Moan about anything,No restrictions”.

Moan about anything,No restrictions”.

Moan about anything and let rip!!!!


No Socialising
No meetings
No dancing
No hugging
No face to face
No shaking hands
No touching
No working
No cash
No free movement
No asking questions
No opinion
No visiting family
No funerals, weddings, birthdays
No gatherings
No school
No work
No health service
No treatments ( cancer treatment wtf)
No appointments
No fun
No nights out
No holiday
No money (some how 60 billion going out in BBLs loans)

Increased Suicides 📈
Increased Child su***de 📈
Increased Depression📈
Increased Anxiety📈
Increased Fear📈
Increased Worry 📈
Increased Mental health Issue📈
Increased Domestic Abuse 📈
Increased Child abuse 📈
Increased Undiagnosed disease 📈
Increased Debt 📈
Increased Unemployment 📈
Increased Homeless 📈
Increased Divide📈
Increased Labelling📈
Increased Evictions 📈
Increased Divorced 📈
Increased so called laws being past without our permission 📈
Increased business being shut down📈
Increased loss of civil rights 📈
Increased digital control 📈
Increased censorship 📈
Increased manipulation 📈
Increased care home deaths 📈
Increased high street brands closing down 📈
Increased bankruptcy📈
Increased record profits for Amazon, Facebook, YouTube, Google to name a few 📈

Think we need to thank C-19 for

📉A decrease in terrorism?
📉A decrease in cancer deaths?
📉A decrease in Heart disease deaths?
📉A decrease in diabetes deaths?
📉A decrease in Alzheimer deaths?

Im observing what is really going on

In my heart things don’t add up

The media are blatantly manipulating people’s opinions with lies. Why ?

Those with power are blatantly abusing that s**t. Why?

Some how, someone has the right to decide who’s business and industries are more important than others. Why?

Some how, someone now has the right to make our decisions. Why?

Remember, this all started with broadcast of people dropping dead in China on the streets..Really?

Now there is credible data showing C-19 is no where near as deadly as they thought (somehow not headlined)

The irony is currently Suicides is killing more people than the virus !!!!!

When did a pandemic turn into a case-demic?

The point I am making is

When did the solution become a bigger problem
than the problem itself ?

Wake up people and do some research for yourself


So who wants a good old Moan!?
Let off steam?


Hi Everyone I created this so you can moan about absolutely anything you like, feel free to vent and get you voice heard with no judgment, get it off your chest, if it pi**es you off then post it 🤣🤣

Please feel free to add your friends x
