Convos That Count

Convos That Count

Creating more meaningful relationships - one intentional conversation at a time.


Why did the wife wear a lampshade on her head to bed?

Because her husband was a light sleeper!


Marriage is one of the greatest adventures life has to offer. It's a partnership of love and support, where two people come together to build a life and create a family. Marriage brings stability, security and a sense of belonging. It's a journey of growth, self-discovery and joy. It's a bond that endures through all of life's ups and downs, and it's a commitment to love and cherish each other for a lifetime. Marriage is an opportunity to share your life with someone special, to create a home filled with love and laughter, and to build memories that will last a lifetime.


The origin of Christian marriage can be traced back to the early days of Christianity. The Bible, particularly the New Testament, contains several references to marriage and the role it plays in Christian life.

In the Bible, marriage is presented as a sacred institution, established by God. The book of Genesis states that God created man and woman and said, "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh" (Genesis 2:24). This passage is often cited as the biblical foundation for Christian marriage.

Jesus also spoke about marriage in the New Testament, emphasizing the importance of faithfulness and commitment in marriage. In Matthew 19:5-6, Jesus said, "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh." He also spoke against divorce, stating that it was only permissible in certain circumstances.

Throughout the history of Christianity, the church has played an important role in the institution of marriage. In the early days of Christianity, marriages were performed by the local bishop or priest. Over time, the church has established various ceremonies and traditions associated with Christian marriage, such as the exchange of vows, the giving of rings, and the blessing of the marriage by a priest or pastor.

In summary, Christian marriage has its origin in the Bible where God is presented as the one who established it, Jesus Christ reinforced its sacredness and the importance of faithfulness and commitment. The church played a big role in terms of its ceremonies and traditions.


Here's a funny story about a wedding day:

Once upon a time, there was a young couple named Jack and Jill who were getting married in a beautiful outdoor ceremony. As the ceremony began, the guests were all seated and the bridal party was lined up at the front of the altar. Suddenly, a strong gust of wind blew through the area and knocked over the large, beautiful wedding arch that was set up as the backdrop for the ceremony.

The arch came crashing down, taking with it all the flowers and decorations, and causing a big commotion among the guests. In the chaos, the bride's veil was blown away, and the groom's hat went flying. Everyone was trying to salvage what they could of the decorations, and trying to fix the arch back up. But, despite the setback, Jack and Jill decided to continue with the ceremony.

The couple stood in front of the altar, looking at the chaos that surrounded them and burst into laughter. They laughed so hard they had tears in their eyes, and the guests couldn't help but join in. And so, amidst the laughter and chaos, Jack and Jill exchanged their vows and became husband and wife.

After the ceremony, the couple and the guests took pictures with the fallen arch as the background, and it became one of the most memorable and funny moments of the wedding. They even said that the wind might have brought them good luck and they
actually had a great wedding day.

The moral of the story is that sometimes, things don't go as planned, but it's important to keep a sense of humor and enjoy the moment with the people you love.


Here are a few pieces of wisdom for having a good marriage:

Communication is key - make sure to actively listen to your partner and express your thoughts and feelings in a clear and respectful way.

Show appreciation and gratitude - take the time to recognize and appreciate the small things your partner does and let them know how much you value them.

Flexibility and compromise - be open to new ideas and willing to make compromises in order to find common ground.

Prioritize your relationship - make time for each other and make your relationship a priority in your life.

Show affection - physical and emotional intimacy is important, so make sure to show your love and affection regularly.

Learn to forgive and let go - Holding grudges can harm a relationship, learn to forgive and let go of past mistakes in order to move forward.

Have a sense of humor - Laughing together can help to build and strengthen the bond between you.

Work on personal growth - Work on becoming the best version of yourself for yourself, for your partner and for your relationship.


"Marriage is a beautiful journey, full of ups and downs, laughter and tears, but most importantly, love and commitment. Today, I want to remind all the married couples out there that having a good marriage takes work, patience, and understanding. It's important to make time for each other, communicate openly and honestly, and never stop showing appreciation and affection towards your partner. Remember, marriage is not about perfection, it's about growth and building a strong foundation together. Cheers to the happy marriages out there and to all the ones working towards one. ❤️ "