Mr Thrive

Mr Thrive

I am here to share my story, I believe it will shape history and humanity.


Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.

James 1:15


Why is God's name Jealous?


Know --> Plan --> Do

You can achieve whatever you want if you follow these three steps:

• Know what you want
• Understand what it takes
• Do the work. Day in. Day out

It really is that simple, and remember,

a crap map is better than no map.


10 amazing rules for financial success!

1. Budget

2. Buy assets

3. Pay off debt

4. Invest in yourself

5. Add income streams

6. Refuse lifestyle creep

7. Cut unneeded expenses

8. Invest 20% of your income

9. Be with business-minded people

10. Marry someone who understands these rules.


11 Things That Require Zero Talent, Yet Can Elevate You Into The Top 0.5% of Men

- Being On Time
- Being Kind
- 100% Effort
- High Energy
- Positive Attitude
- Passionate
- Good Body Language
- Being Coachable
- Doing A Little Extra
- Being Prepared
- Having Good Work Ethic


Before $1 million, you need $100,000

Before $100,000, you need $10,000

Before $10,000, you need $1,000

Before $1,000, you need $100

From humble beginnings

To great things

Start now.


Are you losing sleep about something you can't do nothing about or change?


Don't live stress out over someone else poor decisions or actions.


For 5 years:

• show up
• be patient
• be humble
• set your goals
• be willing to fail
• learn from failure
• develop good habits
• have a beginner's mindset
• surround yourself with winners
• be the hardest worker in the room

I promise you won't regret it.


Things parents should teach their children:

- Eye contact
- Basic respect
- How to say 'no'
- Fitness & Activity
- Negotiation skills
- Money management
- To take accountability
- How to handle emotions
- How to deal with rejection
- How to give a good handshake.

Add yours to the list.


It is very pitiable that we live in a country where the Rule of Law is not obeyed. How can a President and its government defy the highest court of the land. Truly, Democracy in most developing countries is a joke!
Well, you can use your old Naira notes now.


Risks Build Confidence.

Hesitancy leads to insecurity for many as they watch others win...

- The idea they don't execute on
- Person they didn't ask out
- Opportunity they don't pursue
..These are soul crushers

There is no secret: Take the Chance.


By age 30, you should have a small circle of friends who talk about:

• Investing
• Early retirement
• Self-development
• Living their purpose
• Making the world better


A poør person will always tell you that money is not everything, however, the Bible says otherwise.


4 habits consistent habits among millionaires:

1. Discipline
2. Living below their means
3. Setting audacious goals
4. Networking


People's success is not a yardstick that you are a failure.


Your self worth and respect should be more stronger than your feelings.


I have no energy to hätè.


Great morning to you.


“An entrepreneur is someone who takes personal responsibility for a problem that wasn’t their own.”

-Ryan Moran


If your fitness fails, that's your fault.

If your business fails, that's your fault.

If your relationship fails, that's your fault.

You won't find success until you take responsibility for everything.


As a solo business owner - delivering value is crucial.

The best way to achieve this is to test assumptions by rapidly producing and getting feedback.

This validates that your offer is meeting a need.


Powerful Brands are built day by day.

It may start with a single thought.

That turns into a mantra.

That is shared with a few.

But, soon...

Many will hear what you have to say, pay attention and patronize you.

Keep Striving, you will thrive!


How to win this year:

- Quit p**n
- Exercise more
- Get outside
- Cancel cable
- Eat real foods
- Read old books
- Call your parents
-Build solid relationships
- Toss TV off bridge
- Build cash reserves
- Honor your ancestors
- Spend more time with family and friends

What would you add?


A man is great not because he hasn't failed; a man is great because failure hasn't stopped him.


Be wise!


The Psychology of Money:

"Spending money to show people how much money you have is the fastest way to have less or become poor".


There are cities that have a spirit that makes you work hard and smart, in Nigeria, Lagos is one of them.


I grew up in a community where everyone was a hüstlër and surviver.

We will wake up early and go to bed late.

Work hard and smart is our culture.

Our community never gave room for làzïnëss.

The village is always quiet during morning and afternoon, because everyone is out in the farm or fishing or doing something else to fetch him or her money or food.

That culture made me.

We were raised to work hard and not fold our hands.

What culture are you raised with?


Make your business process very simple.

Simplicity is the key.


Loyalty to Country..NOT Governments..
Loyalty to Principles..NOT Politics..
Loyalty to Humanity..NOT Man..
Loyalty to Character..NOT Skills..
Loyalty to Growth..NOT Perfection..
Loyalty to Mission...NOT Methods..
Loyalty to Faith..NOT Religion...and God Above ALL..



The path to financial freedom starts with setting clear goals, creating a budget, and sticking to it.

Don't let the opinions of others sway you from your mission.


In 2033 will you be:

• Stuck doing the same job
• Drinking away your regrets
• Unhappy with your life

Or in 2033 will you be:

• Doing the work you love
• Not regretting your past
• Happy and fulfilled

Do the hard things now so your life will be easy 10 years from now.


All our dreams will come through if we have the courage to pursue them!


Joy is an emotion, yet it gives you strength.

Be joyous!


“No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.”

—Winston Churchill


You're going to succeed or you're going to learn.
You're not a failure, don't feel like a loser.


They will shake hands and make more money together, however, you have created enemies.
Be wise.



In all you do, be bold with your life.


Maybe you have to bury that negative past of yours.
Don't allow the guilt bury you.
