Hanson Bookkeeping LLC

Hanson Bookkeeping LLC

I help small business owners reclaim their time and focus on growth by managing their bookkeeping. Remote nationwide 🇺🇸 & local in SE Wisconsin 🌆.

Empowering small businesses for growth by expertly managing bookkeeping needs. 📊 Offering diagnostic reviews, clean up, monthly services, and QBO training. Mission Statement: At Hanson Bookkeeping LLC, our mission is to empower small business owners to flourish by providing top-tier bookkeeping solutions. We're dedicated to offering comprehensive diagnostic reviews, meticulous clean up/catch up, e


Wow, I've been blown away by the incredible response lately! It's been amazing to see so many potential clients reaching out to inquire about my services. Your interest and enthusiasm mean the world to me!

However, I want to be transparent with you all. Despite the overwhelming demand, I'm currently unable to take on more clients at this time, especially for monthly bookkeeping services.

But here's the good news! I'm still here to support you with QuickBooks Online (QBO) training. Whether you're a beginner or looking to level up your skills, I'm ready to help you navigate the world of QBO.

For those eagerly waiting to work with me on bookkeeping, I anticipate opening up new client slots starting in April. So, mark your calendars and check back then for availability!

Thank you for your ongoing support and understanding. I look forward to potentially working with you soon!


As I look back on the past year, the biggest lesson that resonates with me is the power of taking the first step, even when you feel uncertain. Starting my bookkeeping business was a leap into the unknown, but I took it one step at a time—learning, growing, and staying open to new knowledge each day.

The truth is, we often crave confidence in our skills before embarking on a new venture (hello, fixed mindset!). But the reality is, we're all learning on the job, whether it's a familiar path or uncharted territory. The process of doing, exploring, and learning as we go is where true growth happens.

This reminder struck a chord recently when a client hesitated to start her business, seeing challenges as roadblocks. Here's the thing: if we let every daunting obstacle hold us back, progress becomes an impossible dream. Challenges, frustrations, and difficulties are not signs to quit but rather opportunities to prepare, learn, and build resilience. Maybe those hurdles are shaping you into the capable business owner you're meant to become. Overcoming challenges fuels the motivation to push forward, armed with the determination to turn your goals into reality.

So, here's to embracing the journey, to starting even when it's intimidating, and to the continuous process of learning and growing. Remember, every challenge you face is a step closer to the successful entrepreneur you're destined to be!


✨ To my amazing clients, may your holidays be filled with moments of joy, love, and gratitude. Take this time to recharge, surround yourself with loved ones, and reflect on the blessings of the year. Wishing you a season of peace and happiness, and looking forward to the adventures that the New Year will bring. Here's to creating beautiful memories and treasuring the simple joys of life! 🥂 ✨


Here's a friendly heads-up: It's common for business owners to hire a bookkeeper and think, "Job done!" But, for accurate books that truly reflect your business, a collaborative relationship is key!

🤝 It's a Two-Way Street: From day one, your bookkeeper will dive into the financial nitty-gritty, connecting bank accounts and categorizing transactions. But here's the secret sauce: ongoing communication! Expect regular check-ins, questions, and updates. It's a two-way street, ensuring accurate records and fostering a seamless financial flow.

🧾 Receipts and Clarity: Be ready to provide insight into unclear transactions and share those receipts promptly. Your proactive involvement helps them categorize transactions accurately, creating a financial snapshot that truly reflects your business activities.

⏰ Timely Responses Matter: Time is of the essence in the world of bookkeeping. Responding to queries swiftly means your bookkeeper can wrap up the monthly reconciliation with finesse. This not only keeps your records in tip-top shape but also ensures that your financial reports are a beacon of accuracy and reliability.

📈 Building for the Future: Remember, this collaboration isn't just a task to check off your to-do list. Create an atmosphere of openness and transparency. Encourage your bookkeeper to reach out whenever they need clarification. Establishing a strong collaborative relationship early on ensures that your bookkeeper fully understands the intricacies of your business finances. This, in turn, allows you to be more hands-off down the road. Trust in the foundation you build together, and watch as your financial partnership evolves into a seamless and efficient collaboration.

In Conclusion: Your journey with a bookkeeper is more than just a service; it's a collaborative effort that propels your business forward. Embrace the partnership, stay engaged, and watch as the numbers align with your aspirations. Together, we'll build a financial foundation that stands the test of time!


If you're anything like me, a good cup of coffee in the morning is your ultimate secret weapon for getting ready to conquer those business goals. ☕💪 I am partial to Starbucks, so the story I am about to share is one I can definitely relate to.

I recently joined forces with an amazing client running her online empire (just like many of you!) to do a catch-up on her personal finances for the year, and you know what? She made a discovery that rivals a Netflix plot twist.

You ready for this? Brace yourselves... She found out she'd spent thousands on Starbucks last year! ☕💸 Yep, thousands that could've covered half her startup costs. Talk about a revelation!

But here's the kicker - she's still enjoying her daily dose of caffeine (I would never suggest depriving oneself of that joy). The difference? Now that she's aware of her spending, she's all about making every dollar count where it benefits her best.

So, who can relate to our coffee-loving, goal-crushing story? Share your thoughts and tag a fellow boss lady who might just be channeling her coffee funds into business success!


🌿🌟 Pure Leaf Supports the "No" Grants - Say YES to Help Today! 🌟🌿

As a small woman-owned bookkeeping business and fellow mom, I understand the daily juggling act that is life. Household chores, childcare, and job pressures can be overwhelming, and sometimes saying "no" to these responsibilities can be financially challenging.

That's why I'm excited to share the Pure Leaf "No" Grant! Pure Leaf believes in the power of "No Is Beautiful," and is committed to empowering women to embrace it.

Did you know that nearly 2/3 of moms have questioned their worth because they've been overwhelmed by trying to do it all? Pure Leaf is here to change that.

Last year, Pure Leaf pledged $1 million to break down the barriers that women face when they choose to say "no." They joined forces with the SeekHer Foundation, an organization dedicated to dismantling societal expectations that negatively impact women. Together, they created the "No" Grants, a fund that provides short-term support to women who want to say "no" more in the workplace.

Now, in year two, they have brought maternal care advocate, author, and mother Elaine Welteroth on board. With $400,000 in grant funding, their goal is to relieve some of the very real financial pressures of motherhood.

The "No" Grants are here to help moms simplify their lives. Whether it's ordering takeout, sending out laundry, or getting a sitter for date night, these grants are designed to give YOU the extra support you need.

Want to say "no" to doing it all and "YES" to a little extra financial help? Share your story by the end of the day at https://www.pureleaf.com/NoGrants/, and let's celebrate the beauty of saying "No" together! 💖


Let's chat about something crucial for the financial health of your business – Receipt Tracking! Why is it so important, you ask? Here are some key points to consider:

📦 Inventory & Expenses: Tracking receipts helps you keep a tight grip on your expenses and inventory. It's like having a map to navigate your financial landscape.

🧾 Evidence of Transactions: Receipts serve as concrete proof of all your financial dealings. They're your paper trail in case you need to retrace your steps or settle disputes.

🔍 Audit-Ready: Receipts are your trusty alibis in the world of audits. When the IRS raises an eyebrow, you can confidently say, "Look, I've got the receipts!"

🗂️ Types of Receipts to Keep: This includes sales receipts, purchase receipts, expense receipts, payment receipts, and refund receipts. Every piece of the puzzle matters. 🧾

🕰️ Retention Period: The IRS recommends keeping receipts for at least 3 years. However, some states require you to keep them for up to 7 years. It's essential to comply with your specific state regulations.

💻 Go Digital: While physical organization is one option, consider using accounting software platforms to store and manage your receipts efficiently. It's a digital age, after all!

By tracking your receipts diligently, you're not only staying compliant with the IRS and state laws but also ensuring the financial stability and success of your business.

So, take a moment today to revisit your receipt-tracking system and make sure you're on top of your financial game!

Questions or need advice on how to streamline your receipt management? Feel free to reach out. We're here to help! 🤝


Hey incredible entrepreneurs and small business owners!

Have you heard about Relay's "Reasons to be Profitable Contest"? It's not just a chance to win big cash prizes, but an opportunity to shout your passion from the rooftops!

🏆 Grand Prize: $50,000
🥈 Runner Up: $15,000
🥉 Third Place: $10,000
💸 Plus, 50 contestants will win $500 each!

Here's your chance to turn your WHY into a winning story:

1️⃣ Open a Relay account (or have one already).
2️⃣ Share YOUR WHY - the driving force behind your business, the passion that keeps you going, and the dream you're chasing.

Ready to turn your passion into profit? Check out all the details at https://relayfi.com/blog/reasons-to-be-profitable-contest.

Apply now and let's turn your passion into a winning story!


As we gear up for the final stretch of the 2023, I'm thrilled to announce that I'm opening my doors to welcome new clients!

If you're a small business owner, passionate entrepreneur, or rocking a side hustle, listen up - now is THE time to ensure your financial game is on point before tax season hits.

Why not make this year-end not just about celebrations but about setting yourself up for financial triumphs in the year to come?

Ready to dive in? Click the "Contact Us" button on my page to book a Discovery Call. Let's chat about your business, goals, and make sure you're ready for tax season.


Let's talk about the power of asking for help. It's something we all need at times, and I'm curious—are you comfortable reaching out when you need a hand?

Personally, I've been working on this myself. Recently, as I embarked on my new business journey, I had to overcome my hesitation and actively seek support. It's funny how we often view asking for help as a vulnerability when, in reality, it's a true sign of strength. Just yesterday, I reached out to a local Facebook group seeking advice on networking opportunities. My usual routes hadn't yielded results, so I decided to step out of my comfort zone. The response was amazing—I joined multiple groups and added valuable events to my schedule, all contributing to the growth of my network and business.

So, what's the last thing you asked for help with? Let's share our stories!


Curious about the roles of Accountant vs. Bookkeeper? A bookkeeper is like the architect of your financial world, ensuring spotless books and explaining monthly reports you can use as your financial guide. They pave the way for accountants who bring financial wisdom. While accountants can do it all, time constraints often leave you managing the bookkeeping. Save your time and sanity - hire a bookkeeper to keep your financial house in order, so your accountant can work their magic. Not ready for ongoing bookkeeping? Explore the option of having a bookkeeper train you on your accounting software, empowering you to navigate the bookkeeping world effortlessly.


You know, diving into the whole bookkeeping thing as a small business owner can be a bit like a rollercoaster, right? Exciting, but sometimes you're left wondering, "Should I be on this ride alone or grab a buddy?"

Here are some things to ponder:

1️⃣ Starting Out in Biz?
If you're in the early stages and watching every dime (like we all do), thinking about a bookkeeping sidekick early on can be a game-changer. They're like your business GPS—keeping things on track and helping you see around corners.

2️⃣ Time Crunch, Much?
Are you doing the juggling act like a pro, trying to balance a million things at once? If figuring out accounting software feels like adding another juggling pin, maybe it's time to consider a bookkeeping partner. They're like a magical time-expanding wand.

3️⃣ Chasing Old Receipts?
Ever found yourself on a wild goose chase for receipts from ages ago? It's like searching for buried treasure, only not as fun. A bookkeeper can turn that chaos into order and give you the real lowdown on how your business is doing.

4️⃣ Lost in the Finance Lingo?
You've connected the dots, but those month-end reports might as well be in code. A bookkeeper? They're your secret decoder ring, turning confusing numbers into clear steps for your business goals.

5️⃣ Bookkeeping Blues? Not For Them!
Let's be real. If crunching numbers isn't your idea of a good time, a bookkeeper is like the superhero who loves that stuff. They free you up to do what you love, while they handle the number crunching.

6️⃣ Year-End Panic? No Worries!
As the year winds down, are you thinking, "How in the world am I going to sort all this for my accountant?" Enter the bookkeeper, stage left. They'll make sure you're the MVP client with spotless financials.

So, whether you're on the fence or ready to dive in, just remember: You've got options, and you've got friends cheering you on. 🙌


I know, I've been flooding your feeds with certification posts, but here's the deal – staying on top of my game is what makes me, well, me!

Excited to share that I've just wrapped up the FreshBooks Collaborative Accounting Certification. What sets FreshBooks apart for me? Its laser focus on collaboration between clients and me, the bookkeeper.

Here's the scoop:

· Effortless Collaboration: FreshBooks bridges the gap between business owners and financial processes. Clients actively contribute, ensuring a transparent and collaborative financial journey.

· Streamlined Communication: Seamless communication means quick responses to queries and a more efficient financial management process. It's a win-win for everyone involved!

· Empowerment in Numbers: FreshBooks empowers business owners by providing real-time insights. With both clients and bookkeepers making informed decisions, we're not just managing finances – we're shaping success.

Let's keep the momentum going and collaborate for financial excellence!


The sweetest sound in the business world? The sigh of relief when your tax return is filed on time! ⏰ October 16, 2023, is your moment of zen. Complete your return, and you'll be basking in the glow of compliance. No late fees, no worries—just the calm after the tax season storm.

Reach out to your tax preparer or accountant, and let the peaceful vibes begin! 🧘‍♂️


I am thrilled to share a significant milestone in my journey as a dedicated bookkeeper and entrepreneur! I've successfully completed the Bookkeeper Training School, earning certifications as a Gusto Partner and QuickBooks Online ProAdvisor. These are just the initial steps in my commitment to providing top-notch services to you.

I believe in going beyond the surface level, and that's why I'm currently immersed in obtaining my Advanced QBO certification and the Intuit Academy Bookkeeping Professional Certificate. I see education as a continuous process, ensuring that I stay at the forefront of the industry knowledge to serve you better.

Although I'm relatively new to this career path, I deeply understand the trust you place in me to manage your bookkeeping and payroll. Rest assured, I value your trust, and I'm actively building on my expertise to meet and exceed your expectations.

One of the keys to success in this field is not just what you know, but who you know. I've been hard at work building a network of professionals in the industry. This ensured that, if ever needed, I have a wealth of resources to tap into. Your business deserves the best, and I'm committed to providing that level of excellence.

Thank you for being part of this exciting journey! I you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out. I'm here to support you in every step of the way.

Cheers to growth, learning, and the future of Hanson Bookkeeping LLC.


🌟 Attention Small Business Owners Using Xero for Bookkeeping! 🌟

Exciting News! Xero is thrilled to announce the Inaugural Beautiful Business Fund, and your small business could be one of the lucky recipients!

Over $450K in Grants Globally!

Xero understands the challenges small businesses face, and they're giving away substantial grants to support and uplift businesses like yours.

📅 Application Deadline: October 6th

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity! Apply for the Beautiful Business Fund before October 6th to stand a chance to receive financial support ranging from $12,500 to $30,000!

Here's how to apply:

Visit the Beautiful Business Fund website: https://www.xero.com/us/events/xero-beautiful-business-fund/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=emailShowcase what makes your business beautiful and deserving of this support!


I'm excited to share that I am now Gusto Payroll certified!

This certification equips me with the expertise to provide small businesses with top-notch payroll solutions.

Gusto Payroll is known for its user-friendly and efficient payroll services, and I'm ready to put this knowledge to work for you. Whether you need help streamlining payroll processes, ensuring compliance, or simplifying your financial operations, I've got you covered.

If you're a small business owner looking to make your payroll process smoother and more efficient, don't hesitate to reach out. I'm here to help you focus on what matters most - growing your business!

Let's chat about how Gusto Payroll can benefit your business. Send me a message or leave a comment below!


Small Biz Bookkeeping Tips:

1️⃣ Separate Business and Personal Finances: Don't mix business with pleasure! Open a dedicated business bank account and credit card to keep your finances crystal clear. It's a game-changer for tracking income and expenses efficiently.

2️⃣ Keep Receipts and Records: Don't toss those receipts! Save every business-related receipt and invoice. They're not just pieces of paper; they're your lifeline for documenting expenses, justifying deductions, and staying audit-ready.

3️⃣ Use Accounting Software: Make life easier with accounting software like QuickBooks, Xero, or Wave. These tools are your trusty sidekicks for effortlessly managing transactions and generating essential reports.

4️⃣ Regularly Reconcile Accounts: Stay on top of your game by reconciling bank and credit card statements monthly. Catching discrepancies and errors early is your secret weapon for financial success! 💪💼

Keep these tips in mind, and you'll conquer your small business bookkeeping like a pro! 🚀✨


Welcome to Hanson Bookkeeping LLC! I am excited you are here! Let me start by introducing myself:

My name is Erika Hanson. I am a wife, mom, and now a bookkeeper. After a fulfilling two decades in higher education where I rocked at teaching communication, guiding student leaders, and being a program guru, I decided to dive into a fresh adventure as a detail-obsessed bookkeeper.

Surprisingly, bookkeeping and my work in education have many commonalities in regards to core responsibilities and skills. They both require attention to detail, organization and systemization, confidentiality and trust, analytical skills, adaptability and problem-solving and, most importantly, good communication and relationship building. Bookkeeping allows me to continue to help and empower others by handling an often confusing and frustrating business task so that they can achieve success. They will now have time to grow their business like they always dreamed.

I am QuickBooks certified and ready to assist businesses with their bookkeeping. If you would like to know more about my services and if we would be a good business match, please schedule a free 15-minute discovery call here: https://calendly.com/hansonbookkeeping or email me at [email protected]. I look forward to talking with you!


Need help keeping your finances in check? Look no further! At Hanson Bookkeeping LLC we have you covered. With our expert bookkeeping services, you can focus on what you do best – growing your business!

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I am thrilled to share a significant milestone in my journey as a dedicated bookkeeper and entrepreneur! I've successful...
