Robbie Swale

Robbie Swale

Robbie Swale is a leadership coach who works with clients on creativity, leading with honour and the


Starting is the hardest part - but it is the key to your success.

Don't doubt yourself, start today!

Read How to Create the Conditions For Great Work here:


Here's my latest article, about when it's time to move beyond the discipline we are bringing to our lives and break our own rules. It's got hat tips to Robert Holden, JK Rowling and Jordan Peterson.

Read here:


You have no idea of your true potential - until you put it into the world.

Inspire the world with your work!

Read How to Share What You've Made here:


I love it when people start things, and when they pick them up when they have been put down for a while. So it was satisfying that I had to hassle Joseph Grech to start his show up again because I really wanted to be on it! He was gracious enough to do that, and we got into a great discussion about how get stuck and how they can unstick themselves.

Listen here:


Inspiration feeds off of your creativity and self-belief.

Let your inspiration take control today.

Read 'How to Start When You're Stuck' here:


It was always going to be funny having the author of 'How to Keep Going When You Want to Give Up' talk to the creator of the on her show, Knowing When to Quit! But of course my views and the fantastic Sarah Weiler's are nuanced, and so we had a great, wide-ranging conversation on everything from procrastination to Frank Turner. The conclusion: sometimes quit, sometimes don't. You'll have to listen to get into the nuance!

Listen here:


Start today. Make the difference you wish to see in your life.

Read How To Keep Going When You Want To Give Up here👇


I love it when an appearance on a podcast challenges me to create new thinking, and Monica Celebrate You - with Moni Millares did that in this episode. 'My listeners have asked me to record a podcast about ', she said, 'Could you be part of that?' And I thought about it, and then realised I had quite a lot to say about Imposter Syndrome, and I loved getting into it in this conversation.

Listen here:


Humans are cyclical beings. Sometimes we forget that, but it pays to remember. Or, to try to remember. Especially when things are hard. Hat tip to The Decemberists for the beautiful song that reminds me of this!

Read here:


Don't hide away from your failures - learn from them.

Read How to Create the Conditions for Great Work here:


Here's my latest article, it's about my habit of talking to myself, and how maybe when we feel frustrated with someone else, but they aren't there... it's not really about them after all.

Read here:


Here's my latest article. It's about a check-in that I was in with colleagues at 64 Million Artists, lockdowns, children and how we may need to be called back to life in an era where we are sometimes taken away from the aliveness of reality.

Read here👇

Robbie Swale Coaching 31/10/2023

One of my most meaningful personal development triumphs... -

Robbie Swale Coaching Read the latest newsletter from Robbie Swale, Career and Leadership Coach


I loved appearing on the Fearless Inspiration podcast with the wonderful Iain Drudy and Iain kindly said I could share the video of the show here with you all. Iain's genuine curiosity and sense of wonder really helped me to think new thoughts and I loved sharing my ideas and stories with him.

We get into various parts of the 12-Minute Method - creative hell, the power of practising until the thing doesn't scare you any more, sparking joy or letting go... plus Ian asks me about some of the things that inspire me. Watch for the one I've clearly never thought about before!

Watch here👇


Be proud of what you can create.

Your passion and dedication will inspire others to follow in your footsteps.

Read How to Share What You've Made here👇


This is the thought I had when considering what stops us creating content - that sometimes, for reasons of our psychology or our evolution, we mistakenly believe it is a matter of life and death. And that's not just with content: it shows up across our lives and businesses.

It creates scarcity, and the corresponding possibility move is to remember that it isn't life and death. Once we do that - although it may take some time and some practice - there is an abundance of choice.

Read here:👇


There's no time like the present.

Don't let doubts and procrastination stop you from making your dreams a reality.

Read How To Start When You're Stuck here👇


My latest article: taking an amazing framework from the work of Stephen Covey and applying it to our finances.

Read here👇


Develop and refine your habits and hobbies.

Putting in the effort will give you the determination to succeed.

Read How to Keep Going When You Want to Give Up here👇


A small thing to some, but a big thing for me: I played football for the first time in about 16 years. It was a personal development triumph for me, and a story I'll treasure and remember. It's a reminder, for me, that everything I talk and write about is true: we may hold ourselves in and hold ourselves back for all kinds of 'valid reasons', but mostly... they're just Resistance.

Read here👇


All of my content for coaches is over at The Coach's Journey, and now, when you sign up to the Coach's Journey mailing list, there's a new FREE GIFT.

It's an exclusive PDF containing four of my favourite ways to open a coaching session - each can set you up to serve your clients more powerfully. Head over to to sign up.

And if that's not all, we'll send you amazing content for coaches, too!


We often think the changes that make all the difference need to be big and sweeping, and yet sometimes, like the pebble that causes the avalanche, it is small things that make big differences.

This is my invitation to all of you to run a Tiny Things Audit on your life.

Read here👇

Robbie Swale Coaching 02/10/2023

A Free Gift for Coaches + The Tiny Things Audit -

Robbie Swale Coaching Read the latest newsletter from Robbie Swale, Career and Leadership Coach


Don't try to control your creativity - it is the key to achieving your dreams!

Read How To Create The Conditions For Great Work👇


Our culture LOVES doing more. It loves the hustle, the hard-worker, the midnight oil. It loves the hare. But the tortoise can win the race and to get to a new level of success, sometimes we need to do less.

Read here👇


Put your work out into the world.

You'll be surprised at the rewards you may reap.

Read How To Share What You've Made here👇


Last year I was immersed in the 12-Minute Method. This year, for various reasons, less so. Here's a post about what it was like to step back into that work and bring it to life as part of a workshop at the Chiswick Book Festival on the 10th September. It reminded me that as we make work and put it into the world, even if we don't tend it much, it still grows, it still affets things, it still matters.

(Sadly I didn't get to hit anyone with my No Club, repurposed for the workshop from an Exploding Kittens game.)

Read here:


There is no point waiting for the world to change - harness your creativity and make the changes yourself.

Don't limit your goals; the world is waiting to see you achieve them.

Read How To Start When You're Stuck here👇


Working towards achieving your goals is never easy - but the important thing is not to give up.

Resilience, perseverance, and courage are essential tools when creating the life you want for yourself.

Read How To Keep Going When You Want To Give Up here👇


I'm really looking forward to this workshop at Chiswick Book Festival on Sunday, in person in London. If you're someone who wants to get started with writing or has a book that you KEEP meaning to write and yet for some reason haven't, this is for you.

Come along, learn about procrastination and beating it, productivity and being it, and finally doing the things you've been meaning to do. It'll be fun!

Book your ticket here:


My latest article. It's about the challenges of creating and doing business development activities (without getting desperate and despondent). It's about , Liz Gilbert and Adam Grant. And it's about how we have to put our back of mind and let our Souls have free rein.

Read here👇


Sometimes it can be hard to ask for help when you need it.

But a network of support creates great conditions for dreams to flourish.

Read How to Create the Conditions for Great Work here👇


Michael Chaffin was the first person to EVER interview me on a podcast, on his Quarantine Phone Calls show, created during coronavirus lockdowns. So it was really special to join him on his new show, Making Your Dent, to talk about how the 12-Minute Method can help people make their impact on the world.

Listen here👇


Your ideas can change the world. Don't let doubts and fears stop you from achieving your dreams. The world needs them!

Read How To Share What You've Made here:👇


When someone specialises in listening, being listened to by them is quite an experience. So when I was looking for someone to interview me for my OWN podcast, The Coach's Journey, Raquel Ark was right at the top of my list. In this far reaching conversation, she invited me to talk in different ways to how I'd ever talked before, about my journey, how hard parts of it has been, and what honour means to me.

Listen here👇


It doesn't matter if you start small - as long as you make a start.

Choose today to make a start on your goals!

Buy How to Start When You're Stuck here👇


My latest article is about beginnings, endings, death and our fears of talking about it, and much more. Better to accept the reality of mortality than pretend you can live in blissful ignorance and then find out that just isn't possible.

Read here👇

Robbie Swale Coaching 11/08/2023

In my latest newsletter, I've pulled together a selection of articles that I hope might help you ride out the waves of chaos, if you happen to be in the middle of a vortex right now... -

Robbie Swale Coaching Read the latest newsletter from Robbie Swale, Career and Leadership Coach


In a world of increasing isolation and technology, in-person group experiences matter.

A year ago today, we held the first The Coach's Journey in-person intensive.

We tried to bring everything that has made the Coach's Journey Community so special to life in-person, with people who knew each other intimately meeting for the first time.

As I remember it, it didn't go to plan. There were things I had forgotten, things that shifted, timings that drastically changed, things I would have done differently. And yet the experience, and what happened around it for the people who came, mattered.

It really mattered.

I always remember one of my mentors explaining, at an event he hosted with 150 people there, that the first time he and a colleague tried to do something like that, there were fewer than 20.

And I know that as I look at my work, often the group experiences are among the most meaningful (even if they also take it out of me like nothing else).

So I'm really excited that there are two opportunities to be with me in person coming up in September.

The first is the second The Coach's Journey Community in-person intensive - on 1st September at the beautiful Temple Lodge Club in Hammersmith in London. It's open to members and alumni of the community - and if you'd like to come, join the community now (link in the comments) and then get in touch with me.

The second is a How to Write A Book in 12 Minutes Workshop at the Chiswick Book Festival on 10th September. Link also in the comments.

Can't wait to see what's created - and thanks to Alex McIntyre, Joey Owen, Ruth Saville, Ken Broeren and Alex Swallow for being there last year.


Distractions are everywhere these days - focus and concentration are becoming harder and harder to maintain.

But perseverance and determination can resist even the biggest distractions. Don't let diversions stop you from achieving your goals!

Read How To Keep Going When You Want To Give Up here:

Videos (show all)

The conversation I had with Susan Ní Chríodáin on her podcast, Life Beyond the Numbers, was totally engrossing. The time...