

Kindness Shrinks Hate



Do you know that trash in your yard decreases your property value? To be honest, it's really litter. If you want to increase your home's property value or make your community look better for your rental home, then you need to throw trash in trashcans.

By completing the simple task of keeping your yard clean, your home and community will change in value and beauty. People shouldn't have to come to your community to clean it up as a mission project. This is your responsibility!! So today, start transforming your home, apartment, or community by throwing away trash. You will breathe much easier.
Pastor T


Reflect on the clutter you need to rid yourself of. Sometimes, it's habits that need to be broken or people who cause more harm for you than good. Whatever type of clutter you have in your life, you need to know that it's time to get rid of the trash.


Reflect on the clutter you need to rid yourself of. Sometimes, it's habits that need to be broken or people who cause more harm for you than good. Whatever type of clutter you have in your life, you need to know that it's time to get rid of the trash.


Challenges are opportunities for growth. We often hear failure isn't an option. However, when failure is an option, it provides another opportunity to get it right.


Challenges are opportunities for growth. Failure is an option because it provides another opportunity to get it right.


Let's Be Easter People All Year Long by Keeping the Joy of Easter in Our Hearts and Expressing the Love of Christ With Our Actions.


Let's Be Easter People All Year Long by Keeping the Joy of Easter in Our Hearts and Expressing It With Our Actions.


Luke 7:18-20 - John's disciples told him about all these things. Calling two of them, he sent them to the Lord to ask, "Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?" When the men came to Jesus, they said, "John the Baptist sent us to you to ask, 'Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?'

Yes, we know Jesus is the Messiah, and He will return for the second coming. As I complete my book edits on the second coming, it is imperative for you to know that it won't be in your lifetime. Therefore, how can you prepare future generations for the second coming of Jesus Christ? First, you need to make sure your family and friends know about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus as well as the life of the Apostles. Teach the ways of our Lord and Savior to them. Then, tell them to pass biblical stories down to the younger generation. You and others will have to become storytellers. Next, buy a bible to be handed down to generation to generation, since the world will become more digitized.

Also, you need to be present. When the pandemic came, we retreated to our homes for worship. Most people are still worshipping at home. Are you one of them? Others order online for convenience and safety. Some go to work and don't socialize. The public absence of followers of Jesus makes it easier for evil to be seen, heard, and acknowledged.

In conclusion, it is time for you to decide how you're going to prepare yourself and others for the second coming of Jesus Christ. As the old saying goes, your actions speak louder than words. Therefore, be a fervent hearer and doer of God's Holy Word - the bible.


Luke 7:18-20 - John's disciples told him about all these things. Calling two of them, he sent them to the Lord to ask, "Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?" When the men came to Jesus, they said, "John the Baptist sent us to you to ask, 'Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?'

Yes, we know Jesus is the Messiah, and He will return for the second coming. As I complete my book edits on the second coming, it is imperative for you to know that it won't be in your lifetime. Therefore, how can you prepare future generations for the second coming of Jesus Christ? First, you need to make sure your family and friends know about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus as well as the life of the Apostles. Teach the ways of our Lord and Savior to them. Tell them to pass biblical stories down to the younger generation. You and others will have to become storytellers. Then buy a bible to be handed down to generation to generation, since the world will become more digitized.

Next, you need to be present. When the pandemic came, we retreated to our homes for worship. Most people are still worshipping at home. Are you one of them? Others order online for convenience and safety. Some go to work and don't socialize. The public absence of followers of Jesus makes it easier for evil to be seen, heard, and acknowledged.

In conclusion, it is time for you to decide how you're going to prepare yourself and others for the second coming of Jesus Christ. As the old saying goes, your actions speak louder than words. Therefore, be a fervent hearer and doer of God's Holy Word - the bible.


Everyone has a painful story.

Photos from tondalainspires's post 05/02/2024

This month, people all over the world are celebrating Black History. Last week at the University of Memphis Wesley, I met students from Ghana, which is in Africa. They came to Lunch & Love on Thursday. The students told me about the richness of the continent. One of them said, "If you are Black, then you belong to Africa." They showed me pictures of the 'Castle' on the coast of Africa. This humongous building was used for slave trade. The smell of human flesh still fumerates the dungeon and other areas centuries later. They told me that I must come to Africa because it's my heritage. I replied, "I want to go, and I will one day."

As I mentioned before, my history gives me strength, wisdom, courage, motivation, and more. Therefore, Black History needs to be taught in its fullest. If not, history will definitely repeat itself. Clothes, shoes, and hairstyles always travel back to current centuries. Racism doesn't need to continue to unravel and resurface because it dehumanize Black and Brown people.

Photos from tondalainspires's post 05/02/2024

This month, people all over the world are celebrating Black History. Last week at University of Memphis Wesley, I met students from Ghana which is in Africa. They came to Lunch & Love on Thursday. The students told me about the richness of the continent. One of them said, "if you are Black then you belong to Africa." They should me pictures of the 'Castle' on the coast of Africa. This humongous building was used for slave trade. The smell of human flesh still fumerates the dungeon and other areas centuries later. They told me that I must come to Africa because it's my heritage. I replied, "I want to go, and I will one day."

As I mentioned before, my history gives me strength, wisdom, courage, motivation, and more. Therefore, Black History needs to be taught in its fullest. If not, history will definitely repeat itself. Clothes, shoes, and hairstyles always travel back to current centuries. Racism doesn't need to continue to unravel and resurface because it dehumanize Black and Brown people.


Analyze your excuses!!


Thought for 2day!!


At times, I wonder why my friends who say they love me won't take a stand for social justice. Also, when I post Black History moments and icons, I don't get as many likes as a birthday post. To be honest, my history, Black History, gives me life, purpose, perseverance, wisdom, and unwavering faith. Why???

When I encounter racism, bias, discrimination, prejudice, and more, I lean into the history of the Transatlantic Slave Trade and the Civil Rights Movement. These historical eras empower me to keep thrusting forward in spite of how others devalue my presence. Therefore, Black History still needs to be taught.

If Black History isn't taught in depth: How will people know injustice isn't a way of life? How will they understand the meaning of injustice? Most importantly, how will we keep history from repeating itself?

Therefore, loving friends, let's work together to truly make a difference in the world by realizing we're all God's children. Then, begin studying Black History along with Asian, Korean, and Native American History. Finally, you should seek authentic relationships from someone of a different ethnicity. I'm sure you'll discover that you have a lot of commonalities than differences. In turn, you will understand why my history, Black History, means so much to me.

Thank you, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for being a trailblazer for the masses.


Often, I wonder why my friends who say they love me won't take a stand for social justice. When I post Black History moments and icons, I don't get as many likes as a birthday post. To be honest, my history, Black History, gives me life, purpose, perseverance, wisdom, and unwavering faith. Why???

When I encounter racism, bias, discrimination, prejudice, and more, I lean into the history of the Transatlantic Slave Trade and the Civil Rights Movement. These historical eras empower me to keep thrusting forward in spite of how others devalue my presence. Therefore, Black History still needs to be taught.

If Black History isn't taught in depth: How will people know injustice isn't a way of life? How will they understand the meaning of injustice? Most importantly, how will we keep history from repeating itself?

Therefore, loving friends, let's work together to truly make a difference in the world by realizing we're all God's children. Then, begin studying Black History along with Asian, Korean, and Native American History. Finally, you should seek authentic relationships from someone of a different ethnicity. I'm sure you'll discover that you have a lot of commonalities than differences. In turn, you will understand why my history, Black History, mean so much to me.

Thank you, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for being a trailblazer for the masses.


Jeremiah 29:11 ~ For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

My question for you today is: Are you planning your life with God, or are you doing your own thing? God knows what is best for you and already has your life scripted.

This scripture reminds us to seek God when we're making plans for our lives. My career path was to be a nurse, but I didn't finish. Thus, I became a licensed elementary teacher. I knew God was calling me to a vocation of helping and encouraging people. I never thought my true purpose would be an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church. However, I use my degrees in education to help me with sermon preparation. Therefore, I don't regret my career path.

I love being a pastor to people of all ethnicities, gender, and economic statuses and a friend to people of different denominations. God revealed to me my true profession. I had to get a lot of Holy Spirit nudges. I shed a river of tears when I finally accepted my call to become an Elder in the UMC. The journey wasn't easy, but I made it!!

Again, my question for you today is: Are you planning your life with God, or are you doing your own thing? It's time to get on track!


Jeremiah 29:11 ~ For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

My question for you today is: Are you planning your life with God or are you doing your own thing? God knows what is best for you and already has your life scripted.

This scripture reminds us to seek God when we're making plans for our lives. My career path was to be a nurse, but I didn't finish. Thus, I became a licensed elementary teacher. I knew God was calling me to a vocation of helping and encouraging people. I never thought my true purpose would be an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church. However, I use my degrees in education to help me with sermon preparation. Therefore, I don't regret my career path.

I love being a pastor to people of all ethnicities, gender, and economic status and a friend to people of different denominations. God revealed to me my true profession. I had to get a lot of Holy Spirit nudges. I shed a river of tears when I finally accepted my call to become an Elder in the UMC. The journey wasn't easy, but I made it!!

Again, my question for you today is: Are you planning your life with God or are you doing your own thing? It's time to get on track!


This is a must attend event for youth and young adult leaders. Together, let's analyze and strategize how we can get young people to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ !!Registration link is below 👇🏾.


Happy New Year!!

When a new year begins, we make resolutions to lose weight by exercising and eating healthier. We want to look better outwardly. But, what about inwardly? In other words, how are you really doing? What are your highs and lows?

You might want to ask yourself - What can I peel off to reveal the truth? Is it just my weight? In reality, a transformed physique will cover up your real issues. Negativity, doubt, shame, unworthiness, pride, selfishness, addictive behaviors, procrastination, and more will still exist under your fit body. Over time, the aforementioned will be shown outwardly through your behavior.

So, for the New Year, take time to improve your inner self along with improving your outer appearance. You need to know and understand your purpose, values, vision, goals, motivations, desires, and beliefs. After all, God looks at your heart, not your BMI (BODY MASS INDEX)


Happy New Year!!

When a new year begins, we make resolutions to lose weight by exercising and eating healthier. We want to look better outwardly. But, what about inwardly? In other words, how are you really doing? What are your highs and lows?

You might want to ask yourself - What can I peel off to reveal the truth? Is it just my weight? In reality, a transformed physique will cover up your real issues. Negativity, doubt, shame, unworthiness, pride, selfishness, addictive behaviors, procrastination, and more will still exist under your fit body. Overtime, the aforementioned will be shown outwardly through your behavior.

So for the New Year, take time to improve your inner self along with improving your outer appearance. You need to know and understand your purpose, values, vision, goals, motivations, desires, and beliefs. Afterall, God looks at your heart not your BMI (BODY MASS INDEX)


Thank you for your thoughtful birthday blessings!!

May the Lord be with you!!


Today is my birthday. While reflecting on my life, I am grateful for family, friends, and my accomplishments. I thank God for life's challenges because they made me resilient. I leaned more into my unwavering faith, loving family, and trusting friends.

As I eagerly wait to celebrate the birth of Jesus, the words hope, promise, new life, peace, joy, love, and fulfillment come to mind along with these questions for you...

How are you expressing love and sharing the peace of Christ? Are you hopeful or hopeless? Who and/or what give you new life and fulfillment? Do you believe in the promises of God?

Today, reflect with me on your life. Think about what you've done well and what you can do better. We don't know when Jesus will come again. But, we can improve our relationship with God by being a better disciple of the Newborn King who is the Prince of Peace.

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I'm thankful to be back at swimming lessons with my faithful and outstanding coach - Coach V. Grown Women Swim is really...
And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Phillipians 4:19Why now is ...
Pslam 34:4 I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.As you know, learning to swim has been...
