Author Colleen Forbes

Author Colleen Forbes

Colleen Forbes is an indie author of fairy tale retellings, an unassuming adrenaline ju**ie, and dog


It's Colleen, also known as Author Colleen Forbes! She REALLY loves our new thiller pick of the month, 56 Days! She is also a local author who can make amazing Romcom and Mystery Recomendations, and is looking forward to our move to Crossroads!


Happy Easter!!!



The library is also used as a guest bedroom, but today I decided to not put away the air mattress just yet to snuggle up and read in the library. Lila decided she wanted to join too!


When you loan personal books out to students, because the library doesn't have enough budget, they're return all dolled up!


I'll go first: Mazarine by


It's surreal seeing them together!!!

Watch this reel by authorcolleenforbes on Instagram 16/12/2021

🎉🎉It's here!!!🎉🎉

Watch this reel by authorcolleenforbes on Instagram Aqua Glitter Effect


🥳Happy Book Birthday to The Swan Wing!🥳

This book’s release is very different from The Curse Queen’s. I still don’t have my own personal copy for one thing, but also, this book felt like a very long time coming in the midst of such a busy season in life (see previous post about the delay of the book’s release). But we’re here! We’ve made it and now it’s available to own!

Thank you to Jesus, family, and friends for your support and love that got me here today!

I hope that you enjoy the second book in The Lyrian Alliance: The Swan Wing! 🥰


Baby, err, I mean Book #2 is coming out tomorrow! It’s super surreal (especially because my copy is still on it’s way to me…), but it’s happening!

In just over an hour, I’ll be announcing the winner of the giveaway in my stories!



To celebrate The Swan Wing’s release a week from today on Dec. 14th, I decided to do a giveaway of an autographed copy with a beautiful character card of Garrett and Cress drawn by !

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🦢 Giveaway will end Dec 13th at midnight EST and then I’ll randomly select a winner!
🦢 I’ll DM the winner and then post who it is in a story
🦢Not affiliated with Instagram
🦢 Must be 18+ .
🦢 All entries and tags must be from public accounts only


Finally got everything for ARC reviewers! Read the description below to see if it’s a book you’d be interested in! If you are willing and able to write a review on Amazon and Goodreads for The Swan Wing, I’d love to send you an ARC. (I only have a limited number of ARC downloads, so DM me if you want it!)

🦢🦢🦢Description 🦢🦢🦢

When Cress is invited to stay with Queen Sophia in Wilderose, she immediately accepts. Studying the fashion of Wilderose is just the edge she needs to become the most renowned dressmaker in the known world. The only problem is that she keeps running into the man she loathes the most.

Garrett is trying to atone for all of his past mistakes, starting with tracking down the raiders responsibe for murdering the previous king and queen of Lyra while he was on duty as a solider. While following a lead that takes him to the capital of Wilderose, he crosses paths with the last person he was expecting to find there: the best friend of his former finacee. Cress makes her dislike for him as clear as day, but that doesn't stop him from wanting to be around a familiar face.

Neither of them gets a choice when an unfortunate misunderstanding causes a witch to curse them both: they will be swans by day and humans by night. Their only hope for finding freedom from the witch's ire is to work together to figure out how to break the curse.

And the lake they are trapped on is not quite as serene as they first thought...

The Swan Wing is inspired by Swan Lake and The Six Swans.


How has it been a year already?! It’s been an amazing year watching people read The Cursed Queen and really loving it! (And also not loving it, but that’s just how book reviews go sometimes).

In less than a week, The Swan Wing will join The Cursed Queen on the shelves!




Hard to believe, but 🦢The Swan Wing🦢 comes out next week! Pre-orders are still being wokey, but ARC versions will be available tomorrow if you’re up for writing a review on Goodreads and Amazon 😁


📣12 more days until release day and I have a big announcement!📣

🎉Everything is finished and submitted to all of the printers! Which means that you'll be able to see the completed covers and "Look Insides" within just a couple of days!🎉

For those who have pre-ordered autograph copies of The Swan Wing, I'll be able to start sending them out to you next week!


How rude!


The snark is strong in this one


Hehe... 😅


Cress is her own person!

Photos from Author Colleen Forbes's post 15/11/2021

Happy 5th birthday Lila!!! You're a great dog and companion!

And thank you for the doggy cake! She loved it!



One more month until 🦢The Swan Wing🦢 is released! Keep your 👀 peeled for a chance to be an ARC reader!


Which one do you listen to? Your heart or your head?


🦢 It has been a good hot minute since last posting! Life has been pretty busy, but “The Swan Wing” is continuing its march forward to publication. 🦢

📚 In the meantime, tell me about your latest favorite reads and which books you’re super excited about that are coming out! 📚


# authordreams              


Was about to teach a bunch of freshman how to use MLA citation, but first I had to reassure one of them that book two really will be released by Christmas. I felt this level of excitement at her enthusiasm! 🎊🎉🥳



Anyone else?


September 15th was the start of Hispanic/Latinx Heritage month, and yesterday I finally finished putting up the display to celebrate!



🎉“Thirty and flirty and thriving. Why the thirties are the best years of your life" 🎉

Meet the author: Since today is my 30th birthday, I figured it would be a good time to say a little bit about myself.

💐I’ve been a Christian for several years now.

🐕I’m the proud dog-mom to a Black Labrador Retriever named Lila.

💐I’ve built a secret library behind a bookshelf.

🐕I got my undergrad in Computer Science, but I’m now I have a Master’s Degree in Library Science.

💐I’m working my dream job as a high school librarian!

🐕I’m one month older than Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, and jokingly say that Belle looks like me instead of the other way around.

💐My favorite flowers are roses.

# authordreams


When students add your book to their tbr pile, might as well as add it to the school library.




One of my least favorite moments while reading...


Happy first day of September! I got so excited for my job as a school librarian that I decided to go and buy a bunch of new books for the first week of school.

Do you guys have any reading suggestions for high school boys?