Chosen For The Call Women Community

Chosen For The Call Women Community

Chosen for the call is a community where we study the Bible and encourage our Sisters in Christ.


Question Of The Day?

What area are you struggling to surrender to God to fully trust him and allow him to show up for you?

We become so reliant on our own strength sometimes we end up operating on survival mode for a long period of time and with God you can thrive because he takes care of you and by his Holy Spirit you can overcome and trust him to do what he knows you need done. Let him be FATHER to you A DAUGHTER OF GOD.


He is risen!

“He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.”
Matthew 28:6

I decree and declare because Jesus Got up I claim my birthright and anointing to rise up out of every circumstance and situation that I am faced with in Jesus name!

Don’t just shout today people of God get back in alignment with the authroity we have been given as believers through Christ Jesus and for those not in the ark of safety this is the day to surrender your heart fully to God allow Jesus to take the place he’s worthy of in your heart!‼️


I see allot of girls and women on here would share the Christian girlie asthetic don’t let that be your drive because eventually an asthetic becomes old.
The popularity wears of its so much more to know and have a realationship with Jesus than an asthetic.
let your drive being you came to know Jesus and he’s the man you who saw you in all your mess and dirt and still chose you and when you finally said yes soemthing began in you that only him could take credit for. Your heart was healed your character growth was beautiful he gave you beauty for ashes, joy for mourning and praise for heaviness. He redeemed and purified you.
At the end of the day when all this worldly lust and trends fade away i can say I still have JESUS! He’s the lover of my soul and the ones who will never let me go. He left the 99 to come get me how could I ever downsize him to a asthetic. Foolishness


My mother, (along with my father) spent many years nurturing my prophetic gift. She had me in prophetic development from a toddler on up, teaching me about the dreams and visions God was showing me. Teaching me to love and develop relationship with Holy Spirit. She prayed me through!! Well, now she’s placed that knowledge into a book. Can we all pre-order and make this go up the charts.


Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.” (Hebrews 13:20–21).


Bible Study today Ladiess online.
See you there..


Connect With Us!


Looking for community? It’s so important!

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.” - Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

The journey of life wasn’t meant to be walked alone. The right community provides a safety net for when you fall and wings for when you’re ready to soar. As you ponder where you might find such a community, consider this: you have something unique to bring to any group. Your skills, your story, and your heart can be the ingredient that makes a good community great. Take the leap; it’s worth it.
Chosen For the Call.

Photos from BeachFront Co's post 18/10/2023

Have you ever felt like you needed to be more feminine? Maybe it came with the feeling of insecurity but you realized that it was an area you wanted to grow in. Whether in your character, self care, presentation, attitude etc, there was a moment you listened or looked at yourself, and knew that you were meant to be more and do things differently.

There has been some circumstances in my life that revealed that I needed to grow in feminity. Sometimes it was physical, relational and other times, it was revealed spiritually. The truth is LIFE can LIFE so hard sometimes that you just grapple with your identity, worth, self care and mantle. I’m here to tell you that Yahweh is calling us back to our role as royalty and daughters. He wants to adorn us for our lives and purpose.

What is femininity? Femininity is the qualities, characteristics, and roles that are described and encouraged in the Bible for us to exemplify. We see this in the story of Esther and Proverbs chapter 31. It encompasses a variety of aspects such as our relationship with Yahweh, ourselves, our role in family, interactions with others, and personal character. It upholds the value and dignity of women, emphasizing our equal worth and importance in the sight of Yahweh.

Yahweh gave me this topic in August for October, and I am super excited about the transformation, wisdom, tips and revelation attached to this class. If you desire to grow in femininity holistically, don’t miss this class, it’s loaded!

Register now:


Last Sunday bible study was truly a great move of God.

Topic: Knowing your identity as a Kingdom Woman.

The Importance of identity:
* Identity will be the funnel and focus for your kingdom movement
* Knowing that the kingdom version of you were first made then God formed you and sent you to earth
* when you rediscover your identity you automatically walk in the manifestation of God
* The only way to rediscover you identity is going through conflict
God is taking the identity of the woman from outside of culture, trauma, relationships and causing them to rediscover their iron God the source of our stretch.


1. A woman who knows and understands her identity
2. A woman full of substance and a woman of worth
3. A woman who knows she’s on a mission for Yaweah
4. A woman who knows everything she does s, she does it unto the lord
5. A woman who knows through her obedience she has to be selfless, confidence, sacrificial and a woman
6. A woman who stewards well whatever God gives her.

Proverbs 31:10-31
Isaiah 43 whole chapter.
Isaiah 60:1-3



God is good all the time! Is a true statement sometimes we get so caught up with what’s going on around us right now that we forget that track record that we have with God ladies how he is so concerned about us and how he is always constantly trying to connect with us and communicate with us are you in the right posture to receive and listen to your father. That’s a posture of devotion,prayer and worship. Being in his presence. Women of God we are called to be Mary and Martha, Mary the one who sits at his feet and hinges on every word he says and Martha the one who gets up and starts going being obedient and getting things done. -


Friendship Orchestrated by God!


Favorite 😍


Three things to pray over your future marriage today:

- Let God know the dreams and desires on your heart.
- pray for Gods timing and His will over your relationships.
- Ask for wisdom in making decisions over your future.
- Ask God to reveal any areas of growth in your life that are needed.
- Pray for God to speak through scripture over your life each day.
- Ask for blessings each day, and don’t let yourself get too caught up in the future that you miss out on the present.

For an actual prayer, check out my reel for today on my profile!

Have a blessed day! 🙏🏻♥️


Goodafternoon Women of God. How is everyone doing I hope all is well.. so I wanted to share our declaration and mission statement with you ladies.
And for those joining for the first time If you haven’t already I suggest you read the book of Esther because our Scripture for this whole Community is
“You were born for such a time as this”
- Esther 4:14-


Today’s prayer 💗 Let’s be more like Christ and less like the world!


Here’s are 5 ways to pursue God this weekend…

- Take time to rest and pray
- Open your Bible and read Psalms, making note of things that stick out
- Go to church, online or in person.
- serve in your community
- Take time away from social media or technology and just “be” allowing your mind and heart to get peace.

These are just some things that have worked for me. Hope you have the best weekend!!


Bible Study is happening Sunday Ladies! 💕🌸🩷

Photos from Woman Evolve's post 28/08/2023

5 reasons community is important:

1️⃣Support: Emotionally bolstering during challenges, creating a reliable network.
2️⃣Connection: Combatting loneliness, fostering friendships, and shared experiences.
3️⃣Growth: Learning from diverse perspectives, evolving personally and socially.
4️⃣Activities: Engaging in shared hobbies, events, enhancing life enjoyment.
5️⃣Empowerment: Building confidence, expanding opportunities, enriching personal development.

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ChosenForTheCall 💕 Esther 4:14   This is a group of woman on fire for God coming together to do bible studies and encour...
