News in a Minute

News in a Minute

News from all over the World


Two years 💔💙💛


Prawn linguine, Schull Harbour Hotel, hot but good! 😊


Ukrainian artist AnVol, now living in Fossa, Killarney yards from Daniel O’Connell’s brother’s farm, Sir James O’Connell, where the Liberator whiskey is now produced by descendant Maurice O’Connell. Painting of that one night of riots in Dublin last month. What would Daniel O’Connell make of the unrest 🤔💚


Oh what a beautiful day 💚


Says it all 💙💛💔


Happy 4th of July 💚


No Murphy's up here in D Big Smoke, so I have to drink this stuff 🙄😄

Design the Website You Want 06/12/2021

Design the Website You Want Start Now


US vaccine mandate in jeopardy


Deja vu

Lisa Shaw: Presenter's death due to complications of Covid vaccine 26/08/2021

Rare! Rare! Do you know others??

Lisa Shaw: Presenter's death due to complications of Covid vaccine Lisa Shaw developed headaches shortly after being vaccinated against Covid-19, an inquest hears.

German chief pathologist sounds alarm on fatal vaccine injuries 23/08/2021

German chief pathologist sounds alarm on fatal vaccine injuries The director of the Pathological Institute of the University of Heidelberg, Peter Schirmacher, has carried out over forty autopsies on people who had died within two weeks of their vaccination. Sch…


MIS-C Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children, post jab


Over an hour but brilliant !

💥💕DR ROBERT YOUNG & ALPA SONI, IN AN EXPLOSIVE CONVERSATION THE OTHER SIDE OF THE "MAXINE" 💕💥 My most raw conversation to date!Dr Robert Young and I get emotional Please Share.Love Alpa


The simple take-home: vaccines may be causing the prevalence of the variants of concern to rise, so please don’t blame unvaccinated people for being “variant factories.” (Let’s not cast blame on each other at all and all respect each other’s personal medical decisions.)


This graph is from a paper that claims to show that unvaccinated people are responsible for the rise in variants of concern.

The orange line shows the prevalence of mutations in the parts of the spike protein that are targeted by antibodies. While it was rising from the beginning, it took off like a rocketship starting in December of 2020.

What happened in December 2020?

This is when the vaccines were released.

It seems straightforward that the vaccines are creating the selective pressure that is causing the prevalence of mutations to shoot through the roof. The evidence is completely circumstantial though, so *could* have other explanations.

Strangely, the authors even state, "The rate of B cell epitope mutations has sharply increased, starting December," but they never attempt to explain the significance of that month.

Within this study, they also took a small number of people with COVID, some vaccinated, and some not. The unvaccinated had more mutational diversity, while the vaccinated had a higher rate of the alpha variant, which is of concern because it has a 50% increased rate of transmission. 83% of vaccinated had alpha, but only 60% of unvaccinated. This seems consistent with the vaccines exerting selective pressure for alpha, though the study is too small to conclude anything.

It seems impossible to accept the claim from the abstract that "The societal benefit of mass vaccination may consequently go far beyond the widely reported mitigation of SARS-CoV-2 infection risk and amelioration of community transmission, to include stemming of rampant viral evolution."

Selective pressure is not the only factor in evolution, but it is probably needed to make a single virion within a person dominate the population of virions to the point that the person can meaningfully spread it in the first place. An intermediate level of immunity that is strong enough to favor certain mutations but not strong enough to clear the virus is a major part of what creates selective pressure. Notably, one hypothesis is that immunocompromised patients are the source of variants, because they have an enduring hard-to-clear infection that keeps spreading, and treatments such as convalescent plasma exert the selective pressure.

The sharp spike since December in mutational prevalence is circumstantial evidence, but it's impressive and hard to ignore.

Here's the paper:

Here's a different paper discussing the role of intermediate immunity:

Here's a paper on immunocompromised people and convalescent plasma:

vaxlinks | Concerned Lawyers Network 15/05/2021

If you're asked for proof.....

vaxlinks | Concerned Lawyers Network Letter Exhibits Links Contact THESE ARE IMPORTANT LINKS IN REGARDS TO THE VACCINE (NOTE DUE TO YOUTUBE CENSORSHIP SOME OF THESE VIDEOS MAY BECOME UNAVAILABLE):   PROTEIN SHEDDING & OTHER DANGERS Moderna boss: mRNA jabs are rewriting the Genetic Code, “We call it information therapy” (Ted 2017)h...

Telegram: Contact @HATSTRUTH 14/05/2021

On Fox News, the truth emerging.....

Telegram: Contact @HATSTRUTH


Lawsuits filed against CDC, WHO and the Davos Group for crimes against humanity.


Young People 'Be Aware'!


Developments in the US, Russia and Ukraine


Better days ahead very soon. It's been tough watching the brainwashing. Just be happy if you saw what was happening. Awful but fascinating. It's imminent.
Israel, the Jews, history repeated itself, and many others fell for it.
They told us everything. It's their way. This time they've lost.
Enjoy the enlightenment and don't worry. All will be better. Mind each other.
Tiocaigh lá eile 🙂💚


To block the factcheckers on fb go to....Settings, Privacy, Blocking and type in Factcheckers and Block all that are shown.

Depopulation War Games Exposed By Investigative Researchers 07/04/2021

Mad Cow Disease within months for older people jabbed, infertility for younger people jabbed. Lambs to slaughter. Wait until they realise, if they realise. Please keep trying, no matter how hard it is, to stop your loved ones get jabbed.

Depopulation War Games Exposed By Investigative Researchers SPREAD THE WORD Unite With Patriots Today! Click The Button Below & Join MyPatriotsNetwork For FREE! YES! SIGN ME UP! Watch Alex Jones & Investigative…

The UGLY Truth About The COVID-19 Lockdowns Video (Plus Transcript/Slides) — Nick Hudson 06/04/2021

Best analysis so far....

The UGLY Truth About The COVID-19 Lockdowns Video (Plus Transcript/Slides) — Nick Hudson THE UGLY TRUTH ABOUT THE COVID-19 LOCKDOWNS VIDEO (PLUS TRANSCRIPT/SLIDES) — NICK HUDSON ▶▶ Join me on Minds ▶https://www...

Videos (show all)

US vaccine mandate in jeopardy
Lawsuits filed against CDC, WHO and the Davos Group for crimes against humanity.
Young People 'Be Aware'!
Developments in the US, Russia and Ukraine
Easter - time to raise our awareness of 'the virus' and the truth about what's going on.
Lots of news. Times they are a changing! Main stream media falling fast.
Freedom ID Cards, with your inalienable rights. If you would like one please text/message 086 819 7188 (Ireland) or 00 3...
Legal ruling against Lockdowns!!(sorry it's 2023 when the human trials finish)
Part 2... Covid effects on the foetus, and sterilisation.
Covid truths on swabs and testing
Sinn Féin announces its candidate for Cork North West!
The truth is emerging about this 'dangerous pandemic'
