Calleen's Talk

Calleen's Talk

Inspirational Talks for Motivation


Sometimes, I blame my introverted self for not having a social life like others.

There's a big part of me that wished to have that kind of life too. For some reason, I want to be carefree and going all out like there is no tomorrow. Though I know myself that going out, parties, crowds and loud noises is really not my thing. And if I were to choose, I'd rather see myself locked in the room alone. But in that moment, it feels like I'm not living the best life for myself yet.

Somehow, I'm getting tired of being silent and the feeling of doesn't exist at all. I kind of feel guilty too about my extroverted self for not giving much satisfaction of life she deserved as introvert things sometimes ruin the fun. There are times I feel bad too, everytime I met familiar people in some events where I have to pretend not to saw. It's my way of not putting myself in awkward situation. That instead of panicking how should I greet first, much better not minding their presence at all. That's all what my introverted self believed and I hate it. But one thing is for sure, I am more than just an introvert.

Afterall, being an introvert is not that bad. Maybe, going out is fun, but surely, silence is peace.


Sometimes, I blame my introverted self for not having a social life like others.

There's a big part of me that wished to have that kind of life too. For some reason, I want to be carefree and going all out like there is no tomorrow. Though I know myself that going out, parties, crowds and loud noises is really not my thing. And if I were to choose, I'd rather see myself locked in the room alone. But in that moment, it feels like I'm not living the best life for myself yet.

Somehow, I'm getting tired of being silent and the feeling of doesn't exist at all. I kind of feel guilty too about my extroverted self for not giving much satisfaction of life she deserved as introvert things sometimes ruin the fun. There are times I feel bad too, everytime I met familiar people in some events where I have to pretend not to saw. It's my way of not putting myself in awkward situation. That instead of panicking how should I greet first, much better not minding their presence at all. That's all what my introverted self believed and I hate it. But one thing is for sure, I am more than just an introvert.

Afterall, being an introvert is not that bad. Maybe, going out is fun, but surely, silence is peace.


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πŸͺΆ"Now the prophets, Haggai and Zechariah the son of Iddo, prophesied to the Jews who were in Judah and Jerusalem, in the name of the God of Israel who was over them. Then Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel and Jeshua the son of Jozadak arose and began to rebuild the house of God that is in Jerusalem, and the prophets of God were with them, supporting them"._Ezra 5:1-2πŸͺΆ

πŸ‚Determined to prevent the Jews from rebuilding the temple, the governor appealed to Artaxerxes, king of persia. As a result, the work stopped. Nothing happened until God spoke through two prophets. Haggai declared that the people were not building because they focused on their own needs. They were weak and afraid. He said it was time to act and begin the work. (Haggai 1:1-15). The second prophet, Zechariah, reminded them that God was " exceedingly jealous for Zion." He was with them but they needed to act and not be timid. " Let your hands be strong, that the temple might be built". (Zechariah 8:1,9) Hearing this prophets, the Jews began rebuilding the temple. At first the authorities were angry. The governor appealed to the new Persian king, Darius. But he not only confirmed that the Jews had his approval to rebuild the temple, but he also ordered that the Persian empire pay for the entire effort. All of this was possible because brave prophets were willing to speak words they received from God. Today, some seek to silence God's people to prevent the spread of the Gospel. It takes courage to step out in faith, trust God, and declare we believe His Word regardless of what others say. But God rewards this kind of faith. Make sure you trust God and His Word. Don't be afraid, but stand boldly. Seek first His Kingdom. Be ready to step out in Faith.πŸ‚

🌾Father, give me greater boldness. Help me to stand on Your word. I seek Your wisdom and discernment. Fill me withYour Spirit. In Jesus name, Amen.πŸ™πŸ€


πŸ“:I remember sitting in church as a child and wondering if I would ever hear God's voice. I couldn't recall a time when I knew God was talking to me. As the years passed, I stopped listening, and I didn't talk to God much. Then in my twenties, I started praying more often. I talked to God every night at bed time and throughout each day, asking for patience and guidance. Soon I started hearing God's replies. I noticed that the more I talked to God, the more I sensed God talking to me. Sometimes in answers to prayer, sometimes through small signs of God's presence, and sometimes by showing me things God wanted me to do. I heard God urging me to take a cake to a church lunch or to drop off a plate of goodies for a grieving loved one. I recognized that God was urging me to use gifts to do God's work. After spending so many years thinking that I would never hear God's voice, hearing God in these ways encouraged me ane strengthened my relationship with God. I began to talk to God more, thanking God for small blessings and asking for strength, patience, or forgiveness when I felt short of the woman, sister, daughter, lover and Christian that I desire to be.πŸ’

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them._ Ephesians 2:10

πŸ€: Dear God, help us to hear you, to do your work, and to talk to you more each day. Amen.πŸ™πŸ˜‡


God Morning πŸŒ„ πŸ™Œβ˜οΈβœοΈ


Satan clearly played the leading role in instigating the Crucifixion. He entered the heart of Judas Iscariot, the betrayer of Jesus. Satan sponsored evil was working in the hearts of the Jewish mob who clamored for Jesus crucifixion. The devil puffed up Pilate with pride and intimidated him with fear so that he would condemn an innocent man in order to gain political popularity. Finally satan sponsored sin provoked the cruel soldiers to ridicule Jesus with spit and slaps in the face. And how did early Christians view it all? They praised God that the men responsible for Christ's death had only done what divine power and will had decided beforehand should happen. In his most daring attempt to frustrate the plan of God, satan cut his own throat and performed the deed that was God's provision for man's redemption. Suppose God the Father had taken the view many modern Christian take- the view that says that anything satan wants must be bad for God's people? It's the same view that implies that if satan wants one thing to happen, God must want the exact opposite to happen. The result? God would have cancelled the Crucifixion. If God had done that, none of us would be saved! The truth is satan and God may want the exact same event to take place- but for different reasons. satan's motive in Jesus crucifixion was rebellion; God's motive was love and mercy.( Acts 4:27-28 )

πŸ™:Lord I realize that although satan was a secondary cause behind the cross, it was the Father who ultimately willed it and allowed the devil to carry it out. It's a mystery. And I praise you for your mysterious ways. We have salvation because of em. Amen.πŸ’—


He was born in Switzerland as Philip Schwartzerd on this day in 1497. Orphaned when just ten, he was raised by his uncle. His lifelong love of learning led Philip to change his name to Melanchthon, the Greek equivalent of Schwartzerd, which means black earth. When just twenty-one, he was appointed professor of Greek at the University of Wittenberg. Martin Luther objected to this appointment but later became impressed with Melanchthon's ideas. The two became friends united in ministry. Luther once said, "I am rough, boisterous, stormy, and altogether warlike.
but Master Philip comes along softly and gently sowing and watering with joy. "Luther became a public lightning rod, but Melanchthon provided scholarly support for the reformation as a teacher and writer. He urged believers to realize that the Bible declares that salvation must be by faith rather than by works. Melanchthon was compassionate toward those with whom he disagreed, developing the "Augsburg Confession" as an attempt to bring healing. Showing his motivation, he once said, "If I could purchase union by my own death, I would gladly sacrifice my life. "Melanchthon's life reminds us that we are to walk by faith. (2 Corinthians 5:7). We are saved by faith, not anything we do. As Paul wrote, " God saved you by His grace when you believed. And you can't take credit for this; it is a gift from God" (Ephesians 2:8) Trust God, walk by Faith.

Father, fill me with your presence.
Deliver me from thoughts of the flesh. Transform me by Your Spirit. In Jesus name, Amen.πŸ™πŸ€


Backed with authority of Persia's ruler, Nehemiah seemed fully equipped to rebuild the wall in Jerusalem. Nonetheless, he encountered strong opposition from men who resisted this project. Many mocked the Jews and spread confusion and discouragement. To accomplish this assignment, Nehemiah needed people who could share his commitment - spiritually mature people with organizational and building skills, men willing to persevere in the face of opposition who could be trusted and lead by example. Hanani and Hananiah were two of these men. Hanani had a passion for God. His testimony about conditions in Jerusalem inspired Nehemiah to tackle this wall-building project. Hananiah demonstrated that he was faithful and trustworthy. After the wall was rebuilt, these men were rewarded for their faithfulness by being appointed to leadership in Jerusalem. How does your life measure up to these standards? Ask God to help you be faithful and trustworthy. Fear Him and have a passion to serve Him. Take your commitments seriously. Demonstrate that you can be trusted. If you face obstacles, don't be discouraged but stay focused. Ask God to give you boldness and discernment. And seek to be a good example to others.

Father, help me to be faithful. I seek first your Kingdom. Give me greater boldness. Use me to impact lives for the Gospel. In Jesus name, Amen.


No need to absorb and be bothered by everybody else's stuff, negativities, struggles, etc. Instead, be one of those who can lift them up. It's out of your control and it's not your fault. Always be the salt and light whenever someone isn't in the right place. If your faith inside you is still burning, then be it. Never let the fire be blown away. It's very important for us Christians to see how we are going to react and take action whenever someone's suffering, having a struggle,
or being tangled with. Never let those stuff steal your identity in Christ, never ever let em affect your Faith, and never let em bother your peace and your relationship with others., Or else we're going to incriminate those people who actually cared and were there for us. We're going to involve them in the emotions you've absorbed and reflected up from them. Be cautious because it can affect us emotionally, physically, mentally, and, of course, spiritually. We have our own storms, but make sure we also watch ourselves. Are you really one with God? Are you really living the way he wanted you to be? Are you really pursuing it? Obeying? Following his objectives? Do we really know our purpose? Or are you simply carried by your emotions, your hatred and anger, your disappointments and misbelief, your confusion, your desires, your overwhelm, your pride and insecurities? You'll see if you open your mind and heart to him.
Remember the story of Peter and the other apostles in the boat?Peter has been distracted by the strong wind when he goes down and walks to the water as Jesus commands Peter to go with him.
(The full beautiful story can be found in Matthew 14:22–33.)
Always wear your strong faith head on.
Let's humble ourselves and let's see where God is coming from. Why do we have to be in here and why do we have to be experiencing this? Never be bothered by darkness; instead, be bothered by light. Be the salt to deliberately seek the Lord to influence the people in one's life by showing them the unconditional love of Christ through good deeds. And be the light by simply putting a sunshine, awareness, knowledge, patience, love and understanding. That's where you
can glorify God in heaven.
Keep your Faith and stay guided.

Matthew 5:13-16 Salt & Light βœοΈπŸ’›πŸ™Œ
13 β€œYou are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.
14 β€œYou are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.16 In the same way, let your light shine before others,that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Δ†redit: photo not mine(ty to the owner)


Ungrateful, we're not that stupid. We know that you all talking behind bout us, so disappointed.😏
God bless you, Ungrateful people!😊


Lies and Liars
