Trustworthy Water

Trustworthy Water

We are on a mission to research and find the very best when it comes to our health.

One of the best decisions we all made was choosing Kangen Water and we want to inform and share the benefits of this water and how it is changing our lives!


Update!! We are moving over to our new page ✨💕

💧We are so thankful for your support! We are still loving our Kangen water machines and using Kangen water to clean, rinse, and process our sea moss. We will be focusing on healthy eating, doing live cooking demos, and sharing the benefits of sea moss, healthy herbs, superfoods, and of course Kangen water… all amazing ingredients that help keep our body in an alkaline state which helps our immune system fight disease.

💧We will be closing this account Sunday night. We love all of you and hope to see you On IG and TikTok. You can also check out our website at If you are interested in purchasing a Kangen machine in the future we will have a link in our bio on our new page where you can access all the info you need, plus we would love to answer any questions you may have.

Photos from Trustworthy Water's post 06/09/2021

My favorite thing about having a Kangen water machine is being able to cook and wash all my food with the highest quality and purest water. This hydrogen rich water enhances every micronutrient and phytonutrient already in all this delicious organic food. I was able to soak my fish bones in 9.5pH water, clean all my veggies with 11.5pH, and sanitize my entire kitchen with 2.5pH water— an amazing non-toxic food grade sanitizer.

Have any questions about getting your own? Message your email and we will send you more info.


A little tip for you all… no the bath is not filled with a Kangen Beauty Water😂 though I have done that before… Enagic does have the Anespa, which is a wonderful shower and bath filter and has amazing benefits…but this tip is anyone who might be on a tighter budget or who is traveling.

To neutralize the chlorine and chloramphenicol in the water put 1-2 tsps and let sit in the water for 2-5 minutes.

Why is this important?

“When chlorine is used as a water treatment, it combines with organic matter to form compounds called trihalomethanes (THMs), also known as disinfectant byproducts. One of the most common THMs formed is chloroform, which is a known carcinogen. (2) Other THMs formed include the di- and trichloramines formed when chloramine is used as a disinfecting agent. (3) These compounds are toxic when consumed, inhaled, or applied to the skin.”

Sources: Wellness Mama Blog (wellness

I’ll be linking the blog post from in a link in our bio soon. She has some really great info on some other natural ways to help your bath as well as so many other helpful natural remedies.

Photos from Trustworthy Water's post 27/09/2020

Want to try Kangen Water for free? Are you in the San Diego/North County San Diego area? Comment below or send us a message for more info! 😁💦


From G-tube flushes, sanitizing masks, to maximizing our laundry detergent...we use our Kangen water machine for so many things in our daily lives!


Soap refill diy with Dr. Bronners and Kangen's 2.5pH Strong Acidic Water 💦🙌


Less cooking for mom today- kids cooking with Kangen 🙌😁❤️


My kids loving Kangen Beauty water and loving on their plants 🌱🌼


Food prep: Carrots soaked in Fruit and Veggie Wash 11.5pH High Alkaline, Anti-oxidant rich Kangen water 🥕💦


My favorite soup for Fall! Cauliflower Fennel Soup 🍁😋 We tweaked this recipe from
We made ours in the Instapot. First, soak your veggies in 11.5pH High Alkaline Kangen Water. Roughly Chop cauliflower, fennel, a couple cloves of garlic. Instead of roasting in oven, put cauliflower, fennel, and garlic in Instapot and sauteé with avocado oil for 5 minutes, add 1/4 tsp paprika and 1/2 tsp cumin and couple sprigs of fresh thyme. Add 3 cups veggie broth (you can make veggie broth with 9.5 pH Kangen water for extra antioxidants and to make it even better!) High Pressure cook for 2 min. We added 2 tsp of Braggs nutritional yeast, 4 oz unsweetened almond milk and some Himalayan pink salt and pepper. We garnished with red pepper flakes, a little Greek yogurt and thyme. The original recipe is amazing as well! Check it out!


It is feeling like fall 🍁a little soup and a little meal prep with Kangen water💦


Good morning! A day in our life using Kangen water ☀️


Day 28

Antioxidants 🍍🍏 🍓 🥒contain negatively charged ions and we need these in our bodies because we are constantly dealing with oxidation. Oxidation happens when we breathe, exercise, eat, and when we are consuming O2 [oxygen] all day long. Oxidation occurs when oxygen, or positively charged O2 ions/free radicals, steal an electron from a cell membrane. We see examples of oxidation when we see cut apples turning brown, oil turning rancid or when we see a piece of metal rusting. Antioxidants have extra negatively charged ions, which help to stabilize free radicals before they do any damage to our cells.

Toxins are the number one cause of aging. They are often a result of poor diet, pollution, and stress. Toxins can build up in your body causing cell damage that leads to premature aging. The best way to fight toxins and detoxify your body is with antioxidants. Drinking antioxidant-rich alkaline water 💦 with an abundance of h2 in it is the perfect way to do this. Each extra electron can go to stabilizing a free radical and keep it from damaging your cells.

Our water 💦 is a perfect antioxidant source and today is the perfect day to get started drinking from our incredible fountain of youth! Message me ⬇️ to set up a time to connect!


Day 27
Did you know when your thirsty, your ALREADY💧 dehydrated? Don’t forget to stay 💧hydrated during all the fun! If you want to grab a free sample of my 💧water to see the difference in how much more it hydrates you, let me know! 😁 I give out free 💧samples!


makes me feel alive
day 26

Photos from Trustworthy Water's post 08/09/2020

Day 25

🧐Have you ever heard of the ✨miracle waters 💧around the world? People have traveled from all over the 🌎 world to visit these 💧waters and have for hundreds of years. Lourdes France (known as the REAL fountain of 🌱youth), Tlacote, Mexico, Nordenau, Germany.... these are just three of the 8 confirmed places in the world dubbed as “miracle water”, and here’s what is so unique about them!

The water from these springs is best when consumed fresh, due to the alkalinity & hydrogen content (which by the way makes this water a SUPER💪 anti-oxidant). The life changing water system 💧I’ve been sharing with you actually utilizes Japanese technology that recreates these waters at your kitchen sink! Imagine getting your anti-aging anti-oxidants on tap! Would love to 🤗 share a sample or give you more information! I love having miracle water on tap!


Day 24

Everyone loves their laundry to smell 👃
“FRESH”, but did you know how harsh all of those chemicals are that make that “fresh” smell? ❌

Surfactant chemicals ⚠️ are used to break down the water 💦 so cleaning can take place. Long term use of surfactants on the human body can cause skin irritation and lead to some degree of damage. After the surfactants enter into the human body, they damage the enzyme activity and thus disrupt the body’s normal physiological function.

Here’s an interesting article:

Laundry detergents are full of harsh petrochemicals that can irritate the skin and also create a buildup within your dryer that have been known cause of house fires 🔥. This can have a huge impact on our environment.

Imagine being able to have clean clothes AND the smell of “CLEAN” simply by using 11.5 Strong Water 💦 to get all of the dirt and oil off your clothes and take away all odor!

When we do laundry, we don’t have to use laundry detergent. We can use the strong 11.5 water that has pulling power to pull the dirt and oil off our clothes without ever using any chemicals.

Wanna try it? Message me or leave a comment below ⬇️


More and more athletes are CHANGING their water to get the edge & better results they are looking for. What can changing your water do for your results? 🤔What if your water gave you:
💧Superior electrolyte replacement
💧Faster muscle recovery
💧Better & stronger performance
💧Cellular hydration, better nutrient absorption & better supplement utilization

All just by changing your water! 🤓Want to see for yourself? 📩Send me a message! Lets get you some to try!
Day 23


✅All signs point to yes! ✅

💧Yes, you can afford to drink the best drinking water on the planet.

💧Yes, you can allow yourself to save money and become healthier.

💧Yes, you can clean green without chemicals in your home without breaking the bank.

💧Yes, you can get your life changing water system on a low monthly payment

💧Yes, you can become healthier, have more energy, & sleep better JUST by changing your water!

💧 Yes, your gut health & regularity will thank you

💧Yes, you can reduce inflammation in your body just by changing your water!

💧Yes, you can get more anti-oxidants than you could ever eat Just by drinking water

💧Yes, your system can be customized to your water source and is known to last well over 25 years

💧Yes, your water can really change your life.

💧Yes, you can write off your purchase on your taxes.

💧Yes, you can get your system free with referrals

💧Yes you can make extra money on the side with this.

💧Yes, I could keep going with this list all day and add a hundred more yes sentences.

Day 22


Day 21

I am a newly single mom with 3 kids, one of my children is fighting a life threatening neuro-muscular disease🧑‍🦽. My family has a long history of auto-immune disease. We buy organic 🍓🍇🥦🍊for our health. We bought chemical free cleaners and hand sanitizers to limit toxins in our body. We spend money on supplements and essential oils. For us, we invest in our health, even if that means cutting back on other luxuries.

Getting this life-altering 💧😍technology that is helping our overall health by helping us stay hydrated with clean living water has not only been life changing... it has helped us save money 💵 too.

My story is not the only one. We have many others on our team who are experiencing the same money saving benefit by replacing they many other products by using the different types of water they can make with this amazing technology.

🤔Wanna check it out? 📩Message me and we will see how much YOU 👊 could 💵save.

Photos from Trustworthy Water's post 31/08/2020

day 20
It’s back to 🍎 school time! One of the best ways to stay healthy is by staying hydrated💧! Getting my kids to drink water has been difficult over the years.... most likely because I wasn't the best example. I struggled too! After we started drinking the right type of water and using some of these tips below it has been much easier for all of us! My daughter fills her water bottle every day without me asking.

Below we have listed some ideas to help your kids drink more water as fall is approaching, keeping them hydrated and healthy!

1. Have a water bottle they love! You can even let them customize the bottle with stickers, and colorful permanent markers! Make this fun!
2. Kick the acidic sports drinks if this is the go to for your kids hydration. Those sugar filled acidic beverages are not helping their immune system! Replace them with 🍓fruit infused water. Lots of great recipes for this!
3. Freeze berries in ice cube trays to bring lasting fun flavor throughout the day!
4. Talk to your kids about the importance of 💧hydration. Explain to them they can feel better, have more energy and better focus by staying hydrated.
5. If they’re old enough to have a phone, download a 💧hydration app- my favorite is “My Water”. It send reminders through out the day to drink more water, along with motivational quotes!
6. Have a water chugging contest in the morning before they go to school. Your brain is 85% water! Get them hydrated before they walk out the door!

And of course the quality of their water is so important. If you’ve been following my posts, not all water is created equal. If you want to learn more about the best water for your kids or would like to try this water free for your family, send me a message!

Timeline photos 27/08/2020

Day 19

I can not say enough about the 11.5 Water! I absolutely love ❤️ it! It has truly opened my eyes to the hidden dangers ⚠️ on our food. We unknowingly are ingesting pesticides everyday, thru the air we breathe, the water 💦 we drink, and the food we eat. While we can not change the air we breathe, we can change the way we clean our produce 🥬🍓 🍇🍎🥒and of course what water 💦 that we drink! Are you ready to try it yet?! Drop a comment ⬇️ or message me!

Timeline photos 27/08/2020
Timeline photos 27/08/2020

Day 17

You will be surprised 😲 to know that drinking water 💦 is the most effective anti-aging treatment as it keeps your skin hydrated and makes it soft.
The water you drink 💦 will go straight to your other organs before it even reaches your skin, therefore you need to make sure you apply water directly to your skin as well as making sure to drink enough. This will help the skin show a visible difference in hydration, but can prevent wrinkles as well.

SUPERIOR Hydration Will ...

💦 Increase the Elasticity of your Skin

💦 Flush Out Toxins

💦 Prevent Aging of Skin

💦 Keep Acne and Pimples Away

💦 Get Rid of Puffy Eyes

Are you ready to try a FREE sample of Drinking and BEAUTY water for your skin? Drop a comment below ⬇️ or send me a DM!

Timeline photos 27/08/2020

Day 16
That Moment...

When you REALIZE how many products you
NEVER have to buy...

🏠For your Home🏠
🚫Bottled Water
🚫Teeth Whitener
🚫Grout Cleaner
🚫Facial Toner
🚫Laundry Detergent
🚫Stain Remover
🚫Plant Fertilizer
🚫Hydrogen Peroxide
🚫Toilet Bowl Cleaner
🚫Carpet Cleaner
🚫Pesticide Removal
🚫Odor Eliminator
🚫Face Wash
🚫Acne Products
🚫Makeup Remover
🚫Swiffer Cleaner

🚘For your Garage🚘
🚫Tire Shine
🚫Window Washer Fluid
🚫Upholstery Cleaner
🚫Oil Remover
🚫Dash Console Wipes
🚫Leather Shine
🚫Headlight Cleaner
🚫Window Cleaner
🚫Battery Cleaner
🚫Rim Shine

And don't forget about the
🔷️and Health!

All because of you own a
🌊 LIFE ALTERING Water System🌊

Take a look for Yourself!
Once you REALIZE it's an Investment
then the COST is no longer an Expense! You can get this technology for as little as $45 per month by the way- send me a message for more information!

Timeline photos 27/08/2020

Day 14
What if I told you that a leading ingredient in food pesticides was 😱 BANNED in household chemicals in early 2000’s? What if I told you that study after study has proven this pesticide to not only cause cancer, but affect brain 🧠development in kids, and also causes reproductive problems? This is just ONE of the MANY ☠️ chemicals sprayed on our food that negative impacts on our body.

One more thing... if you’re buying organic it doesn’t mean there isn’t any pesticides.

These pesticides on our 🍓 food are oil-based making it practically impossible to really remove them! (By the way... vinegar, baking soda or essential oils don’t remove these chemicals!) However, there is a safe, proven effective way to remove 99.9% of ☠️pesticides off of your food, and make your food more safe for your family. Want to know more information? Send me a message or comment below!


Day 13

Stop buying TOXIC CHEMICALS to clean your home! It's one of the smartest decisions I ever made for my family. Want a totally natural alternative and one that will SAVE you TONS of money 💰?!? ? Message me or drop a comment below ⬇️


Day 12:
If you're having any of these symptoms, the water your drinking isn't flushing you properly. Want to try mine?

Timeline photos 19/08/2020

Day 11:

It might surprise 😲you to find out that your skin’s surface and uppermost layers as well as our HAIR are naturally acidic! Yep! That’s right...ACIDIC! The inside of our bodies need foods 🥬 🍉 and water 💦 that are alkaline to balance our pH. What’s interesting is that the outside of our bodies also need to be pH balanced! By using slightly acidic products we can maintain the pH of our skin and hair that is naturally between pH 4 and pH 7. ✅

We simply LOVE 💗 what we can do with our “BEAUTY/HANDSOME Water”! It truly feels amazing! We use it in our households for many different things but the astringent properties are really fantastic for GREAT SKIN.

Our skin🤲is the largest organ in the body and what we put on it we absorb. Chlorine in the water we bathe in 🛀or shower 💦in can actually be a hormone disruptor creating all sorts of health problems.

If you want to know more about all of the things we do with this 6.0 pH water that our machine makes, comment below ⬇️ or send me a private message and I will get that information to you!

Videos (show all)

Update!! We are moving over to our new page @harvestradiance ✨💕💧We are so thankful for your support! We are still loving...
A little tip for you all… no the bath is not filled with a Kangen Beauty Water😂 though I have done that before… Enagic d...
All the different Kangen waters! 🌈🕊️💦
Kangen water vs Berkey water