stop them.
There exists not one piece of legislation that they will leave standing if they view it as a hindrance. Nothing could stop Sunak and Cleverly from issuing arrest warrants for every single member of the Independence Campaigns, we have nothing in law to stop that and indeed if it was then they could repeal it.

Be very, very careful folks because presently the words of Pastor Martin Niemöller are rattling about in my head.
“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—�Because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—�Because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—�Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”

Quite simply, we need out of this union.

Our Future can be bright.

Democracy will be the light.

Independence is right.

Cliff Purvis.
Veterans for Scottish Independence 2.0

SNP Armed Forces and Veterans

INDY2(Cymru Rydd, Catalunya IIiure)

[email protected]

Voter ID 09/12/2023

Read this and if you still are not convinced that the ruk government is fascist then hell mend you.

1. Powerful and continuing nationalism
2. Disdain for human rights
3. Identification of enemies as a unifying cause
4. Rampant sexism
5. Controlled mass media
6. Obsession with national security
7. Religion and government intertwined
8. Corporate power protected
9. Labor power suppressed
10. Disdain for intellectual and the arts
11. Obsession with crime and punishment
12. Rampant cronyism and corruption

Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill

The Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act

United Kingdom Internal Market Act 2020

Voter ID Find out about the new requirement to take photo ID to some elections in England, Scotland and Wales


Ex minister and still full time fascista Robert Jenrick says there are too many migrants to integrate into society.
Well, is he not just a fun filled little fascist? Is he attempting to say that migrants are now outside of society because to my mind that is the next step after abandoning the Human Rights Act and all?
Now would be a good time to remind everyone of just what is said within the bill the Fascist Government are bringing before parliament.

The cover statement.
“I am unable to make a statement that, in my view, the provisions of the Safety of Rwanda (Asylum
and Immigration) Bill are compatible with the Convention rights, but the Government nevertheless wishes the House to proceed with the Bill.

The definition of international law.
For the purposes of this Act, “international law” includes—
the Human Rights Convention,
the Refugee Convention,
the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 1966,
the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel,
Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment of 1984,
the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in
Human Beings done at Warsaw on 16 May 2005,
(customary international law, and any other international law, or convention or rule of international law, whatsoever, including any order, judgment, decision or measure of
the European Court of Human Rights.”

Quite simply, we need out of this union.

Our Future can be bright.

Democracy will be the light.

Independence is right.

Cliff Purvis.
Veterans for Scottish Independence 2.0

SNP Armed Forces and Veterans

INDY2(Cymru Rydd, Catalunya IIiure)

[email protected]


Nuremberg 1935,, no wait,,, Westminster 2023!!


Is there any part of government that the fascists can say, with honesty, that they have done well with? (This from the Guardian).
“Jeremy Hunt’s post-Brexit City shake-up has been dismissed as a “damp squib” that has had little impact on the UK economy a year after its launch.
The chancellor announced the “bold collection” of policy changes known as the Edinburgh reforms in December 2022 with the claim they would “create jobs, support businesses and power growth across all four nations of the UK”.
Parliament’s Treasury committee, however, found on Friday that the reforms were peppered with mere preparatory work that had disappointingly failed to deliver on Hunt’s big promises.
The committee said: “From what has been completed so far, the subcommittee is of the view that none of the achievements to date will make a substantial difference to the UK economy.”

Some of us will have seen the stream of U.K. ministers (former and current) attempting to water down or shift blame over the response to the pandemic. It has been a largely pathetic parade of the elitist parasitic worm. Johnson did as expected, in so far as he was prepared to give the answer he wanted to give and not the answer to the question asked of him.
Of course, as this has been unfolding, Screaming Skull Braverman is stalking Sunak like some sort of hellhound from Tolkien's middle earth. I would wager that for every word that she spits out in public, there will be dozens more said only in front of the ultra-right wing groupings within the fascist party, and to those that lobby on behalf of the libertarians.

Wake up people for we are no longer in a debate over political ideology. We are at the edge of the abyss and below us reaching down to unfathomable depths is the world that Braverman wants to bring up as the normality.

Quite simply, we need out of this union.

Our Future can be bright.

Democracy will be the light.

Independence is right.

Cliff Purvis.
Veterans for Scottish Independence 2.0

SNP Armed Forces and Veterans

INDY2(Cymru Rydd, Catalunya IIiure)

[email protected]


And the fascistas are imploding,

The Immigration Minister resigns because the new bill will not enable ruk to act unilaterally. Now I say ruk because here is a message to the world. Scotland wants no part of this, sure we have a tiny percentage of Scots wrapped in the butchers apron determined to out Brit the Brits and, quite rightly, they are labelled as Scotland's shame. Unfortunately, in this union of four countries, only one gets to call the shots. What England votes for, the other three countries are lumbered with. This, of course, is all dressed up in the sham of a democracy that is, to all practical purposes, colonialism.
The screaming skull horror show that is Suella Braverman continues her play to be “der Führer” and we all need to hope that will not happen before the GE. Things will most definitely take a turn for the worst if it ends up PM Braverman. In my estimation, she will bring in emergency legislation to curb any form of protest and, quite possibly, given she has no respect for the English Supreme Court, she will suspend elections. I am sorry to say that the convention(s) that run the unitary state are just that, convention. Easily swept aside, as Johnson attempted to do, but he was incompetent, and that is one label I would never attach to the screaming skull.
In the meantime, the Monarch and the House of Lords will sit to one side, not interrupting that way they can continue in their highly profitable scams as an unelected Head of State and an unelected second chamber.

Quite simply, we need out of this union.

Our Future can be bright.

Democracy will be the light.

Independence is right.

Cliff Purvis.
Veterans for Scottish Independence 2.0

SNP Armed Forces and Veterans

INDY2(Cymru Rydd, Catalunya IIiure)

[email protected]



He had his chance before his god, the legal teams, and those groups represented to set the record straight. Instead, he went on an extended trip through the foggy landscape of his mind, the empty vessel that is his brain.
After reading his testimony, there can be little doubt remaining that all he cares about now is self-preservation. It is almost as if he has a restraining order in place preventing the truth from approaching him. It is quite shocking to see that his recent public outing as a liar has taught him no humility. But that would be common among the in**ed class from which he comes. He will never be without a job, he will never be forced to choose between heat or eat? So why should someone who possesses such little understanding of empathy have a care?
Johnson has always been about “me, myself, and I”
He is so typical of all that is rancid with the union, and all that is corrupt with government.

Quite simply, we need out of this union.

Our Future can be bright.

Democracy will be the light.

Independence is right.

Cliff Purvis.
Veterans for Scottish Independence 2.0

SNP Armed Forces and Veterans

INDY2(Cymru Rydd, Catalunya IIiure)

[email protected]


The wrecker of the state does not arrive at our shore armed with a visa nor a Kalashnikov, nor do they arrive with a deep loathing of British Standards, whatever they may be? I say that they do not arrive because, they are already here, they are here in the form of every single libertarian charlatan and conservative politician.
They are the ones that will kill our pensioners, starve our children and reduce workers' rights to the pre-Victorian era.
They are the ones that promote trickle-down economics yet lock away the wealth stopping the circulation that causes the economy to stall and stagnate.
They are the ones that control nearly all the levers of propaganda and use that to twist the truth to suit their needs.
Wake up Scotland!
Should we slip back into apathy as to who gets to be an MP, then you can say cheerio to the Scottish Parliament. Westminster controlled by the ultra-right will come for it and if they leave it operating, it will be but a husk? Long story short, what Westminster gives, it can take away. It can do this because we do not have a properly codified and written constitution.
We are now in a race, on one side we have the ruk government controlled by pressure groups within their party and shadowy lobbyists outside their party. They are lined up against our Government in Edinburgh and at this point, whether you like the SNP or not, every one of us has, or knows of someone who has benefited from the scrapping of bridge tolls, free prescriptions, the end to period poverty and the issue of the baby box. They are but a few of the forward-thinking progressive and inclusive policies brought before the Scottish Parliament and enacted.
We must return the maximum number of SNP MPs at the next General Election as per the spirit of 2015.

Quite simply, we need out of this union.

Our Future can be bright.

Democracy will be the light.

Independence is right.

Cliff Purvis.
Veterans for Scottish Independence 2.0

SNP Armed Forces and Veterans

INDY2(Cymru Rydd, Catalunya IIiure)

[email protected]


Contaminated blood products.
Rwanda flights, the goose step towards dictatorship.
Sellafield, a cyber-hack with a nuclear twist.
Ruk Government spying on bank accounts.
Ruk Government cluster bombing of the Covid response.
Ruk Government cluster bombing of the drinking water and sewage situation.
Ruk Government cluster bombing of the NHS.
Ruk Government cluster bombing of the Armed Forces.
Ruk Government cluster bombing energy prices.

It is only Tuesday, but if you are Sunak and his gang, it must feel as if the gravy train of populism is derailing, and doing so in slow motion.

Unfortunately, no matter how bad the rUK Government is found to be, no matter the level of deceit and incompetence discovered, not one single cabinet minister will face criminal charges. The way that we are governed ensures that will never happen. Downing Street, the Government benches, the House of Lords and the Monarchy all are untouchable to the legal system.
Actions, in actions, and corruption that would bring charges to the board of directors of any other business do not apply to them.
Just what will it take?
What level of corruption will it require to anger the electorate?
What level of debauchery will we need to witness before they are all swept out?
We are heading into a year that will see us once more going to the polls, with Starmer already promising to leave the policies of the Fascist untouched. Or to put it another way, all that will change is the name plate on the front door. Labour are now the Tory Party in all but name, having long since turned their backs on their socialist upbringing.
Unfortunately for us here in Scotland, we will once again witness the democratic deficit as only one country out of four gets to decide on the government.
All the lies of “better together” are being rammed down the throat of the Scottish Electorate.
Angry? You should be.
Worried? Yes, you should be.

This will only be resolved with Scottish Independence.

Cliff Purvis.

Veterans for Scottish Independence 2.0

SNP Armed Forces and Veterans

INDY2(Cymru Rydd, Catalunya IIiure)

[email protected]

Sellafield nuclear site hacked by groups linked to Russia and China 04/12/2023

One catastrophic piece of negligence after another.

Just when you thought it was safe to think that life under the fascists could not possibly get any more disastrous, up pops this?
Since 2015 they have known about the successful cyberattack on the Nuclear installation in Cumbria. One year after the lies of better together had said that an Independent Scotland would be wide open to such attacks, it happened to them, and at one of their most sensitive locations, this they knew but decided to sit on it?
PM David Cameron
PM Theresa May
PM Boris Johnson
PM Liz Truss
PM Rishi Sunak

Ministers responsible Matthew Hancock (2014–15), Andrea Leadsom (2015–16)

Departmental reorganization
Department of Energy and Climate Change
Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy
The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero

Home Secretary(s)
Theresa May
Amber Rudd
Sajid Javid
Priti Patel
Suella Braverman
Grant Shapps
Suella Braverman (again)
James Cleverly

So that is the list of fascists responsible for allowing it to happen, and the subsequent attempted cover up.
No wonder they were making such vigorous claims about the threat from asylum seekers. It was a distraction from the complete duck up, the complete cluster bombing of security, that they were presiding over.

Wake up Scotland, this is not some far-fetched possibility pushed by someone who wants his country to be free and independent of the clown show of Downing Street. This is reality, this is what is happening now or has happened in the very recent past.

As a reminder to all, here are the Nolan Principles of public office.
The principles were Selflessness, Integrity, Objectivity, Accountability, Openness, Honesty, and Leadership.

Cliff Purvis.

Veterans for Scottish Independence 2.0

SNP Armed Forces and Veterans

INDY2(Cymru Rydd, Catalunya IIiure)

[email protected]

Sellafield nuclear site hacked by groups linked to Russia and China Exclusive: Malware may still be present and potential effects have been covered up by staff, investigation reveals


“The president of Cop28, Sultan Al Jaber, has claimed there is “no science” indicating that a phase-out of fossil fuels is needed to restrict global heating to 1.5C, the Guardian and the Centre for Climate Reporting can reveal.
Al Jaber also said a phase-out of fossil fuels would not allow sustainable development “unless you want to take the world back into caves”.

Who would have thought by that putting a Sultan of an oil producing region in charge of COP 28 he would have produced a comment such as that. It is a bit like putting Johnson in charge of Britain and expecting outstanding statesmanship in the face of a global crisis? Honestly, with so-called leadership such as this, it is of little wonder that the sales of disaster “preparedness” kit is increasing.
As I have mentioned before, whether humanity can change its ways is of little matter to the planet. It will continue to orbit the sun, which in turn will continue on its journey around the galaxy. There is very solid evidence from the palaeontologists that there have been 5 mass extinction events in earths history, there have been other lesser ones, but the 5 big ones are;
Ordovician-silurian Extinction: 440 million years ago.
Devonian Extinction: 365 million years ago.
Permian-triassic Extinction: 250 million years ago.
Triassic-jurassic Extinction: 210 million years ago.
Cretaceous-tertiary Extinction: 65 million Years Ago.
And with each one of them, life bounced back, reshaped for a slightly different environment that was once more habitable.
Would all of humanity be wiped out as the sea levels rise and the weather becomes more extreme? Probably not, but it certainly will be an ugly place to live. With the vast majority without sanctuary, without stockpiles, without even the basics of shelter, heat, water, and food searching for those items to save their families.
The billionaires and millionaires, of course, will be untouched by this in the initial phase, possibly even during the worst of the riots and conflicts as dry ground becomes the new number one commodity and crop planting areas are fought over.
That is the world the libertarians will take us into. As it stands, we, humanity, can still salvage the situation, but I suspect that would be a political step in the wrong direction for most that only think in the very short term of 5 years.
Here lies humanity, brought down by the greed of the few and the lies to placate the many.

Cliff Purvis

Veterans for Scottish Independence 2.0

SNP Armed Forces and Veterans

INDY2(Cymru Rydd, Catalunya IIiure)

[email protected]


And there we have it?

Starmer is making overtures to the Conservative support by praising Thatcher and underscoring how he expunged the legacy of Corbyn.
There now should be no doubt, as to the Conservative (capital C intended) intentions of Starmer and his gang.
He reminds me very much of the old communist “liberation” movements that always had the word “peoples” in their title but had very little time for the “peoples” mentioned once gaining power. And so it is with Starmer and his vision of Labour once in at number 10, the people implied by the term Labour will be forgotten about as he does the biding of his libertarian backers.
So with that thought, we come to the next General Election, an election as early as February 2024 but certainly at some stage in 2024.
For Scotland to break free of the libertarian brave new world, then we need to return an SNP MP in every constituency. Do not assume any majority is safe, do not assume any individual will get in on reputation only. This is going to take every last drop of mental and physical strength that we can muster.
The BadSNP SNPBad propaganda will, of course, intensify, with all the outlets tripping over themselves to put the Scottish National Party in as poor a light as can be done. The ruk intelligence agencies will use every member of the 5th column to drive wedges within the campaign.
Theirs is the more difficult job as the excesses, corruption, and inability of successive ruk governments are now well and truly in the public domain.
The lack or indeed complete absence of accountability by any branch of the U.K. state has caused many to recoil in horror at the elitist assumptions of invincibility. All the way from the Monarchy down to the backbenchers, it is presumed by themselves that they are above the law, beyond that of which the plebs comply with.
To win this next election we require to do some groundwork first.
Register to vote and get those in our family, our neighbours, and circle of friends to do likewise.
Decide how you are going to vote and make sure that you have the correct accepted form of ID. Again, make sure our family, neighbours, and friends are aware of what is required.
Make up a checklist of just how awful the government from Downing Street has been since the act of union.
Ferries, improper use of a hot spot, and missing money that is not missing, are no reason at all to doubt Scotland’s ability to be successful as an independent country.
Far greater is the tragedy of all the fine folk that will not be with us this festive period because of how the ruk got the response to the Pandemic so unbelievably wrong.
For greater is the crime of money missing through the ruk government's reckless procedures for granting contracts.
For greater is the neglect of all government departments, every one of them run into the ground and made easy pickings to be taken over by private companies of the libertarian type.

Our Future is bright

Independence is right.

Cliff Purvis

Veterans for Scottish Independence 2.0

SNP Armed Forces and Veterans

INDY2(Cymru Rydd, Catalunya IIiure)

[email protected]


Due to circumstances outwith our control tomorrow’s midday “High-noon” broadcast has had to be cancelled.
Hopefully we will be back at it in no time.

In the meantime let’s make life uncomfortable for the elite by writing to the British Museam demanding that they return all the looted history to its country of origin or First Peoples representatives.

Our Future is bright

Independence is right.

Cliff Purvis

Veterans for Scottish Independence 2.0

SNP Armed Forces and Veterans

INDY2(Cymru Rydd, Catalunya IIiure)

[email protected]

Photos from Veterans for Scottish Independence 2.0's post 01/12/2023

Friday AM,

Another day, another race row involving the Windsor family. And yet, there are some that will be surprised and yet others that will firmly believe that the Windsor family and assorted flunkies should never have the daylight shone on their conversations.
My view is that they are long-overdue retirement, the lot of them. They serve no purpose apart from the sustaining of their highly privileged life through maintenance of their bloodline.
Philip Mountbatten was notorious for his racial stereotyping, his grandson William appears to believe that he can sort out the problems facing African Nations.
And every single royal from Elizabeth Tudor up to William the 4th made money from the transatlantic slave trade.
Time for change me thinks, time to get rid of the parasites at the top, the House of Lords and the Union.

Our Future is bright

Independence is right.

Cliff Purvis

Veterans for Scottish Independence 2.0

SNP Armed Forces and Veterans

INDY2(Cymru Rydd, Catalunya IIiure)

[email protected]


The passing of a Quisling,

So Darling of the Lords has passed, I had no great respect for him in life, so I do not see why that should change on his death.
After all, he was part of that group of lying politicians who made up Better Together indeed was he not their head boy?
He sold his country out in 2014 and as a former chancellor of the exchequer he would have had first-hand knowledge of the wealth and potential of Scotland, but still, he lied. But some years before that, I had cause to dislike him, for he was part of the Labour Government that committed an already over extended military to fight a second campaign in Iraqi. So he has died with blood on his hands, the blood of service personnel lost because the correct kit was not available at the correct time. The Chilcot Report into that last piece of colonial indulgence makes for very disturbing reading, but then again he did nothing that others in that cursed establishment had not done before him.
So much blood spilled because of an over inflated sense of worth by a Westminster/Downing Street/Whitehall/Monarch cabal who at the end of the day did not, and still does not, care about anyone outside their cartel.
Remember that his lies, along with Murphy, Davidson and all the other quislings resulted in Scotland being unable to exert timely and possibly life-saving measures during the pandemic. We, as we all remember, were left to suffer the criminal management of Johnson and his gang.
So many lives lost at home and abroad, so no I will not mourn his passing nor shift my opinion of him because of it. In a way, the elite need us to do that because it sustains the myth of their power, so instead I will remember him for the person that he really was.

Our Future is bright

Independence is right.

Cliff Purvis

Veterans for Scottish Independence 2.0

SNP Armed Forces and Veterans

INDY2(Cymru Rydd, Catalunya IIiure)

[email protected]



Good poll results released with support for Independence at 54% and the voting intentions for the next GE having the SNP with the same seats as 2019. Which just goes to show that for propaganda to work it has to be believable, unlike what we are subjected to daily here in Scotland.

And home again, I have spent this week working up by Fort William. And are we not spoiled for vistas in our wonderful Nation?
Now if only certain “supporters of independence” would park their egos, we would be moving along at a fair pace.
However, we are where we are with what we have, and it is from here that we need to move forward.
And heading that way I would like to ask a question? It is one asked on the High-noon show on Caledon Radio and is a fairly simple one. What benefit have you personally experienced from being governed by Westminster?
For myself, I cannot think of one.
Yes, they put an experimental Nuclear Plant in Caithness, and it was there that my father earned his wages. But let us be honest here, Dounreay was only picked as the site because it was as far from London as they could put it. This was in the era of governments that did as they pleased, whether that focus was resources, locations or the vulnerable youngsters flocking to London. And to a certain extent they are still doing that today.
Balance that out with what our progressive, inclusive government is achieving working out of Edinburgh.

The idiotic servile unionist will, of course, mention “the ferries” as if that has any bearing on how an independent Scotland would be run. But if they do rebroadcast gutter press headlines then round on them. For they have Johnson, Sunak, Hancock, Truss, Patel, Braverman and all the other little fascists produced by that rotten system the unionist praise, and do so without much in the way of understanding how it works and to whose benefit.
Not voting SNP at the next General Election will put the Scottish Parliament in extreme peril. What Westminster gives it can take away by amending the Scotland Bill such is their unbridled power in a unitary state that does not have a properly codified and written constitution. Heck they could amend it in the Privy Council and bypass Westminster all together.
As for those people with egos that I mentioned earlier? It is now time to leave them to wallow in their own dirt.

Our Future is bright

Independence is right.

Cliff Purvis

Veterans for Scottish Independence 2.0

SNP Armed Forces and Veterans

INDY2(Cymru Rydd, Catalunya IIiure)

[email protected]


🚨 We have been overwhelmed with requests to do it again, so we are pleased to announce that Believe in Scotland has now submitted applications for two March and Rallies in 2024.

🤝 One in Glasgow in partnership with Pensioners for Indy and one in Edinburgh in partnership with Yes for EU.

✍ We hope to be able to announce confirmed dates in the coming weeks - sign up to be the first to hear our latest updates:


Good vibe at the Edinburgh one this year.


Happiness is,

Watching sanctimonious Sunak dictate what is worth discussing and what is not worth discussing? Well, we have always known his pomposity for dictating the script; hence he will not discuss the right of Scotland to self-determination.
He is a particularly nasty tinpot dictator in charge of one of the world’s newest pariah states.
Maybe, just maybe, Greece and all the other countries that have identified artefacts that have been stolen that are now sitting in the British Museum, maybe they should petition the UN along with Scotland to force the hand of the dictator?
The last shred of decency that might have been residing in Downing Street, Whitehall, and Westminster has been eliminated. Now that we are all very aware of the rancid organization operating like the worst of the Columbian drug cartels, its final demise will not take long.

Our Future is bright

Independence is right.

Cliff Purvis

Veterans for Scottish Independence 2.0

SNP Armed Forces and Veterans

INDY2(Cymru Rydd, Catalunya IIiure)

[email protected]


Oh grief,,,,

Before anyone says that I should stay out of a keyboard brawl, I would just like to say in my defence, that the other person/bot/agency staffer was an idiot.
A London cab driver (allegedly), working in that rat infested money pit, who was attempting to lecture me about the trustworthiness of our First Minister?
It followed a predictable line what with his white supremacy outlook and my new-found abilities in winding people up, no wait, that ability has been around a while.
Anyhow’s it whiled away the clock for a few minutes.
Now apart from a white supremacy cabbie nothing screams imperial presumption more than the British Museum. For one thing, there is very little British in it.
I have been round it this year, and it absolutely reeks of stolen artefacts. And it is little wonder that the authorities in the English capital are reluctant to hand over all that which was looted. The place would be emptied, but on the plus side, countries would get their stuff back, and it would free up room to house the homeless of London.
To me, it is a no-brainer, you looted the physical history of countries, this done whilst you had the firepower to stop any complaints, but now? Well now it is the time of the reckoning.
No one but no one will side with you as your rotten empire was despised, and the shrunken husk that remains still command’s its level of loathing. ‘Tis of little wonder that three out of four countries in this union want out of it, and are only kept in it by the disruptive tactics of your Secret Service.
The latest instalment of the COVID inquiry had Gove squirming at the mic. Being part of the fourth rate last Fascist government of the U.K. it does please me to see his incompetence on view for all the world to see. Every day, your propaganda outlets subject Scotland to the twisted lies of your scriptures. And every day here in Scotland we give thanks that our Government, our Parliament sitting in Edinburgh, deflects the worst of the excesses from us.
It is coming for a’ that.

Our Future is bright.

Democracy is the light.

Independence is right.

Cliff Purvis.

Veterans for Scottish Independence 2.0
SNP Armed Forces and Veterans
INDY2(Cymru Rydd, Catalunya IIiure)
