Maple’s Musings

Maple’s Musings

A rescue dog’s view of the world

Photos from Maple’s Musings's post 07/11/2022

We’s a bit soppity wet!

Photos from Maple’s Musings's post 28/10/2022

Hi Maplettes! How are we all? It’s friyayayayayayay

Well I’m not a happy bunny 😡
Mummy has lefted me at home and gone with Big Sis to Edinburgh! How dare she! She didn’t even ask me if I wanted to go! I quite like the idea of a train trip and mooching round the shops and I think haggis would be quite yummy. They’re looking at the youmeversusty or something whatever that is.

I’ve had a disappointing week, I have to say. I decided to give up my efforts to be the next I’m Minister (they gave the job to someone else anyway so I think the cat will be ok and staying there) and concentrate my efforts on raising the standard of care for doggies closer to home. Thanks for your suppawt though!

Mummy said some wool had gone missing. I don’t know why she accused me?! I did actually have a little fun with some black wool but I think I managed to avert a showdown by making it look like Piggy had stolen it. He is very good at looking guilty so he’s a useful companion

It was super sunny and warm this week and I had some shiny walks. I’ve also had great fun in the garden. Piggy got some sunbathing done and I managed to find some good sticky sticks and I even got to shred a box outside too! Mummy did mutter something about picking up bits of cardboard from the grass but I didn’t quite hear.I did spend quite a long time snuffling around and didn’t want to come in (who wants an itty-bitty heart-shaped biscuit anyway?! I need an upgrade on these treats if she expects me to come in from sniffing when I’m not ready) but realised that I need to placate mummy otherwise she won’t let me out as much as I’d like (I don’t think four times an hour is unreasonable?). I’ll let her think she’s in charge because it makes life easier.

I am finally on Season 4 of Stranger Things. We’ve been storming through it and now I can’t wait to find out how this season ends! I am rather concerned about the pets in the show though. The pet dog in the first series just DISAPPEARS after not being fed very much because they’re too concerned about their electricity problem. In the second series the PET CAT DIES!!!! I mean seriously? This is not entertainment! And in this series there’s some poor little doggy outside in a cage who only gets fed when the red-haired girl remembers to feed it. I am not impressed! That’s more scary than the scary stuff.
Anyway I’ll be chilling on the sofa later and will have to watch daddy’s telly (we’re not allowed to watch ST without mummy) so I expect it will be really boring.
Have a great weekend and don’t be too scared by the scary stuff (what’s that all about anyway? People dressing up in weird clothes and trying to be scary, totally lost on me)
🍁 🐾

Photos from Maple’s Musings's post 25/10/2022

Happy Chewsday!

Am pooooped! Been for a super sniffy wander round the fields and into the woods! Mummy was annoying muttering about beautiful views and autumn colours but who gives a twig? I even had to stop TWICE for her to take arty photos, I mean, how ANNOYING! I was halfway through my wee treasure hunt and she stopped me!
Anyway I then came back and had a kibble hunt in my toy boxes which was fun and now I’m all cosywosy on my sofa.

Have a super sniffy day!


So I have decided to stand down from being a candidate for I’m Minister because it looks like somebody else took the job! Hmmmph 😠
I appreciate your suppawt and I’ve decided to put my energies into raising the standards of dog care closer to home. I might start my own party called the Maplette Party and I’ll work on my dogifesto to ensure better rights for us doggies! More walks! More sticky sticks! More stinky chews! More squeaky toys!
Meanwhile I think I’ll just have a snooze
🍁 🐾

Photos from Maple’s Musings's post 23/10/2022

Stoo soppity wet to play outside so I’ll have to play kill Ducky on the stairs instead


High Ten! It’s Saturday and it’s nearly Strictly! I don’t have a favourite couple yet but I’m going to pick one tonight I think. Judges have been too judgy I think! Anyway Piggy and I are nearly ready for tellytime! 🌟

Photos from Maple’s Musings's post 22/10/2022

Hi Maplettes 👋 it’s me, Maple, hope that you’re all well and all blanketywarm like me 😁
I have to say I was not impressed with much this week. Everything is craayzeee

I got soppity wet on my walk with daddy this week (he had to change all his clothes 😂). I keep falling for this! It’s all hunky dory till halfway through our walk and then right when we’re at the top of a hill, bam 💥 ALL the rain plops down! I wouldn’t mind so much but I get banished to the kitchen to DRY OFF BECAUSE YOU’RE NOT WALKING ROUND THE HOUSE LIKE THAT! Hmmmppfff

And then mummy disappears for like a whole afternoon and night so that she can go and eat tincy-wincy little sandwiches and cakes and watch a talking snowman with hundreds of other people! I mean! What about us?! Mind you I probably would have tried to eat the snowman’s sticky-stick arms and legs so then I would have got told off.

I have perfected the art of cardboard box destruction this week! I have been practicing for a year and now have got this down to ten minutes which I’m quite proud of.

I keep meeting this puppy on our walks and when we first met he was very small and friendly and I let him say hi. This is an honour because normally I’m a bit not sure. Anyway, not only is he now nearly as big as me but he’s started shouting at me from across the street! How rude! So I’ve just started to ignore him now because there’s absolutely no need for that! I put my nose in the air and pretend to sniff stuff.

And what’s going on with the humans?! My lot have been staring at the tellybox for hours groaning on about the I’m Minister or sumthing. Apparently the world has gone bonkers and there’s no proper I’m Minister so after some consideration I have decided to stand for IM
I think I’d be very good at this. Here’s my dogifesto…

I would make sure that everyone has access to as many stinky chews and sticky sticks as they want.

There would be a rule that all walks must be at least an hour long and that there should be two a day and when it’s raining we will not be dragged out!

No baths allowed and no vet visits!

We must have freedom to shout at anyone who comes to our front door

We will not be required to wear stupid dress up clothes

We do not have to share our teddies if we don’t want to

Regular naps throughout the day will be required by law

Apparently if I win I would have to share my house with a cat (that will have to change I’m afraid) but it looks like there’s a good-sized garden for me to sniff around, so that should work well.

What do you think? I’ve already been out and about (this is called can-Vaseline or sumthing) meeting and greeting in the village and I need 100 backers so if you could show a paw 🐾 I’d be very grateful and I can get going with meeting my public

Meanwhile I’m on series 3 of Stranger Things and, as assured, it’s all starting to come together-ish. I’m looking forward to Strictly tomorrow but hope that it doesn’t get too soppy 🙄

Have a great weekend!
Maple 🍁 🐾
